This analysis covered the 12 months from January 2011 to January 2012.
This document was produced to inform flight instructors, pilots and student pilots of the weak knowledge areas on written examinations for flight crew licences and permits.
Exam topics in which a mark below 50% was obtained were considered to be weak knowledge areas.
The analysis is presented where there are sufficient examinations completed to provide useful results.
- Pilot Permit Ultra-light Aeroplane – (ULTRA)
- Recreational Pilot Permit - Aeroplane (RPPAE)
- Glider Pilot Licence - (GLIDE)
- Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (PPAER)
- Private Pilot Licence – Helicopter (PPHEL)
- Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (CPAER)
- Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter (CPHEL)
- Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (SARON)
- Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (SAMRA)
- Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Helicopter (HARON)
- Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Helicopter (HAMRA)
- Instrument Rating – Aeroplane (INRAT)
- Instrument Rating – Helicopter (INRAT)
- Type Rating – Aeroplane (IATRA)
- Flight Instructor Rating Class 4 – Aeroplane (AIRAF)
- Flight Instructor Rating Class 2 and Class 1 – Aeroplane (AIRAT)
Pilot Permit Ultra-Light Aeroplane – (ULTRA)
General Operating and Flight Rules
- General MF reporting requirements
Flight Instruments
- Airspeed indicator – Principles of operation
- Turn and bank indicator / turn coordinator – Principles of operation
Meteorology – Theory
- Frontal weather
- Lapse rate and stability
Meteorology – Practical
- Aerodrome forecasts (TAF)
Aeronautics Act & Air Regulations/General Provisions Definitions
- Aerodrome and airport terminology
Navigation General
- Pilot Navigation - Diversions
Flight Operations
- Load adjustment, calculating landing weight based on fuel burn
Recreational Pilot Permit – Aeroplane (RPPAE)
General Operating and Flight Rules
- Airspace dimensions, classification and use
Aircraft Engine & Airframes
- Use of carburettor heat and its effect on mixture
Theory of Flight
- Stalling angle, level flight, climbing/descending, turns, spins
Navigation - General
- Return to departure point (reciprocal track)
Radio Navigation
- Altitude encoding Transponder
Meteorology – Theory
- Pressure systems and their variations
- Clouds – Associated precipitations and turbulence
- Wind – Land and sea breezes
- Frontal weather – Cold front
- In-flight freezing rain – Effects, predicting, avoidance
Meteorology – Practical
- Aviation forecasts – Times issued and validity periods
Aircraft Operations
- Stalls, incipient spins, spinning
Human Factors
- Illusion caused by rain on the windscreen and sloping runways
- Toxic hazards – Carbon monoxide
Glider Pilot Licence – (GLIDE)
Meteorology –Theory
- Height of cloud bases
- Inversions
- Moisture content (Relative humidity and dewpoint)
Theory of Flight
- Relationship between angle of attack and airspeed
General Operating and Flight Rules
- Classification of airspace
- Special use advisory airspace
Aerodromes and Airports
- Prohibitions
Human Factors
- Medications / Local anaesthetics
Navigation - General
- Map projections and their characteristics
Private Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (PPAER)
Aircraft Engine & Airframes
- Reciprocating engines – Induction icing
Theory of Flight
- Forces in a turn, angle of attack
Radio Navigation
- GPS – Principles of operation
Meteorology – Theory
- Evaporation cooling – Virga
Aircraft Operations
- Taxiing in wind
Private Pilot Licence – Helicopter (PPHEL)
Personnel Licensing and Training
- Recency requirements
Aerodromes and Airports
- Visual signals
General Operating and Flight Rules
- VFR flight in Class F special use airspace
- Fitness of flight crew members – Alcool or drugs
Theory of flight
- Coning angle
Meteorology – Practical
- Aviation Forecasts – Times issued and validity periods
Aircraft Operations
- Wake turbulence - Effects
Navigation General & Flight Planning
- 10 Degree drift lines, double track error, opening & closing angles
