Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund

Name of transfer payment program Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund
Start date October 20, 2006
End date March 31, 2018
Fiscal year for terms and conditions 2012–13
Strategic Outcome An efficient transportation system
Link to department's Program Alignment Architecture

Program 1.2: Gateways and Corridors

Sub-program 1.2.1: Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative

Description The primary objective of the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund is to address capacity challenges facing Canada’s Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor transportation system. The Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Transportation Infrastructure Fund provides funding for strategic infrastructure projects in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba that enhance the competitiveness, efficiency and capacity of Canada’s multimodal transportation network focused on international commerce with the Asia-Pacific region.
Results achieved Major projects were completed in 2014–15 including the Deltaport Causeway Overpass Project, the North Shore Trade Area Low Level Road Project, the South Shore Trade Area Powell Street Grade Separation and South Shore Corridor Projects and the completion of all nine road-rail infrastructure projects under the Roberts Bank Rail Corridor Program. These projects are enhancing truck, rail, and port operations while reducing impacts to local communities.
Comments on variances The variance between planned spending and actual spending for 2014–15 under the Asia-Pacific Gateway and Corridor Initiative resulted from some project cancellations and delays in several other projects. The major contributing factors for the delays included complex project approvals and challenging multi-stakeholder collaboration.
Audits completed or planned No audit was completed during the reporting period.
Evaluations completed or planned No evaluation was completed during the reporting period.
Engagement of applicants and recipients Activities to engage applicants and recipients include dialogue and ongoing relationships, consistent with the related contribution agreements, as well as requirements for regular progress reports, site visits to project sites, Management Committee meetings, regular meetings (in person and by telephone), communications activities and initiatives to market programs, environmental assessments, aboriginal consultation, and project evaluation and reporting.
Performance Information (dollars)
Type of Transfer Payment 2012–13 Actual spending 2013–14 Actual spending 2014–15 Planned spending 2014–15 Total authorities available for use 2014–15 Actual spending (authorities used) Variance (2014–15 planned minus 2014–15 actual)
Total grants 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total contributions 154,409,327 185,097,539 135,662,628 135,662,628 95,145,022 40,517,606
Total other types of transfer payments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total program 154,409,327 185,097,539 135,662,628 135,662,628 95,145,022 40,517,606