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Operating Problems

SR 38 - Recommend the Government of Newfoundland and Transport Canada Aerodrome Standards, Atlantic Region be notified of the concerns raised about the need for an additional windsock at Nain, Labrador.

SR 39 - Recommend Transport Canada and NAV CANADA review the requirement for VFR routes for aircraft transiting around or through Terminal Control Areas.

SR 40 - Recommend Transport Canada, in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration, produce Canada/U.S. differences cards updated with the new Canadian Aviation Regulations requirements.

SR 41 - Recommend Transport Canada contact the federal and provincial environment authorities to determine if they are misinformed about the proper storage practices for fuel drums and advise them of the safety-related requirements for air operators to have fuel caches.

SR 42 - Recommend Transport Canada, in cooperation with fuel suppliers, publish information for pilots and AMEs on proper fueling practices from fuel caches.

SR 43 - Recommend Transport Canada review the Automatic Terminal Information Service/Aircraft Radio Control of Aerodrome Lighting unit that is being tested by the British Columbia Aviation Council for alerting pilots to blasting operations to determine if this technology can be used to alert pilots to areas where avalanche control and other blasting operations are being conducted.

SR 44 - Recommend that VFR charts note areas of avalanche control activity.

SR 45 - Recommend Transport Canada request the Department of National Defense (DND) publish a telephone number in the Canada Flight Supplement for civilian pilots to report near mid-air collisions with military aircraft.

IA 45 - Recommend pilots report near mid-air collisions with military aircraft to a Flight Service Station Specialist or Air Traffic Controller until the DND telephone number is established.

SR 46 - Recommend Transport Canada advise the provincial and territorial Ministry of Natural Resources fire centres of the requirement for pilots to be provided with suitable accommodation.

IA 46 - Recommend air operators ensure their clients are aware of the requirement for pilots to be provided with suitable accommodation and ensure their clients provide pilots with suitable accommodation.

SR 47 - Recommend Transport Canada advise the Manitoba Government of the concerns raised about the length of the runways at community aerodromes in northern Manitoba and that visual reference on approach would be enhanced if the aerodromes were equipped with a Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) or a Visual Approach Slope Indicator (VASI).

SR 48 - Recommend Transport Canada initiate research and development into a less expensive, remote PAPI or VASI system.