Implementation procedures - Singapore

Implementation procedures for the technical arrangement on aviation maintenance between the Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

1. Purpose

This Airworthiness Notice (AN) is issued to provide information and guidance relating to the Technical Arrangement on Aviation Maintenance between Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) and the Civil Aviation Authority Singapore (CAAS). This document provides:

1.1 Procedures for the acceptance of maintenance organizations under the terms of the Technical Arrangement;
1.2 Guidelines for Air Operators and Approved Maintenance Organizations contracting for or providing maintenance in accordance with the Technical Arrangement; and
1.3 Guidelines to maintenance organizations presently approved or accepted by either authority, on the transition to the new working arrangements.

2. Introduction

On February 7, 2003, Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, signed a Technical Arrangement – Maintenance (TA-M). The TA-M has since been re-signed as a result of changes in terminology therefore these implementation procedures have been updated to reflect the revised terminology. The TA-M continues to allow for the reciprocal acceptance of maintenance organizations qualifying under the terms of the Technical Arrangement and all other applicable articles remain in force.

3. Canadian Regulatory Requirements

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part VII subpart 6 (CAR 706) and Standards 726 require that Canadian registered aircraft and components operated in commercial air service be maintained by an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) approved under CAR 573.

CAR 706 and CAR 573 include provisions for the acceptance of maintenance performed on Canadian registered aircraft and components by foreign maintenance organizations where an agreement or arrangement, such as the Canada-Singapore TA-M, is in force.

By signing the TA-M, TCCA acknowledges that maintenance organizations, approved in accordance with (SAR 145) and qualifying under the terms of this TA-M are considered equivalent to a Canadian maintenance organization approved under CAR 573.

4. Singapore Regulatory Requirements

The Singapore Airworthiness Requirements Part 145 (SAR-145) requires Singapore aircraft and aircraft components to be maintained by a maintenance organization appropriately approved in accordance with the SAR-145. The SAR-145 also contains a provision to allow the acceptance of a maintenance organization located outside Singapore.

By signing the TA-M, CAAS acknowledges that maintenance organizations, approved in accordance with CAR 573 and qualifying under the terms of this TA-M are considered equivalent to a Singapore maintenance organization approved under the SAR-145.

5. Transition For Organizations Currently Holding TCCA or CAAS Approval

Current foreign approvals authorizing Canadian organizations to perform maintenance on Singaporean aeronautical products and authorizing Singaporean organizations to perform maintenance on Canadian aeronautical products will expire upon the organizations’ compliance with the procedures outlined in this Airworthiness Notice.

SAR 145 organizations located in Singapore and currently holding a Transport Canada foreign approved maintenance organization (FAMO) approval should notify the CAAS of their intention to seek recognition under the terms of the TA-M.

CAR 573 organizations located in Canada and currently holding a SAR-145 maintenance organization approval should notify TCCA of their intention to seek recognition under the terms of the TA-M.

6. TCCA Acceptance of Singapore SAR 145 Organizations

SAR-145 maintenance organizations located in Singapore intending to perform work on Canadian aeronautical products should follow the procedures detailed below.

6.1 All applications for recognition under the Technical Arrangement – Maintenance (TA-M) should be sent to:

The Director
Airworthiness/Flight Operations Division
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Singapore Changi Airport
P O Box 1, Singapore 918141

6.2 Applicants should include in their application:  

  1. a copy of the Maintenance Organization Exposition supplement as stipulated in Annex 1 of the TA-M. The Exposition should clearly demonstrate how the organization intends to meet any special provisions of the TA-M. Appendix 1 of this Airworthiness Notice provides some guidance on how to compile such a supplement;

  2. Applicants should also submit document(s), a letter of intent for example, demonstrating that they have potential work on a Canadian aeronautical product.

