Basic Training – Approved/Acceptable Training Courses (Currently Active)

The basic training courses from the training organizations listed below are either approved or recognized as acceptable by Transport Canada (TC).

  • Approved basic training courses are delivered by the holder of an Approved Training Organizations (ATO) certificate in accordance with Division II of Subpart 403 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations and are eligible for knowledge and experience credit.
    • Applicants for an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) licence who graduate (means having met the TC requirements) from a particular approved course are issued a certificate with a TC approval number. See below for additional information on the applicable credits available.
  • Basic training courses listed below which do not have a TC approval number are recognized as acceptable in accordance with the alternative training requirement of subsection 566.07(2) of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM). These basic training courses are not eligible for knowledge or experience credit.
    • AME applicants graduating from these acceptable courses must successfully complete the applicable TC technical examinations as part of obtaining an AME licence and rating.

Important Notice

  • At this time, Transport Canada will not be processing requests from training providers for National acceptance of unapproved basic training courses. New policy is being developed and once established, it will be made available through the Civil Aviation Integrated Management System webpage under an Internal Process Bulletin (IPB). If you have any questions, please email them to

Applicable Credit:

  • Knowledge
    Applicants who successfully completed an approved basic training course applicable to the AME licence rating requested and who were issued a graduation certificate with a TC approval number are granted knowledge credit and are not required to complete the TC technical examinations applicable to the AME licence rating. This credit is only applicable towards the technical examinations and is not applicable towards the regulatory requirements examination.
  • Experience
    Time spent in approved basic training can be credited in months toward the total aviation maintenance experience requirement for an initial AME licence application. This credit is available to applicants who were issued a graduation certificate with a TC approval number. Please refer to the Applicable Credit and Notes columns in the table below for the credit available for a particular course, and refer to AWM Chapter 566 Appendix A for information on the aviation maintenance experience requirements for each rating.

If information is required pertaining to previously approved ATOs and approved or acceptable basic training courses which are not listed here, please contact the nearest Transport Canada Centre/Office.

Basic Training Organization Name Course Title Facility Location Applicable Rating(s) Approved or Acceptable Effective Date TC Approval Number Applicable Credit Notes
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician – Aircraft Maintenance Technician Ottawa, ON M1 or M2 Approved April-15 2015-04-4199 18 months experience & knowledge

Students who successfully graduated from this program 2017 and onward, two (2) documents are issued. In order to receive the accreditation, both documents are required.

The Algonquin College Diploma (issued without the TC approval number) is issued once the student successfully completes the program. This identifies that the student has met the Basic Training requirement without accreditation.

The Letter of Accreditation issued by the School of Advanced Technology contains the Transport Canada approval number TC-2015-04-4199 and identifies that the student has met all requirements for accreditation.

Possessing both documents will accredit the graduate with 18 months of experience and knowledge credit towards the application for an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License.

British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) Aircraft Maintenance – Basic M Richmond, BC M1 or M2 Approved September-01 2001-09-7000 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) Aircraft Maintenance – Basic E Richmond, BC E Approved September-01 2001-09-7001 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance North Bay ON M1 or M2 Approved May-13 2013-05-4175 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Avionics Maintenance North Bay ON E Approved May-13 2013-05-4176 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technology - Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics North Bay ON M1 or M2 Approved May-13 2013-05-4177 24 months experience & knowledge for «M» only. N/A
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technology - Aircraft Maintenance and Structural Repair North Bay ON M, S Approved May-13 2013-05-4178 24 months for experience "M" or 12 months experience "S" & knowledge The applicable experience credit is only applied at the time of initial application for either the “M” or “S” rating.
Knowledge credit is applied to both “M” and “S” ratings, at the time of initial application and additional rating application.
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aircraft Structural Repair Technician - Manufacturing and Inspection Program North Bay ON Approved June-18 2018-06-4257 14 months experience & knowledge N/A
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aircraft Structural Repair North Bay ON Approved September-01 2001-09-7012 10 months experience & knowledge N/A
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technology – Aircraft Maintenance and Avionics North Bay ON M, E Approved June-24 2024-05-4314 24 months experience & knowledge The applicable experience credit is only applied at the time of initial application for either the “M” or “E” rating.
Knowledge credit is applied to both “M” and “E” ratings, at the time of initial application and additional rating application.
Canadian Aviation College Inc. Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) training program Maniwaki, QC M1 or M2 Acceptable October-23 N/A N/A This course is recognized as acceptable to meet the alternative training requirement for the M1 or M2 rated Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence.
Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace (CCAA) Aircraft Structures Technician Program Ottawa, ON S Acceptable November-24 N/A N/A This course is recognized as acceptable to meet the alternative training requirement for the S rated Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence.
Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Aircraft Maintenance Technician Downsview, ON M1 or M2 Approved May-18 2019-01-4256 18 months experience & knowledge

