Sikorsky UH60A

Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA)

Operational Evaluation Report

Date: 2024-06-14


Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)* TCDS Identifier/Master Series Marketing Name Pilot Type Rating
RDIMS# 19125726 Special Certificate of Airworthiness - Limited N/A UH60A UH60A

Original signed by Stacey Mason

Stacey Mason
Director, Standards Branch (AART)
Transport Canada, Civil Aviation

Management co-ordination sheet

Office of Primary Interest (OPI):

Benoit Saulnier
Program Manager, Flight Technical and Operator Certification (FTOC)
Commercial Flight Standards (AARTF)
Standards Branch
Transport Canada, Civil Aviation
330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N8

Original signed by Benoit Saulnier

Deborah Martin
Chief, Commercial Flight Standards (AARTF)
Standards Branch
Transport Canada, Civil Aviation

Original signed by Acting Chief, Craig Leonard 

Table of contents

  1. Record of revisions
  2. Introduction
  3. Highlights of change
  4. General
  5. Acronyms
  6. Definitions
  7. Pilot type rating
  8. Related aircraft
  9. Pilot training
  10. Pilot checking
  11. Pilot currency
  12. Operational suitability
  13. Miscellaneous
  14. References
  15. Appendix 1 – Training syllabus

1. Record of revisions

Revision Number Sections(s) Page(s) Affected Date
0 (Original) All All 2024/06/14

2. Introduction

The Transport Canada Flight Technical and Operator Certification (FTOC) section within the Civil Aviation Standards Branch is responsible for the TCCA Operational Evaluation (OE) program. FTOC’s objectives during the operational evaluation of a new or modified aircraft are to determine:

  1. The acceptability of a manufacturers training program for use by Canadian operators;
  2. Pilot qualification and type rating requirements including training, checking, and currency requirements, and; 
  3. The operational suitability of an aircraft type.

This report lists those determinations for use by:

  1. TCCA Inspectors who approve training programs; 
  2. TCCA inspectors and Approved Check Pilots (ACPs) who conduct Pilot Proficiency Checks (PPCs) and issue Type Ratings; and 
  3. Aircraft operators and training providers, to assist them in developing their flight-crew member training, checking and currency programs.

Determinations made in this report are based on the evaluations of specific Sikorsky UH60A series, made in accordance with current regulations, standards, and guidance. Modifications and upgrades made to the series described herein, or introduction of new related aircraft, may require amendment of the findings in this report.

3. Highlights of change


4. General

4.1 Scope of report

This OE report applies to all series of the Sikorsky UH60A Blackhawk.

4.2 Guidance material

The TCCA Operational Evaluations were conducted in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 120-53(B), Guidance for Conducting and Use of Flight Standardization Board (FSB) Evaluations, and the JAA/TCCA/FAA Common Procedures Document for Operational Evaluation Boards (CPD).

4.3 OE Report effectiveness

Provisions of this report are effective until amended, superseded, or withdrawn by subsequent OE findings.

TCCA reserves the responsibility and authority to re-evaluate and modify sections of this report based on new or revised advisory material, amended Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), aircraft operating experience, or the evaluation of new or modified aircraft under the provisions of the CPD or FAA AC 120-53B.

4.4 Application of OE Report

All relevant parts of this report are applicable on the effective date of this report.

4.5 Alternate means of compliance

The OEB Chairman, the Program Manager of FTOC and/or the Chief Commercial Flight Standards should be consulted when alternate means of compliance, other than those specified in this report, are proposed. An applicant will be required to submit a proposed alternate means that provides an equivalent level of safety to the provisions of the CARs and this OE report. Analysis, demonstrations, proof of concept testing, differences documentation, and/or other substantiation may be required.

If alternate compliance means are sought, training program credits, simulator approvals, and device approvals may be significantly limited, and reporting requirements may be increased to ensure equivalent levels of training, checking, and currency are maintained. TCCA will generally not consider relief through alternate compliance means unless sufficient lead-time has been planned by an operator to allow for any necessary testing and evaluation.

