Technical arrangement for maintenance - Japan

Technical arrangement for maintenance between the Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan and Transport Canada Civil Aviation

Table of Contents

  1. Section A: Authority Interaction
  2. Section B: Requirements for JCAB Based AMO
    1. Appendix 1: TCCA Supplement to the Approved Organization Exposition
    2. Appendix 2: List of JCAB regional offices
  3. Section C: Requirements for TCCA Based AMO
    1. Appendix 1: JCAB Supplement to the Maintenance Policy Manual

The Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (JCAB) and Transport of Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA), hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Authorities" and individually as "Authority",

CONSIDERING the "Bilateral Arrangement between the Civil Aviation Bureau, Ministry of Transport, Japan and Transport Canada Civil Aviation for the Promotion of Aviation Safety" (hereinafter referred to as "the BASA"), signed on November 13, 1997, which provides for a Technical Arrangement to be developed with regard to aircraft maintenance,

CONSIDERING that they have conducted technical assessments and developed an understanding of each other's regulations, standards and systems with regards to airworthiness approvals and maintenance certification of civil aeronautical products, approval and monitoring of maintenance organizations and approval of persons,

CONSIDERING that their respective national law, procedures and systems for the performance of maintenance are sufficiently comparable to permit the mutual acceptance of maintenance certification subject to the procedures described in this Technical Arrangement for Maintenance (TA-M),

Have come to the following mutual understanding:

  1. Definitions

    For the purposes of this TA-M:

    "ACA" means the aircraft certification authority. A Canadian Approved Maintenance Organization will issue this authority to those individuals who have been assigned maintenance release privileges on an aircraft, in accordance with the procedures and conditions specified in the company's Maintenance Policy Manual.

    "AD" means airworthiness directives.

    "Aircraft" means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than reactions of the air against the Earth's surface.

    "Approved Data" includes type certificates, supplemental type certificates, part design approvals, JCAB type approval or specification approval (TA/SA), Canadian technical standard order (CAN-TSO) design approvals or repair design approvals.

    "Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO)" means a natural person, a legal person, or part of legal person entitled to maintain any aircraft or component for which it is approved.

    "CAL" means Civil Aeronautics Law of Japan.

    "CAR (JCAB)" means Civil Aeronautics Regulations of Japan.

    "CAR (TCCA)" means Canadian Aviation Regulations.

    "Civil aeronautical product" means any civil aircraft, or aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, part or component to be installed thereon.

    "Component Rated AMO" means an AMO of which scope of ratings does not include aircraft but does include civil aeronautical products other than aircraft based on their scope of ratings and limitations issued by JCAB or TCCA.

    "CS" means certifying staff within a JCAB AMO. A JCAB AMO will issue an authority to those individuals who will sign a maintenance release in respect of work performed on an aircraft or civil aeronautical products intended for installation on aircraft, in accordance with the procedures and conditions found within the company's Approved Organization Exposition.

    "Maintenance" means the performance of inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and the replacement of parts, materials, appliances, or components of a product to assure the continued airworthiness of that product, including the performance of approved modifications.

    "Monitoring" means the periodic surveillance by an Authority to determine continuing compliance with the appropriate standards.

    "Overseeing Authority" means the Civil Aviation Authority having jurisdiction over a maintenance organization performing maintenance functions covered by this TA-M.

    "Responsible Authority" means the Civil Aviation Authority having legal responsibility for regulating and controlling civil aeronautical products.

    "SCA" means shop certification authority. A Canadian AMO will issue this authority to those individuals who have been assigned maintenance release privileges on civil aeronautical products intended for installation on aircraft in accordance with the procedures and conditions found within the company's Maintenance Policy Manual.

    "Specified Data" is information contained in authoritative documents which, although not approved by JCAB and/or TCCA, has been specified as appropriate for the purpose of major modifications and major repairs such as:

    1. drawings or methods described or referenced in Airworthiness Directives;
    2. data issued by the manufacturer or type certificate holder of the aircraft or components;
    3. manufacturer's Structural Repair Manuals.

    "TCD" means Japanese airworthiness directives.

    "Technical records" means the documents that an owner or operator is required to maintain in respect of a particular civil aeronautical product, in accordance with the regulations of the Responsible Authority. Technical records may include data contained in or referred in technical, journey, airframe, engine, propeller and component logs.

