Flight Manual - Power limitations and performance data as appropriate to type.
For the student to learn how to climb and descend at recommended airspeed and power settings.
Exercise 4 - Airspeed and Power Changes
Accurate control of the helicopter is vital in later air lessons.
- Lookout
- Aircraft limitations
Teaching Points
- State the power settings and airspeed to be used in this exercise, as appropriate to type.
- Describe how to proceed from straight and level cruise to the climb:
- Lookout
- Select ATTITUDE for climb speed ATTITUDE
- Increase POWER to required setting POWER
- Prevent yaw TRIM
- ADJUST if necessary
- Describe how to level out from the climb to the cruise:
- Anticipate required altitude
- Select ATTITUDE for straight and level cruise
- Allow airspeed to increase ATTITUDE
- Reduce POWER to cruise setting POWER
- Prevent yaw TRIM
- ADJUST as necessary
- Describe how to proceed from straight and level cruise to the descent:
- Lookout
- Reduce POWER to required setting POWER
- Prevent yaw
- Select ATTITUDE for descent speed ATTITUDE
- ADJUST if necessary TRIM
- Describe how to level out from a descent to the cruise:
- Anticipate required altitude
- Increase POWER to cruise setting POWER
- Prevent yaw
- Select ATTITUDE for cruise speed ATTITUDE
- ADJUST as necessary TRIM
- Describe how to proceed direct from a descent to the climb:
- Lookout
- Increase power to climb setting
- Prevent yaw
- Maintain airspeed or select climb speed as required.
- Review straight and level cruising flight
- Demonstrate establishing a climb at a selected power and airspeed, and levelling out to cruise flight
- Student practice
- Demonstrate establishing a descent at a selected power and airspeed, and levelling out to cruise flight
- Student practice
- Demonstrate climbing to a pre-selected altitude
- Student practice
- Demonstrate descending to a pre-selected altitude
- Student practice
- Demonstrate proceeding direct from a descent to the climb
- Student practice
- Turns can be introduced if the student grasps this exercise easily.