6.3 The CAAS will acknowledge receipt of the application and commence a review of the documentation required in accordance with the TA-M.
6.4 The CAAS review will confirm that the organization has been inspected in accordance with the inspection cycle of the CAAS and has been subject to an audit covering all aspects of the organization’s activities within the past 36 months. Where these criteria have not been met, the CAAS will conduct an audit of the company prior to recommendation for acceptance.
6.5 Once the above criteria are met and have been found acceptable, the CAAS will recommend the organization to TCCA for recognition under the TA-M and the scope of work that may be performed.
6.6 TCCA will notify the applicant and CAAS, by means of a letter of recognition, of their acceptance under the TA-M.

7. CAAS Acceptance of CAR 573 Approved Maintenance Organizations

CAR 573 maintenance organizations located in Canada and intending to perform work on Singapore aeronautical products should follow the procedures detailed below.

7.1 All applications for recognition under the TA-M should be sent to:

The Director
Standards Branch (AART)
330 Sparks Street, Floor 2
Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada K1A 0N8
7.2 Applicants should include in their application:
  1. a copy of their CAR 573 Approved Maintenance Organization Certificate and its ratings and limitations;
  2. a copy of the Maintenance Policy Manual supplement as stipulated in Annex 1 of the TA-M. The Maintenance Policy Manual should clearly demonstrate how the organization intends to meet any special provisions of the TA-M. Appendix 1 of this Airworthiness Notice provides some guidance on how to compile such a supplement.
7.3 The TCCA will acknowledge receipt of the application and commence a review of the documentation required in accordance with the TA-M.
7.4 The TCCA review will confirm that the organization has been inspected in accordance with the inspection cycle of the TCCA and has been subject to a Program Validation Inspection or Assessment, as appropriate, within the past 12 months.. Where these criteria have not been met, the TCCA will conduct a Program Validation Inspection, or an Assessment of the company and implement procedures to ensure that the organization is inspected on an annual basis.
7.5 Once the above criteria are met and have been found acceptable, the TCCA will recommend the organization to the CAAS for recognition under the TA-M and the scope of work that may be performed.
7.6 CAAS will notify the applicant and TCCA, by means of a letter of recognition, of their acceptance under the TA-M.

8. Procedures for Amendment to CAAS/TCCA Acceptance

A Canadian organization accepted under the TA-M shall inform the TCCA when a change, which may affect the CAAS acceptance, is made to the organization or when a revised supplement to the Maintenance Policy Manual is required. The TCCA will make a determination on behalf of the CAAS of the organization’s suitability for continued acceptance under the TA-M and will inform the CAAS accordingly.

A Singapore organization accepted under the TA-M shall inform the CAAS when a change, which may affect the TCCA acceptance, is made to the organization or when a revised supplement to the Maintenance Organization Exposition is required. The CAAS will make a determination on behalf of the TCCA of the organization’s suitability for continued acceptance under the TA-M and will inform the TCCA accordingly.

9. Renewal of CAAS/TCCA Approval

In accordance with the TA-M, there is no renewal requirement for organizations accepted to perform work under the terms of the TA-M, provided that the maintenance organization continues to meet the terms of the TA-M and the applicable regulatory requirements established by the authority having direct oversight responsibility for the organization.

Acceptance by the CAAS or TCCA is subject to the organization’s continued compliance with the local authority’s prescribed requirements.

10. Revocation of TCCA/CAAS Approval

Each Authority has a responsibility under the TA-M to notify the other Authority of any instances of non-compliance or investigations or enforcement action that might affect the organization’s ability to comply with the terms of the TA-M. Upon notification of such an event, the authority having direct oversight responsibility for the organization will review the case to determine whether the organization still meets the terms of the TA-M, and notify the other authority of any corrective action taken.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, either Authority may revoke recognition of an organization pursuant to the TA-M, where the Authority finds that an organization is not maintaining the applicable standards or is otherwise not achieving the intent of the technical arrangement.

