Appendix E — Bibliography


Howard, Fred. Wilbur and Orville: A Biography of the Wright Brothers. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1987.

Harris, Sherwood. The First to Fly: Aviation's Pioneer Days. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1970.

Blokpoel, H. Bird Hazards to Aircraft. Toronto: Irwin Clark, 1976.

Canada. Transport Canada. Wildlife Control Procedures Manual TP 11500. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1994.

Chapter 1

Canada. Transport Canada. Airport Wildlife Management Bulletin Number 22. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1998.

Canada. Transport Canada. Transportation Development Centre. Initial Estimates of the Costs of Bird-Aircraft Strikes to Canadian Civil Aviation. Montreal: Transport Canada, 1997.

Cleary, E.C., S.E. Wright and R.A. Dolbeer. Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United States, 1992-1999. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Office of Airport Safety and Standards (Wildlife Aircraft Strike Database, Serial Report Number 5). Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2000.

Hayes, P. Legal Liability — Bird Hazards at Airports. Canada, Report to Transport Canada Safety and Security. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1997.

Robinson, M. The Potential for Significant Financial Loss Resulting from Bird Strikes in or Around an Airport. Proceedings and Papers. International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 353-367.


Chapter 2

Canada. Transport Canada. System Safety Directorate. Report of a Post-occurrence Safety Review of a Birdstrike Occurrence to B-737, CDN Flight 661, at Calgary International Airport, June 17, 1993. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1993.

Canada. Transportation Safety Board of Canada. Aviation Occurrence Report: Bird Strike to Canadian Airlines International Boeing 737-275, C-GIPW, Calgary International Airport, Alberta, 17 June 1993, Report Number A93W0082. Ottawa: Transportation Safety Board of Canada. 1994.

Perrow, Charles. Normal Accidents: Living with High-Risk Technologies. New York: Harper Collins, 1984.

Perry, Bob. "An Early Morning Wake-up Call." Air Line Pilot November/ December 1995: 36-39.

Reason, James. Human Error. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Reason, James. Managing the Risks of Organizational Accidents. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 1997.

Roland, Harold and Brian Moriarty. System Safety Engineering and Management. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990.

Sowden, Richard and Kelly, Terry. Risk Analysis of High Speed Aircraft Departures Below 10,000 Feet. Ottawa: Transport Canada. 2002.

United States. National Transportation Safety Board. Recommendations A-96-38 through — 42. Washington, D.C.: National Transportation Safety Board, 1996.

Waring, Alan and A. Ian Glendon. Managing Risk: Critical Issues for Survival and Success in the 21 Century. London: International Thomson Business Press, 1998.


Chapter 3

Brooke, M and T. Birkhead. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Ornithology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Cadma, M.D., P.F.J. Eagles and F.M. Helleiner. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo Press, 1987.

Diamond, A.W., and F.L. Filion. The Value of Birds. International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP) Technical Publication No. 6 (conference proceedings). Kingston, Ontario: ICBP, 1987.

Erskine, A.J. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of the Maritime Provinces. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Nimbus Publishing Ltd. and Nova Scotia Museum, 1992.

Friend, M., ed. Field Guide to Wildlife Diseases: Volume 1. General Field Procedures and Diseases of Migratory Birds. United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication 167. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Interior, 1987.

Gauthier, J., and Y. Aubry, eds. The Breeding Birds Of Quebec: Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Southern Quebec. Canada. Environment Canada. Canadian Wildlife Service. Association Quebecoise des Groupes D'ornithologues (Province of Quebec Society for the Protection of Birds). Montreal: Environment Canada, 1996.

Godfrey, W.E. The Birds of Canada, Revised Edition. Canada. National Museum of Natural Sciences. Ottawa: Government of Canada, 1986.

Joseph, R. J., Jr. and N.K. Johnson. A Century of Avifaunal Change In Western North America. Studies in Avian Biology No. 15. Cooper Ornithological Society. Proceedings of an International Symposium at the Centennial Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Sacramento, California: Cooper Ornithological Society, 1994.

Welty, J.C. and L. Baptista. The Life Of Birds, Fourth Edition. Toronto, Ontario: Saunders College Publishing, 1988.

Chapter 4

Banfield, A.W.F. The Mammals of Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974.

Burt, W. H., and R. P. Grossenheider. A Field Guide to the Mammals of North America, Second Edition. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1964.

Dobbyn, J. S. Atlas of the Mammals of Ontario. Don Mills: Federation of Ontario Naturalists, 1994.

Murie, O. A Field Guide to Animal Tracks. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1954.


Chapter 5

Aviation Week & Space Technology Aerospace Source Book. New York: The McGraw Hill Companies, 2000.

