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Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics: 2007


Transport Canada
Motor Vehicle Safety
Collected in co-operation with the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators

Order Canadian Motor Vehicle Traffic Collision Statistics: 2007

TP 3322
Cat. T45-3/2007
ISBN 978-1-100-50862-7

Table of Contents

Collisions and Casualties - 1988-2007Footnote1

Collisions Victims
  FatalFootnote2 Personal InjuryFootnote3 FatalitiesFootnote4 Serious InjuriesFootnote5 InjuriesFootnote6 (Total)
1988 3,610 190,094 4,154 28,031 278,820
1989 3,651 192,595 4,238 27,422 285,178
1990 3,445 178,515 3,963 25,183 262,680
1991 3,228 170,693 3,690 26,035 249,217
1992 3,073 169,640 3,501 25,521 249,823
1993 3,121 168,106 3,615 23,902 247,593
1994 2,837Footnoter 164,642Footnoter 3,230Footnoter 22,830 241,899Footnoter
1995 2,817Footnoter 161,950Footnoter 3,313Footnoter 21,494 238,458Footnoter
1996 2,679 153,966 3,062 18,737 227,320
1997 2,617 147,538 3,033 17,294 217,403
1998 2,576 145,612 2,911 16,409 213,304
1999 2,635 148,660 2,984 16,186 218,437
2000 2,569 153,273 2,927 15,579 222,830
2001Footnote* 2,432 148,961 2,776 15,282 216,441
2002 2,594 153,850 2,932 15,906 222,706
2003 2,486 150,473Footnoter 2,768 15,104 216,089
2004 2,430 145,256 2,722 15,605 206,232
2005 2,558 145,604 2,905 15,812 204,751
2006 2,610Footnoter 142,508Footnoter 2,895Footnoter 15,861Footnoter 199,966Footnoter
2007 2,469 138,470 2,767 13,723 194,177



Fatalities and Injuries by Age Group 2007

Age Group (years) Fatalities Serious Injuries Injuries (Total)
0–4 19 105 2,490
5–14 80 521 9,247
15–19 301 1,721 23,608
20–24 371 1,924 25,168
25–34 436 2,451 34,407
35–44 379 2,193 31,239
45–54 398 1,915 28,557
55–64 302 1,222 17,354
65+ 446 1,338 15,369
Not stated 35 333 6,738
Total 2,767 13,723 194,177

Fatalities by Road User Class 2003–2007

Road User Class   2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Drivers # 1,427Footnoter 1,388Footnoter 1,507Footnoter 1,516Footnoter 1,444
  % 51.6 51.0 51.9Footnoter 52.4Footnoter 52.2
Passengers # 658Footnoter 648Footnoter 677Footnoter 614Footnoter 609
  % 23.8Footnoter 23.8Footnoter 23.3Footnoter 21.2Footnoter 22.0
Pedestrians # 379 363 344 382Footnoter 377
  % 13.7 13.3 11.8 13.2Footnoter 13.6
Bicyclists # 45 56 52 73 65
  % 1.6 2.1 1.8 2.5Footnoter 2.3
MotorcyclistsFootnote* # 177 198 229 212Footnoter 220
  % 6.4 7.3 7.9 7.3Footnoter 8.0
Not Stated/Other # 82Footnoter 69Footnoter 96Footnoter 98Footnoter 52
  % 2.9Footnoter 2.5Footnoter 3.3Footnoter 3.4Footnoter 1.9
Total # 2,768 2,722 2,905 2,895 2,767
  % 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Fatalities 1988-2007


Casualty Rates 2007

  Per 100,000 PopulationFootnote1 Per Billion Vehicle-KilometresFootnote2 Per 100,000 Licensed Drivers
  Fatalities Injuries Fatalities Injuries Fatalities Injuries
Canada 8.4 589.7 8.3 584.4 12.2 859.0
N.L. 8.1 447.0 9.4 519.0 12.0 661.3
P.E.I. 5.8 587.2 5.6 565.6 8.3 837.5
N.S. 10.6 655.2 9.3 577.9 14.9 924.6
N.B. 11.9 500.2 11.0 459.5 16.6 693.9
Que. 8.1 624.2 8.8 678.6 12.6 977.3
Ont. 6.0 523.7 6.2 534.8 8.6 749.0
Man. 9.1 715.6 7.9 617.1 14.2 1,113.0
Sask. 14.3 684.7 10.6 509.0 20.8 993.7
Alta. 13.0 698.7 9.6 513.2 17.6 942.9
B.C. 9.7 602.5 11.6 725.5 13.9 864.2
Y.T. 15.3 638.4 10.3 427.0 20.7 862.0
N.W.T. 11.5 358.3 13.9 435.0 20.5 638.2
Nun. 0.0 48.0 0.0 461.5 0.0 n.a.