11. Performance of work under the TA-M

Work performed on Canadian aeronautical products by Singapore approved maintenance organizations

Organizations approved under this TA-M to perform work on Canadian aeronautical products, shall do so in accordance with the following provisions:

11.1 All maintenance of Canadian aeronautical products shall be performed in accordance with the conditions specified by the owner or operator of the aeronautical products maintained;
11.2 TCCA regulations on Airworthiness Directives, related to the work undertaken, must be complied with;
11.3 The design of major repairs and major modifications shall be in accordance with TCCA approved data;  
11.4 TCCA criteria shall be used to determine whether a repair or modification is major or minor;
11.5 Any parts installed pursuant to the TA-M shall be manufactured and maintained by organizations that are satisfactory to TCCA;
11.6 Maintenance shall be released in accordance with CAAS requirements. A Singapore Airworthiness Requirements Part 145 (SAR-145) 145.50 shall be used for a Certificate of Release to Service and a CAAS Authorized Release Certificate Form CAAS(AW)95 shall be used for aeronautical products other than complete aircraft;
11.7 Technical records shall be completed in accordance with TCCA requirements;
11.8 The maintenance organization shall comply with all the requirements specified in the TA-M, Annex 1.

Work performed on Singapore aeronautical products by Canadian approved maintenance organizations

Organizations approved under this TA-M to perform work on Singapore aeronautical products, shall do so in accordance with the following provisions:

11.9 All maintenance of Singapore aeronautical products shall be performed in accordance with the conditions specified by the owner or operator of the aeronautical products maintained;
11.10 CAAS regulations on Airworthiness Directives, related to the work undertaken, must be complied with;
11.11 The design of major repairs and major modifications shall be in accordance with CAAS approved data;
11.12 CAAS criteria shall be used to determine whether a repair is major or minor;
11.13 Any parts installed pursuant to the TA-M shall be manufactured and maintained by organizations that are satisfactory to the CAAS;
11.14 Maintenance shall be released in accordance with TCCA requirements. A Canadian Aviation Regulation CAR 571.10 Maintenance Release shall be used for a maintenance release and an Authorized Release Certificate Form One shall be used for aeronautical products other than complete aircraft;
11.15 Technical records shall be completed in accordance with CAAS requirements
11.16 The maintenance organization shall comply with all the requirements specified in the TA-M, Annex 1.

12. Subcontracted Work

A Canadian organization accepted by CAAS under the TA-M, may subcontract work to:

12.1 any SAR-145 approved maintenance organization; or
12.2 another Canadian maintenance organization accepted by CAAS under the TA-M; or
12.3 a maintenance organization outside Canada, provided that the subcontracted organization is acceptable to the CAAS; or
12.4 any maintenance organization, not addressed in 12.1, 12.2 or 12.3, provided it extends its quality system to that organization and that the work is within the scope of the ratings and limitations of the certifying organization’s AMO Certificate

A Singapore organization, accepted by TCCA under the TA-M may subcontract work to:

12.5 any CAR 573 approved maintenance organization; or
12.6 another Singapore maintenance organization accepted by TCCA under the TA-M; or
12.7 a maintenance organization outside Singapore, provided that the subcontracted organization is acceptable to TCCA under the terms of another existing TA-M or a bilateral maintenance agreement; or
12.8 any maintenance organization, addressed in 12.5, 12.6 or 12.7, provided it extends its quality system to that organization and that the work is within the scope of the ratings and limitations of the certifying organization’s AMO Certificate.

13. Human Factors Training

Maintenance organizations working under the TA-M, must within one-year of acceptance, establish a human factors training programme for all its technical employees performing work under the TA-M. Technical employees are persons who perform functions mandated by CAR 573 or SAR-145.

14. Oversight of organizations accepted under the TA-M

Oversight of maintenance organizations acceptable to TCCA under the TA-M shall be conducted by the CAAS on behalf of TCCA. The CAAS shall make the results of all audits and inspections available to TCCA upon request.

Oversight of maintenance organizations acceptable to CAAS under the TA-M shall be conducted by the TCCA on behalf of CAAS. TCCA shall make the results of all audits and inspections available to CAAS upon request.

Either Authority may, subject to reasonable prior notification, inspect the approved maintenance organization, to investigate safety issues, or participate in audits and inspections of approved maintenance organizations conducted by the other authority.