  2. Objective and purpose
    1. This TA-M outlines the terms and conditions for the reciprocal acceptance or recognition of each Authority's aviation safety program with regards to the performance and certification of aircraft maintenance.
    2. In order to avoid duplication of inspections and evaluations to the maximum extent, each Authority may give the same validity to:
      1. the other Authority's inspection and evaluation findings for the approval of maintenance organizations as to its own inspection and evaluation findings; and
      2. the other Authority's system for the release to service of civil aeronautical products after maintenance as to its own release system.
    3. This TA-M is sub-divided into Sections A, B and C:
      1. section A details the Authority Interaction between JCAB and TCCA;
      2. section B outlines the steps necessary for a JCAB Civil Aeronautics Law (CAL) Article 20 AMO located in Japan to maintain civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of TCCA;
      3. section C outlines the steps necessary for a TCCA Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 573 AMO located in Canada to maintain civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of JCAB.

Section A: Authority Interaction

1. Bilateral Arrangement for the Promotion of Aviation Safety

The Authorities recommend that maintenance organizations and personnel maintaining civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of each Authority be familiar with the BASA and follow this TA-M.

2. Authorization

Unless they mutually decide otherwise in writing, the Authorities will not issue approvals to maintenance organizations in the territory of the other Authority, except as provided in this TA-M.

3. Communication and Information

  1. Communication and Mutual Co-operation
    1. each Authority will notify the other of proposed significant revisions to its relevant national law and to certification systems insofar as these revisions may have an impact on this arrangement;
    2. to the maximum extent practicable, each Authority will offer the other an opportunity to comment on such revisions and will give due consideration to such comments. Accordingly, upon notice of such changes each Authority may request a meeting to review the need for amendment to this TA-M.
  2. Information

    The Authorities will ensure that they will provide each other with information and assistance regarding maintenance (including repairs) or modifications of civil aeronautical products performed under this TA-M and circulate the publications they respectively develop to:

    1. inform the public of the terms of this TA-M, its appendices and any amendment thereto;
    2. outline the regulatory requirements and special conditions necessary for the maintenance organizations and personnel thereof to perform work under this TA-M.

4. Scope

  1. The Authorities understand that this TA-M applies to:
    1. the approval and monitoring of maintenance organizations;
    2. the continuing airworthiness of in-service aircraft;
    3. the reciprocal approval of civil aeronautical product maintenance that meet the special conditions of either Authority;
    4. the exchange of information regarding maintenance standards and maintenance certification systems;
    5. co-operation and assistance with respect to maintenance of civil aeronautical products; and
    6. provisions for periodic evaluations of the working relationship between them.
  2. The Authorities understand that:
    1. the acceptance of maintenance under this TA-M will only apply in respect of work performed within the territorial boundaries of the Overseeing Authority;
    2. an AMO approved by their Overseeing Authority will not perform maintenance or sign a maintenance release within the territorial boundaries of the other Authority's country, except when the AMO is approved by the same Authority as the State of Registry. This includes a maintenance release on a civil aeronautical product removed, maintained and re-installed on the same registered aircraft;
    3. the territorial boundaries mentioned in 4(b) means, in relation to Canada, Canadian territory inclusive of its provinces and territories, and in relation to Japan, the territory of Japan.

5. Accountability

The Authorities designate the following as their offices for the technical implementation and coordination of this TA-M:

  1. for JCAB:

    Airworthiness Division
    Japan Civil Aviation Bureau
    2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
    Tokyo, 100-8918

  2. for TCCA:

    Standards Branch (AART)
    Transport Canada Civil Aviation
    330 Sparks Street
    Ottawa, ON., K1A 0N5

6. Technical Consultations

The Authorities understand that:

  1. the TCCA Director of Standards, JCAB Director of Airworthiness Division and their technical agents will discuss the technical implementation of this TA-M every 2 years. Such discussions may also address the resolution of technical issues, continued improvements to the process, ongoing projects and changes in the organizations, any revisions to the requirements, technical assistance requests and any other matters relevant to this TA-M;
  2. the manner in which such discussions will be conducted (i.e., face-to-face, teleconference, etc.) depends on the Authorities' respective resources as well as the significance of any outstanding issues. The Authorities may mutually decide upon more frequent discussions.

7. Noncompliance and Safety Issues

Each Authority will ensure that it will notify the other Authority of any major non-compliance with a regulation or a condition set forth in this TA-M that affects the ability of an AMO to comply with its terms. The notification will be sent to the representative of the other Authority identified in Section A, paragraph 5.

8. Supplement Requirements

The Authorities understand that:

  1. the supplement will satisfy the special conditions as stated in Sections B or C;
  2. the supplement and the privileges associated with it will remain in effect for 2 years or until renewed, surrendered, suspended or cancelled by either Authority;
  3. activities conducted in accordance with the supplement need to be part of their 2 year regulatory oversight of organizations;
  4. the supplement will be produced in the English language for the Authorities;
  5. when an AMO does not have provisions for a Safety Management System (SMS) in their Approved Organization Exposition (AOE), Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) or SMS Manual, the supplement will contain such provisions.

