Sample data table - Cloned 2

The following charts and documents display the Summary of Personnel Licences Statistics by year for the period 2007-2018.

It should be noted that due to COVID and other technical issues, Transport Canada is unable to provide personnel licensing statistics after 2018 until further notice.

Aeroplane Pilot Licences Statistics

Private Pilot Licences Aeroplane In Force (PPL-A)

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Year Private Pilot Licences Aeroplane - In Force
2007 27,581
2008 27,138
2009 26,941
2010 26,873
2011 25,868
2012 24,982
2013 24,610
2014 24,132
2015 24,022
2016 23,810
2017 23,425
2018 22,132

Private Pilot Licences Aeroplane In Force (PPL-A) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 25,913 1,668
2008 25,525 1,613
2009 25,350 1,591
2010 25,175 1,698
2011 24,133 1,735
2012 23,304 1,678
2013 22,993 1,617
2014 22,530 1,602
2015 22,498 1,524
2016 22,316 1,494
2017 21,892 1,533
2018 20,573 1,559

Commercial Pilot Licences Aeroplane In Force (CPL-A)

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Year Commercial Pilot Licences Aeroplane - In Force
2007 7,480
2008 8,364
2009 7,668
2010 7,975
2011 7,972
2012 7,838
2013 7,637
2014 7,349
2015 7,774
2016 7,582
2017 7,641
2018 7,470

Commercial Pilot Licences Aeroplane In Force (CPL-A) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 6,916 564
2008 7,786 578
2009 7,094 574
2010 7,389 586
2011 7,437 535
2012 7,284 554
2013 7,093 544
2014 6,817 532
2015 7,181 593
2016 7,020 562
2017 7,053 588
2018 6,886 584

Airline Transport Pilot Licences Aeroplane In Force (ATPL-A)

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Year Airline Transport Pilot Licences Aeroplane - In Force
2007 11,310
2008 12,004
2009 11,840
2010 11,869
2011 12,192
2012 12,568
2013 12,768
2014 10,840
2015 13,546
2016 13,735
2017 13,970
2018 13,595

Airline Transport Pilot Licences Aeroplane In Force (ATPL-A) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 10,813 497
2008 11,456 548
2009 11,291 549
2010 11,296 573
2011 11,582 610
2012 11,925 643
2013 12,108 660
2014 10,253 587
2015 12,808 738
2016 12,969 766
2017 13,189 781
2018 12,834 761

Recreational Pilot Permit In Force (RPP-A)

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Year Recreational Pilot Permit - In Force
2007 1,267
2008 1,281
2009 1,265
2010 1,283
2011 1,295
2012 1,305
2013 1,315
2014 1,321
2015 1,331
2016 1,329
2017 1,301
2018 1,292

Recreational Pilot Permit In Force (RPP-A) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 1,206 61
2008 1,223 58
2009 1,205 60
2010 1,217 66
2011 1,220 75
2012 1,235 70
2013 1,245 70
2014 1,244 77
2015 1,256 75
2016 1,260 69
2017 1,238 63
2018 1,227 65

Comparison of Private Pilot Licences Aeroplane, Commercial Pilot Licences Aeroplane, Airline Transport Pilot Licences Aeroplane and Recreational Pilot Permits Aeroplane In Force

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Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Recreational Pilot Permit Aeroplane - In Force 1,267 1,281 1,265 1,283 1,295 1,305 1,315 1,321 1,331 1,329 1,301 1,292
Private Pilot Licence Aeroplane - In Force 27,581 27,138 26,941 26,873 25,868 24,982 24,610 24,132 24,022 23,810 23,425 22,132
Commercial Pilot Licences Aeroplane - In Force 7,480 8,364 7,668 7,975 7,972 7,838 7,637 7,349 7,774 7,582 7,641 7,470
Airline Transport Pilot Licences Aeroplane - In Force 11,310 12,004 11,840 11,869 12,192 12,568 12,768 10,840 13,546 13,735 13,970 13,595































































Helicopter Pilot Licences Statistics































































































































Private Pilot Licences Helicopter In Force (PPL-H)

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Year Private Pilot Licence Helicopter - In Force
2007 534
2008 596
2009 594
2010 598
2011 627
2012 623
2013 634
2014 643
2015 690
2016 701
2017 734
2018 709

Private Pilot Licences Helicopter In Force (PPL-H) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 515 19
2008 574 22
2009 570 24
2010 573 25
2011 599 28
2012 597 26
2013 607 27
2014 616 27
2015 663 27
2016 673 28
2017 704 30
2018 683 26

Commercial Pilot Licences Helicopter In Force (CPL-H)

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Year Commercial Pilot Licences Helicopter - In Force
2007 2,853
2008 3,234
2009 3,068
2010 2,999
2011 3,103
2012 3,108
2013 3,071
2014 2,933
2015 3,012
2016 2,959
2017 2,873
2018 2,745

Commercial Pilot Licences Helicopter In Force (CPL-H) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 2,743 110
2008 3,108 126
2009 2,943 125
2010 2,878 121
2011 2,981 122
2012 2,976 132
2013 2,946 125
2014 2,804 129
2015 2,890 122
2016 2,826 133
2017 2,748 125
2018 2,625 120

Airline Transport Pilot Licences Helicopter In Force (ATPL-H)