15. Notification of interested parties

To advise potential Canadian clients, TCCA shall make public a list of Singaporean organizations accepted under the terms of the TA-M, on the Transport Canada website.

To advise potential Singapore clients, CAAS shall make public a list of Canadian organizations accepted under the terms of the TA-M, on the CAAS website.

16. Expiration of the TA-M

In accordance with the TA-M, either Authority may terminate the agreement upon 180-days written notice. In the event of termination of the TA-M, Maintenance organizations recognized under the TA-M shall be given notice that their recognition expires at the end of the 180-day period.

Appendix 1

Where necessary, a Singapore organization compiling a TCCA supplement to the SAR-145 MOE should use the following link to obtain a Singaporean sample supplement.

Where necessary, a Canadian organization compiling a CAAS supplement to the CAR 573 MPM should use the following link to obtain a Canadian sample supplement.

Recognition of Maintenance Organizations

  1. The overseeing authority will ensure that the following criteria are met by each organization authorized to maintain products in accordance with this technical arrangement.
  2. Except as provided otherwise in accordance with paragraph 9 of this technical arrangement, the maintenance organization must be located within the territory of the overseeing authority. Organizations outside the territory of the overseeing authority may be accepted in specific cases by mutual consent of the two authorities.
  3. Work may be subcontracted by the maintenance organization to:
    3.1 organizations approved by the responsible authority; or
    3.2 organizations located within the territory of the overseeing authority and accepted by the responsible authority under the terms of this technical arrangement; or
    3.3 organizations located outside the territory of the overseeing authority, only where the organizations concerned are accepted via other technical arrangements entered into by the responsible authority, or are otherwise recognized by the responsible authority; or
    3.4 any organization, not addressed in 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, provided that the maintenance organization responsible for issuing any of the certificates listed in paragraph 11 of the technical arrangement for the release of the work extends its quality system to that organization.
  4. The maintenance organization shall include in its Exposition or Maintenance Policy Manual, either within the body of the manual or by means of a suitable supplement:
    4.1 A statement signed by the current CEO or accountable executive directing that personnel of the organization must comply with the policies and procedures contained therein.
    4.2 Acknowledgement that failure to comply with the terms of this technical arrangement, or with the policies and procedures described in the company Exposition or Maintenance Policy Manual, may be grounds for suspension or cancellation of any privileges granted pursuant to this technical arrangement.
    4.3 Acknowledgement that the responsible authority may have access to the organization to confirm compliance with the requirements of this technical arrangement.
    4.4 Procedures to ensure that:
    1. any parts installed have been manufactured or maintained by organizations that are acceptable to the responsible authority.
    2. the owner or operator of the product being maintained has obtained the approval of the responsible authority in respect of any major modifications and repairs.
    3. maintenance is released in accordance with the regulations of the overseeing authority.
    4. Technical records are completed in accordance with the requirements of the responsible authority.
    5. in the case of products other than complete aircraft, maintenance is released using the authorized release certificate of the overseeing authority.
    6. any mandatory reportable conditions found in civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of the other Party are reported to the customer, who shall then report to the responsible authority in accordance with the applicable national requirements.
    7. where applicable, the authorized release certificate clearly states that maintenance performed is released in accordance with the Technical Agreement.
  5. Once the above criteria are met and have been approved by the overseeing authority, the overseeing authority shall notify the responsible authority of the approval and the scope of work that may be performed by the organization.
  6. Maintenance organizations accepted by the responsible authority under the terms of this technical arrangement shall implement a human factors training program for all technical employees performing work under this technical arrangement. The training shall be completed within one year of acceptance.
  7. The responsible authority shall establish a means of notifying potential clients of maintenance organizations approved under this technical arrangement of the identities of accepted maintenance organizations and the scope of their approval.
  8. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, either party may revoke the privileges of an organization pursuant to this agreement, where the party finds that the organization is not maintaining the applicable standards or is otherwise not achieving the intent of this technical arrangement.