9. Funding

  1. The Authorities will pay for the costs they respectively incur under this TA-M.
  2. The Authorities may charge a fee to an AMO for the review and recognition and approval of their application.

10. Notification of interested parties

The Authorities understand that:

  1. to advise potential Japanese clients, TCCA will make public on the TCCA website (, a list of Canadian organizations recognized or approved under the terms of this TA-M, for maintenance of civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of JCAB, with the information of the scope of ratings and limitations;
  2. to advise potential Canadian clients, JCAB will make public on the JCAB website (, a list of Japanese organizations recognized or approved under the terms of this TA-M, for maintenance of civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of TCCA, with the information of the scope of ratings and limitations.

11. Final dispositions

  1. This TA-M, including section A, B and C and their appendixes, is not legally binding.
  2. This TA-M, including section A, B and C and their appendixes, will be implemented 60 days following the date of its last signature by the Authorities.
  3. The Authorities may amend this TA-M upon their mutual consent in writing.
  4. Either Authority may terminate this TA-M at any time by giving written notice of its decision to the other Authority. This TA-M will terminate 60 days following the date of receipt of such notice.

Signed in duplicate at Ottawa, ON, on the 5th day of December 2017, in the English, French, and Japanese languages, each version being equally valid.

For the

Civil Aviation Bureau
Ministry of Land


Transport and

Tourism, Japan

Original signed by



Mitsuo Kawakami


Airworthiness Division


Transport Canada Civil Aviation




Original signed by



Robert Sincennes


Standards Branch


Section B: Requirements for JCAB Based AMO

1. Introduction

The Authorities understand that this section details how a JCAB AMO will implement this TA-M and that compliance with the supplement together with the JCAB Approved Organization Exposition (AOE) of the AMO forms the basis by which an AMO can exercise the maintenance privileges under this TA-M.

2. TCCA Recognition/Approval of CAL Article 20 AMO

The Authorities understand that:

  1. an AMO intending to perform maintenance on civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of TCCA will:
    1. send all applications for recognition or approval under this TA-M to the JCAB regional office, in charge of the AMO, as stated in Appendix 2 of Section B;
    2. ensure that applications for recognition or approval are accompanied by a completed TCCA Form # 26-0836 and a copy of the proposed supplement to their AOE. The supplement is expected to clearly demonstrate how the AMO intends to meet any special conditions stated in this TA-M. Appendix 1 of Section B provides guidance on how to compile such a supplement;
  2. the AMO:
    1. will be inspected in accordance with the surveillance cycle every 2 years as defined in Section A, paragraph 8(iii);
    2. may not be eligible for approval under this TA-M if any outstanding findings or enforcements actions are imposed against the AMO.

3. Performance of maintenance under this TA-M

The Authorities understand that:

  1. the AMO with a supplement approved in accordance with this TA-M will be able to certify maintenance performed on civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of TCCA. The maintenance performed will be within the scope of the domestic AMO approval issued by JCAB;
  2. the certification of maintenance on civil aeronautical products pursuant to this TA-M will be accepted if:
    1. an aircraft rated AMO is approved by TCCA based on the inspection and evaluation requirements of JCAB. The requirements of CAR (JCAB) Article 35 and CAR (TCCA) 573 for aircraft rated AMOs are considered equivalent;
    2. a component rated AMO is recognized by TCCA based on the inspection and evaluation requirements of JCAB. The certification of maintenance performed on civil aeronautical products, other than complete aircraft, will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of CAR (JCAB) Article 40 and CAR (TCCA) 571, which are considered equivalent. The AMO will use a CAR (JCAB) Form 18 for the certification of maintenance performed on civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of TCCA.

4. Maintenance Release

The Authorities understand that:

  1. prior to the qualification of a CS, the AMO will ensure that the person understands its commitments in accordance with the applicable regulations, this TA-M, and the TCCA Supplement;
  2. any maintenance release for work completed on an aircraft will include the TCCA AMO approval number.

5. Initial Approval process

The Authorities understand that:

  1. JCAB actions
    1. upon receipt of a request for TCCA Supplement approval in accordance with this TA-M, JCAB will ensure that the applicant has access to the latest revision of this TA-M;
  2. AMO actions

    to apply for recognition or approval under this TA-M, an applicant AMO will:

    the above documents are not intended to be sent to TCCA by the applicant.

    1. be located in Japan and hold CAL Article 20 approval;
    2. establish a TCCA Supplement to their AOE in accordance with the supplement guidance material of Section B, Appendix 1 of this TA-M;
    3. submit a request by means of a letter to the JCAB regional office including a completed TCCA Form # 26-0836 and TCCA Supplement at least 90 days prior to the expected approval date.
  3. Authorities actions

    JCAB regional office will review the TCCA Form # 26-0836 and TCCA Supplement for compliance in accordance with this TA-M;

    1. for component rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, JCAB regional office will send the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 to the applicant and a copy to JCAB HQ respectively. JCAB HQ will update the JCAB website indicating the AMO recognition and the expiry date of the 2-year validity period in accordance with this TA-M. No further action will be required;
    2. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, JCAB regional office will send the checked TCCA Form # 26-0836 to JCAB HQ. JCAB HQ will forward the checked Form to TCCA HQ;
    3. TCCA HQ will send an invoice to the AMO for fee payment of CAD$1200.00 payable to The Receiver General of Canada to cover the additional costs associated with the administrative activities of issuing initial approval in accordance with this TA-M. Once TCCA HQ has confirmed the applicant's payment, TCCA HQ will sign the TCCA Form # 26-0836 identifying that the applicant has paid and return the signed Form to JCAB HQ. The TCCA approval number that is to be used by the AMO will be included;
    4. once the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 is received from TCCA HQ, the JCAB HQ will forward the signed Form to the JCAB regional office and update the JCAB website to reflect the AMO approval and the expiry date of the 2-year validity period;
    5. JCAB regional office will forward the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 to the applicant.

6. Continuation Process

The Authorities understand that:

every 2-years, the applicant will need to re-apply if they wish to continue to use this TA-M. The applicant will submit a completed TCCA Form # 26-0836 and a current copy of their TCCA Supplement to the JCAB regional office requesting continuation;

  1. JCAB action

    JCAB will ensure every 24 months that the conditions for approval continue to be met. Where the conditions are not met, JCAB will take appropriate action and notify TCCA HQ;

  2. AMO action
  3. Authorities actions

    JCAB regional office will review the TCCA Form # 26-0836 and the TCCA Supplement for compliance in accordance with this TA-M;

    1. for component rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, JCAB regional office will send the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 to the applicant and a copy to JCAB HQ respectively. JCAB HQ will update the JCAB website to reflect the new expiry date of the 2-year validity period in accordance with this TA-M. No further action will be required;
    2. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, JCAB regional office will send the checked TCCA Form # 26-0836 to JCAB HQ. JCAB HQ will forward the checked Form to TCCA HQ;
    3. TCCA HQ will send an invoice to the AMO for fee payment of CAD$800.00 payable to The Receiver General of Canada. This fee is intended to cover the additional costs associated with the administrative activities of issuing continued approval in accordance with this TA-M. Once TCCA HQ has confirmed the applicant's payment, TCCA HQ will sign the TCCA Form # 26-0836 identifying that the applicant has paid and return the signed Form to JCAB HQ;
    4. once the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 is received from TCCA HQ, the JCAB HQ will forward the signed Form to JCAB regional office and update the JCAB website to reflect the new expiry date of the 2-year validity period;
    5. JCAB regional office will forward the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 to the applicant.

7. Amendment process of the supplement

The Authorities understand that:

  1. AMO actions

    the following changes to an organization require the submission of a completed TCCA Form # 26-0836 and the amended supplement to JCAB regional office:

    1. change of address;
    2. change of Accountable Manager;
    3. change of Organization name.
  2. Authorities actions

    JCAB regional office will review the TCCA Form # 26-0836 and the TCCA Supplement for compliance in accordance with this TA-M;

    1. when the supplement is found satisfactory, JCAB regional office will send the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 to the applicant and its copy to JCAB HQ respectively;
    2. for aircraft rated AMOs, JCAB HQ will forward the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 to TCCA HQ;
    3. JCAB HQ will update the JCAB website accordingly (if required).

8. Late Applications (Continuation)

The Authorities understand that:

  1. the applicant is expected to apply 60 days prior to their expiry date. JCAB will accept late applications up to 30 days prior to their expiry date;
  2. if the applicant fails to apply within specified time frame, their approval will be revoked and an initial application request will need to be submitted;
  3. JCAB will ensure that the AMO has not exercised the privileges of the TCCA Supplement after the expiry date.

9. Suspension

The Authorities understand that:

  1. suspension of CAL Article 20 Approval will automatically render the TCCA Supplement and its privileges invalid for the duration of the suspension. As a consequence of this suspension, the AMO will not be able to exercise the privileges of their CAR (TCCA) 573 approval in accordance with this TA-M;
  2. JCAB HQ will immediately notify TCCA HQ of any activities related to the aforementioned certificate action.

10. Revocation

The Authorities understand that:

  1. revocation of CAL Article 20 Approval will automatically render the TCCA Supplement and its privileges invalid. As a consequence of this revocation, all privileges of their CAR (TCCA) 573 approval will be permanently removed and will not be re-instated;
  2. JCAB HQ will immediately notify TCCA HQ of any activities related to the aforementioned certificate action.

