Order form: Emergency Response Guidebook

Order form for eligible organization for free paper copies.

To verify if you are eligible to receive free paper copies of the Emergency Response Guidebook, please consult our distribution policy.

Canadian Armed Forces Members must request the Emergency Response Guidebook by contacting the CF Publications Depot at: +DSCO 4 Client Svcs Publications@ADM(Mat) DSCO@Ottawa-Hull.

Form instructions


  • Fill out the information to the best of your knowledge
  • Do not provide personal contact information, only provide your professional contact information

How to fill in the form

  • Name of the emergency service – Provide the name of your emergency service
  • Type of emergency service – Select the primary emergency service you provide, only one option may be chosen
  • Are you ordering on behalf of other departments? – If you are placing an order on behalf of other department(s), indicate the name(s) of the department(s) and the type of service(s) offered
  • Number of vehicles – Indicate how many vehicles are used to respond to incidents
  • Number of English copies – Indicate how many English copies of the ERG you would like to receive
  • Number of French copies – Indicate how many French copies of the ERG you would like to receive
  • Additional information – Please justify your request if it does not abide by our distribution policy or add any additional information deemed necessary for the submission
  • Shipping address – Indicate the address where the ERG(s) will be shipped
  • Physical address – Fill out if the physical address of your emergency service is different from the shipping address
  • Contact name – Indicate the name of the person requesting the ERG(s)
  • Job title – Indicate the job title of the person requesting the ERG(s)
  • Email – Indicate the work email address of the person requesting the ERG(s)
  • Website – Provide your organization’s website, if applicable
  • Phone number – Provide your phone number to contact you at work, if applicable
  • Emergency service phone number – Provide your organization’s phone number, if applicable
  • Fax number – Provide your organization’s fax number, if applicable
  • Toll-free number – Provide your organization’s toll-free telephone number, if applicable
Order information
Type of emergency service
Type of other emergency service(s)
Shipping information

Shipping address

Physical address choice

Physical address

Contact information

If you need more information or have questions, please contact CANUTEC’s administration by e-mail at CANUTECERGRequest-RequeteGMUCANUTEC@tc.gc.ca.

Privacy statement

To facilitate your submission for a free copy of the Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) please note that mandatory fields are denoted with an asterix. Fields without an asterix are voluntary. To avoid the inadvertent collection of personal information, please only provide your work contact information if possible, and please limit the amount of personal information you provide. Do not include any sensitive or confidential information about yourself or any other individual in your submission.

The information provided may be used for the following purposes:

  • to verify your eligibility for free copies of the ERG
  • statistical trend analysis for the distribution of the ERG
  • to update CANUTEC’s emergency services database
  • to solicit comments for the improvement of future editions of the ERG
  • to validate your contact information

The personal information is being collected as per Personal Information Bank - Public Communications, Bank Number: PSU 914. The personal information is collected under the authority of the Financial Administration Act (FAA), and in accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada.

The information is being collected for the purpose of responding to your request. Any personal Information that you provide is subject to the Privacy Act (the Act). The Act provides you with the right of access to your own personal information. Please be advised that you may file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution’s handling of your personal information.