Banilower, Howard. Bird Ingestion Into Large Turbofan Engines, Final Report. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration Report CT-93-14. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1995.

Business Aviation Fact Book. National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). Washington, D.C.: NBAA, 1999.

Canada. Transport Canada. Aviation Forecasts 2000 — 2013. Ottawa: Transport Canada, June 2000.

Current Market Outlook. Seattle: The Boeing Company, 1999.

GAMA Statistics. Washington, D.C.: General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), 9 February 2000.

General Aviation Statistics. United Kingdom: General Aviation Manufacturers and Traders Association (GAMTA), September 1999.

Global Market Forecast 1999 — 2018. Blagnac, France: Airbus Industrie, 1999.

World Jet Inventory, Year End 1999. Woodinville, WA: Jet Information Services, Inc., 2000.

Regional Aircraft Market Outlook. Montreal: Bombardier Aerospace, March 7, 2000.

Sportel, Terah Sunshine. Aircraft Types and How They are Affected by Birds; Fleet Distribution — World-Wide. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo Faculty of Environmental Studies, 1997.

Chapter 6

Ashford, Norman, Clifton A. Moore, and H.P. Martin Stanton. Airport Operations. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1997.

Canada. Transport Canada. Aerodrome Standards & Recommended Practices TP 312. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1993.

Canada. Transport Canada. Aviation Forecasts 2000 — 2013. Ottawa: Transport Canada, June 2000.

Canada. Transport Canada. "Land Use Adjacent to Airports." Airport Wildlife Management. Bulletin No. 14. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1994.

Canada. Transport Canada. Land Use in the Vicinity of Airports TP 1247. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1989.

Canada. Transport Canada. Wildlife Control Procedures Manual TP 11500. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1994.

Hodges, K. "Growth Across the Board." Airports International. July/August 1997.

Piers, M. The Development and Application of a Method For the Assessment of Third Party Risk Due to Aircraft Accidents in the Vicinity of Airports. Netherlands. National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR. Amsterdam: Government of the Netherlands.

Rao, Arun and Alistair Pinos. "Bird Strike Threat is Best Countered by Effective Wildlife Control Augmented by Land-use Management." ICAO Journal. October 1998.

Robinson, M. The Potential for Significant Financial Loss Resulting from Bird Strikes in or Around an Airport. Proceedings and Papers. International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 353-367

Rowe, Richard. "The Catastrophe Business." Airports International. June 1996.


Chapter 7

Banilower, H. and C. Goodall. Bird Ingestion Into Large Turbofan Engines. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration Report CT-93/14. Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1995.

Canada. Transport Canada. Annual. Bird Strikes to Canadian Aircraft: 1999 (and previous years) Summary Report. Transport Canada, Aerodrome Safety Branch. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1999.

Cleary, E.C., S.E. Wright and R.A. Dolbeer. Wildlife Strikes to Civil Aircraft in the United States, 1991-1999. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Airport Safety and Standards, Wildlife Aircraft Strike Database, Serial Report Number 5. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2000.

Robinson, M. The Potential for Significant Financial Loss Resulting from Aircraft Bird Strikes in and Around an Airport. Minutes of the 25th Meeting of Bird Strike Committee Canada. Ottawa: Bird Strike Committee Canada, 1996.

Thorpe, J. Fatalities and Destroyed Civil Aircraft Due to Bird Strikes, 1912-1995. International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, Paper IBSC/WP1. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 17-31.

Chapter 8

Canada. Transport Canada. Airport Wildlife Management Bulletin TP 8240 No. 1-22. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1987-1998.

Canada. Transport Canada. Wildlife Control Procedures Manual TP 11500. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1994.

Cleary, E. and R. Dolbeer. Wildlife Hazard Management at Airports. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration/U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1999.

Donalds, T. "ORM for Airfield Wildlife Hazard." The Combat Edge. 20-22 December, 1997.

Deacon, N. Airfield Bird Control — Applying the Principles. Proceedings and Papers, International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 319-325

Hygnstrom, S.E., R.M. Timm and G.E. Larson, eds. Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage. United States. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Animal Damage Control. Great Plains Agricultural Council Wildlife Committee. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension. 2 volumes. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, 1994.

International Organization for Standardization. ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems-Specification with Guidance for Use. Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization, 1996.

Jacques Whitford Environment Limited. Victoria International Airport Wildlife Management Plan. Canada. Transport Canada. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1996.

MacKinnon, B. The Role and Value of Awareness Programs in Reducing Bird Hazards to Aircraft. Proceedings and Papers. International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 237-246.

Robinson, M. The Potential for Significant Financial Loss Resulting from Bird Strikes in or Around an Airport. Proceedings and Papers. International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 353-367.

