Aviation Publications

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Publications available online

Topic Title Description TP number
General operating and flight rules Aviation Safety Letter A collection of documents about aviation safety. TP 185
Licensing Multi-engine class rating - aeroplane: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 219
Air navigation services Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures Reference document. TP 308/GPH209
Operating airports and aerodromes Aerodromes standards and recommended practices Reference document. TP 312
Licensing for pilots and personnel Written examinations for the airline transport pilot licence aeroplane: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 690
Licensing for pilots and personnel Study and reference guide for the written examinations for the instrument rating: Aeroplane and helicopter Reference guide for examination. TP 691
Licensing for pilots and personnel Glider pilot licence: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 876
Licensing for pilots and personnel Glider pilot licence: Sample examination Sample examination for glider’s pilot licence exam. TP 877
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Aeroplane: Flight instructor guide Reference guide for examination. TP 975
Operating airports and aerodromes Land use in the vicinity of aerodromes Reference document. TP 1247
Air navigation services Emergency security control of air traffic (ESCAT) plan Document outlining air traffic regulations. TP 1258
General operating and flight rules Take Five...for safety (series) Article series TP 2228
Licensing for pilots and personnel Private and commercial pilot licence including aeroplane to helicopter pilot licences - helicopter: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. For private and commercial pilot licence including aeroplane to helicopter pilot licences - Helicopter TP 2476
Licensing for pilots and personnel Private and commercial pilot licence - helicopter: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 3077
Air travel Helicopter passenger Safety information for passengers. TP 4263
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight engineer licence - aeroplane: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 4381
Commercial air services Air Operator Certification Manual Manual with procedures and guidelines. TP 4711
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Helicopter: Flight instructor guide Guide for instructors. TP 4818
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight instructor rating - aeroplane, helicopter, aerobatic: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 5537
Aircraft airworthiness Safety criteria for approval of extended range twin-engine operations (ETOPS) Listing of safety manuals. TP 6327
Commercial air services Approved check pilot manual Checklist for pilots. TP 6533
Aircraft airworthiness Canadian aviation service difficulty reports: Feedback Collection of comments from Transport Canada in response to reports of aviation service difficulty reports. TP 6980
Air travel A safety guide for aircraft charter passengers Safety guide. TP 7087
Aircraft airworthiness Service difficulty alerts List of potential hazards identified by the Service Difficulty Reporting Program. TP 7244
Aircraft airworthiness Service difficulty advisories List of potential problems identified by the Service Difficulty Reporting Program. TP 7394
Operating airports and aerodromes Airport wildlife management bulletins Bulletin about management of wildlife. TP 8240
General operating and flight rules Master minimum equipment list/minimum equipment list policy and procedures manual Inventory list for equipment. TP 9155
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Aeroplane and rotorcraft simulator manual Operations manual. TP 9685
Commercial air services Air operator merger or take-over procedures Procedures reference document. TP 9908
Licensing for pilots and personnel Instrument rating groups 1, 2 and 3 aeroplane: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 9939
Licensing for pilots and personnel Helicopter flight training manual Training manual. TP 9982
Licensing for pilots and personnel Balloon pilot license - including flight instructor rating: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination for balloon pilot’s licence. TP 10087
General operating and flight rules Helicopter risk management Safety manual. TP 10112
General operating and flight rules When in Doubt...Small and Large Aircraft, Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination Training - TP 10643 Manual with procedures and guidelines. TP 10643
Licensing for pilots and personnel Air law and procedures - Class 'E' airspace: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 11408
Operating airports and aerodromes Wildlife control procedures manual Operations manual. TP 11500
Commercial air services Foreign air operator certification and inspection manual Operations manual. TP 11524
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Multi-engine class rating: Instructor guide Training guide for instructors. TP 11575
General operating and flight rules Pilot incapacitation Safety material. TP 11629
Licensing for pilots and personnel Student pilot permit or private pilot licence: Foreign and military applicants, aviation regulations Reference guide for examination. TP 11919
Licensing for pilots and personnel Airline transport pilot license - helicopter: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 11954
Commercial air services Flight attendant manual standard Safety manual for flight attendants. TP 12295
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight attendant training standard Safety guide for flight attendants. TP 12296
Air travel Seaplane/Floatplane: Passenger's guide Safety guide for passengers. TP 12365
Licensing for pilots and personnel Recreational pilot permit - aeroplane: Study and reference guide: Reference guide for examination. TP 12467
