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In comparison with Commuter and Airline aircraft, between the years 1990 - 1995, Air Taxi aircraft had the highest number of accidents, number of fatal accidents and fatalities each year. However, the number of accidents is not related to data that could make the statistics more useful. Air Taxi operators are not required to submit to Transport Canada the number of hours flown nor the number of aircraft movements.

Transport Canada requires statistics that are more relevant to Air Taxi operations, to target problem areas and to target the areas where safety programs would assist in accident prevention. To accomplish this, statistics have to be gathered on a regular basis from Air Taxi operators. These statistics should include, at least, the number of movements and hours flown by each aircraft, whether fixed-wing or helicopter, the type of undercarriage, Canadian Aviation Regulation subpart, and occurrence location by Transport Canada Region.

SR 49 - Recommend Transport Canada require Air Taxi operators to submit relevant statistics to determine where accidents are occurring and to target areas where resources should be allocated for accident prevention programs.

The accident statistics collected and published by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) could be used to determine where accidents are occurring more frequently, if the accuracy of the information contained in the database could be guaranteed. All information relevant to each accident should be entered into the database including, type of aircraft whether fixed-wing or helicopter, type of undercarriage, number and type of engines, Canadian Aviation Regulation subpart, occurrence location by Transport Canada Region, initiating event and subsequent events, contributing factors, reference to a geographical point, number of fatalities, etc. Data items such as the "phase of flight" reflect fixed-wing modes of flight and do not capture helicopter phases of flight such as hover, lift-off, translation, etc. Effective analysis requires data that are valid for the type of operation being considered and the Transport Canada Region in which the accident occurred.

SR 50 - Recommend Transport Canada review relevant databases, such as the Canadian Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System (CADORS) and the Aviation Safety Information System (ASIS) to determine that they contain meaningful data and that suitable quality control is in place.

Many operators and pilots are interested in accident and incident statistics relevant to their types of operations, geographic location or types of aircraft operated. Newly certified air operators would especially benefit from this information. Statistics would provide them with insight into the problems that have occurred to other operators in the area or with the same type of aircraft they are operating.

SR 51 - Recommend the Transportation Safety Board inform air operators that it can provide statistics as required.