Sample - Examination Weighting and Validation Record

Sample - Examination Weighting and Validation Record is available in Excel spreadsheet format (file size 15.5 KB).

Exam: 500D #1 Revision May 2003

Question # Weighted value - level Answer Key Reference Key Master Lesson plan subject Notes Validation (date/signature)
1 I A MM, section 6 B    
2 I B MM, section 6 C    
3 III B Manuf. Instructions, rev. 3 C    
4 II D MM, section 2 G    
25       etc....    

Total weighted value of exam:

Level I - component location/function
Level II - systems operations/maintenance practices
Level III - functional checks/troubleshooting


This type of validation process identifies the linkages between the:

  1. exam question
  2. weighted value of the question
  3. answer key
  4. reference key; and
  5. master lesson plan subject area

This process ensures that the testing the students receive is representative of the curriculum being taught.

This type of format allows the ATO to quickly identify anomolies between the testing and curriculum (ie: no reference or match to the master lesson plan can be found for question being asked) - thus allowing for corrective action. All amendments to the exams would follow the same process and a new record generated.

This document becomes the exam validation record and should be retained with the master examination document.