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Public notice: Selling unused land at the former Mirabel Airport Reserve (unleased sector)

Expropriated owners from Mirabel in 1969 whose property was located within the borders of the area shown below, or their succession, are invited to express their interest in buying land there.

This area was made up, at the time of the expropriation, of the following lots, or parts of lots:

Parish of Saint-Canut

  • 190 to 192
  • 194 to 209
  • 215
  • 216
  • 204-1 to 204-17
  • 205-1 to 205-21

Parish of Sainte-Scholastique

  • 208 to 221
  • 226
  • 228
  • 230
  • 234
  • 521
  • 525 to 528

Expropriated owners and their succession interested in buying back land must notify Transport Canada in writing no later than August 16, 2019. We will not keep requests that arrive after this date. If you showed interest in this area in 2010, you must send notice again.

To find out if you are eligible for this sale initiative, call 514-633-3100, email, or write to:

Transport Canada
Programs Directorate – Property Management
700 Leigh Capreol, 3rd floor
Dorval, QC
H4Y 1G7

We do not commit to dividing the land back into its original lots. The sale of this land is subject to conditions and easements. This notice is not a call for proposals.