Northumberland Strait Crossing subsidy payment under the Northumberland Strait Crossing Act (Statutory)

Name of Transfer Payment Program: Northumberland Strait Crossing subsidy payment under the Northumberland Strait Crossing Act (Statutory)

Start date: May 31, 1997

End date: April 1, 2032

Fiscal Year for Terms & Conditions: The terms and conditions have not been reviewed since the commencement of the program, as there is a contractual agreement between the Government of Canada and Strait Crossing Development Inc.

Strategic Outcome 1: An efficient transportation system

Program 1.3: Transportation Infrastructure; Sub-program 1.3.3:  Surface and Multimodal Infrastructure; Sub-Sub-program Federal Bridge Stewardship

Description: The Northumberland Strait Crossing subsidy payments are made to the bridge operator to honour a constitutional obligation to provide a transportation link between Prince Edward Island and the mainland.

Expected Results: Federal funding is provided for continuous and efficient year-round transportation of people and goods between Prince Edward Island and the mainland to support an efficient, integrated and accessible transportation system.

 Details of Transfer Payment Programs (millions)
  Forecast Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Planned Spending
Total Grants 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Contributions 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Other Types of Transfer Payments 60.8 62.8 64.1 65.3
Total Transfer Payments 60.8 62.8 64.1 65.3

Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation: The program has not been evaluated given the exclusion of statutory payments from evaluation coverage requirement.

Decision following the Results of Last Evaluation: Not applicable

Fiscal Year of Planned Completion of Next Evaluation: There is no intention to conduct an evaluation given the exclusion of statutory payments from evaluation coverage requirement.

General Targeted Recipient Group: Industry-related (The contractual agreement is between the Government of Canada and Strait Crossing Development Inc., a private company).

Initiatives to Engage Applicants and Recipients: Not applicable.