Frequently Asked Questions Mandatory Contractor Vaccination

  1. Do I still need to complete the COVID-19 Mandatory Contractor Vaccination Certification Form if none of the work my company is performing for Transport Canada will be conducted in a Government of Canada workplace?
  1. I supply goods (equipment/parts/supplies) to Transport Canada; does this form apply to me?

The COVID-19 Mandatory Contractor Vaccination Certification Form is required for any supplier holding a valid Contract or Purchase Order with Transport Canada. Different options are available within the form if no site access is required for the performance of the Contract.

  1. I have already completed a similar Contractor Vaccination Certification Form for another department. Do I have to fill it out again? Can I just provide a copy of the certification I’ve already signed for other another department like Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)?

All suppliers are required to complete Transport Canada’s department-specific form. While it may be similar to forms used by other departments, certification is required on a “per Contract/Purchase Order” basis. You may list several Contract numbers within the Transport Canada Certification Form if your organization holds several active Contracts/Purchase Orders with our Department.

  1. Do I need to fill out the Mandatory Contractor Vaccination Certification Form for every personnel resource and for every Contract?

No. Individual employee/resource names are not to be mentioned in the form. You may reference several Contract/Purchase Order numbers within a single Certification Form.

  1. Do I have to submit proof of vaccination for any of my resources?

No. Do not submit any personal information pertaining to your resources or employees; we only need the duly signed Certification Form.

  1. Does this mean all my resources/employees will have to be vaccinated?
  1. Does everyone in the company need to be vaccinated, or just the resources actively working on Contracts?

No. At present, only personnel (resources/employees) who access Government of Canada workplaces are required to be fully vaccinated.

  1. My resources/employees assigned to Transport Canada Contracts have been working remotely since the start of the pandemic. Does this mean they’ll have to return to a Transport Canada worksite?

No, not necessarily. The Certification Form is merely to obtain confirmation that any resource who is or will be required to access a Government of Canada workplace will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 15, 2021. If you are unsure of whether your employees/resources may be requested to return to a government site in the future, please discuss the matter with the Contract’s technical authority.

  1. Can we have an extension for the November 15th date?

All deadlines are set at the level of the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS); Transport Canada is not able to grant extensions.

  1. Can our resources keep working while we verify this information prior to signing the Certification Form?

  Yes. However, effective November 15, 2021, only duly vaccinated resources will be allowed access to federal government workplaces.

  1. I don’t have the full list of Contract numbers for my organization/company. Can you provide them?

Response: Your organization’s list of active Contracts with Transport Canada was provided in the body of the email sent to you. Should you have any questions regarding this list, please email

Please note that some Contracts awarded in early October 2021 may be absent from the list, and may be part of a subsequent email communication.

  1. To whom in my organization should I forward your email?

While each company is structured differently, it is suggested that this e-mail be forwarded to whomever manages Contracts or government client portfolios within your organization.

  1. We are a foreign company. Does this apply to us?

If you have personnel (resources/employees) who require access to Government of Canada workplaces within Canada, they are required to be fully vaccinated, and the required Certification Form must be completed.

  1. Why am I receiving this? I don’t have any active Contracts with Transport Canada.
  1. Do we need to complete the Mandatory Contractor Vaccination Certification Form if we are no longer performing services for Transport Canada?

To ensure that all Contractors are aware of the new requirements around vaccinations, we have contacted all entities who may have an interest in the matter. If your company has already completed all its work (services, deliveries) for Transport Canada, please indicate so on the COVID-19 MANDATORY CONTRACT VACCINATION CERTIFICATION FORM.

  1. What happens if some of my employees/resources are not fully vaccinated?

Response: As of November 15, 2021, Contractor personnel (employees/resources) that are unwilling to be vaccinated will not be permitted to work at federal government workplaces.

  1. What qualifies as “fully vaccinated”?
  1. If the current standards change (booster shots or a new or updated vaccine becomes required, for example) will I need to fill out the forms again?

As per the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Core Public Administration Including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the definition of what qualifies as “fully vaccinated” is issued by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and will be adjusted if and as required when NACI makes any future recommendations.

Currently, an individual is considered fully vaccinated if they have received:

  • the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine or a combination of accepted vaccines including:
    • 2 doses of any combination of Moderna Spikevax, Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty or AstraZeneca Vaxzevria (including CoviShield)
    • 1 dose of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

  1. I will need to change a resource as a result of this requirement, who do I contact?

In event that a change of contracted resource is required due to the vaccination requirement, please advise the technical authority and contracting officer responsible for the contract file. They will work with you to determine whether it is possible to replace the resource under the terms of the Contract.

  1. Can you describe the accommodation and mitigation measures that are indicated within the form?
  1. Some of my employees have medical complications that prevent them from getting vaccinated. What exceptions are acceptable?

Response: Accommodation and mitigation measures may be applied on a case-by case basis for individuals who are unable to be fully vaccinated based on:

  1. a certified medical contraindication;
  2. religion; or
  3. any other prohibited ground of discrimination as defined under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

You must advise the technical authority and contracting officer responsible for the contract file if this applies to your situation. Do not include any personal information regarding the contracted resources/employees within your email correspondence. Mitigation and accommodation measures must be approved by Canada.

  1. Even if I don’t have to submit the justifications for medical, religious, or other exemptions now, do I need to have them on record for future compliance checks?

Yes, Canada may check the validity of any vaccine exemptions as required.

  1. Will this requirement be made a condition of contract award in future solicitations?

Yes. As of October 15, 2021, bidders for Contracts that will require supplier personnel to access federal government workplaces must submit a certification proving they meet the vaccine requirement as a condition of the bid. Bids that do not include the certification will not be considered. The Certification Form will be included with implicated Requests for Proposals.

  1. Do we need to complete the Mandatory Contractor Vaccination Certification Form on behalf of our subcontractors, or should they submit their own form?
  1. None of my employees are going to federal sites, only my subcontractors require access; do I still have to complete the Certification Form?

Yes. It is the responsibility of the prime Contractor to ensure that the policy requirements are met. Contractors are accountable for any sub-contracts they may have. Nothing prevents a Contractor from seeking the same validations/certifications from its subcontractors.

  1. Instead of filling out the form, can I have my employees and subcontractos show proof of vaccination at the door before entering the facility?

Response: No, all contractors must complete the Contractor Vaccination Certification form before their resources are allowed access to Government of Canada facilities.