Advisory Circular (AC) No. 201-002

Subject: Aircraft Identification and Marking

Issuing Office: Civil Aviation, Standards
Document No.: AC 201-002
File Classification No.: Z 5000-32
Issue No.: 01
RDIMS No.: 17865136-V20
Effective Date: 2025-03-20

Table of contents

1.0 Introduction

(1) This Advisory Circular (AC) is provided for information and guidance purposes. It describes an example of an acceptable means, but not the only means, of demonstrating compliance with regulations and standards. This AC on its own does not change, create, amend or permit deviations from regulatory requirements, nor does it establish minimum standards.

(2) This AC uses mandatory terms such as “must” and “shall” to indicate the nature of the regulatory requirements. The terms “may” and “should” mean that the method of compliance described is strongly recommended, but not obligatory.

1.1 Purpose

(1) The purpose of this AC is to provide guidance regarding the Canadian Aviation Regulations that pertain to Aircraft Identification and Marking.

(2) A companion document AC 202-002 – Aircraft Registration - provides guidance regarding the process of registering an aircraft and obtaining a Canadian Certificate of Registration, with related information regarding aircraft import and export.

1.2 Applicability

(1) This AC is applicable to any Canadian individual or entity who is the owner of an aircraft and is also provided to the aviation industry for information purposes.

(2) This AC applies to all Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) employees.

(3) This AC does not apply to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS).

1.3 Description of changes

(1) Not applicable.

2.0 References and requirements

2.1 Reference documents

(1) It is intended that the following reference materials be used in conjunction with this document:

  • (a) Aeronautics Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. A-2);
  • (b) Access to Information Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. A-1);
  • (c) Canada Transportation Act (S.C. 1996, c. 10);
  • (d) Privacy Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. P-21);
  • (e) Part I, Subpart 101 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) — Application;
  • (f) Part II, Subpart 1 of the CARs — Identification of Aircraft and Other Aeronautical Products;
  • (g) Part II, Subpart 2 of the CARs — Aircraft Marking and Registration;
  • (h) Standard 222 of the CARs;
  • (i) AC 202-002 Aircraft Registration;
  • (j) Annex 7 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation — Aircraft Nationality and Registration Marks;

2.2 Cancelled documents

(1) As of the effective date of this document, the following document is cancelled:

  • (a) TP11957 Edition 02, 2016-05-25 — Aircraft Registration Procedures Manual.

2.3 Definitions and abbreviations

(1) The following definitions are used in this document:

  • (a) Aircraft: any machine capable of deriving support in the atmosphere from reactions of the air, including a rocket.
  • (b) Amateur-built aircraft: means an aircraft, the major portion of which is constructed or assembled individually as a unique project, either from raw materials or from a kit.
  • (c) Canadian aircraft: an aircraft registered in Canada.
  • (d) Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs): Regulations Respecting Aviation and Activities Relating to Aeronautics; a compilation of regulatory requirements enabled by the Aeronautics Act.
  • (e) Convention, ICAO Convention, the: The Convention on International Civil Aviation signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944, also known as the Chicago Convention, establishing the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
  • (f) Custody and Control, legal: Physical possession of, and the authority to manage, maintain and operate an aircraft, as established by a document.
  • (g) Entity: Any business, individual, partnership, joint venture, agency, governmental subdivision, association, firm, corporation, or other person other than a natural person.
  • (h) Flight Authority: means a certificate of airworthiness, special certificate of airworthiness, or a flight permit issued under Subpart 7 of Part V. In respect of aircraft registration, this does not include a validation of a foreign flight authority.
  • (i) Fireproof: capable of withstanding heat as well or better than steel.
  • (j) Hang glider: means a glider that is designed to carry not more than two persons and has a launch weight of 45 kg (99.2 pounds) or less;
  • (k) Individual: A natural person.
  • (l) In writing: text-based communication including traditional paper documents and any electronic format, such as email, which is from an identifiable author, and which may be stored and retrieved for later reading.
  • (m) Issued, in regard to a document: means officially provided in a physical or electronic form.
  • (n) Manufacturer: the holder of a type certificate for an aeronautical product at its time of manufacture, or where no type certificate has been issued by the Minister, the maker of the aeronautical product.
  • (o) Model: Aircraft model: A distinct sub-set or variant of an aircraft type. (e.g.: Cessna 172M; Type – Cessna 172, Model = 172M.)
  • (p) Owner: a person who has legal custody and control of the aircraft as substantiated by a document. This person may or may not be the aircraft’s title holder (the person who owns the aircraft as property). This person may or may not be the aircraft’s Registered Owner.
  • (q) Person: includes a corporation. Whenever the CARs refer to a person, the meaning applies to both individuals and entities.
  • (r) Registered: in respect of a Canadian aircraft, means:
    • (i) details of the aircraft’s identification, marking, and the owner have been entered in the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register, and
    • (ii) a Certificate of Registration has been issued.
  • (s) Registered Owner: in respect of an aircraft, means the person to whom a certificate of registration for the aircraft has been issued by the Minister under Part II of the CARs or in respect of whom the aircraft has been registered by the Minister under that Part.
  • (t) Rotorcraft: means a gyroplane or a helicopter.
  • (u) Ultra-light aeroplane: means an advanced ultra-light aeroplane (AULA) or a basic ultra-light aeroplane (BULA).