Seubert, J. L. Assessing the Implementation of Wildlife Hazard Management Programs at Civil Airports. Proceedings of Bird Strike Committee Europe (BSCE) meeting no. 22. Vienna: BSCE, 1994. 275-284.

Steele, W. K. Bird Hazards and their Management at Melbourne International Airport. Birds Australia. Report for Melbourne Airport. 1997.

Rochard, B. Airfield Bird Control — Setting the Standards. Proceedings and Papers, International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 311-318.


Chapter 9

Canada. Transportation Safety Board of Canada. Aviation Occurrence Report: Bird Strike to Canadian Airlines International Boeing 737-275, C-GIPW, Calgary International Airport, Alberta, 17 June 1993, Report Number A93W0082. Ottawa: Transportation Safety Board of Canada, 1994.

Canada. Transport Canada. Bird Hazard Management: Turning Awareness into Prevention TP 13200. Transport Canada Safety & Security. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1995.

Canada. Transport Canada. System Safety Directorate. Report of a Post-occurrence Safety Review of a Birdstrike Occurrence to B-737, CDN Flight 661, at Calgary International Airport, June 17, 1993. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1993.

Manual of Operations (MANOPS). NAV CANADA, current amendment.

Perry, Bob. "An Early Morning Wake-up Call." Air Line Pilot November/ December 1995: 36-39.

Chapter 10

Bird Strike Committee Europe. Proceedings. May 13-16, 1996. London, U.K.: International Bird Strike Committee, 1996.

Canada. Transport Canada. Aeronautics Act, current amendment. Ottawa: Transport Canada.

Canada. Transport Canada. A.I.P. Canada (TP 2300E). Ottawa: Transport Canada.

Canada. Transport Canada. To current amendment. Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part VI — General Operating and Flight Rules (TP 12604E), current amendment. Ottawa: Transport Canada.

Canada. Transport Canada. Bird Avoidance (TP 12422). Ottawa: Transport Canada.

Curtis, Todd. Assessment of Bird Strike Accident Risk Using Event Sequence Analysis. Bird Strike Committee Europe meeting no. 23. London, U.K.: International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC), 1996.

Eschenfelder, Captain P. Wildlife Hazards to Aviation. Shannon, Ireland: International Society of Air Safety Investigators, October 2000.

Riddington, R. The Large Flocking Bird Hazard. Civil Aviation Authority of the U.K (CAA). United Kingdom: Flight Safety Foundation, 2000.


Chapter 11

Air Canada. "Potential For Bird Strikes is Growing, An Agenda for Action." Flightline, Air Canada's Flight Operations Safety Review (November 1998). Reprinted from Air Safety Week.

Canada. Transport Canada. Summary of Canadian Bird Strike Statistics for 1997. Ottawa: Transport Canada, 1998.

Carlson, Janice E. "Moves to Reduce Bird-Aircraft Accidents." US Air Force News. United States. United States Air Force. AMC (Air Mobility Command), Scott Air Force Base, Illinois. February 1996.

Curtis, Todd. North American Bird Hazard Reduction Efforts Since the 707 AWACS Accident at Elmendorf AFB. Proceedings, The International Society of Air Safety Investigators. Seattle: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, 1997.

United States. National Transportation Safety Board. Aviation Accident/ Incident Database 1993 -1997. Available online. Washington, D.C.: National Transportation Safety Board.

Chapter 12

Alge, Thomas L., GE Aircraft Engines. Canada. Transport Canada. Commercial Transport Engine Bird-Ingestion Design Considerations. Minutes of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of Bird Strike Committee Canada, April 1996. Richmond, B.C. Canada: Transport Canada, 1996.

Alge, Thomas L. and John T. Moehring. The Worldwide Bird Problem — Effects on Aircraft, Status of the Problem and Control of the Hazard. Paper. Joint Meeting of the Flight Safety Foundation 49th Annual International Seminar, the International Federation of Airworthiness 26th International Conference and the International Air Transport Association. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 14 November 1996.

---. The Engine Birdstrike Hazard as Influenced by the Global Environment of Current Regional Airlines and Corporate Jet Operations. Paper. 9th Annual European Aviation Safety Seminar (EASS) of the Flight Safety Foundation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: 4 March 1997.

Banilower, Howard. Bird Ingestion Into Large Turbofan Engines, Final Report. United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration Report CT-93-14. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1995.

Bird Strike Committee USA. Understanding and Reducing Hazards to Aircraft. A presentation to Bird Strike Committee U.S.A. 1998.

Curtis, Todd. North American Bird Hazard Reduction Efforts Since the 707 AWACS Accident at Elmendorf AFB. Proceedings, The International Society of Air Safety Investigators. Seattle: Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, 1997.

