Supplementary Tables - Horizontal Initiatives


Name of Horizontal Initiative: Marine Security

Name of lead department(s): Transport Canada

Lead department program activity: Marine Security

Start date of the Horizontal Initiative: Budget 2001

End date of the Horizontal Initiative: Ongoing

Total federal funding allocation (start to end date): Not Applicable

Description of the Horizontal Initiative (including funding agreement):

Marine Security is a horizontal initiative aimed at improving the security of Canada’s marine domain, including territorial waters, and inland waterways, and at Canadian ports. Elements of this initiative include:

  • Increased domain awareness, surveillance and tracking of marine traffic;
  • Improved coordination and cooperation on marine security, including the development of Marine Security Operations Centres;
  • Security clearance program for marine sector employees;
  • Implementing new detection equipment in Canadian ports to monitor containers;
  • Additional resources for emergency and law enforcement response capacity in the marine domain; and
  • International initiatives, which will ensure that Canada will meet current international standards and obligations, including those being developed by the International Maritime Organization.

Shared outcome(s):

The following are planned shared outcomes and activities in marine security.

Key areas include:

  • Domain awareness – Canada’s surveillance and awareness efforts within marine areas;
  • Responsiveness – enforcement efforts in cooperation with all relevant police forces and security agencies;
  • Safeguarding – efforts to enhance the physical security of marine infrastructure or other critical infrastructure in or around marine areas;
  • Collaboration – efforts in support of all other activities to ensure that the various federal departments and agencies with responsibility for marine security, as well as their partners, communicate and cooperate fully to secure Canada’s marine domain; and
  • Resilience – efforts to ensure that Canada’s maritime transportation system prepares for and can recover in a timely manner from major disruptions due to a significant supply chain disruption. Resilience includes the steady and expedient recovery from the effects of threats to maritime activities.

Immediate Outcomes:

  • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
  • Increased on-water presence;
  • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities;
  • Increased capability to respond to marine threats;
  • Increased stakeholder awareness and understanding;
  • Increased stakeholder ability to meet marine security requirements; and
  • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security.

Intermediate Outcomes:

  • Effective domain awareness;
  • Rapid and effective response to marine threats and incidents;
  • Security-conscious culture among stakeholders;
  • Stakeholder compliance with security regulations; and,
  • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Ultimate Outcomes:

  • An effective and efficient marine security system; and
  • High public confidence in Canada’s marine security system.

Strategic Outcome:

  • A marine system that contributes to the security, safety and prosperity of Canadians and of our allies.

Governance structure(s):

The Government of Canada created the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group, chaired by Transport Canada, to identify and coordinate federal actions in support of Canada’s objectives with regard to public security and anti-terrorism in the marine domain, as well as its international marine security obligations. Under the guidance of the Working Group, key departments are responsible for the following:

Transport Canada

The Department leads the Government’s initiatives in marine security, including coordinating policy; chairing the Interdepartmental Marine Security Working Group; developing regulations in support of marine security initiatives; managing the Marine Security Oversight and Enforcement Program; managing Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program; and participating in the Marine Security Operations Centres.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard

The Department contributes to the enhancement of the level of maritime domain awareness within Canada through increased vessel identification and tracking activities, the installation of shore-based Automatic Identification System infrastructure and the development of a long-range vessel tracking capability, namely the Long Range Identification and Tracking system. The Department is also a key participant in the Marine Security Operations Centres where its maritime information and analysis is critical to identifying threats. Through the acquisition of new Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels, the Department is increasing its on-water capability for providing platform support to security and law enforcement organizations.

Public Safety Canada

Public Safety Canada is Canada’s lead department for public safety. The Department coordinates efforts with portfolio agencies, federal partners, other levels of government (including international partners) and stakeholders in building national policies and programs dealing with national security, emergency management, law enforcement, corrections, crime prevention and border integrity. This includes, for example, the development and implementation of marine-based counter-terrorism exercises.

Canada Border Services Agency

The Agency’s mandate is to manage the nation’s borders at ports of entry by administering and enforcing the domestic laws that govern trade and travel, as well as international agreements and conventions. The work of the Agency includes identifying and interdicting high-risk individuals and goods, working with law enforcement agencies to maintain border integrity and engaging in enforcement activities, which include seizure of goods, arrests, detentions, investigations, hearings and removals.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is responsible for enforcing federal statutes, leading national security and organized crime investigations across Canada both on land and water and for maintaining border integrity between ports of entry.

