Analysis of Trends in Spending and Human Resources

Actual expenditures

The following table gives a summary of our department’s total budgetary financial resources for the fiscal year 2016-17. For more details on financial resources, including adjustments, please visit the Transport Canada websiteFootnote .

Figure 2: Spending Trend for Transport Canada

Text version: Figure 2: Spending Trend for Transport Canada

Departmental Spending Trend Graph (in dollars)
Fiscal Year Statutory Voted Total
2014-15 263,848,933 1,341,232,378 1,605,081,311
2015-16 274,426,794 1,294,700,268 1,569,127,062
2016-17 254,383,748 936,775,036 1,191,158,784
2017-18 230,857,877 1,071,974,672 1,302,832,549
2018-19 227,864,875 776,501,066 1,004,365,941
2019-20 242,048,984 677,324,079 919,373,063
Budgetary Performance Summary for Programs and Internal Services (in dollars)
2016-17 Main Estimates 2016-17 Planned Spending 2016-17 Total Authorities Available for Use 2016-17 Actual Spending (authorities used) Difference (planned minus actual)
1,265,907,597 1,265,907,597 1,451,727,063 1,191,158,784 74,748,813

The following table presents (in dollars) the:

  • Total actual Departmental spending for all Programs for 2016-17, as well has historical spending for the prior two fiscal years; and
  • Planned spending for 2017-18 and 2018-19, by Program, in support of each Strategic Outcome.
Program Name and Number 2014-15 Actual SpendingFootnote 28 (Authorities Used) 2015-16 Actual Spending (Authorities Used) 2016-17 Main Estimates 2016-17 Planned Spending 2016-17 Total Authorities Available for Use 2016-17 Actual Spending 2017-18 Planned Spending 2018-19 Planned Spending
Strategic Outcome 1 (SO1): An Efficient Transportation System
1.1 Transportation Marketplace Frameworks 28,290,806 26,968,971 21,711,678 21,711,678 25,071,391 22,863,304 23,746,340 23,297,118
1.2 Gateways and Corridors 448,362,484 405,981,642 259,603,003 259,603,003 259,532,214 158,636,456 114,474,688 6,655,700
1.3 Transportation Infrastructure 455,366,393 412,254,667 415,437,562 415,437,562 477,401,056 407,475,290 488,050,696 357,400,599
SO1 Total: 932,019,683 845,205,279 696,752,243 696,752,243 762,004,661 588,975,050 626,271,724 387,353,417
Strategic Outcome 2 (SO2): A Clean Transportation System
2.1 Clean Air from Transportation 24,011,027 16,606,208 12,017,045 12,017,045 34,380,387 21,245,675 27,911,832 2,093,342
2.2 Clean Water from Transportation 24,421,705 26,686,601 29,181,758 29,181,758 27,036,666 24,307,579 18,410,376 15,245,705
2.3 Environmental Stewardship Of Transportation 44,745,522 42,227,322 13,132,224 13,132,224 61,411,655 35,517,316 56,475,221 41,368,281
SO2 Total: 93,178,254 85,520,131 54,331,027 54,331,027 122,828,708 81,070,570 102,797,429 58,707,328
Strategic Outcome 3 (SO3): A Safe and Secure Transportation System
3.1 Aviation Safety 188,941,065 181,487,089 179,090,581 179,090,581 176,170,682 160,176,146 185,527,899 188,785,608
3.2 Marine Safety 69,847,859 66,315,354 56,814,328 56,814,328 63,914,519 60,034,090 55,107,933 52,515,676
3.3 Rail Safety 35,333,175 110,551,604 35,124,187 35,124,187 38,003,423 32,879,827 52,895,273 53,204,372
3.4 Motor Vehicle Safety 25,940,392 23,671,193 22,077,988 22,077,988 27,872,261 24,739,225 30,597,609 20,405,326
3.5 Transportation of Dangerous Goods 22,740,646 26,620,570 15,841,719 15,841,719 31,095,107 27,864,018 38,374,885 40,745,822
3.6 Aviation Security 32,722,389 29,041,124 29,781,105 29,781,105 27,047,609 25,610,408 29,541,304 29,151,327
3.7 Marine Security 14,429,160 12,260,662 12,950,665 12,950,665 12,132,442 11,490,828 13,123,176 13,021,025
3.8 Surface and Intermodal Security 5,096,531 5,049,956 4,586,439 4,586,439 5,251,516 5,105,315 6,510,672 6,515,851
3.9 Multimodal Safety and Security 19,315,574 19,771,237 11,363,639 11,363,639 19,018,520 17,742,722 12,017,844 11,748,001
SO3 Total: 414,366,791 474,768,789 367,630,651 367,630,651 400,506,079 365,642,579 423,696,595 416,093,008
Program 4 (IS): Internal Services
IS Total: 165,516,583 163,632,863 147,193,676 147,193,676 166,387,615 155,470,585 150,066,801 142,212,188
GRAND TOTALFootnote 29: 1,605,081,311 1,569,127,062 1,265,907,597 1,265,907,597 1,451,727,063 1,191,158,784 1,302,832,549 1,004,365,941

Human Resources

The following table provides a summary of Transport Canada's total human resources (Full-time equivalents-FTEs) for the fiscal year 2016-17.