Licensing for pilots and personnel Recreational pilot permit - aeroplane: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 12475
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight dispatchers: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 12513
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Seaplane rating: Instructor guide Training guide for instructors. TP 12668
Licensing for pilots and personnel VFR over-the-top rating: Instructor guide Training guide for instructors. TP 12775
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations How to start a flight training unit Training guide. TP 12862
Licensing for pilots and personnel Human Factors - Brochure Reference guide for examination. TP 12863
TP 12864
TP 12865
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Instructor guide: GPS Training guide for instructors. TP 12878
Licensing for pilots and personnel Study and Reference Guide, Private Pilot Licence, including Helicopter to Aeroplane Pilot Licence Reference guide for examination. TP 12880
Licensing for pilots and personnel Written examinations for the commercial pilot licence aeroplane: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 12881
Licensing for pilots and personnel Recreational pilot permit and private pilot licence: Civil aviation sample examination Civil aviation sample examination. TP 13014
Operating airports and aerodromes Evaluation of the efficacy of products and techniques for airport bird control Evaluation report. TP 13029
Registering and leasing aircraft Aircraft leasing procedures manual Manual about leasing airplanes. TP 13090
Aircraft airworthiness Maintenance schedule approval policy and procedures Maintenance manual. TP 13094
Commercial air services SATOPS: Final report Safety of Air Taxi Operations Task Force report. TP 13158
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight Test Guide - Powered Parachute Reference guide for examination. TP 13299
Medical fitness for aviation Handbook for civil aviation medical examiners Handbook with reference material. TP 13312
Licensing for pilots and personnel Commercial pilot licence - aeroplane: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 13462
Commercial air services Generic dispatchers training manual for air operators Training manual. TP 13498
Licensing for pilots and personnel Written examination for the type rating for two crew aeroplane or cruise relief pilot: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 13524
Commercial air services Right to refuse dangerous work on board aircraft while in operation Pamphlet. TP 13537
General operating and flight rules Sharing the skies Guide for pilots about dealing with hazards from wildlife. TP 13549
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Complex aeroplane: Competency guide Skills assessment document. TP 13615
Operating airports and aerodromes Technical evaluation engineering aerodrome safety 1998: Civil aviation Evaluation of safety equipment for aerodromes. TP 13706
Licensing for pilots and personnel Private pilot licence - aeroplane: Flight test guide Reference guide for examination. TP 13723
Licensing for pilots and personnel Civil aviation sample examination Reference guide for examination private and commercial pilot licenses. TP 13728
Licensing for pilots and personnel Type rating - helicopter: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination for commercial helicopter pilot’s license. TP 13733
General operating and flight rules Stall/spin awareness -guidance notes - private and commercial pilot training Pilot training manual. TP 13747
Commercial air services Commercial and business aviation inspection and audit (checklists) manual Maintenance checklists and manual. TP 13750
Aircraft airworthiness Aircraft maintenance and manufacturing inspection and audit Maintenance checklists and manual. TP 13751
Licensing for pilots and personnel VFR navigation progress test guide: Aeroplane Reference guide for examination. TP 13779
Operating airports and aerodromes Sub-committee on runway incursions: Final report Report summarizing committee findings. TP 13795
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Flight training devices Reference guide for examination. TP 13799
Commercial air services Score your safety culture Self-assessment test to assess the safety culture in a workplace. TP 13844
Aircraft airworthiness Scheduled maintenance instruction development processes manual Guidelines for maintenance. TP 13850
General operating and flight rules Pilot Decision Making — PDM Pilot training manual. TP 13897
Licensing for pilots and personnel Study and reference guide: Pilot permit - gyroplane Reference guide for examination for gyroplanes. TP 13975
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight test guide: Ultra-light aeroplane Reference guide for examination. TP 13984
Licensing for aircraft maintenance engineers Aircraft maintenance engineer technical examinations: Study and reference guide Reference guide for examination. TP 14038
General operating and flight rules Guidelines for aircraft ground: Icing operations Operating guidelines. TP 14052
Commercial air services Approved check dispatcher manual Manual for dispatchers. TP 14114
Commercial air services Aviation occupational health and safety on board aircraft Pamphlet. TP 14215
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Pilot Examiner Manual Manual. TP 14277
Aircraft airworthiness Transport Canada civil aviation guidelines: Maintenance policy manuals Maintenance manual. TP 14308
Aircraft airworthiness Enhanced zonal analysis procedures Manual for developing maintenance routines. TP 14331
General operating and flight rules Flying On Board Seaplanes/Floatplanes Pamphlet. TP 14346
Licensing for pilots and personnel, General operating and flight rules, Drone safety Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM) Reference material with pre-flight information. TP 14371
