Special Marine Security Notification – No. 2022-002

Issue: Canadian Sanctions Related to Russia

This notification replaces Special Marine Security Notification No. 2022-001


The purpose of this special notification is to advise Canadian maritime security stakeholders and pilotage authorities of sanctions related to Russia that are in place under the Special Economic Measures Act.


The imposition of sanctions against foreign states and non-state actors is a key tool for the international community to support peace and security and enforce international norms and laws. The Parliament of Canada has enacted legislation authorizing the imposition of sanctions, including the Special Economic Measures Act.

Direction and Guidance

It is prohibited for any person to dock in Canada or pass through Canada any ship that is registered in Russia or used, leased or chartered, in whole or in part, by or on behalf of or for the benefit of Russia, a person in Russia or a designated person, unless such docking or passage is necessary to safeguard human life or to ensure navigational safety.

It is prohibited for any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada to knowingly do anything that causes, facilitates or assists in, or is intended to cause, facilitate or assist in, any activity prohibited by sections 3 to 3.4 of the Regulations, made pursuant to the Special Economic Measures Act.

The Special Economic Measures (Russia) Permit Authorization Order authorizes the Minister of Foreign Affairs to issue to any person in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada a permit to carry out a specified activity or transaction, or any class of activity or transaction, that is restricted or prohibited pursuant to the Regulations.

Canada as a signatory to international conventions such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, will continue to enforce obligations offering protection to seafarers regarding their safety, health and wellbeing.

Contact Transport Canada – Marine Safety and Security

  • For Western Canada - please e-mail marsecw@tc.gc.ca
  • For Eastern Canada, St. Lawrence Seaway, Great Lakes, and the Canadian Arctic - please e-mail marsece@tc.gc.ca

Questions or Comments

Other comments, suggestions or concerns – including the identification of best practices - can be addressed to the Director, Marine Security Operations at dirops.marsec-sumar@tc.gc.ca