(2) The following abbreviations are used in this document:

  • (a) AC: Advisory Circular
  • (b) ADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
  • (c) AULA: Advanced Ultra-light Aeroplane
  • (d) BULA: Basic Ultra-light Aeroplane
  • (e) C of R: Certificate of Registration
  • (f) CAR or CARs: Canadian Aviation Regulation(s)
  • (g) CASI-A: Civil Aviation Safety Inspector - Airworthiness
  • (h) CCAR: Canadian Civil Aircraft Register
  • (i) CCARCS-E: Canadian Civil Aircraft Register Computer System – Evolution
  • (j) ELT: Emergency Locator Transmitter
  • (k) ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
  • (l) IDERA: an Irrevocable De-registration and Export Request Authorisation, made in accordance with the Cape Town Convention and Protocol
  • (m) RPAS: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
  • (n) STC: Supplemental Type Certificate
  • (o) TC: Transport Canada
  • (p) TCCA: Transport Canada Civil Aviation.

3.0 Background

(1) An aircraft must be registered before it can be operated in Canada. Registration can be thought of as the process that connects an aircraft, aircraft marks and the owner. Refer to AC 202-002 for details on the registration process.

(2) Before an aircraft is registered in Canada, it must be identified; its unique identity must be established.

(3) Each aircraft must be assigned a unique registration mark, and that mark must be properly displayed.

(4) The following aircraft are not required to be identified or marked:

  • (a) Canadian military aircraft (refer to CAR 102.01),
  • (b) rockets,
  • (c) hovercraft,
  • (d) wing-in-ground-effect machines,
  • (e) hang gliders,
  • (f) parachutes (except for powered parachutes),
  • (g) small unoccupied balloons,

(5) Marking and registration of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) is not regulated by CAR Part II and is not addressed in this AC.

  • (a) RPAS with a maximum take-off weight between 250 g and 25 kg (Small RPAS) are required by CAR Part IX to be registered by use of the Transport Canada Drone Management Portal.

4.0 Identification of aircraft

4.1 Aircraft identification plate

(1) The identity of an aircraft other than a balloon is established by its fuselage. The identity of a balloon is established by its envelope.

(2) An aircraft must have a permanently attached fireproof aircraft identification plate (aircraft ID plate) that displays the aircraft’s correct manufacturer, model, and serial number. If the aircraft is type certified, the ID plate must also display the type certificate number.

(3) The purpose of an ID plate is to display the identity of the aircraft. The ID plate, by itself, does not prove or establish an aircraft’s identity.

4.2 Aircraft ID plate displayed information

(1) The aircraft ID plate must display the following information permanently etched, engraved, or stamped into the surface:

  • (a) the manufacturer’s legal name at the time of manufacture,
  • (b) the manufacturer’s model designation as it appeared on the type certificate at the time of manufacture,
  • (c) the aircraft serial number, and
  • (d) type certificate number or equivalent, if applicable.

(2) Cosmetic damage such as dents, scratches or fading, does not render an ID plate invalid unless the damage makes the ID plate so unreadable that it no longer fulfills its function of displaying the required information.