Aircraft airworthiness Transport Canada civil aviation guidelines: Maintenance control manuals Maintenance manual. TP 14408
Aircraft airworthiness Air operator maintenance control manual checklist Manual for air operators. TP 14427
Aircraft airworthiness Maintenance policy manual: MPM checklist Maintenance manual. TP 14428
Licensing for pilots and personnel Study and reference guide: Pilot permit - ultra-light aeroplane Reference guide for ultra-light aeroplane pilots. TP 14453
Licensing for pilots and personnel Sample examination: Pilot permit - ultra-light aeroplane Sample examination. TP 14454
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: An introduction to managing fatigue Introduction to the topic of fatigue management. TP 14572
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: Fatigue management strategies for employees Guide about fatigue management. TP 14573
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: Employee training assessment Employee training assessment. TP 14574
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: Developing and implementing a fatigue risk management system Guide for implementing a fatigue risk management program. TP 14575
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: Policies and procedures development guidelines Policy guide for fatigue risk management. TP 14576
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: Introduction to fatigue audit tools Guide for fatigue risk management. TP 14577
Commercial air services Fatigue risk management system for the Canadian aviation industry: Trainer’s handbook Trainer’s handbook. TP 14578
Commercial air services Transport Canada inspector training booklet for operational control (Cancelled) Reference material for Transport Canada Inspectors. TP 14626
Licensing for pilots and personnel Advanced qualification program evaluator manual Manual for Transport Canada Inspectors, air operators and AQP Evaluators. TP 14672
Commercial air services Civil aviation integrated management system standard Document that explains how Transport Canada manages the Civil Aviation Program. TP 14693
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight test guide: Pilot proficiency check and aircraft type rating (aeroplane) Manual with procedures and guidelines. TP 14727
Licensing for pilots and personnel Pilot proficiency check and aircraft type rating Manual with procedures and guidelines. TP 14728
Commercial air services Reporting and Recording Workplace Hazardous Occurrences Pamphlet. TP 14793
General operating and flight rules Manual of all weather operations: Categories II and III Operations manual. TP 1490
General operating and flight rules Transport Canada Civil Aviation service standards activities (with and without charges) A reference that explains Transport Canada’s service standards for Civil Aviation. TP 14984
Licensing for pilots and personnel Choose your aviation career flight path Describes the types of careers available in aviation. TP 14989
General operating and flight rules National aviation day! February 23 Publicity for special event. TP 14990
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight test guide: Powered para-glider A reference guide to prepare for the Flight Instructor Rating - Powered Para-glider examination. TP 15031
General operating and flight rules Flying to Canada: what you need to know A guide for general aviation pilots about flying in Canada. TP 15048
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight Test Guide - Instrument Rating - Group 4 - Helicopter Reference guide for examination. TP 15099
General operating and flight rules Small Aircraft Passenger Guidelines Video. TP 15171
Aviation security Industry Guidance: Airport Security Programs - Executive Summary Airport security program overview TP 15175
Licensing for pilots and personnel Written examinations for the flight instructor rating – gyroplane: Study and reference guide Reference guide to help prepare for the Flight Instructor Rating – Gyroplane examination.   TP 15209
Requirements and tools for aviation training organizations Study and Reference Guide for the Flight Instructor Rating – Ultra-light Aeroplane Guide. TP 15210
Licensing for pilots and personnel Written examinations for the flight instructor rating helicopter: Study and reference guide Reference guide to help prepare for the Flight Instructor Rating – Helicopter examination.   TP 15216
Licensing for pilots and personnel Written examinations for the flight instructor rating aeroplane: Study and reference guide Reference guide to help prepare for the Flight Instructor Rating examination.   TP 15219
Commercial air services Hot Air Balloons - A Passenger's Guide (PDF 245 KB) Pamphlet. TP 15245
Drone safety Knowledge Requirements for Pilots of Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (TP 15263) Training and examination guide for pilots of drones. TP 15263
General operating and flight rules CARS and standards quick reference sheet Listing of Canadian Aviation Regulations. TP 15286
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight Test Guide - Competency Check (Private Operators) - Second Edition Reference guide for examination. TP 15335
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight Test Guide - Competency Check (Private Operators) Reference guide for examination. TP 15335
Drone safety Flight Reviewer’s Guide for Pilots of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Guide. TP 15395
General operating and flight rules State Safety Program (SSP) For Civil Aviation in Canada Reference document. TP 15462
Licensing for pilots and personnel Authorized Person Policy Manual – Aeroplane and Helicopter Guide. TP 15419
Drone safety Transport Canada’s Drone Strategy to 2025 Report on Transport Canada's strategy for drone safety and innovation TP 15467
General Transport Canada and Air Safety: Our Work Behind the Scenes Pamphlet. TP n/a
Aircraft airworthiness Meet your aircraft Pamphlet.