Maintenance Organization Exposition

Cover Page

REF ____________________

Company Name and Facility Address




CAAS SAR-145 APPROVAL No ___________

DATE OF SUPPLEMENT _____________

This Supplement does not form part of the CAAS Approved Maintenance Organization Exposition (MOE).

This Supplement together with the CAAS MOE form the basis of acceptance by the TCCA for maintenance carried out by this organization on aircraft and/or aircraft components under the regulatory control of the TCCA.

When maintenance is carried out and certified in accordance with the referenced MOE and this Supplement, is accepted as meeting the requirements of CAR 573.

1. Amendment Procedure

This paragraph should identify who within the AMO is responsible for amendment action, and that amendment must be submitted to the CAAS for acceptance.

2. Introduction

This paragraph should address why the supplement is necessary.

"Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore signed a Technical Arrangement - Maintenance (TA-M) on February 7th, 2003 that allows for the reciprocal acceptance of maintenance organizations qualifying under the terms of the arrangement.

This supplement is therefore intended to inform the staff of the AMO of additional considerations that need to be taken into account when working in accordance with the TA-M."

3. Accountable Manager's Commitment Statement

This paragraph represents the agreement by the Accountable Manager that the AMO will comply with the conditions specified in the Supplement. The accountable executive/manager is usually the AMO's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) but can be a person holding another responsible position so long as he/she has full financial authority.

An acceptable statement may be as follows :

"This Supplement defines in conjunction with the CAAS Approved Maintenance Organization Exposition Ref ....... the organization and procedures upon which TCCA acceptance is based.
These procedures are approved by the undersigned and must be adhered to when maintenance work is being performed for any customer that operates under the jurisdiction of the TCCA and the TA-M.
It is recognised that the organization's procedures do not override the necessity of complying with any additional requirements formally published by the TCCA and notified to this organization from time to time.
It is understood that the TCCA will list this organization as an acceptable source of maintenance for Canada in a formal TCCA publication whilst the TCCA is satisfied that the procedures are being followed and work standards maintained. It is further understood that the TCCA reserves the right to withdraw acceptance and remove the organization from the formal publication if it is considered that procedures are not followed or that the standards are not maintained.
Signed by the Accountable Manager
For and on behalf of the AMO.
_______________(name) ____________(signature) ______(date)"

Note: When the Accountable Manager is replaced, the new Accountable Manager must sign the statement so as to not invalidate the acceptance.

4. Acceptance Basis and Limitation

TCCA acceptance is based upon full compliance with SAR-145 and the CAAS Approved Maintenance Organization Exposition.

This acceptance of maintenance is limited to the scope of work permitted under the current approval granted by CAAS to the AMO in accordance with SAR-145 and to the Singapore locations specified therein.

5. Human Factors Training Programme

To describe the human factors training programme provided for all technical personnel. This paragraph may contain a cross reference to the appropriate section of the MOE if that document contains a human factors training programme that meets the requirements of the TA-M.

6. Access by TCCA and CAAS

This paragraph should identify the fact that CAAS and TCCA staff must be allowed access to the AMO for the purpose of assuring compliance with procedures and standards and to investigate specific problems.

There must also be an indication that in the case of a serious non-compliance with regulations or established standards the organization must accept that it may be subject to TCCA enforcement action in order to maintain status with TCCA.

7. Work Orders / Contracts

This paragraph addresses the subject of work orders/contracts. The AMO must ensure that the maintenance contract is understood and agreed to by both parties. The customer must ensure that the work orders/contracts are detailed and clear, and the AMO must ensure it receives work orders which it understands.

The work order should specify the inspections, repairs, alterations, overhauls, Airworthiness Directives and parts to be replaced.

Such replacement parts must be manufactured or maintained by organizations acceptable to TCCA.

8. Contracting and Subcontracting

This paragraph should address the rules for contracting and subcontracting.

9. Airworthiness Directives

This paragraph must address the compliance with Airworthiness Directives (AD). The applicable TCCA regulations on Airworthiness Directives must be complied with.

