FAQ on UN Portable Tanks

Design and Construction

Selection and Use

UN Portable Tank Facility Registration

UN Portable Tank Independent Inspectors and Design Reviewers Registration

UN Portable Tank Impact Test Facility Registration

Other Questions

What is a UN portable tank?

A UN portable tank is a tank intended for the transport of dangerous goods by different modes of transport, consisting of a shell fitted with service equipment and structural equipment necessary for the handling or transport of such dangerous goods.

How do I identify a specification UN portable tank?

UN portable tanks used for dangerous goods are permanently marked with information with respect to their specifications.

Each UN portable tank must have permanently marked on the metal identification plate the following:

  1. owner information:
    1. the owner's name; and
    2. the owner's registration number;
  2. manufacturing information:
    1. the country of manufacture;
    2. the year of manufacture;
    3. the manufacturer's name or mark; and
    4. the manufacturer's serial number;
  3. approval information:
    1. the United Nations packaging symbol (this symbol shall not be used for a purpose other than certifying that packaging complies with the applicable requirements of this Standard);
    2. the approval country (ex: Canada);
    3. the authorized body for the design approval (Design Reviewer's name and registered mark);
    4. the design approval number (issued by the Design Reviewer);
    5. the pressure vessel code to which the shell is designed (ex: ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1);
    7. T Code (if applicable);
  4. pressures:
    1. the MAWP (in bar gauge or kPa gauge)*;
    2. the test pressure (in bar gauge or kPa gauge)*;
    3. the initial pressure test date (month and year);
    4. the identification mark of the initial pressure test witness (Independent Inspector);
    5. the external design pressure (if applicable) (in bar gauge or kPa gauge)*; and
    6. the MAWP for the heating/cooling system (in bar gauge or kPa gauge)* (when applicable);
  5. temperatures:
    1. the design temperature range (if applicable) (in °C)*;
    2. the design reference temperature (if applicable) (in °C)*; and
    3. the minimum design temperature (if applicable) (in °C)*;
  6. materials:
    1. the shell material(s) and material standard reference(s);
    2. the equivalent thickness in reference steel (in mm)*; and
    3. the lining material (if applicable);
  7. capacity:
    1. the tank water capacity at 20 °C (in litres)*. This indication shall be followed by the symbol "S" when the tank is divided by surge plates into sections of not more than 7500 L capacity (if applicable); and
    2. the capacity of each compartment at 20 °C (if applicable) (in litres)*. This indication shall be followed by the symbol "S" when the compartment is divided by surge plates into sections of not more than 7500 L capacity;
  8. insulation (if applicable):
    1. either "Thermally Insulated" or "Vacuum Insulated" (as applicable); and
    2. the effectiveness of the insulation system (heat influx) (in watts)*;
  9. hold times (applicable to each refrigerated liquefied gas permitted to be transported in the portable tank):
    1. the name, in full, of the refrigerated liquefied gas;
    2. the reference holding time (in days or hours)*;
    3. the initial pressure (in bar gauge or kPa gauge)*; and
    4. the degree of filling (in kg)*; and
  10. periodic inspections and tests
    1. the type (if applicable) of the most recent periodic test;
    2. the date of the most recent periodic test (month and year);
    3. the test pressure (in bar gauge or kPa gauge)* of the most recent periodic test (if applicable); and
    4. the identification mark of the authorized body (Independent Inspector) that witnessed the most recent test.



ABC Company

Owner's registration number


Manufacturing information


Country of manufacture


Year of manufacture



XYZ Manufacturing

Manufacturer's serial number


Approval information

Approval country
Authorized body for design approval
JKL Designs
Design approval number

Shell design code (pressure vessel code)

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1


TC IMPACT APPROVED (if applicable)

XYZ Manufacturing – December 2015

(Other approval information, as applicable)




7.93 barg

Test pressure

11.79 barg

Initial pressure test date:

(mm/yyyy) 08/2015

Witness stamp:


External design pressure

bar or kPa

MAWP for heating/cooling system (if applicable)

bar or kPa



Design temperature range

-195.6 °C to 37.8 °C



Shell material(s) and material standard references

SA240, Gr201SS

Equivalent thickness in reference steel

8.81 / 10.26 mm

Lining material (if applicable)




Water capacity at 20 °C

41978 litres

'S' (if applicable)


Water capacity of compartment ___ at 20 °C
(as applicable, for multi-compartment tanks)


'S' (if applicable)

Periodic inspections/tests
Test type Test date Witness stamp and test pressure* Test type Test date Witness stamp and test pressure*




bar or kPa




bar or kPa

























Design and Construction

What are the design and construction requirements for UN portable tanks?

UN portable tanks need to be designed and constructed in accordance with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations and the Standard CSA B625 – Portable tanks for the transport of dangerous goods.

Selection and Use

How do I select and use a UN Portable Tank?

The selection and use of UN portable tanks must be done in accordance with the Standard CSA B625 – Portable tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. Certain dangerous goods of Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 may be transported using UN portable tanks.

Note: For the selection and use of Explosives (Class 1), you must refer to the standard CGSB-43.151 - Packaging, handling, offering for transport and transport of Explosives (Class 1).

UN Portable Tank Facility Registration

How do I register as a UN portable tank manufacturing, modification, inspection, test, and/or repair facility?

A UN portable tank manufacturing, modification, inspection, test, and/or repair facility must complete an application and apply for a certificate of registration. Applications for registration are available here.

NOTE: Manufacturers of auxiliary equipment such as service equipment, structural equipment, and other parts manufacturers do not need to be registered.

UN Portable Tank Independent Inspector and Design Reviewer Registration

How do I register as a UN portable tank independent inspector and/or design reviewer?

A UN portable tank independent inspector and/or design reviewer must complete an application and apply for a certificate of registration. Applications for registration are available here.

UN Portable Tank Impact Test Facility Registration

How do I register a UN portable tank impact test facility?

A UN portable tank impact test facility must complete an application and apply for a certificate of registration. Applications for registration are available here.

How do I amend, renew or cancel a registration?

A registration can be amended, renewed or cancelled by completing the application form for this purpose. The application forms are available here (the cancellation of a certificate is also completed by using this form).

Where can I obtain more information?

For more information on matters pertaining to CSA B625:

Inquiries pertaining to applications for registration:

Technical inquiries:
Please include the text "UN Portable Tanks" in the subject line.