4.6 UH60A initial type training evaluation

TCCA conducted an operational evaluation of Sikorsky UH60A in West Palm Beach, Florida USA from 22 May to 09 June, 2023, at the Flight Safety International (FSI) training facility. TCCA evaluated specific elements of FSI’s UH60A training program, identified in the UH60A Pilot Qualification Plan (PQP).

The 15-day Full Transition initial type rating training course for the UH60A was assessed through a T5 evaluation process. This course included the following:

  • a) Ground School syllabus; and
  • b) 3 non-flying systems sessions in the FFS, followed by 9 flying sessions in the FFS were completed: 6 as Pilot Flying (PF) and 6 as Pilot Monitoring (PM).

Following the operational evaluation, changes to the ground school syllabus to increase emphasis on crew coordination in handling of emergencies, as well as handling of the manual throttle function, were proposed. It is recommended that this amended syllabus be used.

It is recommended that 3 consolidation flights be conducted after completion of training on the FFS. 


The OE Team has not yet been able to secure access to an aircraft for the consolidation flights.


At the time of this OE, Flight Safety International Training facility in West Palm Beach FL was the only training provider for the UH60A platform. As of this report, it has been announced that Coulson Aviation, in Thermal, California, will also have a UH60A/L full motion Class D FTD available for any operator. Canadian operators are strongly encouraged to make use of either of these two facilities for both initial and recurrent training.

With the above recommendations noted, the initial type rating course was found to be acceptable by TCCA for use as the basis of an air operator’s training program.

5. Acronyms

AC Advisory Circular

ACP Approved Check Pilot

AFDS Automatic Flight Director System

APU Auxiliary Power Unit

AQP Advanced Qualification Program

BIM Blade Indicator Module

CARs Canadian Aviation Regulations

CASS Commercial Air Service Standard

CAT I/II/III Category I/II/III ILS Instrument Approach

CFS Commercial Flight Standards

EASA European Aviation Safety Agency

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FAR Federal Aviation Regulation

FFS Full Flight Simulator

FMC Flight Management Computer

FMS Flight Management System

FSB Flight Standardization Board (FAA)

FSTD Flight Simulation Training Device

FTOC Flight Technical and Operator Certification (TCCA)

ILS Instrument Landing System

OE Operational Evaluation

OEB Operational Evaluation Board

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer

PCL Power Control Lever

PIC Pilot in Command

PPC Pilot Proficiency Check

QRH Quick Reference Handbook

RNP Required Navigation Performance

TASE Training Area of Special Emphasis

TCCA Transport Canada Civil Aviation

TCDS Type Certificate Data Sheet

6. Definitions

These definitions are for the purposes of this report only:

Current – A crewmember meets all requirements to operate the aircraft under the applicable CAR or CASS.

Operational Evaluation (OE) – A TCCA evaluation of the pilot qualifications requirements of an aircraft type (pilot type rating, minimum flight crewmember training, checking and currency requirements, and unique or special pilot qualification requirements (e.g., specific flight characteristics, no-flap landing)), the operational suitability of an aircraft type, and the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) training program.

Operational Suitability – A determination during an operational evaluation that an aircraft or system may be used in the Canadian airspace and meets the applicable operational regulations (e.g., CAR subparts 604, 605, 701, 702, 703 and 704, as applicable).

Qualified – A flight crewmember holds the appropriate licenses and ratings as required by the applicable operating regulations.

Seat Dependent Tasks – Manoeuvers or procedures using controls that are accessible or operable from only one flight crewmember seat.

Special Emphasis Area – A training requirement unique to the aircraft, based on a system, procedure, or manoeuver, which requires additional highlighting during training. It may also require additional training time, specialized training devices or training equipment.