(3) Some aircraft ID plates may display additional information, such as date or place of manufacture, or maximum take-off weight. Additional information does not affect the validity of an ID plate.

(4) Displayed operational information such as maximum take-off weight is not authoritative and does not permit deviation from approved operational limitations.

(5) For Canadian amateur-built aircraft, the manufacturer’s name is the individual or individuals who construct or assemble an amateur-built aircraft. Individuals should use their first and last names as shown on their identity documents. If the aircraft was built from a kit, the kit manufacturer’s assigned model designation should be used. If a kit was not used, the model designation is the choice of the individual or individuals who built the aircraft.

(6) For an ultra-light aircraft assembled from a kit, the manufacturer’s name is the manufacturer of the kit.

4.3 Aircraft ID plate location

(1) On newly constructed aircraft, aircraft ID plates must be installed in standard locations:

  • (a) Aircraft ID plates are attached to the structure of the aircraft in a place that is visible to a person on the ground or at the main or rearmost entrance door.
  • (b) On an Ultra-Light Aeroplane, the aircraft ID plate must be near the pilot’s seat and readily visible.
  • (c) On a balloon, the aircraft ID plate is attached to the lower or upper girdle of the envelope in a place where it is readily visible prior to inflation.

(2) When the design of an aircraft prevents attachment in any of the above locations, TCCA can authorize an alternative location. A written request that proposes an alternative mounting location must be submitted to the appropriate TCCA regional office.

(3) Some older aircraft display their ID plate in another location, such as on a door frame, in the cockpit or baggage area, and it might be concealed by upholstery. These ID plates do not need to be re-located.

4.4 Attachment of aircraft ID plate

(1) An aircraft ID plate may only be attached by:

  • (a) the manufacturer of the aircraft,
  • (b) a person who has modified the aircraft in accordance with approved data that changed the model designation, or
  • (c) the owner of the aircraft in accordance with a written authorization from TCCA.

(2) An aircraft cannot be registered unless TCCA has on file or is provided with a photograph of the aircraft Identification Plate that clearly reproduces the information on it.

(3) The absence of an ID plate does not mean that an aircraft will be refused registration. An aircraft can be registered when its identity has been satisfactorily established and attachment of a corresponding ID plate is authorized. Refer to section 4.7 “Replacement of Aircraft ID Plate”.

(4) Some ex-military or imported aircraft will not have a CARs compliant ID plate. Before these aircraft can be registered, an aircraft ID plate must be attached in accordance with a written authorization from TCCA. Refer to section 4.11 “Former military aircraft and foreign aircraft without CARs compliant ID plates”.

(5) Possession of an un-attached ID plate does not give the right to apply the plate to a new or a different aircraft.

(6) You may not attach an ID plate to an aircraft if it was previously attached to another aircraft. Refer to section 4.15 “Scrapped or Destroyed Aircraft”.

4.5 Additional aircraft ID plates (Change in Model Designation)

(1) When a Canadian aircraft is modified, resulting in a model designation change, an additional ID plate displaying the new model information must be attached as close as possible to the original ID plate before the modified aircraft flies. The original ID plate must be left in place.

(2) The following information must be permanently etched, engraved or stamped into the additional ID plate:

  • (a) The name of the person who performed the modification and, if that person is an entity, its legal name,
  • (b) The new model designation as it appears on the supplemental type certificate or equivalent document,
  • (c) The Supplemental Type Certificate Number or, if applicable, the equivalent designation (as specified in the approved data used to carry out the modification), and
  • (d) The aircraft Serial Number.

(3) If the aircraft was modified in accordance with data that contained instructions to alter the original aircraft ID plate, the aircraft owner must obtain authorization for the alteration of the plate. Refer to section 4.8 “Alteration of an Aircraft ID Plate”.

(4) The Certificate of Registration must be replaced with one that displays the correct model designation. An application for registration, the fee, and a photograph of the additional aircraft ID plate must be submitted to TCCA. The aircraft may operate under an Interim Certificate of Registration while the replacement certificate is applied for and issued. Refer to AC 202-002 – Aircraft Registration.

