Advisory Circular (AC)

Appendix A - FMS Format

Name and address of
Certificate Holder




(as appropriate to the Manual being supplemented)










Sections (a, b, c, etc.) of this document comprise the Approved Flight Manual Supplement. Compliance with Section (a), Limitations, is mandatory.

Section (s, - y, z, etc.) are Unapproved and are provided for information only.

"The information and data contained in this document supersede or supplement that contained in the basic Approved Flight Manual (for the.....or) (Identify the basic Manual) in those areas listed herein. For limitations, procedures and performance not contained in this document refer to the Approved Flight Manual and other applicable Approved Flight Manual Supplements".

"(This Supplement is to be attached to the Approved Flight Manual for the aircraft with the subject design change incorporated.)"


(Name and Office of Approving Authority)

(Note: Format and page size are discretionary but it would be preferable if the Supplement was compatible with the basic Flight Manual and could be easily included in the same binder or cover).

Table Of Contents
(self explanatory)

(Only necessary where a table of contents is required because of the complexity of the Supplement.)




Log Of Amendments
Flight Manual Supplement No.
(Type Of Aircraft)

Signature Effective
D.O.T. Approval




(This is necessary only if complexity or conditions requiring the Supplement make it a reasonable requirement).
(The word "amendment" may be replaced by "revision").



Section 1


The following items, where applicable, or any others deemed necessary, should be indicated in the Limitations Section of the Supplement if there has been a limitation change from the basic manual.

(a) Airspeed Limitations - including, where applicable, how the airspeed indicator is marked; (include undercarriage and flap operating speeds as well as other applicable speed limits).
(b) Powerplant - type, model and rating;
- operating limits - MP, RPM, temperatures and pressures (for maximum power and for maximum continuous operation);
- static RPM limits, where applicable;
- powerplant instrument markings and the significance of the markings.
(c) Propeller - type and model including diameter limits where appropriate.
(d) Maximum Weights - as applicable, e.g. ramp, take-off, landing, special purpose operations or configurations such as skis, floats, etc.
(e) C of G Limits - including the variation with weight or configuration. In addition, the datum should be stated.
(f) Load Factor - (G) limits including variations with different configurations, where applicable.
(g) Kinds of Operation - such as day, night, VFR, IFR, icing conditions, crew only, no passengers, and any special purpose operations such as "survey only", "agricultural purposes only" etc. Where applicable, statements such as "Flight over built up areas must be avoided", could be included here.
(h) Minimum Crew - where more than one crew member (pilot) is required this should be specified. It may also be appropriate to identify the location of the pilot's seat.
(i) Maximum Occupants - the maximum number of occupants should be  
(j) Fuel - approved fuel grades;
- total fuel capacity;
- usable fuel capacity.
(k) Oil and Other Fluids - types approved and capacities.
(l) Baggage Compartment - loading by weight, volume or floor loading.
(m) Flight Restrictions - such as "No intentional sideslips with flap extended", restrictions with doors or window removed and other special restrictions. List prohibited manoeuvres, such as spins, or allowable 'aerobatic' manoeuvres.
(n) Ambient Temperature - operating limits. Special considerations that may apply under extreme temperature conditions.
(o) Altitude Limits - this should be addressed where modifications may result in changes to altitude limits.
(p) Wind - crosswind or other wind limitations or maximum demonstrated wind speeds.
(q) Systems Limitations - electrical loads, hydraulic pressures, prop feathering, prop reversal, drag devices, heaters, air conditioners, avionics, etc.
(r) Placards - list the placards installed and their location where significant.
(s) Approved Configurations - where appropriate, address other modifications, STAs, STCs that may conflict with the subject modification. Items such as wheels, floats, skiis, survey equipment, equipment pods, door and window configurations should be considered.
(t) In addition for Balloons - minimum and maximum number and type of fuel cylinders;
- envelope temperature limits;
- envelope pressure limits;
- allowable types of baskets and burners;
- maximum number of occupants for each approved basket.
(u) In addition for Gliders - towing limits;
- ballast limitations.
(v) External Cargo Limitations - sling load;
- hoist load;
- others


Section 2

Normal Procedures

List the procedures required for a qualified crew to operate the aircraft safely. This can normally be done using a checklist format with suitable cautions and notes. Explanations of "how to fly" or "good advice" concerning operations should be omitted from the Approved Sections but can be included in the Supplement in a separate, identified, "Unapproved" Section. This is recommended particularly where this type of information is included in the basic Manual and is altered by the modification.
Only those procedures affected by the modification need to be addressed provided the basic procedures are clearly referenced.

Abnormal Procedures

A separate section may be used, or this information can be included under Normal Procedures. This section would relate to unusual circumstances that would not constitute an emergency situation but would require that some special action be taken. Only those procedures affected by the modification need to the included.


Section 3

Emergency Procedures

The Emergency Procedures affected by or resulting from the modification need to be described. Again the checklist format is preferred and where it is desirable to include operating advice or to amplify the procedures, this information can be presented in the separate "Unapproved" Section. In some Flight Manuals the Emergency Procedures section precedes the Normal Procedures.


Section 4


To a large extent the performance information requirements are dictated by the certification basis and vary considerably. The basic approved Flight Manual performance information can be used as a guide as to what might be needed. Metric and Imperial Units will be required if both systems are provided in the basic manual.
As before, only those items of performance that are affected by the modification need to be addressed. This may be done by providing a factor that would be applied to the basic information, such as, "with XXX installed the take-off distance is 10% greater than that stated in the basic approved Flight Manual".

Loading Information

This section contains information needed to calculate the loading change caused by the modification or repair so that the pilot can calculate the weight and C of G of the aircraft at any time during flight.


Section 5

Unapproved Sections

(Not to be marked "Approved")
These sections of the document must be separated from the "Approved" sections with dividers, use of coloured paper, or other suitable means. The information presented in the unapproved section must not conflict with the approved data and could include:
(a) a description of the aircraft system or sub-system.
(b) amplified procedures which would contain operating procedures and advice on systems operation or how to fly a specific profile.
(c) additional performance information such as cruise power settings and fuel consumption.
(d) special considerations for ground handling, security, servicing and maintenance.
(e) parts lists, where applicable.