available to order
TP 3694
Commercial air services Commercial and Business Aviation Dangerous Goods Inspector's Manual Manual.
available to order
TP 385
Operating airports and aerodromes Small perching birds/Gulls, waterfowl and shorebirds/Hawks, owls, gamebirds Poster.
available to order
TP 6324
General operating and flight rules Aviation Safety Ultralight & Balloon Newsletter.
available to order
TP 7317
Licensing for pilots and personnel Finding the Sun's True Bearing—Precomputed Tables Tables.
available to order
TP 784
Commercial air services Air Command Weather Manual Manual.
available to order
TP 9352
Commercial air services Air Command Weather Manual Workbook Workbook.
available to order
TP 9353
Licensing for pilots and personnel Flight Training Manual Manual.
available to order
TP 1102
Commercial air services When in Doubt...Small and Large Aircraft, Aircraft Critical Surface Contamination Training Workbook.
available to order
TP 10643
Aircraft airworthiness Service difficulty reporting: You can improve air safety Poster.
available to order
TP 11323
Commercial air services Liability Through the Exercise of Delegated Authority Pamphlet.
available to order
TP 11825
Operating airports and aerodromes Birdstrike solutions/Birdstrike facts Poster.
available to order
TP 12169
General operating and flight rules Bird avoidance (PDF, 530 KB) Brochure.
available to order
TP 12422
Licensing for pilots and personnel Human Factors for Aviation—Basic Handbook Handbook.
available to order
TP 12863
Licensing for pilots and personnel Human Factors for Aviation—Advanced Handbook Handbook.
available to order
TP 12864
Licensing for pilots and personnel Human Factors for Aviation—Instructor's Guide Guide.
available to order
TP 12865
Operating airports and aerodromes When does a goose become an elephant? Poster.
available to order
TP 12894
Operating airports and aerodromes Evaluation of the efficacy of products and techniques for airport bird control Report.
available to order
TP 13029
Commercial air services Cabin Safety Team—Advancing Aviation Safety Pamphlet.
available to order
TP 13150
Operating airports and aerodromes Complementary extinguishing agents and firefighting equipment: Test method Handbook.
available to order
TP 13320
Commercial air services Interference on board an aircraft will not be tolerated: "Transport May be Denied" (500 pack) Pamphlet.
available to order
TP 13378
Operating airports and aerodromes Airspace and GPS awareness tools Compilation (CD).
available to order
TP 13549
Commercial air services Communicate your occupational safety and health concerns Poster promoting safety.
available to order
TP 13564
General operating and flight rules Situational awareness—preventing controlled flight into terrain Collection of aviation safety videos.
available to order
TP 13655
Aircraft airworthiness Service difficulty reporting: Keeping you in the loop DVD.
available to order
TP 13675
General operating and flight rules Pilot Decision-making Manual (CD).
available to order
TP 13897
Commercial air services As an employer... are you ensuring the health and safety of your employees? Poster about promoting health and safety.
available to order
TP 13900
Aircraft airworthiness Airframe log Logbook.
available to order
TP 14058
Aircraft airworthiness Aircraft journey log Logbook.
available to order
TP 14089
Aircraft airworthiness Engine Logbook Logbook.
available to order
TP 14182
General operating and flight rules Icing—Awareness and Training Compilation (CD)
available to order
TP 14189
Aircraft airworthiness Propeller logbook Logbook.
available to order
TP 14201
Commercial air services Safety Management Systems Implementation Procedures Guide Booklet.
available to order
TP 14343
Commercial air services Aviation occupational health and safety - know your rights... and your responsibilities! Poster publicizing changes to Aviation Occupational Health and Safety regulations.
available to order
TP 14622
Commercial air services Aviation Safety—Performance Measurement Logic Models Pamphlet.
available to order
TP 14849

Publications available to order

To order any of the publications listed above, contact the TC Publications Order Desk.

Also see Aviation publication abstracts and a list of CD, DVD and VHS Publications.