The customer must provide a copy of all ADs which have to be complied with to the AMO. The customer remains responsible for specifying any AD compliance required during maintenance through the work order.

10. Repairs and Modifications

This paragraph should specify that the customer will obtain or establish the process to obtain necessary TCCA approvals prior to the incorporation of major repairs and major modifications. The AMO will ensure that major repairs and major modifications are incorporated only when in receipt of the appropriate approvals.

11. Maintenance Release of Aircraft Components

Release to service of components up to and including complete powerplants under the TA-M should be carried out in accordance with SAR-145 except that paragraphs 9 and 10 of this supplement should be taken into account and the Authorised Release Certificate (Form CAAS(AW)95) should be issued.

The following statement should be reflected in Block 13 of the Authorised Release Certificate:

"Released under the terms of the Canada-Singapore TA-M"

When maintenance cannot be performed in accordance with the work order/contract, this fact must be made known to the customer.

12. Maintenance Release of Aircraft

Release to service of aircraft should be carried out in accordance with SAR-145.50 except that paragraphs 9 and 10 of this supplement should be taken into account and specify the aircraft maintenance check plus any repairs, modifications, Airworthiness Directives, replacement parts together with the issue of approved data used.

The following statement should be reflected on the certificate of release to service:

"Released under the terms of the Canada-Singapore TA-M"

When maintenance cannot be performed in accordance with the work order/contract, details must be entered in the technical logs and the operator informed.

When the AMO does not perform aircraft maintenance, this paragraph should specify "Not applicable".

13. Reporting of Unairworthy Conditions

When serious defects are found in TCCA regulated aircraft or aircraft components, then such fact must be reported to the local authority and the customer as soon as possible and using the fastest means available. The customer shall be responsible for reporting the unairworthy conditions to the TCCA.

14. Maintenance Recordkeeping

This paragraph should describe how the AMO intends to meet the requirements of the TA-M on the retention of technical records.

Supplement to the Maintenance Policy Manual

Cover Page

REF ____________________

Company Name and Facility Address




TCCA AMO APPROVAL No ___________

DATE OF SUPPLEMENT _____________

This Supplement does not form part of the TCCA Approved Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM).

This Supplement together with the TCCA MPM form the basis of acceptance by the CAAS for maintenance carried out by this organization on aircraft and/or aircraft components under the regulatory control of the CAAS / TCCA.

When maintenance is carried out and certified in accordance with the referenced MPM and this Supplement, is accepted as meeting the requirements of SAR-145.

1. Amendment Procedure

This paragraph should identify who within the AMO is responsible for amendment action, and that amendment must be submitted to the TCCA for acceptance.

2. Introduction

This paragraph should address why the supplement is necessary.

"Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore signed a Technical Arrangement – Maintenance (TA-M) on February 7th, 2003 that allows for the reciprocal acceptance of maintenance organizations qualifying under the terms of the arrangement.

This supplement is therefore intended to inform the staff of the AMO of additional considerations that need to be taken into account when working in accordance with the TA-M."

3. Accountable Executive Commitment Statement

This paragraph represents the agreement by the Accountable Executive that the AMO will comply with the conditions specified in the Supplement. The accountable executive/manager is usually the AMO's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) but can be a person holding another responsible position so long as he/she has full financial authority.

An acceptable statement may be as follows :

"This Supplement defines in conjunction with the TCCA Approved Maintenance Policy Manual Ref …………... the organization and procedures upon which CAAS acceptance is based.

These procedures are approved by the undersigned and must be adhered to when maintenance work is being performed for any customer that operates under the jurisdiction of the CAAS and the TA-M.

It is recognized that the organization's procedures do not override the necessity of complying with any additional requirements formally published by the CAAS and notified to this organization from time to time.

It is understood that the CAAS will list this organization as an acceptable source of maintenance for Singapore in a formal CAAS publication whilst the CAAS is satisfied that the procedures are being followed and work standards maintained. It is further understood that the CAAS reserves the right to withdraw acceptance and remove the organization from the formal publication if it is considered that procedures are not followed or that the standards are not maintained.