National Defence

The Department contributes to enhance domain awareness of the strategic high-traffic coastal area. National Defence leads the Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres and participates in a Centre located in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway.

Federal Partner: Transport Canada

Federal Partner Program Activity ($000s)
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for
Marine Security Regulatory Framework 5,000 1,376
Marine Security Oversight 54,070 6,731
Marine Security Operations Centres 24,702 5,316
  83,772 12,879

Expected results by program for 2013-14:

  • Oversight and Enforcement:
    • Effective security measures at ports and marine facilities;
    • Continued stakeholder awareness and understanding;
    • Stakeholder compliance with security regulations; and
    • Security-conscious culture among stakeholders.
    • Further development of policies, standards and procedures, including the coming into force of an Administrative Monetary Penalty system in 2013/14.
  • Marine Transportation Security Regulatory Framework:
    • Amend the Marine Transportation Security Regulations to clarify application and meet new international, Regulatory Cooperation Council and Red Tape Reduction requirements.
  • Marine Security Policy and Interdepartmental Coordination:
    • Advancement of Marine Security Strategic Framework and its various subcomponents;
    • Increased security-conscious culture among stakeholders;
    • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security; and
    • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations and other levels of government.
  • Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program:
    • Continued stakeholder awareness and understanding;
    • Continued security measures at ports and marine facilities; and
    • Stakeholder compliance with security regulations.
  • Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre:
    • Increased surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
    • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
    • Effective domain awareness; and
    • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.
  • Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres:
    • Continued surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
    • Continued cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
    • Effective domain awareness; and
    • Continued collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.

Federal Partner: Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Canadian Coast Guard

Federal Partner Program Activity Names of Programs for Federal Partners ($000s)
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for
Safe and Secure Waterways Increased On-Water Patrols 10,000
(Per Year Ongoing)
Automatic Identification System and Long Range Identification and Tracking 32,500 1,826.0

Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre

(Per Year Ongoing)
Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres 3,318
(Per Year Ongoing)
Marine Security Enforcement Teams 12,875
(Per Year Ongoing)
Construction of Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels 198,178 71,827
Increased Surveillance Flights 7,000
(Per Year Ongoing)
Total 266,871 109,228

Expected results by program for 2013-14:

  • Increased On-Water Patrols:
    • Increased on-water presence;
    • Improved domain awareness; and
    • Visible demonstration of Canada's sovereignty over its waters.
  • Automatic Identification System and Long Range Identification and Tracking:
    • Increased awareness of, and ability to identify vessels transiting Canadian waters; and
    • Improved domain awareness.
  • Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre and Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres:
    • Increased surveillance and awareness of maritime environment;
    • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with maritime security;
    • Improved domain awareness; and
    • Increased collaboration: internationally, industry partners, multilateral organizations, provinces and municipalities.
  • Marine Security Enforcement Teams:
    • Increased on-water presence;
    • Increased awareness of maritime environment;
    • Increased capability to respond to maritime threats;
    • Improved domain awareness;
    • Rapid and effective response to maritime threats and incidents;
    • Provides dedicated vessels and crew to support activities of Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers onboard; and

      Note: Royal Canadian Mounted Police will report on the enforcement results of the Marine Security Enforcement Teams program.
  • Construction of Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels:
    • Canadian Coast Guard will acquire and put into service 9 new Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels.
  • Increased Surveillance Flights (Department of Fisheries and Oceans/Conservation and Protection branch):
    • Increased surveillance and awareness of maritime environment; and
    • Improved domain awareness.

Federal Partner: Public Safety Canada

Federal Partner Program Activity Names of Programs for Federal Partners ($000s)
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for
National Exercise Division Marine-Based Counter-Terrorism Exercises 1,000 175
Border Strategies Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre 1,600 273
National Security
Total 2,600 448

Expected Results for 2013-2014:

  • Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre Exercise Planning /Conduct
    • Exercise:
      • Improve domain awareness in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway region;
      • Lead to increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security;
      • Increase stakeholder awareness and understanding;
      • Increase stakeholder ability to meet marine security requirements;
      • Enhance security measures at ports and marine facilities: and
      • Increased capability to respond to marine threats.

