Hosting a Party Drinking and Driving

Video Length: 30 seconds

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Title: Hosting a Party

(Woman sitting on sofa and talking on phone.)

Okay, see you at 8:00.

(Woman talking to man standing on staircase behind sofa.)

That was Jen. Mark's the designated driver tonight.

I'm going to put the taxi number near the phone to make it easy for people to call a cab.

(Gathering of people in kitchen, enjoying cocktails, chatting and laughing.)

Keep extra blankets and sheets on hand in case anyone needs to stay over.

(People chatting.)

At your next get together, plan ahead and be prepared.

(Marie-Josée Dubois — Transport Canada)

For more information on responsible alcohol use, call 1 800 O-Canada.

(Government of Canada logo)

A message from the Government of Canada.