Record of Decision
Meeting of Thursday, October 9, 2014
Item # | Decisions / Action Items | OPI |
1. and 2. Opening Remarks by Chair and Vice-Chair |
The Chair opened the meeting with the general introduction, emergency procedures and amenities, and hospitality and housekeeping matters. |
Chris Powers, Chair
3. Approval of the Agenda |
The agenda is approved with agreed upon changes to order of presentations. |
All |
4. Approval of the September 11, 2014 Meeting Decision Record |
The September 11, 2014 Decision Record is approved with agreed upon change to the French version: ‘'Comité de direction'' will replace ‘'Comité de pilotage''. |
All |
5. Update on ER Task Force Subgroup 1 – Building on PD 33 and Industry approach |
The discussion is currently focused on hazard scenarios:
Subgroup members will be meeting every two weeks from now on. The next meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2014. |
Louis Laferriere,
6. Update on ER Task Force Subgroup 2 – Incident Management
The subgroup's current discussions are aimed at providing members with background information on different models of Incident Management systems (such as ICS, MASSX, etc.) and collecting information from members through a roles and responsibilities survey. This exercise will assist in identifying factors that impact on the success of incident command, and provide a basis or starting point for a recommendation on a national incident management approach. So far, any differences that have been identified between the different systems are more semantics than real. ICS (equivalent to NIMS in the U.S.) appears to be a well accepted system across the country and the Chair is suggesting that the group considers recommending the ICS system as the preferred national approach. Subgroup members will be meeting every two weeks from now on. The next meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2014. The Chair also introduced an outreach and awareness recommendation to ERTF members which includes that Transport Canada-TDG representatives attend relevant public events which would provide a good opportunity to raise awareness about Emergency Response Assistance Plans, responder roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident. ACTION: Members were invited to provide the ERTF Secretariat with event suggestions or other means of outreach opportunities (i.e. magazines, etc.) by October 15, 2014. |
Chris Powers
All |
7. Presentation on PD 33 Implementation |
Members were given an update on the screening process associated with the PD 33 ERAP requirements
Plans are being evaluated by RMS (approx. 80 applications including some US based companies through Canadian Power of Attorney). Applicants are issued approvals under one of the four following scenarios:
He indicated that as of October 2014, Transport Canada has issued:
Members were also interested in knowing what kind of training standard is being evaluated by Transport Canada (TC) as being acceptable. There are some standards under NFPA but currently no comprehensive standard for emergency response training for incidents of large quantities of flammable liquids. That being said, various stakeholder are looking into training program possibilities for first responders. |
Louis Marcotte
8. Quarterly Report (draft) for discussion, consideration and review |
ACTION: The ERTF Secretariat will circulate a draft of the Quarterly Report for comments by October 16, 2014 and members will have until October 20, 2014 to submit comments. |
Chris Powers
9. Update on ER Task Force's recommendation regarding including a reference to Canadian ERAPs in the 2016 edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook |
So far, no issues have been raised by Mexico or the U.S. to include a reference to Canadian ERAPs in the 2016 edition of the Emergency Response Guidebook. Members will be kept apprised of any further developments. |
Angelo Boccanfuso
10. Presentation on the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition's Efforts to Train Responders to Ethanol Related Incidents |
ERTF members were treated to a presentation given by Kristy Moore on the ethanol industry in the U.S. and on the RFA and Ethanol Coalition's effort to train responders for ethanol related incidents. Members were especially interested in the training component of the presentation. Kristy Moore has accepted to join the group in Ottawa at the November 20, 2014 to elaborate further on this aspect and how to adapt program to Canadian content. | Kristy Moore
Renewable Fuels Association |
11. Presentation on Canadian Pacific Railway's Emergency Response Procedures and Resources |
ERTF members were treated to another presentation, this time with a focus on CP Railway‘s emergency response resources as it relates to training, equipment and personnel. Members were impressed with all that CP Railways can offer in terms of equipment and other resources. CP and CN work in collaboration with one another when a situation requires it. CP also dispatches response coordinators to the scene of incidents who will identify themselves to first responders and provide advice. There are many courses available including the more comprehensive ones such as the Crude by Rail Emergency Response course offered by the Security and Emergency Response Training Center in Pueblo, Colorado. CP is also currently working on training material that will be made available online. Members pointed out the importance of training and learning together regularly and ahead of time so that first responders know what is available and know what to do with equipment being provided so that they are ready when an incident does occur. |
Jim Kozey
12. Round table - Questions and Answers |
Participants' concerns, questions or suggestions are included in the consultation record which will be updated on a regular basis. |
All |
13. Next Steps |
ERTF recommendations will be submitted by the Secretariat to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate (TDG) senior management for decision making on moving forward. |
ER Task Force Secretariat |
14.Next Meeting |
When: November 20, 2014
Action item:
Please note: Members wishing to make a presentation are required to submit any item/presentation documents to the secretariat at least 2 to 3 days in advance of the meeting date for distribution to all participants. Please indicate permission to post on the website. |
All Members |