Signed by the Accountable Executive
For and on behalf of the AMO.

____________(name) _________(signature) ________(date)"

Note: When the Accountable Executive is replaced, the new Accountable Executive must sign the statement so as to not invalidate the acceptance.

4. Acceptance Basis and Limitation

CAAS acceptance is based upon full compliance with CAR 573 and the TCCA Approved Maintenance Policy Manual.

TCCA acceptance is based upon full compliance with SAR-145 and the CAAS Approved Maintenance Organization Exposition.

This acceptance of maintenance is limited to the scope of work permitted under the current approval granted by TCCA to the AMO in accordance with CAR 573 and to the Canadian locations specified therein.

5. Human Factors Training Programme

To describe the human factors training programme provided for all technical personnel. This paragraph may contain a cross reference to the appropriate section of the MPM if that document contains a human factors training programme that meets the requirements of the TA-M.

6. Access by TCCA and CAAS

This paragraph should identify the fact that CAAS and TCCA staff must be allowed access to the AMO for the purpose of assuring compliance with procedures and standards and to investigate specific problems.

There must also be an indication that in the case of a serious non-compliance with regulations or established standards the organization must accept that it may be subject to CAAS enforcement action in order to maintain status with CAAS.

7. Work Orders / Contracts

This paragraph addresses the subject of work orders/contracts. The AMO must ensure that the maintenance contract is understood and agreed to by both parties. The customer must ensure that the work orders/contracts are detailed and clear, and the AMO must ensure it receives work orders which it understands.

The work order should specify the inspections, repairs, alterations, overhauls, Airworthiness Directives and parts to be replaced.

Such replacement parts must be manufactured or maintained by organizations acceptable to CAAS.

8. Contracting and Subcontracting

This paragraph should address the rules for contracting and subcontracting.

9. Airworthiness Directives

This paragraph must address the compliance with Airworthiness Directives (AD). The applicable CAAS regulations on Airworthiness Directives must be complied with.

The customer must provide a copy of all ADs which have to be complied with to the AMO. The customer remains responsible for specifying any AD compliance required during maintenance through the work order.

10. Repairs and Modifications

This paragraph should specify that the customer will obtain or establish the process to obtain necessary CAAS approvals prior to the incorporation of major repairs and major modifications. The AMO will ensure that major repairs and major modifications are incorporated only when in receipt of the appropriate approvals.

11. Maintenance Release of Aircraft Components

Release to service of components up to and including complete powerplants under the TA-M should be carried out in accordance with CAR 571 except that paragraphs 9 and 10 of this supplement should be taken into account and the Authorized Release Certificate (TC Form One) should be issued.

The following statement should be reflected in Block 13 of the Authorized Release Certificate:

"Released under the terms of the Canada-Singapore TA-M"

When maintenance cannot be performed in accordance with the work order/contract, this fact must be made known to the customer.

12. Maintenance Release of Aircraft

Release to service of aircraft should be carried out in accordance with CAR 571 except that paragraphs 9 and 10 of this supplement should be taken into account and specify the aircraft maintenance check plus any repairs, modifications, Airworthiness Directives, replacement parts together with the issue of approved data used.

The following statement should be reflected on the certificate of release to service:

"Released under the terms of the Canada-Singapore TA-M"

When maintenance cannot be performed in accordance with the work order/contract, details must be entered in the technical logs and the operator informed.

When the AMO does not perform aircraft maintenance, this paragraph should specify "Not applicable".

13. Reporting of Unairworthy Conditions

When serious defects are found in CAAS regulated aircraft or aircraft components, then such fact must be reported to the local authority and the customer as soon as possible and using the fastest means available. The customer shall be responsible for reporting the unairworthy conditions to the CAAS.

14. Maintenance Recordkeeping

This paragraph should describe how the AMO intends to meet the requirements of the TA-M on the retention of technical records.