Maintenance and Manufacturing Policy Letters (MPL)


Subject: Number: MPL 11
Minister's Delegate - Recreational Aviation Revision No: 1
  Number of Pages: 2
File No: AARP-5009-3-11 Issue Date: July 11, 2002



1. Purpose 

1.1 The purpose of this letter is to provide additional policy associated with the issuance of a delegation of authority to qualified individuals, enabling them to act as a Minister's Delegate - Recreational Aviation (MD-RA). 

2. Background 

2.1 Airworthiness Manual Chapter 505, Subchapter H (AWM 505H) contains the standards for delegation of MD-RA authority. 

2.2 AWM 505H will be revised to include the policies detailed below. 

3. Policy Statement 

3.1 The following policies shall be applied to the MD-RA program: 

  1. All amateur-built projects, including letters of intent and requests for importation, shall be forwarded to: 

    MD-RA Inspection Services bsp;bsp;bsp;bsp;
    2469 Aviation Lane 
    London, ON, N5V 3Z9 
    Toll Free: (877) 419-2111 
    Business: (519) 457-2909 
    Fax: (519) 457-0980
  2. MD-RA Inspection Services shall provide Regional Managers with a copy of its approved manual; 
  3. Each individual MD-RA shall sign a declaration stating that they are familiar with the content of the manual and its amendments, and that they will comply with the policies and procedures as they apply to their duties and responsibilities. MD-RA Inspection Services shall forward a copy of these declarations to the appropriate Regional Manager. 
  4. As part of the initial application review, regional personnel shall ensure that: 
    1. the personal record of the applicant in relation to aviation, is free of any convictions under the Aeronautics Act and or the Canadian Aviation Regulations; and 
    2. the applicant is Canadian. 
  5. As one of the requirements for delegation, MD-RA applicants shall inspections, one of which is a final inspection, successfully completed under the supervision of an appointed senior representative of MD-RA Inspection Services. The sample inspections shall be representative of the scope of delegation being sought; 
  6. As one of the requirements for re-issue of delegation, MD-RA applicants are not required to complete the three sample inspections described in (e), but shall have completed a final inspection in the previous 24 months. Should the MD-RA not have completed a final inspection in the previous 24 months, the applicant will be required to complete a final inspection under the supervision of an appointed senior representative of MD-RA Inspection Services. Upon successful completion of this final inspection, MD-RA Inspection Services shall forward a recommendation for delegation to the appropriate Regional Manager. 
  7. MD-RA delegation of authority shall expire 24 months from the date of issue, or when terminated by the Minister in accordance with AWM 505.721. 
  8. In accordance with the ministerial exemption signed April 23, 2002, a MD-RA can issue a Special C of A - Amateur-built in respect of an amateur-built aircraft constructed outside Canada, where: 
    1. the aircraft was constructed in accordance with standards of the State of construction, and the Minister finds them to be equivalent to the standards contained in the exemption; 
    2. the aircraft was issued a permanent flight authority pursuant to the regulations of the State of construction, and has subsequently completed not less than 100 hours air time; and 
    3. the aircraft undergoes a complete inspection for compliance with the standards contained in the exemption. 

4. Effective Date 

4.1 This policy comes into effect immediately. 

5. Expiry 

5.1 This policy expires upon the publication of a revision to AWM 505H. 

6. HQ Contact 

6.1 The responsible officer indicated below may be contacted for information regarding this MSI:

Simon Nadeau, AARPC 
Aircraft Maintenance & Manufacturing 
Phone: (613) 952-1018 
Facsimile: (613) 952-3298

D.B. Sherritt 
Maintenance and Manufacturing