General Electric. "Engine Successful in Bird Strike Test." News Release. Evendale, Ohio: General Electric, 10 July 1995.

Martindale, Ian. Rolls-Royce plc. Bird Ingestion and Rolls-Royce Aero Engines. Paper. The International Bird Strike Committee Meeting, no. 23, London U.K. May 1996: IBSC, 1996.

Parker, Richard. Pratt and Whitney. Harmonizing Engine Design Rules United States — Europe. Paper. Bird Strike Committee Europe meeting no. 22. Vienna: BSCE, 1994.

Phillips, Edward H. "Bird Strike Threat Draws New Warning." Aviation Week and Space Technology. 5 February 1996.

Rolls-Royce plc. "Rolls-Royce Trent Passes Major Bird Strike Test." Journal of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology. 1 November 1993.

Speelman, Ralph J., Malcolm E. Kelley, Robert E. McCarty and Jeffrey J. Short. Aircraft Birdstrikes: Preventing and Tolerating. Paper. The International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 24, Stara Lesna, Slovakia. September 1998: IBSC, 1998.

United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Final Rule 14 CFR Parts 27 and 29 Rotorcraft Regulatory Changes based on European Joint Aviation Requirements, Federal Register: (Volume 61, Number 92). Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1996.

United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking, 14 CFR Parts 23, 25 and 33, Airworthiness Standards; Bird Ingestion, Federal Register: December 11, 1998 (Volume 63, Number 238). Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 1998.

United States. Department of Transportation. Federal Aviation Administration. Revised Standard, CFR Part 33, Airworthiness Standards; Bird Ingestion, Federal Register: September 14, 2000. Washington, D.C.: Federal Aviation Administration, 2000.


Chapter 13

Richardson, W.J. Serious Bird Strike-Related Accidents to Military Aircraft of Europe and Israel: List and Analysis of Circumstances. Proceedings and Papers. International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23, May 1996. London, U.K.: IBSC, 1996. 33-56.

Richardson, W. J. (Canada) and Tim West (U.K.). Serious Birdstrike Accidents to Military Aircraft: Updated List and Summary. WP-SA1 Proceedings and Papers International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 25, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April, 2000. IBSC, 2000. 67-97.

Chapter 14

Green, J., J. Bahr, R. Erwin, J. Buckingham and H. Peel. Reduction of Bird Hazards to Aircraft: Research and Development of Strobe Light Technology as a Bird Deterrent. Canada. Transport Canada. Transportation Development Centre. Report prepared by The Delta Environmental Management Group Ltd. (Vancouver) and The Southwest Research Institute (San Antonio, Texas). Montreal: Transport Canada, 1993.

Greneker, G. Radar to Detect Foreign Object Ingestion by a Jet Engine. Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering, 13th Annual International Symposium on Aerosense, Session 1: Radar Sensor technology IV. Proceedings Volume 3704. Orlando, Florida, 1999.

Blackwell. B. F., G.E. Bernhardt, and R. A. Dolbeer. 2002. Lasers as nonlethal avian repellents. Journal of Wildlife Management 66(1): 250-258.

Leshem, Y., J. Shamoun-Baranes, M. Yanai, R. Tamir and Y. Yom-Tov. The Development of a Global Database on Bird Movements and Bird Strikes in Military and Civilian Flight. Paper. The International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 24, Stara Lesna, Slovakia. September 1998: IBSC, 1998.

Lovell, C.D. and R.A. Dolbeer. Validation of the United States Air Force Bird Avoidance Model. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27(1)1999: 167-171.

Nordwall, Bruce D. 1997. "Radar Warns Birds of Impending Aircraft." Aviation Week & Space Technology. 10 March 1997: 65-66.

Seegar, W.S., M.R. Fuller, P.W. Howey and Y. Leshem. Satellite Telemetry, a Tool for Tracking and Monitoring Bird Movements from a Local to Global Scale. Proceedings and Papers, International Bird Strike Committee meeting no. 24, Stara Lesna, Slovakia. September 1998: IBSC, 1998. 443-462.

Shannon, H.D., W.S. Seegar, G.S. Young, C.J. Pennycuick, M.R. Fuller, M.A. Yates, B.J. Dayton, M.B. Henke, M.A. Bramer, T. Maechtle and L. Schueck. Bird Flight Forecast and Information System. Proceedings and Papers, International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 24, Stara Lesna, Slovakia. September 1998: IBSC, 1998. 297-301.

Short, J.J., M.E. Kelley and J. McKeeman. Recent Research into Reducing Birdstrike Hazards. Proceedings and Papers, International Bird Strike Committee (IBSC) meeting no. 23. London, U.K: IBSC, 1996. 443-462.