Appendix 1: TCCA Supplement to the Approved Organization Exposition

The Authorities understand that the TCCA Supplement forms the basis of approval by the JCAB regional office for maintenance carried out by a JCAB AMO and the requirements of this arrangement inclusive of the following, and all the following items will be described in the TCCA Supplement:

  1. the current CEO or Accountable Executive/Manager will ensure personnel of the AMO to comply with the policies and procedures contained therein relating to the maintenance services requirements under this TA-M. A statement signed by the current CEO or Accountable Executive/Manager will be included in the supplement;
  2. the AMO will confirm that TCCA has access to the organization to perform oversight and surveillance as requested;
  3. all work performed will be within the scope of the ratings and limitations of the AMOs certificate of approval;
  4. for aircraft rated AMOs, Authorized CSs with his/her scope of privileges will be listed in the supplement;
  5. the AMO will establish or identify the SMS procedures in accordance with Section A, paragraph 8(v);
  6. for aircraft rated AMOs, the AMO will report any major repairs or major modifications to TCCA in accordance with CAR (TCCA) 571.12. CAR (TCCA) 571.06 criteria will be used to determine whether repairs and modifications are major. The AMO will ensure that major repairs and major modifications are incorporated only when in receipt of the appropriately approved or specified data from TCCA;
  7. the AMO may subcontract work to other organizations which are supervised by the AMO as long as the AMO provides the required maintenance release;
  8. the AMO will obtain a detailed and understandable work order or contract from the customer which will specify the inspections, repairs, modifications, overhauls, Airworthiness Directives (AD/TCD) and parts replacement to be carried out. The AMO will retain a copy of each work order accompanied by all attached supplementary forms and parts certifications for a period of 5 years;
  9. all work performed will be within the facility and organization described in their JCAB approved AOE;
  10. for aircraft rated AMOs, the AMO will report any deficiencies in respect of civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of TCCA, in accordance with CAR (TCCA) 521 Division IX. The report will be done, in principle, within 72 hours after any failure, defect or malfunction that affects the safety of the aircraft, it occupants or anyone else. The TCCA SDR Form 24-0038 may be used for this purpose. Reporting can be made using the following email address: (Note: Please select Form 24-0038‎.)
  11. authorized CSs of component rated AMOs will issue a CAR (JCAB) Form 18 in accordance with CAR (JCAB) Article 40. Authorized CSs of aircraft rated AMOs will include the following information in the Aircraft Flight Logbook in accordance with CAR (TCCA) 571:
    1. statement: "The described maintenance has been performed in accordance with the applicable airworthiness requirements.";
    2. a brief description of the work performed;
    3. identification of the approved organization and the TCCA approval number;
    4. the name of the signatory or a means to identify the signatory;
    5. product identification and date.
  12. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the AMO receives a notice that training will be conducted for the necessary matters regarding implementation of the CAR (TCCA), the AMO will make an appropriate person available to participate in the training. Thereafter, the attendee will conduct training on that class to the related personnel in the AMO;
  13. any material released by an aircraft rated AMO relevant to the Canadian public domain in so far as and including any advertisements and other company literature will display the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836;
  14. for aircraft rated AMOs, the signed TCCA Form # 26-0836 will be displayed in public view at the AMOs fixed location and identify the location where the signed Form is displayed.

Appendix 2: List of JCAB regional offices

  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, East Japan Civil Aviation Bureau
    Kudan Government Office Complex No. 2, 1-1-15, Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0074 Japan
  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, West Japan Civil Aviation Bureau
    Annex of Osaka Government Office Complex No. 2, 4-1-67, Otemae, Chuo-Ku, Osaka, Osaka 540-0008 Japan
  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, Haneda Airport
    Tokyo Airport Office, 3-3-1, Haneda Airport, Ota-Ku, Tokyo 144-0041 Japan
  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, Narita Airport
    Narita Airport Office, 133 Komimae, Furugome, Narita, Chiba 282-8602 Japan
  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, Sendai Airport
    Sendai Airport Office, Minamihara, Shimomasuda, Natori, Miyagi 989-2401 Japan
  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, Nagoya Airport
    Nagoya Airport, Toyoba, Toyoyama, Nishi Kasugai-Gun, Aichi 480-0202 Japan
  • Airworthiness Engineers Office, Yao Airport
    Yao Airport Office, 2-12, Kuko, Yao, Osaka 581-0043 Japan

Section C: Requirements for TCCA Based AMO

1. Introduction

The Authorities understand that this section details how a TCCA AMO will implement this TA-M and that compliance with the supplement together with the TCCA approved Maintenance Policy Manual (MPM) of the AMO forms the basis by which an AMO may exercise the maintenance privileges under this TA-M.

2. JCAB Recognition/Approval of CAR (TCCA) 573 AMO

The Authorities understand that:

  1. an AMO intending to perform maintenance on civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of JCAB will:
    1. send all applications for recognition or approval under this TA-M to:

      Standards Branch (AART)
      Transport Canada Civil Aviation
      330 Sparks Street
      Ottawa, ON., K1A 0N5

    2. ensure that the application for recognition or approval are accompanied by a completed CAR (JCAB) Form 16 and Form 16-5, for aircraft rated AMOs, and a copy of the proposed supplement to their MPM. The supplement is expected to clearly demonstrate how the AMO intends to meet any special conditions stated in this TA-M. Appendix 1 of Section C provides guidance on how to compile such a supplement;
  2. the AMO:
    1. will be inspected in accordance with the surveillance cycle every 2 years as defined in Section A, paragraph 8(iii);
    2. may not be eligible for approval under this TA-M if any outstanding findings or enforcements actions are imposed against the AMO.

3. Performance of maintenance under this TA-M

The Authorities understand that:

  1. the AMO with a supplement approved in accordance with this TA-M will be able to certify maintenance performed on civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of JCAB. The maintenance performed will be within the scope of the domestic AMO approval issued by TCCA;
  2. the certification of maintenance on civil aeronautical products pursuant to this TA-M will be accepted if:
    1. an aircraft rated AMO is approved by JCAB based on the inspection and evaluation requirements of TCCA. The requirements of CAR (JCAB) Article 35 and CAR (TCCA) 573 for aircraft rated AMOs are considered equivalent;
    2. a component rated AMO is recognized by JCAB based on the inspection and evaluation requirements of TCCA. The certification of maintenance performed on civil aeronautical products, other than complete aircraft, will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of CAR (JCAB) Article 40 and CAR (TCCA) 571, which are considered equivalent. The AMO will use a TCCA Form One for the certification of maintenance performed on civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of JCAB.

4. Maintenance Release

The Authorities understand that:

  1. prior to the qualification of an ACA or SCA, the AMO will ensure that the person understands the commitments in accordance with the applicable regulations, this TA-M, and the JCAB Supplement;
  2. any maintenance release for work completed on an aircraft will include the JCAB AMO approval number.

5. Initial Approval process

The Authorities understand that:

  1. TCCA Actions

    upon receipt of a request for JCAB Supplement approval in accordance with this TA-M, TCCA will ensure that the applicant has access to the latest revision of this TA-M;

  2. AMO Actions

    to apply for recognition or approval under this TA-M, an applicant AMO will:

    the above documents are not intended to be sent to JCAB by the applicant. Revenue stamps and tax payment will be coordinated between the Japanese aircraft operator and Canadian AMO.

    1. be located in Canada and hold a CAR (TCCA) 573 approval;
    2. establish a JCAB Supplement to their MPM in accordance with the supplement guidance material of Section C, Appendix 1 of this TA-M;
    3. submit a request by means of a letter to TCCA HQ with their JCAB Supplement at least 90 days prior to the expected approval date. An aircraft rated AMO will also submit a completed CAR (JCAB) Form 16 with revenue stamps in accordance with CAL article 135 and Form 16-5;
    4. for aircraft rated AMOs, upon receipt of initial Certificate of Approval, pay Registration and License tax.
  3. Authorities actions

    TCCA HQ will review the JCAB Supplement for compliance in accordance with this TA-M;

    1. for component rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, TCCA HQ will send the supplement approval letter, including the expiry date of 2-year validity period, to the applicant and update the TCCA website indicating the AMO recognition and the expiry date in accordance with this TA-M. No further action will be required;
    2. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, TCCA HQ will send the supplement approval letter, the CAR (JCAB) Form 16 with revenue stamps, Form 16-5 and the JCAB Supplement to JCAB HQ. The letter will specify that the scope of ratings and limitations will not exceed that which is specified in the organizations CAR (TCCA) 573 certificate and scope of approval;
    3. after confirmation of the contents of the letter including the scope of ratings and limitations, JCAB HQ will issue a Certificate of Approval indicating an expiry date of the 2-year validity period and an Approval of JCAB Supplement, and will send those to TCCA HQ;
    4. once the Certificate of Approval and the Approval of JCAB Supplement are received from JCAB HQ, TCCA HQ will forward the Certificate of Approval and the Approval of JCAB Supplement to the applicant, and update the TCCA website to reflect the AMO approval and the expiry date.

6. Continuation Process

The Authorities understand that:

  1. TCCA action

    TCCA will ensure every 24 months that the conditions for approval continue to be met. Where the conditions are not met, TCCA will take appropriate action and notify JCAB HQ;

  2. AMO action

    every 2-years the applicant will need to re-apply if they wish to continue to use this TA-M. The applicant will submit a request by means of a letter and a current copy of their JCAB Supplement to TCCA HQ requesting continuation. An aircraft rated AMO will also submit a completed CAR (JCAB) Form 16 with revenue stamps in accordance with CAL article 135;

  3. Authorities actions

    TCCA HQ will review the JCAB Supplement for compliance in accordance with this TA-M;

    1. for component rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, TCCA HQ will send the supplement approval letter, including the new expiry date of 2-year valid period, to the applicant and update the TCCA website to reflect the new expiry date in accordance with this TA-M. No further action will be required;
    2. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, TCCA HQ will send the supplement approval letter, the CAR (JCAB) Form 16 with revenue stamps and the JCAB Supplement to JCAB HQ. The letter will specify that the scope of ratings and limitations will not exceed that which is specified in the organizations CAR (TCCA) 573 certificate and scope of approval;
    3. after confirmation of the contents of the supplement approval letter, including the scope of ratings and limitations, JCAB HQ will issue a Certificate of Approval indicating the new expiry date of the 2-year validity period, and send it to TCCA HQ;
    4. once the Certificate of Approval is received from JCAB HQ, TCCA HQ will forward the Certificate of Approval to the applicant and update the TCCA website to reflect the new expiry date.

7. Amendment process of the supplement

The Authorities understand that:

  1. AMO actions

    any changes to an organization including the followings, which affects the content of JCAB Supplement, will require the submission of the amended supplement to TCCA HQ. An aircraft rated AMO will also submit a completed CAR (JCAB) Form 16-5:

    1. change of address;
    2. change of Accountable Manager;
    3. change of Organization name.
  2. Authorities actions

    TCCA HQ will review the JCAB Supplement for compliance in accordance with this TA-M;

    1. for component rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, TCCA HQ will send the supplement approval letter, including the current expiry date, to the applicant and update the TCCA website accordingly (if required);
    2. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the supplement is found satisfactory, TCCA HQ will issue a supplement approval letter stating the change and attesting that the JCAB Supplement is approved and forward the supplement approval letter, CAR (JCAB) Form 16-5 and the JCAB Supplement to JCAB HQ;
    3. JCAB HQ will issue an Approval of JCAB Supplement and send it to TCCA HQ;
    4. TCCA HQ will forward the Approval of JCAB Supplement to the applicant and update the TCCA website accordingly (if required).

8. Late Applications (Continuation)

The Authorities understand that:

  1. the applicant is expected to apply 60 days prior to their expiry date. TCCA will accept late applications up to 30 days prior to their expiry date;
  2. if the applicant fails to apply within specified time frame, their approval will be revoked and an initial application request will need to be submitted;
  3. TCCA will ensure that the AMO has not exercised the privileges of the JCAB Supplement after the expiry date.

9. Suspension

The Authorities understand that:

  1. when the CAR (TCCA) 573 Approval is suspended, JCAB will take necessary action to suspend the CAL Article 20 approval. As a consequence of this suspension, the AMO will not be able to exercise the privileges of their CAL Article 20 approval in accordance with this TA-M;
  2. TCCA HQ will immediately notify JCAB HQ of any activities related to the aforementioned certificate action.

10. Revocation

The Authorities understand that:

  1. when the CAR (TCCA) 573 Approval is revoked, JCAB will take necessary action to revoke the CAL Article 20 Approval. As a consequence of this revocation, all privileges of their CAL Article 20 approval will be permanently removed and will not be re-instated;
  2. TCCA HQ will immediately notify JCAB HQ of any activities related to the aforementioned certificate action.

Appendix 1: JCAB Supplement to the Maintenance Policy Manual

The Authorities understand that the JCAB Supplement forms the basis of approval by TCCA HQ for maintenance carried out by a TCCA AMO and the requirements of this arrangement inclusive of the following, and all the following items will be described in the JCAB Supplement:

  1. the current CEO or Accountable Executive/Manager will ensure personnel of the AMO to comply with the policies and procedures contained therein relating to the maintenance services requirements under this TA-M. A statement signed by the current CEO or Accountable Executive/Manager will be included in the supplement;
  2. the AMO will confirm that JCAB has access to the organization to perform oversight and surveillance as requested;
  3. all work performed will be within the scope of the ratings and limitations of the AMOs certificate of approval;
  4. for aircraft rated AMOs, ACAs with his/her scope of privileges will be listed in the supplement;
  5. the AMO will establish or identify the SMS procedures in accordance with Section A, paragraph 8(v);
  6. for aircraft rated AMOs, the AMO will ensure that major repairs and major modifications are incorporated only when in receipt of the appropriately approved or specified data from JCAB. CAR (JCAB) article 5-6 criteria will be used to determine whether repairs and alterations are major;
  7. the AMO may subcontract work to other organizations which are supervised by the AMO as long as the AMO provides the required maintenance release;
  8. the AMO will obtain a detailed and understandable work order or contract from the customer which will specify the inspections, repairs, modifications, overhauls, Airworthiness Directives (AD/TCD) and parts replacement to be carried out. The AMO will retain a copy of each work order accompanied by all attached supplementary forms and parts certifications for a period of 2 years. However, as for the records regarding the major repair or modification of aircraft, such records will be kept until cancellation of registration, except in case the records are kept by the owner of the aircraft;
  9. the AMO will perform all work in accordance with the procedure described in their TCCA approved MPM and JCAB Supplement;
  10. all work performed will be within the facility and organization described in their TCCA approved MPM;
  11. for aircraft rated AMOs, the AMO will report the following un-airworthy condition in respect of civil aeronautical products under the jurisdiction of JCAB, in principle, within 72 hours after any defect or malfunction is discovered to the JCAB. The e-mail address is specified in Section A, paragraph 5:
    1. fires caused by a system or equipment failure, malfunction or defect;
    2. an engine exhaust system failure, malfunction, or defect which causes damage to the engine, adjacent aircraft structure or components;
    3. the accumulation or circulation of toxic or noxious gases in the crew compartment or passenger cabin;
    4. a malfunction, failure or defect of propeller control system;
    5. a propeller or rotorcraft hub or blade structural failure;
    6. flammable fluid leakage in areas where an ignition source normally exists;
    7. a brake system failure caused by structural or material failure during operation;
    8. significant defect or failure of aircraft primary structural (fatigue cracking, corrosion, etc.);
    9. any abnormal vibration or buffeting caused by a structural or system malfunction, defect or failure;
    10. any engine failure;
    11. any structural or system malfunction, defect or failure which caused an interference with normal control of the aircraft for which derogates the flying qualities;
    12. a complete loss of more than one electrical power generating system or hydraulic power system during operation;
    13. a failure of more than one attitude indicator, speed indicator or altimeter during operation;
    14. significant failure, malfunction or defect on components which might cause the damage or unsafe condition of the aircraft mentioned above;
    15. reserved (Approved Design Organization only);
    16. violation of the MPM or the JCAB Supplement occurred in the accomplishment of the approved work.
  12. individuals who have SCA will issue a TCCA Form One in accordance with CAR (TCCA) 571. Individuals who have ACA will include the following information on the Aircraft Flight Logbook in accordance with CAR (JCAB) article 40:
    1. statement: "Maintenance or alteration performed on this aircraft has been certified to comply with the standards of Article 10 paragraph 4 of the CAL.";
    2. contents of maintenance or alteration performed;
    3. name of the approved organization and approved number;
    4. signature or name and seal (stamp) of the certifying staff;
    5. confirmation date.
  13. for aircraft rated AMOs, when the AMO receives a notice that training will be conducted for the necessary matters regarding implementation of the CAL and other approved service from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the AMO will make an appropriate person available to participate in the training. Thereafter, the attendee will conduct training on that class to the related personnel in the AMO;
  14. any material released by an aircraft rated AMO relevant to the Japanese public domain in so far as and including any advertisements and other company literature will display the JCAB Certificate of Approval;
  15. for aircraft rated AMOs, the JCAB Certificate of Approval will be displayed in public view at the organization's fixed location and identify the location where the Certificate of Approval is displayed.

Form 16

事 業 場 認 定 申 請 書
(Application for organization approval)

国土交通大臣        殿
(Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
年   月   日
(Year - Month - Day)

(Applicant's address)

(Applicant's name)

(I apply for approval of the following organization under the provisions of Article 20, paragraph 1 of the Civil Aeronautical Law with the document attached hereto.)

(Organization's name)
(Organization's address)
(Category of capability)
(Limitation to be applied)
(Proposed date for on-site inspection)
備   考

注 氏名を記載し、押印することに代えて、署名することができる。
(Note: Applicant's signature, instead of stamp, may be accepted.)


Form 16-5


(Application for establishment/revision of an approved organization exposition)

国土交通大臣        殿
(Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
年   月   日
(Year - Month - Day)

(Applicant's address)

(Applicant's name)


(I hereby submit to your office an application for establishment/revision of AOE.)

(Approval organization




(Contents of establishment/revision
for an AOE)




(Reason for establishment/revision)

備   考

注 氏名を記載し、押印することに代えて、署名することができる。
(Note: Applicant's signature, instead of stamp, may be accepted.)