Aviation Safety Letter (ASL) article submission

Do you have an aviation safety topic you are passionate about? Do you want to share your expert knowledge with others? If so, we would love to hear from you!

General information and guidance

The ASL’s primary objective is to promote aviation safety. It includes articles that address aviation safety from all perspectives, such as safety insight derived from accidents and incidents, as well as safety information tailored to the needs of all holders of a valid Canadian pilot licence or permit, to all holders of a valid Canadian aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licence and to other interested individuals within the aviation community.

If you are interested in writing an article, please send it by e-mail to TC.ASL-SAN.TC@tc.gc.ca, in your preferred language. Please note that all articles will be edited and translated by the Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) Aviation Terminology Standardization Division and will be coordinated by the ASL team.


In order to captivate our readers interest, we recommend that you include one or two photos (ie.: photo, illustration, chart or graphic) for each article, if possible. Please send us your photos as an e-mail attachment preferably as a jpeg.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!