(5) The replacement Certificate of Registration will display the new model designation and the legal name of the manufacturer at the time of the manufacture of the aircraft.

(6) Historically, TCCA has issued Certificates of Registration displaying “Model A converted to Model B” but ceased this practice in 2021. There is no requirement to replace these older Certificates of Registration, however any new issue will display only the current model designation. The aircraft technical records should record the installation of the STC and the change in model designation.

(7) When the model changes, the Certificate of Airworthiness must also be replaced with one reflecting the changed model information. Request an amended Certificate of Airworthiness from a CASI-A by submitting an email titled “NEW Certificate of Airworthiness, mark change.”

(8) If an aircraft’s model is in doubt on import, or the aircraft will be modified to be a different model as part of the flight authority issue process, the aircraft can be registered using the information on the ID plate at the time of import. If the process of issuing the flight authority reveals that the aircraft is of a different model or requires a change of model, the ID plate can be altered or an additional plate attached, and the Certificate of Registration can be changed. To alter the Aircraft ID plate, the owner must apply for authorization. Refer to section 4.8 “Alteration of an Aircraft ID Plate”.

4.6 Removal of aircraft ID plate

(1) An aircraft ID plate must not be removed without authorization from TCCA, except for the purpose of performing work on the aircraft. The person who removed the plate must ensure that it is re-attached as soon as the work is complete.

4.7 Replacement of aircraft ID plate

(1) If an aircraft ID plate is missing, or no longer performs the function of legibly displaying the aircraft’s identity:

  • (a) The aircraft may not be flown until a replacement aircraft ID plate is attached.
  • (b) A replacement aircraft ID plate may only be attached in accordance with a written authorization from TCCA.
  • (c) To obtain written authorization, the owner of the aircraft must apply to TCCA in writing and provide evidence that establishes the identity of the aircraft.
  • (d) The replacement aircraft ID plate may be obtained from the manufacturer, or it may be fabricated locally. It is prohibited to use an ID plate from another aircraft. Owners should be aware that attaching an aftermarket or locally fabricated ID plate may lead to questions about the aircraft’s authenticity. Refer to section 4.14 “False Aircraft ID Plates”.
  • (e) When an aircraft ID plate is replaced, the TCCA authorization for its replacement should be retained with the aircraft technical records.
  • (f) When an authorized replacement ID plate is installed, a photograph of the new plate should be provided to TCCA.
  • (g) The authorized replacement ID plate may be installed in the same location as the original ID plate. Older aircraft that displayed an ID plate in a non-standard location, such as in the cockpit, may continue to do so.

4.8 Alteration of an aircraft ID plate

(1) An ID plate may only be altered in accordance with an authorization from TCCA. Contact a CASI-A by submitting an email titled “[C-Gxxx] Alteration of an Identification plate.”

(2) Alteration may be authorized if it is proven that the information appearing on the existing ID plate is in error or is incomplete. To obtain this authorization, the owner must submit an application in writing to TCCA, providing evidence that establishes the identity of the aircraft.

(3) When an ID plate is modified, an application for registration and a photograph of the modified ID plate must be submitted to TCCA. The aircraft may operate under an interim Certificate of Registration. Refer to AC 202-002 – Aircraft Registration.

(4) The letter of authorization to alter the ID plate must be entered into the aircraft technical record.

4.9 Owner maintenance aircraft ID plate requirements

(1) The process of moving an aircraft into the Owner Maintenance classification includes an authorization to modify the aircraft’s ID plate. Before the aircraft is operated under a Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Owner Maintenance, the letter “X” must be permanently added to the end of both the model and serial numbers. An application to amend the C of R, together with a photograph of the modified ID plate and the fee for amendment must be submitted.

4.10 Transfer of ID plates between aircraft

(1) TCCA may authorize transferring an ID plate from one aircraft to another if it can be established that the ID plate had been attached to the wrong aircraft. To obtain this authorization, the owner must submit an application in writing to a CASI-A that explains the circumstances of the error and includes evidence that establishes the identities of both aircraft.

4.11 Former Military aircraft or foreign aircraft without CARs compliant aircraft ID plates

(1) Former military aircraft are occasionally brought into the civil aircraft registry. These aircraft often do not have aircraft ID plates that meet the requirements of CAR 201.