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Year Airline Transport Pilot Licences Helicopter - In Force
2007 873
2008 996
2009 976
2010 933
2011 959
2012 1,016
2013 1,029
2014 980
2015 1,081
2016 1,051
2017 998
2018 911

Airline Transport Pilot Licences Helicopter In Force (ATPL-H) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 853 20
2008 972 24
2009 954 22
2010 911 22
2011 934 25
2012 987 29
2013 1,002 27
2014 951 29
2015 1,050 31
2016 1,020 31
2017 967 31
2018 882 29

Comparison of Private Pilot Licences Helicopter, Commercial Pilot Licences Helicopter, Airline Transport Pilot Licences Helicopter

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Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Private Pilot Licences Helicopter - In Force 534 596 594 598 627 623 634 643 690 701 734 709
Commercial Pilot Licences Helicopter - In Force 2,853 3,234 3,068 2,999 3,103 3,108 3,071 2,933 3,012 2,959 2,873 2,745
Airline Transport Pilot Licences Helicopter - In Force 873 996 976 933 959 1,016 1,029 980 1,081 1,051 998 911































































Other Pilot Licences and Permits Statistics































































































































Gyroplane Pilots Permits In Force (GPP)

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Year Gyroplane Pilots Permits - In Force
2007 29
2008 29
2009 29
2010 33
2011 39
2012 45
2013 55
2014 54
2015 59
2016 62
2017 72
2018 67

Gyroplane Pilot Permits In Force (GPP) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 28 1
2008 29 0
2009 29 0
2010 31 2
2011 36 3
2012 41 4
2013 50 5
2014 51 3
2015 55 4
2016 60 2
2017 68 4
2018 64 3

Ultra-Light Private Pilot Permits In Force (ULP)

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Year Ultra-Light Private Pilots Permits - In Force
2007 2,758
2008 2,766
2009 2,735
2010 2,760
2011 2,906
2012 2,923
2013 2,852
2014 2,779
2015 2,750
2016 2,643
2017 2,541
2018 2,488

Ultra-Light Pilot Permits In Force (ULP) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 2,678 80
2008 2,679 87
2009 2,650 85
2010 2,673 87
2011 2,815 91
2012 2,825 98
2013 2,763 89
2014 2,692 87
2015 2,663 87
2016 2,565 78
2017 2,461 80
2018 2,408 80

Glider Pilot Licences In Force (GPL)

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Year Glider Pilots Licences - In Force
2007 5,824
2008 5,912
2009 5,876
2010 5,902
2011 5,999
2012 5,971
2013 5,992
2014 5,962
2015 5,922
2016 5,873
2017 5,880
2018 5,903

Glider Pilot Licences In Force (GPL) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 5,137 687
2008 5,235 677
2009 5,212 664
2010 5,213 689
2011 5,270 729
2012 5,249 722
2013 5,257 735
2014 5,251 711
2015 5,230 692
2016 5,202 671
2017 5,185 695
2018 5,187 716

Balloon Pilots Licences In Force (BPL)

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Year Balloon Pilots Licences - In Force
2007 228
2008 222
2009 223
2010 222
2011 220
2012 221
2013 206
2014 188
2015 192
2016 180
2017 189
2018 172

Balloon Pilots Licences In Force (BPL) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 211 17
2008 205 17
2009 206 17
2010 206 16
2011 198 22
2012 196 25
2013 182 24
2014 169 19
2015 175 17
2016 166 14
2017 169 20
2018 151 21

Comparison of Gyroplane Pilot Permits, Ultra Light Private Pilot Permits, Glider Pilot Licences and Balloon Pilots Licences

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Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Gyroplane Pilots Permits - In Force 29 29 29 33 39 45 55 54 59 62 72 67
Ultra-Light Private Pilots Permits - In Force 2,758 2,766 2,735 2,760 2,906 2,923 2,852 2,779 2,750 2,643 2,541 2,488
Glider Pilots Licences - In Force 5,824 5,912 5,876 5,902 5,999 5,971 5,992 5,962 5,922 5,873 5,880 5,903
Balloon Pilots Licences - In Force 228 222 223 222 220 221 206 188 192 180 189 172































































Air Traffic Controller Statistics































































































































Air Traffic Controllers In Force (ATC)

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Year Air Traffic Controllers - In Force
2007 2,034
2008 1,981
2009 1,976
2010 1,972
2011 1,917
2012 1,897
2013 1,834
2014 1,817
2015 1,776
2016 1,742
2017 1,740
2018 1,665

Air Traffic Controllers In Force (ATC) – Male Female Comparison

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Year Male Female
2007 1,809 225
2008 1,733 248
2009 1,724 252
2010 1,694 278
2011 1,641 276
2012 1,619 278
2013 1,563 271
2014 1,541 276
2015 1,504 272
2016 1,472 270
2017 1,473 267
2018 1,412 253
































































Pilot Permit and Licence Statistics by Age, Province and Region
































































The following documents provide statistics for the period 2007 to 2018 for pilot permits and licences specific to aeroplane, helicopter as well as other licences (balloon, glider, flight engineer and air traffic controller).
































































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Aeroplane and Helicopter Pilot Licences Statistics by Type and Citizenship – Canadian and Non-Canadian
































































The following document provides statistics for the period 2007-2018 for aeroplane and helicopter licences issued by type and citizenship.
































































Request a copy of Aeroplane and Helicopter Pilot Licence Statistics by Type and Citizenship
































































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