Aircraft Differences Training - Similar Aircraft Types - Requiring Ground Training Only


* - A pilot holding a High Performance type rating for a specific aircraft, and applying to obtain a two crew type rating for a similar aircraft must meet the differences type rating training requirements below, and must meet the Knowledge and Experience requirements in subparagraphs 421.40 (3)(a)(i) and 421.40 (3)(a)(ii) of the Standard.

PDF version - Aircraft Differences Training - Similar Aircraft Types - Requiring Ground Training Only

An approved simulator may be used for meeting the flight training requirements.

The Approved Training program is the Approved Air Operator Course or the Approved Aircraft Manufacturer’s Course.

This Chart is provided for guidance only - Updated 2011/03/21

Manufacturer Model Approved Training Program
Boeing B757/ B767 Ground training on systems, limitations,
engines, weight and balance differences.
Cessna * C500 / C501 Ground training covering single vs. two-pilot
equipment, roles.
* C550 / C551 Ground training covering single vs. two-pilot
equipment, roles.
C550 / C560 Ground training covering systems differences,
limitations, weight and balance.
Fairchild SW4 / SW5 Ground training covering systems difference.
Learjet LR23, LR24, LR25,
LR28, LR29
Ground training covering systems, limitations, weight and balance.
LR35 / LR36 Ground training covering fuel capacity, weight
and balance.