During this time period exercise activity will be focused on planning for marine security exercise(s) related to the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre. This presumes a sufficiently mature operations centre and related operations documentation. Both East and West Coasts have seen exercise activity since the commencement of the initiative. The Marine Security Exercise Program uses a building block approach to prepare the region for a functional (or full-scale exercise) in future years which could also involve key marine partners. Such an exercise approach would include orientation(s), workshop(s) and tabletop exercise(s) at appropriate times in order to assist in the ongoing development of operations concepts specific to the operational realities of the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway marine environment.

  • Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre:
    • Improved domain awareness in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway region.

While not an operational member of the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre, Public Safety provides overall policy coordination of the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre, which includes providing advice to senior management and the Minister of Public Safety. Public Safety resources support, coordinate and oversee the overall implementation and direction of the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre; oversee the development and administration of evaluations of the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre; and ensures that linkages and synergies between the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre and other Portfolio-led maritime security and border initiatives are maximized.

Federal Partner: Department of National Defence

Federal Partner Program Activity Names of Programs for Federal Partners ($000s)
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for
Maritime Readiness – Sustain Maritime Forces – Maritime Command and Control Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres 238,458 39,285
Interdepartmental Maritime Integrated Command Control and Communication 31,594 3,498
Maritime Readiness - Domestic Maritime Readiness On-Water Presence/ Coordination 5,000 5,000
Total 275,052 47,783

Expected Results for 2013-2014:

  • Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres:
    • Surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
    • Cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security; and
    • Effective domain awareness.
  • Interdepartmental Maritime Integrated Command Control and Communication:
    • Improved surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
    • Increased cooperation between government departments and agencies involved with marine security; and
    • More effective domain awareness.
  • On-Water Presence/ Coordination:
    • Surveillance and awareness of marine security environment;
    • On-water presence; and
    • Effective domain awareness.

Federal Partner: Canada Border Services Agency

Federal Partner Program Activity Names of Programs for Federal Partners ($000s)
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for
Risk Assessment Cruise Ship Inspections   102
Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative   276
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   2,095
Secure and Trusted Partnerships Cruise Ship Inspections   446
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   26
Admissibility Determinations Cruise Ship Inspections   3,537
Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative   2,573
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   2,731
Immigration Enforcement Cruise Ship Inspections   455
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   1,267
Internal Services Cruise Ship Inspections   45
Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative   2,739
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative   651
Total Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative 47,126 5,588
Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative 59,627 6,770
Cruise Ship Inspections 39,820 4,585
Total 146,573 16,943

Note: Total allocation has not been broken down by Federal Partner/Program Activity, but can be found under Total for each Program by Federal Partner.

Expected Results for 2013-2014:

  • Risk Assessment Program Activity - Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Risk Assessment Program Activity - Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Risk Assessment Program Activity - Cruise Ship Inspections:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Enforcement Program Activity - Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Enforcement Program Activity - Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Enforcement Program Activity - Cruise Ship Inspections:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Facilitated Border Program Activity - Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Facilitated Border Program Activity - Cruise Ship Inspections:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Conventional Border Program Activity - Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Conventional Border Program Activity - Cruise Ship Inspections:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Internal Services Program Activity - Radiation Detection Equipment Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Internal Services Program Activity - Passenger and Crew Screening Initiative:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all containerized marine cargo.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.
  • Internal Services Program Activity - Cruise Ship Inspections:
    • Increased security measures at ports and marine facilities.
    • Screening 100% of all vessels entering Canadian waters.
    • Board selected vessels identified as high-risk.

Federal Partner: Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Federal Partner Program Activity Names of Programs for Federal Partners ($ millions)
Total Allocation (from Start to End Date) Planned Spending for
Police Operations National Port Enforcement Teams 52.6 5.5
Marine Security Emergency Response Team Training 6.2 0.6
Marine Security Emergency Teams 55.2 5.6
Marine Transportation Clearance Program 2.9 0.2
Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre 38.8 7.3
Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres 17.0 2.4
National Waterside Security Coordination Team 8.2 0.8
Marine Security Enforcement Teams 53.8 6.3
Public Works and Government Services Canada Accommodations 8.0 8.0
Total 242.6 242.6

Expected results by program for 2013-14:

