Memorandum of understanding on airworthiness between the Dirección nacional de aeronavegabilidad of the Republic of Argentina and Transport Canada Aviation, Department of Transport, Canada
memorandum of understanding
Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil for the Promotion of Civil Aviation Safety
memorandum of understanding
Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness Covering Design Approval, Post Design Approval Activities, and Technical Assistance Under the Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada Civil Aviation And National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil for the Promotion of Civil Aviation Safety
implementation procedures
Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness Covering Design Approval, Post Design Approval Activities, and Technical Assistance Under the Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada Civil Aviation And National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil for the Promotion of Civil Aviation Safety - Amendment 1 to Original Revision
implementation procedures
Technical Arrangement on Maintenance (TA-M) Between the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil and Transport Canada Civil Aviation
technical arrangement
ANAC - TCCA Validation Improvement Roadmap 2022 – 2027
Bilateral aviation technical arrangement between the Department of Transport of Canada and the Civil Aviation Administration of China
technical arrangement
Memorandum of understanding on the acceptance of aeronautical products between the People's Republic of China and Canada
memorandum of understanding
Commonwealth of Independent States and the Republic of Georgia
Memorandum of understanding on airworthiness between the Interstate Aviation Committee, on behalf of the States members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Republic of Georgia, and Transport Canada Aviation, Department of Transport, on behalf of Canada
memorandum of understanding
Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
Memorandum of understanding between the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces and Transport Canada (as represented by Transport Canada Civil Aviation) concerning the responsibilities for Canadian Civil Registered Aircraft performing activities relating to defence for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces
memorandum of understanding
European Union
Canada and European Union agreement on civil aviation safety
bilateral agreement
European Union
Maintenance annex guidance between the European Aviation Safety Agency for the European Union and the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) for Canada
maintenance annex guidance
European Union
Technical implementation procedures for airworthiness and environmental certification under the agreement on civil aviation safety between the Government of Canada And the European Union
implementation procedures
European Union
TCCA and EASA rulemaking co-operation
rulemaking agreement
Memorandum of understanding on the lease of aircraft between Direction générale de l'aviation civile (France) and Aviation Group, Department of Transport (Canada)
memorandum of understanding
Hong Kong
Technical arrangement on aircraft maintenance between the Transport Canada Civil Aviation Directorate and the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong
technical arrangement
Working Arrangement between the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Department of Transport of Canada and Civil Aviation Administration of Iceland for the Promotion of Aviation Safety
technical arrangement
Bilateral arrangement between Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Administration of Israel for the promotion of aviation safety
bilateral arrangement
Memorandum of understanding concerning the reciprocal acceptance of airworthiness certification between the Civil Aviation Administrator of the Israeli Ministry of Transport and the Director General, Civil Aeronautics of the Canadian Ministry of Transport
memorandum of understanding
Technical arrangement for the acceptance of airworthiness and environmental approval of civil aeronautical products under the bilateral arrangement for the promotion of aviation safety between transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Administration of Israel
technical arrangement
Bilateral arrangement between the Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Transport, Japan and Transport Canada Civil Aviation for the promotion of aviation safety
technical arrangement
Technical arrangement for the acceptance of airworthiness and environmental approval of civil aeronautical products under the bilateral arrangement for the promotion of aviation safety between Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Transport, Japan
technical arrangement
Technical arrangement for maintenance between the Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and Transport Canada Civil Aviation
technical arrangement
Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)
Generic arrangement on certification under Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR)-21 Subpart N between Transport Canada, Civil Aviation Directorate (TCCA) and the [National Aviation Authority] (NAA) of [NAA country]
technical arrangement
Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA)
Technical arrangements on maintenance between Transport Canada, Civil Aviation Directorate, and the full members of the Joint Aviation Authorities
technical arrangement
Memorandum of understanding on the lease of aircraft between the Netherlands Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management and the Canadian Minister of Transport
memorandum of understanding
New Zealand
Technical arrangement on aircraft maintenance between the Transport Canada Civil Aviation Directorate and the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
technical arrangement
Working Arrangement between the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Department of Transport of Canada and Civil Aviation Authority of Norway for the Promotion of Aviation Safety
technical arrangement
Russian Federation
Technical Arrangement for the Validation of Federal Air Transport Agency (Russian Federation) Design Approvals by Transport Canada Civil Aviation
technical arrangement
Russian Federation
Technical Arrangement for the Validation of Transport Canada Design Approvals by the Federal Air Transport Agency (Russian Federation)
technical arrangement
Implementation procedures for the technical arrangement on aviation maintenance between the Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
implementation procedures
Technical arrangement on aviation maintenance between the Transport Canada Civil Aviation Directorate and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
technical arrangement
Working Arrangement between the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Department of Transport of Canada and the Federal Office of Civil Aviation of Switzerland for the Promotion of Aviation Safety
technical arrangement
United Kingdom
Technical arrangement on airworthiness between the Aviation Regulation Directorate, Transport Canada, and the Safety Services Group, United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
technical arrangement
United Kingdom
Working arrangement between the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Department of Transport of Canada and the Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the promotion of aviation safety
technical arrangement
United Kingdom
Technical arrangement on maintenance between the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority and Transport Canada Civil Aviation
technical arrangement
United Kingdom
Technical implementation procedures for airworthiness and environmental certification under the working arrangement between Transport Canada Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the promotion of aviation safety
technical arrangement
United Kingdom
Working arrangement between the Civil Aviation Directorate of the Department of Transport of Canada and the Civil Aviation Authority of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for the promotion of aviation safety
technical arrangement
United States
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America for promotion of aviation safety
bilateral agreement
United States
Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness Revision 3
Implementation Procedures
United States
Maintenance implementation procedures under the agreement for the promotion of aviation safety between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada
implementation procedures
United States
Implementation Procedures for Licensing
implementation procedures