(2) Some countries do not require aircraft such as gliders or ultra-lights to have ID plates. Aircraft imported from these countries may not have ID plates that meet the requirements of CAR 201.

(3) As part of the registration process, the owner must submit a written application to TCCA for authorization to install an aircraft ID plate and provide evidence that establishes the identity of the aircraft.

(4) Some aircraft, such as the De Havilland DHC2 Beaver, were manufactured in both civilian and military versions and have ID plates that display either or both civilian and military model and serial numbers. These aircraft will be registered under their civilian model and serial numbers.

(5) ID plates displaying only military information may be left installed or may be removed. Removal of an ID plate should be recorded in the aircraft technical records.

4.12 Misleading plates

(1) Some older Canadian aircraft may display a ‘Mark Plate’ with the aircraft’s nationality and registration marks. Display of these ‘Mark Plates’ is no longer required by Canadian rules. They may be left installed or removed at the owner’s discretion and convenience. If the aircraft is exported, or the Canadian marks are changed or removed, the ‘Mark Plate’ should also be removed.

(2) Canada has “filed a difference”, informing ICAO that Canada chooses not to comply with the ICAO requirement for a mark plate. Frequent international operators are free to install a mark plate if they wish, since foreign aviation authorities may expect to see a Mark Plate.

(3) Some aircraft that do not display their ID plates in standard external locations may have been required to display a secondary plate for compliance with the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These plates may display wording similar to “AIRFRAME MANUFACTURE DATA” and “Meets U.S. FAA Drug Enforcement Reg.” While these plates appear similar to aircraft ID plates, they are not used for Canadian aircraft registration. The presence of a DEA plate indicates that the actual aircraft ID plate may be located in a non-standard location.

4.13 Evidence that establishes the identity of the aircraft

(1) Authorizations to replace, alter or attach ID plates require the aircraft owner to provide evidence that establishes the identity of the aircraft.

(2) If application for a replacement is being made in respect of a damaged ID plate, a photograph of the damaged ID plate sent by the registered owner or applicant for registration may be sufficient evidence to establish the identity of an aircraft, provided that the aircraft is registered in Canada, and a photograph of the original ID plate is on file.

(3) Submitted evidence should be sufficient to establish that the aircraft is a particular aircraft manufacturer, model, and serial number.

(4) Each situation requiring evidence to establish the identity of an aircraft will be unique, and may involve extensive, lengthy research. It is the responsibility of the aircraft owner to provide sufficient evidence to satisfy TCCA that the identity of the aircraft has been established to an acceptable level of certainty.

(5) The aircraft owner should assemble a package of documents that describe a coherent timeline of the aircraft’s history. This history should begin with the aircraft’s date and place of manufacture and include sufficient supporting detail about its technical history and chain of ownership.

(6) Do not send original documents to TCCA.

(7) Some potential examples of evidence include, but are not limited to:

  • (a) Physical evidence:
    • (i) Photograph of the damaged aircraft ID plate, if available.
    • (ii) Photos of ID plates of sub-components may be supporting evidence, however since the identity of an aircraft is its fuselage or hull, the identities of removable sub-assemblies are not definitive.
    • (iii) Since aircraft designs commonly evolve during manufacture, the existence or absence of manufacturer’s design modifications may be evidence that an aircraft is a certain serial number.
    • (iv) The current location and status of other serial number aircraft may be evidence that an aircraft is a certain serial number by process of elimination.
    • (v) Inspector’s stamps on structural components may help establish date and place of manufacture if comparison can be made to other aircraft or to manufacturing records.
    • (vi) Paint schemes and colours may be evidence that an aircraft was operated by an entity during a period of time if comparison can be made to historical data.
    • (vii) Registration markings may be evidence of an aircraft’s identity if historical registration records are available, and
    • (viii) Photographs, news articles, and other media may also provide supporting evidence, especially if dated.
  • (b) Technical history / Technical data:
    • (i) Journey logs, airframe technical logs, damage and repair history, and modification data may provide supporting evidence, and
    • (ii) Instructions for Continuing Airworthiness, the type design data and the type certificate data sheet, or equivalent document may be evidence that an aircraft is of a particular model.
  • (c) Documentary history:
    • (i) Copies of Bills of Sale,
    • (ii) Registration history,
    • (iii) Copies of military or state records,
    • (iv) Court documents,
    • (v) Title registries,
    • (vi) Police report (If ID plate was stolen), and
    • (vii) Written reports from former owners and operators of the aircraft.