- Air and ground positions
Radio Navigation
- ( ADF ) Interpretation, orientation, homing, relative bearing, interception pre-determined tracks and tracking
Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane (CPAER)
Aerodromes and Airports
- Pre-threshold areas – Markings and use
Engines & Airframes
- Fuel contamination and deterioration
- Turboprops – Beta range
Flight Instruments
- Slaved gyro magnetic compass – Principles of operation
Theory of Flight
- Balance of forces in climbing/descending flight
- Forces in a turn
- Dynamic balancing of flight controls
- Tailplane aerodynamics
Navigation – General and Flight Planning
- Dead reckoning – Air position
- Twilight charts
- Navigation computer - True altitude
Radio Navigation
- DME principles of operation
Meteorology – Theory
- Heating and cooling of the atmosphere – Effect on relative humidity
- Upper fronts and associated weather
Flight Operations
- Deicing methods
Human Factors
- Night vision
Commercial Pilot Licence – Helicopter (CPHEL)
Commercial Air Services
- Personnel requirements - Validity periods of training /checks
Navigation General & Flight Planning
- Twilight charts
Flight Instruments – Altimeter
- Errors, effects of temperature on indicated or true altitude
Aircraft Operations
- Performance charts – Pressure altitude
Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Aeroplane (SARON)
General Operating and Flight Rules
- Fuel requirements
Aircraft Systems
- Fire detection systems - Principles of operation
Aircraft Operations
- Take-off field limits
- Take-off climb performance
- Thunderstorm avoidance
Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Aeroplane (SAMRA)
Meteorology –Theory
- Atmospheric pressure contours, upper level charts
- Tropopause
- Cloud type and recognition
- Cloud formation and structure
- Amount of supercooled water in a cloud
Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Helicopter (HARON)
Engines & Airframes
- Turbine engines – Effect of contamination on compressor blades
Theory of Flight
- Vortex ring state
Aircraft Operation
- Autorotation speeds, rate of descent, procedures
- Hovering / ground cushion effect / effects of induced drag and profile drag
Airline Transport Pilot Licence – Helicopter (HAMRA)
Meteorology - Theory
- Height of cloud bases
- Air masses affecting North America and associated weather conditions
Meteorology – Practical
- Determining movement of weather systems from reports
Instrument Rating – Aeroplane (INRAT)
General Operating and Flight Rules
- IFR departures from uncontrolled airports - Flight Plans and SAR
- IFR arrival procedures – Descent out of controlled airspace
- Procedures to be followed should a primary approach facility or instruments fail while conducting an approach
Instrument Rating – Helicopter (INRAT)
General Operating and Flight Rules
- IFR arrival procedures - Descent out of controlled airspace
Aircraft Operations
- Thunderstorm avoidance – Rules of thumb
Type Rating – Aeroplane (IATRA)
- Airworthiness Directives
Meteorology –Theory
- Jet streams – Composition, altitude, seasonal variations
Meteorology –Practical
- AWOS – Principles of operation, decoding & interpretation
General Operating and Flight Rules
- Minimum IFR altitudes - Designated mountain regions
- TCAS advisory
- IFR departures from uncontrolled airports
Aircraft Operations
- Weight and balance/aircraft loading
- Wind shear – Effects, avoidance, recovery
- Fuel flow calculations
Flight Instructor Rating Class 4 – Aeroplane (AIRAF)
Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Rating
- Requirements for letters of recommendation
Theory of flight
- Static and dynamic balancing of controls
Flight Instruments
- Airspeed indicator – Errors
Human Factors
- Effects of positive and negative ‘G’
Flight Instructor Rating Class 2 & 1 – Aeroplane (AIRAT)
Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Rating
- Requirements for letters of recommendation
Theory of flight
- Static and dynamic balancing of controls
Flight Operation
- Viscous hydroplaning
- Taxiing in strong wind