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SR 1 - Recommend Transport Canada provide air operators with feedback about the status and action taken when a Service Difficulty Report (SDR) is submitted.

IA 1 - Recommend air operators request follow-up of SDRs from their Transport Canada regional or district office.

SR 2 - Recommend Transport Canada verify that all air operators and Approved Maintenance Organizations are complying with the mandatory SDR program required by Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 591.

IA 2 - Recommend air operators review their Maintenance Manuals to ensure compliance with CAR 591.

SR 3 - Recommend Transport Canada provide Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME) and air operators with information about fatigue, the effects of fatigue, and fatigue countermeasures.

IA 3 - Recommend air operators provide AMEs and apprentices with information about fatigue, the effects of fatigue and fatigue countermeasures and consider the negative effects of fatigue when assigning work and planning work schedules.

SR 4 - Recommend Transport Canada initiate a Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) review to determine if AME duty times should be regulated, and if so, determine appropriate limitations.

IA 4 - Recommend air operators, air operator associations, AMEs and AME associations participate in or provide input to the CARAC AME duty time working group.

SR 5 - Recommend Transport Canada develop a standard for initial and recurrent aircraft type training for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers.

SR 6 - Recommend Transport Canada ensure Service Bulletins (SB), Airworthiness Directives (AD) and associated diagrams are clearly written and understandable.

IA 6 - Recommend air operators submit an SDR to Transport Canada when they identify problems related to the legibility of SBs, ADs or associated diagrams.

SR7 - Recommend Transport Canada review its policies for certification of parts and Supplemental Type Certificates to reduce the length of time required for processing the approval.