(8) In order to ensure compliance with any applicable airworthiness limitations and airworthiness directives, a continuous record of the total air time and number of operating cycles or landings may be required. For further information, consult CAR 605.92, Requirements to Keep Technical Records.

(9) Some aircraft serial numbers have been illegally duplicated. When establishing the identity of an aircraft, Canadian and foreign aircraft registries should be searched to ensure that the serial number is not currently identifying another aircraft.

4.14 False aircraft ID plates

(1) Replica ID plates are commonly available for purchase on the internet. While some replica ID plates are generic in design, some are indistinguishable from the original production ID plates.

(2) There have been attempts to register aircraft with replica ID plates or ID plates that have been removed from other aircraft. When TCCA receives applications for registration for these aircraft the files may be flagged for further scrutiny.

(3) An aircraft ID plate that appears to be different from the original is not necessarily fraudulent. A legitimate replacement aircraft ID plate should have an associated authorization for installation in the airframe technical record.

4.15 Scrapped or destroyed aircraft

(1) The identity of an aircraft is established by its fuselage, not by its ID plate.

(2) Possession of an un-attached ID plate does not confer the right to apply the plate to an aircraft.

(3) Prior to undertaking the repair or restoration of a damaged or destroyed aircraft, careful consideration must be given to what model and serial number the restored aircraft can be declared to be for the purposes of registration, and whether that identity will be verifiable for issue of a flight authority.

(4) When there are airworthiness limitations on an airframe, it will be impossible to determine compliance without adequate technical records. Some airframes may be beyond their useable life.

(5) Replacing an entire fuselage or airframe with a different serviceable assembly may be an option for repair, however an aircraft repaired in this way will have the identity of the new and serviceable fuselage and cannot assume the identity of the previous aircraft.

5.0 Aircraft marks

5.1 General

(1) Aircraft marks are a form of aircraft identification, used to rapidly identify a particular aircraft.

(2) Marks are assigned by TCCA to an individual aircraft, identified by its manufacturer, model, and serial number. The marks will not change when the ownership of the aircraft changes.

(3) Marks allow an aircraft to be visually identified and are often used as the aircraft’s ‘call sign’ to identify the aircraft in verbal radio communications.

(4) The global use of aircraft marks provides a brief, clear and standardized form of identification.

(5) All civil aircraft operated in Canada must be identified by a unique set of marks, and must display their marks whenever they are operated, in flight or on the ground.

(6) Canadian marks are also used for the aircraft’s digital identifier. The five alphabetic characters are algorithmically converted to a unique binary code for use by the aircraft’s avionics equipment in digital radio communications.

(7) Once a set of marks are applied to an aircraft, they may only be removed under certain circumstances. Refer to section 6.9 “Removal of Marks”.

(8) The aircraft registration computer system includes a list or ‘pool’ of marks.

(9) Canadian marks may be re-assigned. A registration mark may have been used to identify another Canadian aircraft in the past. Marks that have been removed from an aircraft are returned to the pool of available marks for future use.

5.2 Nationality and registration marks

(1) Canadian marks are composed of a nationality mark followed by a hyphen and a registration mark.

(2) The nationality mark is the capital letter “C”, however most vintage aircraft and some older aircraft may display “CF” as described in section 5.9 “Vintage Nationality Marks”.

(3) The registration mark is a series of letters beginning with “F” or “G” for all aircraft except ultra-light aeroplanes.

(4) For most ultra-light aeroplanes, the registration mark is a series of four capital letters beginning with “I”.

(5) Canadian marks use only capital letters from the 26-letter Roman alphabet.

5.3 Restricted marks

(1) Marks that are removed from the pool of available marks are known as restricted marks.

(2) TCCA will restrict a mark that forms an offensive word or acronym.

