Implementation procedures - Brazil

Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness Covering Design Approval, Post Design Approval Activities, and Technical Assistance Under the Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada Civil Aviation And National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil for the Promotion of Civil Aviation Safety

Amendment 1 to Original Revision

Date: October 17, 2023

Table of contents

Chapter I Purpose and general provisions

The purpose of this amendment is to further amend the original revision of the Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness covering Design Approval, Post-Design Approval Activities and Technical Assistance - Under the Memorandum of Understanding between Transport Canada Civil Aviation and National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil For The Promotion of Civil Aviation Safety, dated June 12th 2023 (IPA). This amendment has been developed in accordance with paragraph 1.10 of the IPA and will be incorporated in the next revision of the IPA. This amendment updates paragraph 3.3.5 with new provisions incorporated by ANAC in its Supplemental Instructions IS 20-001B and IS 183-002H, clarifying that ANAC accredited professionals in design (PCP) and certified design organizations (COPj) can approve technical data in support of certain major alterations, according to ANAC regulation.

Chapter II Amendment

This document amends the paragraph 3.3.5 in the IPA Original Revision, from the current text:

  • 3.3.5 Acceptance of ANAC Alterations

    ANAC approved or accepted alteration in accordance with RBAC 43 specifically for the aircraft being changed, installed on a product exported from Brazil, regardless of the SoD of the aeronautical product, are considered approved by TCCA at the time of import, without further showing, provided the alteration was granted in accordance with ANAC procedures. TCCA will accept such ANAC alteration data with approvals granted by:

    • (a) ANAC on Block 3 of form F-400-04 (SEGVOO001); or

    • (b) ANAC through an approval letter.

      Note: An alteration approval in Block 3 of form F-400-04 (SEGVOO001) is an ANAC engineering design approval of a major change applicable only to a single serial number or a single product.

To the following text, amending, and superseding the existing paragraph 3.3.5 in the IPA Original Revision. This amended provision will apply to validation projects initiated after the entry into force of this amendment.

  • 3.3.5 Acceptance of ANAC Alterations

    An ANAC major alteration performed in accordance with RBAC 43 is the incorporation of a change applicable only to a single serial number or a single product. ANAC approved or accepted alterations installed on a product exported from Brazil, regardless of the SoD of the aeronautical product, are considered approved by TCCA at the time of import, without further showing, provided the technical data in support of alteration was granted approval in either Block 3 or in a document referenced in Block 8 of ANAC Form F-400-04 in accordance with ANAC procedures.

    Note: A Block 3 approval is performed directly by ANAC Engineering, while the approval document referenced in Block 8 is performed by an ANAC accredited engineering professional under RBAC 183 or by a certified design organization under RBAC 21 Subpart J-I.

Chapter III Entry into force and authority

This amendment will enter into force upon the signing of this Amendment by the authorized representatives of ANAC and TCCA.

The ANAC and TCCA agree to the provisions of this Amendment of these Implementation Procedures for Airworthiness, as indicated by the signature of their dully authorized representatives.

Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency

Original signed by

Roberto José Silveira Honorato
Head of Airworthiness Department

Date: October 17th, 2023

Transport Canada Civil Aviation

Original signed by

Stacey Mason
Director, Standards Branch

Date: October 17th, 2023