For candidates who graduated from this program in June 2015 and onward, two (2) documents are issued.  In order to receive the accreditation, both documents are required.

The Centennial College Diploma (issued without the TC approval number) is issued once the student successfully completes the program. This identifies that the student has met the Basic Structured Training requirement without accreditation.

The Letter of Accreditation issued by the Aerospace dept. contains the TC approval number and identifies that the student has met all requirements for accreditation.

Previous approval number 2001-09-7003 will no longer be issued as of June 2021 but is still valid including the applicable 18 months experience and knowledge credit.

Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Avionics Program Downsview, ON E Approved May-18 2019-01-4257 18 months experience & knowledge

For candidates who graduated from this program in June 2015 and onward, two (2) documents are issued.  In order to receive the accreditation, both documents are required.

The Centennial College Diploma (issued without the TC approval number) is issued once the student successfully completes the program. This identifies that the student has met the Basic Structured Training requirement without accreditation.

The Letter of Accreditation issued by the Aerospace dept. contains the TC approval number and identifies that the student has met all requirements for accreditation.

Previous approval number 2001-09-7004 will no longer be issued as of June 2021 but is still valid including the applicable 18 months experience and knowledge credit.

Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology (anglais seulement) Aviation Technology – Aircraft Maintenance & Management Toronto (Downsview Aerospace & Aviation Campus) M1 or M2 Approved March-19 2019-03-4258 18 Experience & Knowledge N/A
Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology (anglais seulement) Aviation Technology – Avionics Maintenance & Management Toronto (Downsview Aerospace & Aviation Campus) E Approved March-19 2019-03-4259 18 months Experience & Knowledge N/A
College of the North Atlantic (CNA) (*formerly CNCC) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Technology (M & E) Gander NL M, E Approved September-01 2001-09-7005 21 months experience & knowledge

The applicable experience credit is only applied at the time of initial application for either the “M” or “E” rating.

Knowledge credit is applied to both “M” and “E” ratings, at the time of initial application and additional rating application.

College of the North Atlantic (CNA) (*formerly CNCC) Aircraft Structural Repair Gander NL Approved September-01 2001-09-7006 10 months experience & knowledge N/A
Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance Program Thunder Bay ON M1 or M2 Approved December-01 2001-12-7021 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Coulson Aircrane Limited Aircraft Structures Technician Course Port Alberni, British Columbia Approved January-24 2024-01-1185 11 months experience & knowledge

Successful graduates will be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Approved Training document with TC approval number which meets the approved basic training requirement and applicable credit for knowledge and experience.

Students who complete the course without meeting the approved basic training requirement may be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Acceptable Training document without the TC approval number. The document will be recognized as acceptable basic training without any credit for knowledge and experience.

Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician – Avionics Maintenance London, ON E Approved August-11 2011-08-4128 18 months experience & knowledge 2010 training hours
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance London, ON M1 or M2 Approved August-13 2013-08-4174 18 months experience & knowledge 2040 training hours
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance London, ON M1 or M2 Approved March-18 2018-02-4248 24 months experience & knowledge

The applicable experience credit is only applied at the time of initial application for either the “M” or “E” rating.

Knowledge credit is applied to both “M” and “E” ratings, at the time of initial application and additional rating application.

Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology Aircraft Structural Repair Technician   London, ON Approved September-19 2019-09-4268 10 months experience & knowledge N/A
International Career School (ICS) Canada Aircraft Mechanics Program Montreal QC M1 or M2 Acceptable December-06 N/A N/A This course is recognized as acceptable to meet the alternative training requirement for the M1 or M2 rated Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence.
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Avionics Program (DEC 280.D0) St-Hubert QC E Approved August-08 2009-05-5141 19 months experience & knowledge 1920 hours
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Aircraft Maintenance Technology (DEC 280.C0) St. Hubert QC M1 or M2 Approved July-07 2007-08-5118 19 months experience & knowledge 3 year program. (1980 Hours)
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Structures Repair Program - EMAM (999.38) St. Hubert QC Acceptable October-04 N/A N/A Basic training only.
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Aircraft Avionics Systems (AEC EWA.02) St. Hubert, QC E Approved October-24 2024-10-5276 17 months experience & knowledge Basic Training of 1752 hours provided by the continuing education dept. and subject to specific admission requirements. Acceptable training only for graduation before October 2024 
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Structures Repair Program - profile 280-B0 (999.40) St. Hubert QC Acceptable October-04 N/A N/A Basic training only.
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Aircraft Maintenance (999.49) St. Hubert, QC M1 or M2 Acceptable January-10 N/A N/A Basic training only.
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Elements of Aircraft Maintenance - profile Bombardier Profile (999.43) St. Hubert QC M1 or M2 Acceptable December-04 N/A N/A Basic training only.
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Elements of Structural Repair - profile CCEA (999.44) St. Hubert QC Acceptable December-04 N/A N/A Basic training only.
L'École Nationale d'Aérotechnique du Collège Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) Aircraft Maintenance Program
St. Hubert QC M1 or M2 Approved September-21 2021-12-5236 13  months experience & knowledge Basic Training  of 1335 hours provided by the continuing education dept. and subject to specific admission requirements.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Aircraft Structures Hamilton, Ontario Approved November-12 2012-11-4158 12 months experience & knowledge N/A
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Aircraft Maintenance Hamilton, Ontario M1 or M2 Approved May-10 2010-04-4109 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology Aviation Technician - Avionics Hamilton, Ontario E Approved May-19 2019-05-4261 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Northern Lights College (NLC) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering - Basic M Dawson Creek BC M1 or M2 Approved November-01 2001-11-7020 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Nova Scotia Community College Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Mechanical Dartmouth, NS M1 or M2 Approved January-12 2012-01-6000 18 months experience & knowledge

Graduating students from June 2013 to June 2017 receive 19 months experience & knowledge credit.

Graduating students after June 2017 receive 18 months experience & knowledge credit.

New course title effective September 2022.  Previous course title: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical)

Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Aircraft Maintenance Technician - Structures Dartmouth, NS Approved February-09 2009-01-6001 10 months experience & knowledge

As of September 1, 2008, the facility location has moved from Shearwater NS to Dartmount NS.

Graduating students from June 2013 to June 2017 receive 9 months experience & knowledge credit.

Graduating students after June 2017 receive 10 months experience & knowledge credit.

New course title effective September 2022.  Previous course title: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures).

Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Aircraft Maintenance Technology - Avionics Dartmouth, NS E Approved August-09 2009-08-6002 18 months experience & knowledge

Graduating students from June 2013 to June 2017 receive 19 months experience & knowledge credit.

Graduating students after June 2017 receive 18 months experience & knowledge credit.

New course title effective September 2022.  Previous course title: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics)

Okanagan College  Aircraft Maintenance Engineer - Category S Kelowna Airport Campus, Kelowna BC Approved January-12 2012-01-1127 10 months experience & knowledge Program is approved for Kelowna Campus (Kelowna, BC) only.
Red River College – Stevenson Campus Aircraft Maintenance Journeyperson Winnipeg and Southport MB M1 or M2 Approved September-01 2001-09-7015 48 months experience & knowledge

After September 1, 2017:

Successful graduates will be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Approved Training document with TC approval number, eligible for 48 months credit towards experience and receive knowledge credit applicable to the “M” rating.

Students who complete the course without meeting the approved basic training requirement may be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Acceptable Training document without the TC approval number. The document will be recognized as acceptable basic training without any credit for knowledge and experience.

Graduation Date prior to September 1, 2017 - Formerly Stevenson Aviation Technical Training Centre.

General info: 2 certificates are issued. To receive any kind of "credit", both certificates are required. The first document, a Certificate of Completion (which has no TC number), is issued once the student successfully completes the in school portion, which equates to meeting the Basic Training requirement (no credit is given). The second document, Certificate of Qualification (which contains the TC approval number), is issued once the student completes both the industry experience portion and other College program requirements.