(3) Marks are restricted if they might be confused with:

  • (a) the five-letter combinations used in the International Code of Signals, Part II,
  • (b) the three-letter combinations beginning with Q used in the Q Code, or
  • (c) the distress signal SOS, or other similar urgent signals, for example XXX, PAN and TTT

(4) TCCA may also restrict marks that are displayed on non-flying museum or school aircraft, or that were displayed on aircraft involved in disastrous events or are sentimental to the Canadian aviation community.

5.4 Mark reservation

(1) New registration marks are needed when an aircraft is first registered in Canada.

(2) If registration marks have not been reserved, a random mark from the mark pool will be automatically assigned by the system when an owner makes an application for registration, for no charge.

(3) Reservation of new marks is optional, and a fee applies. Mark reservation is only required:

  • (a) when a person wants to have a random system generated mark assigned to them in advance, before they make the application for registration; for example before they take delivery of the aircraft and the vendor is willing to paint Canadian marks on the aircraft prior to delivery, or
  • (b) when a person wants to reserve or to have assigned a special (particular) mark; for example a mark that forms their own or their company’s initials.

(4) Special marks must always be reserved, either prior to or simultaneously with application for registration.

(5) Important:

  • (a) TCCA will issue a mark reservation letter to confirm the marks are reserved for 12 months. Until this letter is received, there is no guarantee that the marks may be used.
  • (b) Mark reservation is not aircraft registration. The aircraft must not be flown until it is marked, registered, and a valid Certificate of Registration is on board. Refer to AC 202-002 – Aircraft Registration.
  • (c) A reserved registration mark must not be displayed on a foreign-registered aircraft.
  • (d) Once a continuing Certificate of Registration has been issued, the marks may not be removed from the aircraft and must always be visibly displayed, except for the reasons detailed in section 6.9 “Removal of Marks”.
  • (e) A mark reservation may not be transferred to another person.
  • (f) A mark reservation may be released by the person who has reserved the mark by informing TCCA in writing that they wish to release their reservation. There will be no refund of the reservation fee.

5.5 Choosing a mark to reserve

(1) If a special (particular) mark is desired, it must be available for reservation. To determine if a special (particular) mark is currently available, use the Available Marks Search feature of the CCAR web page:

  • (a) A full mark, or a portion of a mark may be searched for.
  • (b) If available marks are found, the web page will display links to the marks’ history, if any.
  • (c) If there are no available marks that match the search, the web page will display “0 matches found”. A response of “0 matches found” means that the mark is NOT available; it is already reserved, restricted, or is in use.
  • (d) A mark that is associated with a cancelled aircraft registration may be made available if TCCA determines that the mark has been abandoned by the previous registered owner.

(2) Ultra-Light aeroplanes will display marks in the C – I_ _ _ series. Non-ultralight aircraft must be C – F_ _ _ or C – G_ _ _. If the reserved mark is not appropriate for the aircraft there will be no refund for the original reservation; If a different special (particular) mark is desired, a new reservation and fee will be required.

(3) It is recommended to indicate a second choice of mark in case the first choice has become unavailable.

(4) Mark reservations are not specific to a particular aircraft. TCCA does not require aircraft details when reserving a mark.

(5) All reservation requests are subject to review. Restricted or offensive marks will not be reserved.

5.6 Application for reservation of a mark

(1) Form 26-0869 – Application for Reservation of Aircraft Registration Marks is used to reserve marks.

(2) The written application for mark reservation must include:

  • (a) The applicant’s name and address, and any other contact details; email address, telephone number,
  • (b) Proof of qualification; age and citizenship for individuals. (Refer to AC 202-002 – Aircraft Registration) and
  • (c) The payment confirmation number or a copy of the TCCA receipt.

(3) Payment may be made via the Online Payment System at

(4) Payments that are submitted to TCCA are not applied to any service until TCCA is informed of the payment and its purpose. The payment confirmation number or a copy of the TCCA receipt must be sent with the application or noted on the application form.

Note: The current version of TCCA’s online payment system requires clients to enter the mark they are reserving, however this system is not linked to the mark reservation process. The payment system only enables the necessary payment. Use of the TCCA online payment system is not an application for mark reservation.

(5) The application, payment information and all applicable documentation may be submitted to any TCCA regional office. Refer to section 7.3 “Sending information to TCCA”.