Specific Flight Characteristics – A manoeuver or procedure with unique handling or performance characteristics that TCCA has determined must be checked.

7. Pilot type rating

7.1 The pilot type rating

The Sikorsky UH60A type rating designation is UH60A.

7.2 Minimum crew compliment

The Sikorsky UH60A Blackhawk was designed for 2 pilot operations and has never been marketed or certified for single pilot operations in any military or government operations. TCCA agrees and retains the crew requirements accordingly.

Minimum Crew: Dual pilot, Day/Night VFR, IFR and NVG for all operations.

8. Related aircraft


9. Pilot training

9.1 Previous experience

The provisions of this section apply to all UH60A training programs for pilots who have experience in CAR 604, 702, 703 or 704 operations in multi-engine transport category helicopters.

Pilots receiving UH60A training should have previous operational experience in multi-engine transport category helicopters with complex systems, and a good knowledge of multicrew flight operations. Pilots without this experience may require additional training.

9.2 Initial ground school

Initial ground school provided sufficient instruction on the use of the performance data and aircraft systems. While the curriculum has some flexibility built-in to accommodate less experienced pilots, those with little to no experience in crew operations or complex multi-engine helicopters may require additional ground school time.

9.3 Training Areas of Special Emphasis

Pilots must receive special emphasis training in the following areas:


Special emphasis flight training requires corresponding special emphasis ground training.


9.3.1 Initial ground training

  • Special Certificate of Airworthiness Limited Category limitations and conditions
  • Emergency Procedures knowledge and coordination between pilots.
    • Engine failures during take-off, rejected take-offs and rejected landings
    • Single-engine failures at altitude and in hover
    • Stabilator malfunctions
  • Electronic Control Unit (ECU)/Digital Electronic Control (DEC)/Enhanced Digital Engine Control Unit (EDECU) Lockout
  • Degraded Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
  • Crew Resource Management for two pilot operations
  • Performance planning – understanding of power limitations, for the type of engines in the model being operated, changing from Torque limits to N1 limits as altitude increased and ambient temperatures decrease.
  • Caution: Some charts have confusing names, such as using the title of Torque Factor but requiring data is referred to as Torque Ratio
  • Management of Air Source for Heat / Start and Ice protection / Heat with their related decrease in Torque available
  • OEM cargo hook system and usage with/without essential crew
  • Weight & Balance – understanding Centre of Gravity limitations during low weight operations


Rotor blades use Blade Indicator Modules (BIM) filled with nitrogen, and the droop stops are constructed of beryllium. These components are hazardous and toxic; pilots must be aware of their associated material handling instructions if handled during walkaround or maintenance functions.


9.3.2 Initial and recurrent flight training

  • Hydraulic system failures
  • Manipulation of Power Control Levers (PCLs) or throttles – their detents and use of “lockout” for manual control of the governor
  • Use of APU Air and associated malfunctions of the starter
  • Stabilator malfunctions

9.4 Specific flight characteristics

There are no specific flight characteristics.

9.5 Seat dependent tasks

There are no seat dependent tasks.

9.6 Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD)

9.6.1 Full flight simulator (FFS)

It is highly recommended that a FFS be used for flight training. A program of 12 FFS slots is recommended, 6 as Pilot Flying and 6 as Pilot Monitoring.

It is recommended that 3 consolidation flights be completed in the aircraft prior to the PPC, to clarify any differences between the FFS and the aircraft.

9.7 Training equipment

There are no specific systems or procedures that are unique to the UH60A that require specific training equipment.

10. Pilot checking

It is highly recommended that a FFS be used for all PPCs and flight tests.

10.1 Specific flight characteristics

There are no specific flight characteristics.

10.2 Seat dependent tasks

There are no seat dependent tasks.

