Abbreviations and acronyms for flight crew examinations


Note: The abbreviations and acronyms listed below may be used throughout this examination.

AAE - above aerodrome elevation
ACAS - airborne collision avoidance system
ACC - area control centre
AD - airworthiness directive
ADF - automatic direction finder
ADIZ - air defence identification zone
AGL - above ground level
AIRMET - short-term meteorological information
AME - aircraft maintenance engineer
APU - auxiliary power unit
ARCAL - aircraft radio control of aerodrome lighting
ASDA - accelerate stop distance available
ASI - airspeed indicator
ASL - above sea level
ASR - airport surveillance radar
ATC - air traffic control
ATF - aerodrome traffic frequency
ATIS - automatic terminal information service
ATPL - airline transport pilot licence
ATS - air traffic services
AWOS - automated weather observation systems
BC - back course
BFL - balanced field length
ºC - degree Celsius
C of A - certificate of airworthiness
C of R - certificate of registration
CAME - Civil Aviation Medical Examiner
CAP - Canada Air Pilot
CARs - Canadian Aviation Regulations
CARS - community aerodrome radio station
CAS - calibrated airspeed
CAT - clear air turbulence
CDI - course deviation indicator
CFI - chief flying instructor
CFS - Canada Flight Supplement
CG - centre of gravity
CMNPS - Canadian minimum navigation performance specifications
CMNPSA - Canadian minimum navigation performance specifications airspace
CP - critical point
CPL - commercial pilot licence
CRFI - Canadian Runway Friction Index
cu ft - cubic feet
CVFR - controlled visual flight rules
CVR - cockpit voice recorder
CZ - control zone
DF - direction finder
DH - decision height
DME - distance measuring equipment
DR - dead reckoning navigation
DVFR - defence visual flight rules
EAT - expected approach time
EFC - expected further clearance time
EGT - exhaust gas temperature
ELT - emergency locator transmitter
EPR - engine pressure ratio
ESCAT Plan - emergency security control of air traffic plan
ETA - estimated time of arrival
ETD - estimated time of departure
ETOPS - extended range operations by twin-engined aeroplanes
EWH - eye-to-wheel height
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration (U.S.)
FD - upper level wind and temperature forecasts
FDR - flight data recorder
FIR - flight information region
FL - flight level
FMS - flight management system
FPD - freezing point depressant
fpm - feet per minute
FSS - flight service station
ft - feet
g - accelerating force of gravity
gal. - gallon
GFA - graphic area forecast
GNSS - global navigation satellite system
GP - glide path
gph - gallon(s) per hour
GPS - global positioning system
h - hour
HAA - height above aerodrome
HAT - height above touchdown
HF - high frequency
HF AM/SSB - high frequency amplitude modulation/single side band
HI chart - Enroute High Altitude Chart
hp - horsepower
hPa - hectopascal
HSI - horizontal situation indicator
IAF - initial approach fix
IAS - indicated airspeed
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR - instrument flight rules
ILS - instrument landing system
IMC - instrument meteorological conditions
imp. - imperial
in. - inch
in. lb. - inch-pound
in. Hg - inches of mercury
INS - inertial navigation system
ISA - International Standard Atmosphere
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
kg - kilogram
kHz - kilohertz
KIAS - knots indicated air speed
km - kilometer
kt - knot
LAHSO - land and hold short operations
lb - pound
L/D ratio - lift/drag ratio
LDA - landing distance available
LEMAC - leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord
LF/MF - low frequency/medium frequency
LO chart - Enroute Low Altitude Chart
M - magnetic
MAC - mean aerodynamic chord
MAP - missed approach point
mb - millibar
MDA - minimum descent altitude
MEA - minimum en route altitude
MEL - minimum equipment list
METAR - aviation routine weather report
MF - mandatory frequency
MHz - megahertz
MNPS - minimum navigation performance specifications
MNPSA - minimum navigation performance specifications airspace
MOCA - minimum obstruction clearance altitude
MP - manifold pressure
mph - mile per hour
MRA - minimum reception altitude
MSL - mean sea level
MVFR - marginal visual flight rules
N1 or Ng - gas generator turbine rpm
N2 or Np - power turbine rpm
NAT - North Atlantic
NAVAID - navigation aid
NDB - non-directional beacon
NM - nautical mile
NORDO - no radio
NOTAM - notice to airmen
OAT - outside air temperature
OBS - omnibearing selector
PAPI - precision approach path indicator
PAR - precision approach radar
PIC - pilot-in-command
PIREP - pilot weather report
PNR - point of no return
pph - pound(s) per hour
PPL - private pilot licence
psi - pounds per square inch
PSR - primary surveillance radar
RAIM - receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
RCC - rescue co-ordination centre
RCO - remote communications outlet
RMI - radio magnetic indicator
RNAV - area navigation
rpm - revolutions per minute
RPP - recreation pilot permit
rrpm - rotor revolutions per minute
RVR - runway visual range
RVSM - reduced vertical separation minimums
RWY - runway
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
SELCAL - selective calling system
SGR - specific ground range
SID - standard instrument departure
SIGMET - significant meteorological information
SM - statute mile
SSR - secondary surveillance radar
STAR - standard terminal arrival
STOL - short take-off and landing
SVFR - special visual flight rules
T - true
TACAN - tactical air navigation aid
TAF - aerodrome forecast
TAS - true airspeed
TCA - terminal control area
TC AIM - Aeronautical Information Manual
TCAS - traffic alert and collision avoidance system
TCU - terminal control unit
TDZ - touchdown zone
TEMAC - trailing edge of mean aerodynamic chord
T/O - takeoff
TODA - take-off distance available
TORA - take-off run available
TOT - turbine outlet temperature
TSB - Transportation Safety Board of Canada
UHF - ultrahigh frequency
UNICOM - universal communications
U.S. - United States
UTC - Co-Ordinated Universal Time
VASIS - visual approach slope indicator system
VDF - VHF direction-finding
VFR - visual flight rules
VFR OTT - VFR over-the-top
VHF - very high frequency
VLF - very low frequency
VMC - visual meteorological conditions
VNC - VFR Navigation Chart
VOLMET - In-flight meteorological information
VOR - VHF omnidirectional range
VORTAC - combination of VOR and TACAN
VOT - VOR receiver test facility
VSI - vertical speed indicator
VTA - VFR Terminal Area Chart
Z - Co-Ordinated Universal Time (UTC)

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