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SR 31 - Recommend Transport Canada continue to publish articles in the Aviation Safety Letter and Vortex newsletters about the safe, proper use of Global Positioning System (GPS) and the hazards associated with its misuse.

IA 31 - Recommend air operators inform their pilots about the operating limitations and company limitations of GPS equipment. Recommend pilots be aware of and respect the operating and company limitations of GPS and practice good airmanship by having back-up navigation equipment tuned and identified and by referencing maps when operating VFR.

SR 32 - Recommend Transport Canada promote the practice of using offset GPS tracks or other means to reduce the potential for conflict between opposite direction traffic on the same route and altitude.

IA 32 - Recommend pilots make position reports, monitor appropriate VHF frequencies and remember that they are responsible to see and avoid other traffic when flying in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC).

SR 33 - Recommend NAV CANADA revise VFR navigation charts to include more detailed topographical information.

SR 34 - Recommend Transport Canada notify the Canada Map Office that the accounting procedure for chart dealers has caused some to stop offering the service, resulting in diminished availability of current charts.