Note: Data for Ontario are preliminary for 2007.
n.a. : Data are not available.


Percentage of Fatally Injured Drivers Tested and Found to Have Been Drinking 1990–2007 ( BAC >0 mg %)Footnote*


Note: 2007 data are preliminary.

Source: Traffic Injury Research Foundation.


Percentage of Driver and Passenger Fatalities and Serious Injuries Where Victims Were Not Using Seat Belts 2003–2007

  2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Fatalities 38.8 40.2 34.9 36.9 35.4
Serious Injuries 15.5 16.3 14.3 16.2 16.3
Fatalities 39.4 39.6 35.4 38.7 38.8
Serious Injuries 20.9 23.4 19.9 24.6 24.9

Note: "Serious injuries" include victims admitted to hospital for treatment or observation.


Number of Collisions by Location 2007

Location Fatal Personal Injury
UrbanFootnote1 900 97,115
RuralFootnote2 1,579 39,396
Not Stated 40 1,959
Total 2,469 138,470


Note: In Alberta and Saskatchewan, "urban" includes any area within the corporate boundaries of a city, town, village or hamlet. "rural" includes any area outside of what is defined as urban.


Percentage of Fatalities and Serious Injuries by Road User Class 2007

Road User Class Fatalities Serious Injuries
Drivers 52.2 47.9
Passengers 22.0 24.5
Pedestrians 13.6 12.2
Bicyclists 2.3 3.1
Motorcyclists 8.0 10.1
Not Stated/Other 1.9 2.2
Total 100.0 100.0

Percentage of Driver and Passenger Fatalities and Serious Injuries by Age Group 2007

Age Group (years) Fatalities Serious Injuries
Drivers Passengers Drivers Passengers
0-4 0.0 2.1 0.0 2.1
5-14 0.1 8.0 0.3 7.4
15-19 9.5 16.9 9.8 18.8
20-24 14.6 13.7 13.8 16.2
25-34 18.1 15.6 20.2 15.6
35-44 15.9 9.3 18.9 11.6
45-54 15.9 10.8 16.9 9.0
55-64 12.1 7.4 10.7 6.3
65+ 13.6 15.3 9.0 8.8
Not Stated 0.2 0.9 0.4 4.2
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Number of Licensed Drivers by Gender and by Age 2007

Age Group (years) Male Female Total
<16 28,501 18,876 47,377
16-19 569,371 500,497 1,069,868
20-24 931,621 857,178 1,788,799
25-34 1,986,612 1,908,580 3,895,192
35-44 2,312,848 2,191,394 4,504,242
45-54 2,461,033 2,314,964 4,775,997
55-64 1,817,608 1,650,183 3,467,791
65+ 1,677,065 1,379,807 3,056,872
Total 11,784,659 10,821,479 22,606,138

Licensed Drivers and Motor Vehicle Registrations by Type of Vehicle (in thousands) 1988–2007

  Licensed DriversFootnote1 Light-Duty VehiclesFootnote2 Commercial VehiclesFootnote3 MotorcyclesFootnote4
1988 17,155 12,086 3,850 400
1989 17,592 12,380 3,962 378
1990 17,718 12,622 4,000 359
1991 18,090 12,578 3,516 350
1992 18,465 12,781 3,461 339
1993 18,843 12,925 3,455 337
1994 19,243 13,131 3,510 330
1995 19,327 13,192 3,535 320
1996 19,964 13,251 3,620 312
1997 20,148 13,515 3,684 319
1998 20,744Footnotee 13,887 3,767 334
1999 20,934 16,538 722 274
2000 20,593 16,832 739 311
2001 20,879 17,055 729 318
2002 21,163 17,543 724 350
2003 21,436 17,755 740 373
2004 21,673 17,920 752 409
2005 21,937 18,124 786 443
2006 22,278 18,739 841 485
2007 22,606 19,199 872 522

Source: 1988 to 1998: Statistics Canada Road Motor Vehicles: Registrations Catalogue No. 53-219. From 1999, motor vehicle registration data are from Statistics Canada, CANSIM, Table 405-0004. From 1999, the licensed driver data were provided by each jurisdiction.

The decline in police reporting in British Columbia in years 1996 through 2004 has affected the British Columbia totals and, to a lesser extent, national totals reported in this publication.

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Road Safety and Motor Vehicle
Regulation Directorate
Transport Canada
Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N5

To find out more about national road safety programs or initiatives, call Transport Canada toll free at 1-800-333-0371 or e-mail us at You can also visit our site Motor Vehicle Safety or the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators.