Interim Order No. 3 Respecting the Sheet Harbour Compulsory Pilotage Area

Whereas the Minister of Transport believes that the annexed Interim Order No. 3 Respecting the Sheet Harbour Compulsory Pilotage Area is required to deal with an urgent issue related to the provision of pilotage services that poses a significant risk to safety, human health or the environment;

And whereas the provisions of the annexed Interim Order may be contained in a regulation made under the Pilotage ActFootnote a;

Therefore, the Minister of Transport makes the annexed Interim Order No. 3 Respecting the Sheet Harbour Compulsory Pilotage Area under subsection 52.2(1)Footnote b of the Pilotage ActFootnote a.

Ottawa, June 4, 2024

Minister of Transport
Pablo Rodriguez

Definition of Regulations

1 In this Interim Order, Regulations means the General Pilotage Regulations.

Compulsory pilotage area

2 The area consisting of all the navigable waters within a line drawn from a position at Latitude 44°50.75′00″ N., Longitude 62°32.2′00″ W., to Guilford Rock, thence to a position at Latitude 44°45.6′00″ N., Longitude 62°29.5′00″ W., thence to Western Shagroost Island, thence to Fishery Island, and thence to a position at Latitude 44°51.35′00″ N., Longitude 62°28.25′00″ W. is deemed to be described in Schedule 2 to the Regulations as the Sheet Harbour compulsory pilotage area within the Atlantic Pilotage Authority’s region.

Ships subject to compulsory pilotage

3 (1) Despite subsection 22.3(1) of the Regulations, only the following ships and classes of ships are subject to compulsory pilotage within the Sheet Harbour compulsory pilotage area:

  1. (a) ships of 170 m or more in length;
  2. (b) tankers; and
  3. (c) liquid natural gas carriers.

Ships not subject to compulsory pilotage

(2) However, the ships and classes of ships referred to in paragraphs 22.3(2)(a) to (f) of the Regulations are not subject to compulsory pilotage within the Sheet Harbour compulsory pilotage area.


(3) A ship referred to in paragraph 22.3(2)(b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of the Regulations is subject to compulsory pilotage within the Sheet Harbour compulsory pilotage area if the Atlantic Pilotage Authority determines that the ship poses a risk to safe navigation for any of the following reasons:

  1. (a) the seaworthiness of the ship;
  2. (b) unusual conditions on board the ship;
  3. (c) operations being conducted by the ship; or
  4. (d) weather conditions, tides, currents or ice.

Experience at sea — pilotage certificate

4 An applicant for a pilotage certificate for the Sheet Harbour compulsory pilotage area does not have to meet the additional experience at sea qualifications set out in subsection 22.22(1) of the Regulations if, within the two-year period immediately before the date of the application, they have successfully completed a familiarization program that is established by the Atlantic Pilotage Authority and provides an equivalent degree of experience.


5 The Interim Order No. 2 Respecting the Sheet Harbour Compulsory Pilotage Area, made on June 7, 2023, is repealed.