If the student does not complete the industry experience portion of the program, or if not successful on the final program exams, they will not receive a Certificate of Qualification (which has the TC approval number). A student in this situation is not eligible for any type of exam or experience credit, and must meet all requirements for licence issue (see item 2 below).

Making Application to TC: 1. For exam and experience credit: Both certificates are required. Prior to obtaining a licence, proof of Maintenance tasks (logbook, etc.) must be submitted for TC review. ** Some students apply to write REGS exam before they finish the whole program, and will bring in 42 months experience & a Certificate of Completion only. This is acceptable, but the applicant must be advised (preferably in writing) that if no TC numbered Certificate of Qualification received they will not be eligible for the credit – if this happens they must satisfy all requirements for licence issue (technical exams, experience, etc.).

2. For acceptable basic training: Certificate of Completion is required. The student must also provide proof of 4 years experience; this experience must be in form of letters (or similar) from the employer which provide details of the nature of employment, types of work completed, types of aircraft worked on and exact employment dates (start to finish) – the Apprenticeship board/program "ÀMJ Apprenticeship Completion Data" format is not acceptable to meet the experience requirement. Documented proof of maintenance tasks (logbook, etc) must also be submitted for TC review.

Red River College – Stevenson Campus Aircraft Structural Repair Technician Winnipeg and Southport MB Approved February-02 2002-02-7025 12 months experience & knowledge

After September 1, 2017:

Successful graduates will be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Approved Training document with TC approval number which meets the approved basic training requirement and applicable credit for knowledge and experience.

Students who complete the course without meeting the approved basic training requirement may be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Acceptable Training document without the TC approval number. The document will be recognized as acceptable basic training without any credit for knowledge and experience.

Facility was formerly Stevenson Aviation Technical Training Centre prior to September 1, 2017.

Red River College – Stevenson Campus Aircraft Maintenance Diploma Program Winnipeg and Southport MB M1 or M2 Approved February-03 2003-02-2000 19 months experience & knowledge

After September 1, 2017:

Successful graduates will be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Approved Training document with TC approval number which meets the approved basic training requirement and applicable credit for knowledge and experience.

Students who complete the course without meeting the approved basic training requirement may be issued an Accreditation of Transport Canada Acceptable Training document without the TC approval number. The document will be recognized as acceptable basic training without any credit for knowledge and experience.

Facility was formerly Stevenson Aviation Technical Training Centre prior to September 1, 2017.

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies Aircraft Maintenance - Basic M Saskatoon SK M1 or M2 Approved October-10 2010-10-2003 18 months experience & knowledge N/A
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology  Aircraft Structural Repair Program Sault Ste. Marie ON Approved October-07 2007-09-4093 10 months experience & knowledge Course re-approved October 2007
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Technology Calgary, Alberta (Art Smith Aero Center for Training and Technology) M1 or M2 Approved May-14 2014-04-2005 18 months experience & knowledge Training Control Manual (Amendment) Approved May 21, 2014 First Class Starts September 2014. After October 2002 the TC approved certificate is the "Statement of Aviation Division Accreditation Compliance" letter.
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Aircraft Avionics Program Calgary, Alberta (Art Smith Aero Center for Training and Technology) E Approved August-10 2010-08-2001 18 months experience & knowledge Training Control Manual (Amendment) Approved August 5, 2010 First Class Starts in September. After October 2002 the TC approved certificate is the "Statement of Aviation Division Accreditation Compliance" letter.
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Aviation Structural Repairs Calgary, Alberta (Art Smith Aero Center for Training and Technology) Approved August-10 2010-08-2002 10 months experience & knowledge Training Control Manual (Amended) Approved August 5, 2010 Prairie and Northern file: 5016-7002. After October 2002 the TC approved certificate is the "Statement of Aviation Division Accreditation Compliance" letter.
University College of the Fraser Valley Aircraft Structures Technician Abbotsford, BC Approved January-03 2003-01-1003 11 months experience & knowledge As of July 12, 2019, this training is no longer approved.
University College of the Fraser Valley Aircraft Maintenance Engineer – Basic M Abbotsford, BC M1 or M2 Approved June-17 2017-06-1148 18 months experience & knowledge As of July 12, 2019, this training is no longer approved.