  • National Port Enforcement Teams:
    • National Port Enforcement Teams are integrated and intelligence-led teams which conduct federal investigations in four (4) major Canadian ports (Halifax, Montreal, Hamilton and Vancouver).
    • National Port Enforcement Teams will continue to detect, prevent, interdict and investigate organized criminal activity, contraband smuggling, and people who may pose a threat to the safety and security of Canada and other countries.
    • Further, National Port Enforcement Teams will continue to detect, prevent, interdict and investigate corruption and internal conspiracies at the four (4) major Canadian ports.
    • This program includes the National Ports Project
  • Marine Security Emergency Response Team Training:
    • Marine Security Emergency Response Team Training is responsible for the development of the training for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and its law enforcement partners to provide a tactical on water response to board ships in Canadian waters and apprehend persons that pose a security risk to Canada.
    • Training initiatives will take place both at the national and regional level ensuring members are trained in a tactical police response to critical events within the domestic marine environment.
  • Marine Security Emergency Response Teams:
    • Marine Security Emergency Response Teams are integrated teams with provincial and municipal partners which will continue to provide a tactical police response to critical threats and events within the domestic marine environment of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region, and elsewhere in Canada when required.
  • Marine Transportation Clearance Program:
    • Contributing to security measures at ports and marine facilities.
  • Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway Marine Security Operations Centre:
    • The Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre consists of five core federal government departments responsible for marine safety and security in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway region.
    • Through cooperation and collaboration, the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre will produce actionable intelligence, concentrating on national security, organized crime and other criminality, and provides this intelligence to the appropriate agency or service in a timely fashion.
    • The Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre will continue to work with partners to increase the sharing of information and intelligence as legally permitted, in order to combat illegal activities in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway region.  Partners also include provincial and municipal authorities contributing to the safety and security of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway region.
    • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will enhance domain awareness and the security of our border in collaboration with our domestic and United States partners by deploying technology to address identified bi-national gaps and increasing border integrity intelligence investigators capacity through the Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre. These objectives will enhance domain awareness contributing significantly to the security of both, Canada and the United States.  Specific actions planned include the development and implementation of a technology strategy for the Great Lakes and contributing to Beyond the Border Action Plan for the prioritization of initiatives and procurement.
    • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will lead the completion of the new Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centre permanent facility to be delivered in April 2014.
  • Coastal Marine Security Operations Centres:
    • The coastal Marine Security Operations Centres consist of five core federal government departments responsible for marine safety and security on Canada's three coasts and the St. Lawrence River.
    • Through cooperation and collaboration, the coastal Marine Security Operations Centres produce actionable intelligence, concentrating on national security, organized crime and other criminality, and provide this intelligence to the appropriate agency or service in a timely fashion.
    • The coastal Marine Security Operations Centres will continue to work with domestic and international partners increasing the sharing of information and intelligence as legally permitted, in order to combat illegal activities on Canada's three coasts and the St. Lawrence River. Partners also include provincial and municipal authorities.
    • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will provide leadership through active participation in the Capability Management Organization.
    • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will enhance domain awareness and the security of our border in collaboration with our domestic and United States partners by identifying and addressing bi-national gaps. These objectives will enhance our domain awareness contributing significantly to the security of both, Canada and the United States. Specific actions planned include contributing to the Beyond the Border Action Plan for the prioritization of initiatives and procurement. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will enhance the coastal Marine Security Operations Centres capacity to identify threats early by increasing its intelligence capacity and taking an active role in the national and international marine security intelligence network in view of gathering and sharing marine security information and intelligence as legally permitted.
  • National Waterside Security Coordination Team:
    • Transport Canada partnering with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will reach out to the Association of Canadian Port Authorities and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police to establish a policy forum/framework which will coordinate the development and implementation of national policies on waterside security and waterside policing at ports through the establishment of a National Port Security Committee.
  • Marine Security Enforcement Teams:
    • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Coast Guard have combined their expertise and strengths to further enhance national security and strengthen Canada's response to potential marine threats and events in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region.
    • Marine Security Enforcement Teams are integrated and intelligence-led teams which are deployed to safeguard and address federal on water enforcement requirements and provide an armed fast-response capacity to address potential threats and events.
    • Marine Security Enforcement Teams will continue to detect, prevent and interdict organized criminal activity, contraband smuggling, and people who may pose a threat to the safety and security of Canada and Canadian interests. The Canadian Coast Guard and Royal Canadian Mounted Police will increase the capability of Marine Security Enforcement Teams to provide maritime security and border integrity with the deployment of the new “hero class” Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, including the enhancement of maritime security training, in alignment with the Government's commitment to the 2011 Canada-US Beyond the Border Declaration. Specific actions planned include the continuous support to the Canadian Coast Guard law enforcement familiarisation training, the development and implementation of Marine Security Enforcement Teams law enforcement specialised training and the deployment of four new “hero class” Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels with combined training for vessel operations.