2016-17 Human Resources (Full–time Equivalents (FTEs)) – For Program
2016-17 Planned 2016-17 Actual Difference (planned minus actual)
5,072 4,815 257
Human resources planning summary for Programs and Internal Services (FTEs)
Programs and Internal Services 2014-15 Actual 2015-16 Actual 2016-17 Forecast 2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Planned 2018-19 Planned
Strategic Outcome 1 (SO1): An Efficient Transportation System
1.1 Transportation Marketplace Frameworks 157 173 158 158 163 163
1.2 Gateways And Corridors 47 33 19 14 15 3
1.3 Transportation Infrastructure 240 251 217 222 213 211
SO1 Total: 444 457 394 394 391 377
Strategic Outcome 2 (SO2): A Clean Transportation System
2.1 Clean Air from Transportation 64 64 15 62 90 17
2.2 Clean Water from Transportation 71 96 82 78 60 59
2.3 Environmental Stewardship Of Transportation 127 123 115 108 140 126
SO2 Total: 262 283 212 248 290 202
Strategic Outcome 3 (SO3): A Safe and Secure Transportation System
3.1 Aviation Safety 1,487 1,568 1,732 1,470 1,733 1,733
3.2 Marine Safety 579 608 553 554 558 553
3.3 Rail Safety 190 212 208 190 270 271
3.4 Motor Vehicle Safety 78 81 109 79 132 107
3.5 Transportation of Dangerous Goods 172 228 146 246 286 289
3.6 Aviation Security 265 269 287 249 287 287
3.7 Marine Security 112 111 116 100 116 116
3.8 Surface and Intermodal Security 37 43 40 41 57 57
3.9 Multimodal Safety and Security 162 177 118 159 125 125
SO3 Total: 3,082 3,297 3,309 3,088 3,564 3,538
Program 4 (IS): Internal Services
IS Total: 1,188 1,226 1,157 1,085 1,189 1,173
GRAND TOTAL: 4,976 5,263 5,072 4,815 5,434 5,290

Transport Canada’s (TC) FTE count peaked in 2015-16 at 5,263. At that time, we had identified a risk of exceeding our operating budget, so we took a number of measures to ensure that we remained within our delegated appropriations. Through tight controls over hiring and restraint in operating spending, we were able to contain and manage the situation. A Staffing Management Board, implemented in October 2015, oversaw all staffing with a view to ensuring, through managed attrition, by March 31, 2017, that staffing (and salary) levels were sustainable both financially and operationally.

The planned FTE information within our Departmental Results Report (5,434 FTEs in 2017-18) is mostly based on historical information and government decisions that either increase (e.g., new programs) or decrease (change in mandate or priorities) the number of FTEs within TC.

Expenditures by Vote

For information on Transport Canada’s organizational appropriations, consult the Public Accounts of Canada 2017Footnote .

Alignment of Spending with the Whole-of-Government Framework

Alignment of 2016-17 actual spending with the whole-of-government framework (in dollars)
Program Spending Area Government of Canada Activity 2016-17 Actual Spending
Transportation Marketplace Frameworks Economic affairs A fair and secure marketplace 22,863,304
Gateways and Corridors Economic affairs Strong economic growth 158,636,456
Transportation Infrastructure Economic affairs Strong economic growth 407,475,290
Clean Air from Transportation Economic affairs A clean and healthy environment 21,245,675
Clean Water from Transportation Economic affairs A clean and healthy environment 24,307,579
Environmental Stewardship Of Transportation Economic affairs A clean and healthy environment 35,517,316
Aviation Safety Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 160,176,146
Marine Safety Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 60,034,090
Rail Safety Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 32,879,827
Motor Vehicle Safety Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 24,739,225
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 27,864,018
Aviation Security Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 25,610,408
Marine Security Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 11,490,828
Surface and Intermodal Security Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 5,105,315
Multimodal Safety and Security Social affairs A safe and secure Canada 17,742,722
Total spending by spending area (dollars)
Spending area Total planned spending Total actual spending
Economic Affairs 751,083,270 670,045,620
Social Affairs 367,630,651 365,642,579
International Affairs 0 0
Government Affairs 0 0

Departmental Spending Trend

Figure 2, as noted in the "Actual expenditures" section above, shows Transport Canada’s spending profile from 2014-15 to 2019-20. The profile shows expenditures of:

  • $1,605 million in 2014-15;
  • $1,569 million in 2015-16; and
  • $1,192 million in 2016-17.

We can attribute most of the decrease since 2014-15 to a reduction in expenditures for one of our department’s major initiatives, the Gateways and Border Crossings Fund as well as spending on one-time initiatives such as the purchase of a ferry vessel (2014-15) and the costs related to an out-of-court settlement (2015-16).

Our department’s planned spending:

  • Increases to $1,303 million in 2017-18; and then
  • Decreases to:
    • $1,004 million in 2018-19; and
    • $865 million in 2019-20.

The increase from 2016-17 to 2017-18 is mostly the result of increased spending plans on initiatives such as the Federal Infrastructure Initiative and the Ports Asset Transfer Program.

Overall, spending plans decline after 2017-18 mostly due to reductions in planned spending for the following initiatives as they reach their maturity dates, including the:

Note:  Planned spending in future years is listed as per the 2017-18 Departmental PlanFootnote and does not include funding received from Budget 2017. Since the publication of the Departmental Plan we have received incremental funding of $195 million in 2018-19 and $289 million in 2019-20 for such initiatives as the Oceans Protection Plan and the Trade and Transportation Corridors Initiative.