Presentation by the Multi-Association Committee on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Monday, March 22, 2004

Presented by:

Louis Laferrière
Senior Manager, Logistics
Technical Affairs
Canadian Chemical Producers' Association (CCPA)
805 - 350 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8
Telephone: (613) 237-6215 ext. 247
Fax: (613) 237-4061

Who is the CCPA?

The Canadian Chemical Producers' Association (CCPA) represents over 60 leading companies engaged in the business of chemistry. Member companies apply the science of chemistry to create innovative products and services that make people's lives better, healthier and safer. They are committed to improved health, safety and environmental performance and to social responsibility through Responsible Care®. The Responsible Care ethic and codes of practice apply sustainable development throughout the life cycle of chemicals.

The business of chemistry is a $20 billion a year enterprise for CCPA's basic chemicals and resins manufacturers through which they provide the basis for the broader $42 billion a year chemical manufacturing sector. Within Canada, this keystone sector of the economy has strong supplier and customer linkages with other major sectors including: Oil and gas extraction, petroleum refining, mining, forest products, metals, plastics, motor vehicles, telecommunications, computers and electronic products, electrical equipment, pharmaceuticals and food. CCPA members export about three-quarters of their production to the United States and important offshore markets. Many of them rely upon efficient transportation to receive or ship key raw materials, to reach customers in North America, or to reach ports for export to global markets.

Who Participates in the Multi-Association Committee on TDG ?

Sponsored by the CCPA, the Multi-Association Committee on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods consists of member companies and trade association representatives from:

Canadian Chemical Producers Association ( (*Louis Laferriere, CCPA)
Canadian Petroleum Products Institute ( (*Bob Stephen, Imperial Oil)
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (
Railway Association of Canada (
Canadian Association of Chemical Distributors (
Compressed Gas Association (
Propane Gas Association (
Canadian Fertilizer Institute ( (*Dave Finlayson, CFI)
CropLife Canada (

Review of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992

Issues of interest identified by CCPA and other MACTDG participants as of January 29, 2004.

A. Security

A-1. Security plans for dangerous goods that require an ERAP

A-2. Security measures for all consignments of dangerous goods

A-3. Immediate reporting of security breaches

A-4. Security awareness training

A-5. TDG Security Clearance Certificate

A-6. Industry Response to releases that are not accidental

B. New concepts

B-4. Emergency Response Assistance network

C. Concepts which are thought to be covered in the current TDG Act

C-2. Persons offering for transport to themselves

C-4. Importer

C-8. Federal-Provincial-Territorial discrepancies in legislation

D. Fixing the wording

D-1. Permits.

D-2. Emergency Response Assistance Plans

D-3. All words defined in section 2 (and any word used in the Act).

E. Automatic issues

E-2. Impact on trade and competitiveness

E-5. Links with other programs

F. Issues outside the scope of review

F-3. Harmonization with USA

Finally, we urge the federal government to provide the budget and resources to expedite this review.