Flight Attendant Manual Standard - TP 12295

Second edition published December 30, 2021 with an effective date of April 1, 2022.


This manual is referred to the Flight Attendant Manual Standard in Section 705.139 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). It contains the standards, policies, procedures, and guidelines that pertain to the development of an air operator’s flight attendant manual. The Flight Attendant Manual Standard identifies subjects that shall be contained within a flight attendant manual.

Who this document is for

This manual is published for use by air operators and Transport Canada Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (CASIs).

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Flight Attendant Manual Standard - TP 12295 - Second edition
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Table of contents (Second edition)

  • 1.0 Introduction
  • 2.0 References and Requirements
  • 3.0 Background

Part A

  • 4.0 Part A – Safety Procedures
  • 5.0 Part A – Emergency Procedures
  • 6.0 Part A – Aircraft Specific Procedures
  • 7.0 Part A – Safety and Emergency Equipment

Part B

  • 8.0 Part B – Safety Procedures
  • 9.0 Part B – Emergency Procedures
  • 10.0 Part B – Aircraft Specific Information
  • 11.0 Part B – First Aid
  • 12.0 Part B – Security Procedures
  • 13.0 Part B – Company and Departmental Organization
  • 14.0 Part B – Document History

For assistance

For more information please contact Flight Standards at: TC.Flights.Standards-Normesdevol.TC@tc.gc.ca