10.3 Other checking items

10.3.1 Initial and recurrent checking

  • Hydraulic system failures
  • Manipulation of Power Control Levers (PCLs) or throttles – their detents and use of “lockout” for manual control of the governor 
  • Use of APU Air and associated malfunctions of the starter
  • Stabilator malfunctions

10.3.2 All types of checking

  • Use of APU
  • Hydraulic systems 
  • Performance data charts with emergency handling in all phases of flight, including flight in the "avoid area" of the Height / Velocity chart, should be demonstrated.

10.4 Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTD)

Full emergency procedures training for engine, hydraulic and flight control malfunctions procedures for the UH60A require an FSTD for checking.

10.5 Equipment

There are no specific systems or procedures that are unique to the UH60A that require specific equipment.

11. Pilot currency

There are no additional currency requirements.

12. Operational suitability

The UH60A aircraft is operationally suitable under CAR 702, with a Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited and its associated Operating Conditions.

13. Miscellaneous

There are no miscellaneous issues.

14. References

  1. FAA Advisory Circular AC120-53B, Change 1, Guidance for Conduction and Use of Flight Standardization Board Evaluations, dated October 24, 2016.
  2. JOEB OPS/FCL Common Procedures for Conducting Operational Evaluation Boards, dated June 10, 2004.
  3. RDIMS# 19125726 Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited issued 08 Dec 2022. 

Appendix 1 – Training syllabus

Sikorsky UH60A Ground School
Day Duration Objectives
1 7.0hrs

Approved Rotorcraft Manual/ Aircraft Operating Manual

Crew Resource Management (CRM)

Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IIMC)


Master Warning

2 7.5hrs


Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)

Fuel System



3 7.0hrs


System Integration

4 8.0hrs

Flight Controls/ AFCS


Systems Integration

5 7.5hrs

Fire Protection

Weight and Balance

Landing Gear


Systems Integration

Optional Equipment/Kits/Accessories

6 7.5hrs


Flight Planning


Avionics / Communications

Ice/Rain Protection

7 2.0hrs

Environmental system

Systems Review/Exam

Sikorsky UH60A Simulator Training Modules
Day Duration/ Type Objectives

Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Preflight Inspection

Use of Checklist

Powerplant starts – Normal/Abnormal

Before Take-off Checks

Taxing/Runway Operations

Normal Take-off and Climb

Crosswind Take-off

Normal Approach and Landing

Crosswind Landing

Emergencies – Powerplant/Fuel system/Electrical

After Landing procedures

Parking and Securing


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Rejected Take-off

Powerplant failures (shutdown/restart)

Settling with Power – Recognition and recovery

Vortex Ring State

Specific Flight Characteristics

Approach and Landing with Powerplant failure.

Fire detection and extinguishing systems


Helicopter/Personal Emergency Equipment

In-flight fire and smoke removal

Emergency evacuation


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Powerplant Failure without restart

Steep Turns

Recovery from Unusual Attitudes

Go-around/Rejected Landing.

Hydraulic system

Emergency Decent

Environmental systems

System Integration


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Flight Control systems

Loss of Tail rotor Effectiveness


Anti-Ice and Deice system


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Powerplant Failure during Take-off

Inadvertent IMC Recovery

AFCS/EFIS and Related subsystems

Navigation and Avionic systems


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Departure Procedure

Powerplant Failure During Take-off

Inadvertent IMC Recovery

Precision Approach 1

Non-precision Approach 1

Instrument Arrival

Landing from a Precision Approach

AFCS/EFIS and related subsystems

Navigation and Avionics


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs


Instrument Take-off

Instrument Departure


Precision Approach 2

Non-precision Approach 2

Manually Flown Full Procedure Turn

Missed Approach 1

Precision approach, One Engine Inoperative – Manually Flown

Missed Approach with One Engine Inoperative

Missed Approach from Precision Approach

Published Missed Approach

Environmental systems


Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs



Optional Lessons: Slinging, water bucket, hoisting, etc..

Brief 1.0hrs

Sim 2.0hrs

Debrief 0.5hrs

Check flight