5.7 Mark reservation renewal

(1) A mark reservation is valid for one year and expires on the anniversary of the day the mark was reserved.

(2) A registration mark may not be reserved for more than one year at a time.

(3) If you have not applied to register an aircraft, and you wish to keep your mark reservation, you must apply to renew the reservation before it expires.

(4) The mark reservation must be renewed by paying the fee and submitting a new written request or completed request form. The new payment confirmation number must be included in the application for renewal. Payment may be made via the Online Payment System at

Note: The current version of TCCA’s online payment system requires clients to enter the mark they are reserving, however this system is not linked to the mark reservation process. Use of the TCCA online payment system does not result in a renewal of a mark reservation, the payment system only enables the necessary payment.

(5) A reserved mark that is not renewed may be returned to the pool of available marks.

(6) If a reservation expires, a new application must be made, and the fee for the reservation of a special registration mark must be paid, regardless of whether the original registration was for a special or system-generated mark. There is no guarantee that the mark will be available.

5.8 Mark change or exchange

(1) Mark Change is when an aircraft owner wants to replace the marks currently on their aircraft with other marks that they desire, and which are available for reservation from the Registry.

(2) Mark Exchange happens when the owner of an aircraft wants to use marks that are already assigned to another person’s aircraft, and that second owner agrees to the exchange.

(3) Once a continuing Certificate of Registration has been issued, registration marks may not be removed from an aircraft except under the circumstances described in section 6.9 “Removal of Marks”.

(4) TCCA may issue an authorization to remove existing registration marks for the purposes of changing or exchanging them.

(5) If an aircraft is subject to an Irrevocable De-registration and Export Request Authorization (IDERA), the registration marks may not be removed or exchanged without a letter of consent from the Authorized Party.

(6) If an aircraft is subject to a lease, a lease agreement showing the new registration marks must be submitted to TCCA following the mark exchange.

(7) To change or exchange marks, contact TCCA.

5.9 Vintage nationality marks

(1) Aircraft manufactured before 1st January 1957 are classified as vintage aircraft and are eligible to display either the “C” or “CF” nationality mark.

(2) Aircraft registered prior to 1st January 1974 originally displayed the Nationality mark CF-.

(3) The vintage and conventional display formats are treated as one unique mark and are not assigned to two different aircraft. For example, C-FQED will not be assigned to another aircraft as CF-QED.

(4) Owners of vintage aircraft (pre-1957) may choose to convert the marks from CF to C or from C to CF.

(5) Owners of non-vintage aircraft may choose to retain the CF nationality mark until the aircraft is re-painted. When the aircraft is re-painted, the marks must be displayed as C-F.

(6) Whenever an owner converts the nationality mark:

  • (a) They must notify TCCA in writing (by mail or email).
  • (b) They may operate the aircraft on the Interim registration by submitting an application for registration with the corrected information and following the instructions on the interim registration form.

(7) All markings on the aircraft must match. If the aircraft is only partially repainted, it must not display a "CF" nationality mark in one place and a "C" nationality mark in another.

(8) If the aircraft has a Mark Plate, when the nationality mark is converted the mark plate should be removed or corrected.

6.0 Display of marks

6.1 General

(1) No aircraft may be operated in flight or on the ground unless its registration marks are visible and displayed. The marks should be kept clean, visible and legible at all times.

(2) The registration marks must perform their intended purpose, which is to make the aircraft readily identifiable at a distance.

(3) The marks can be painted on the aircraft or they can be affixed by any other means that ensures a similar degree of permanence. Unless paint or surface treatment specifications are published by the aircraft manufacturer, recognized industry practices for the application of paint or decals can be followed.

(4) The Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards provide detailed specifications for the style, location and size of marks. These standards are closely based on Annex 7 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and are similar to the standards found throughout the world.

6.2 Style of marks

(1) Both CAR Standard 222 and Annex 7 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation upon which the Standard is based specify that registration markings be displayed as Roman characters and without ornamentation.

  • (a) The term ‘Roman characters’ means that the characters of the mark must be from the set of 26 letters of the English alphabet: A through Z. Other characters, such as £, ¥, or ᾯ are not used in aircraft registration markings anywhere in the world. Since the letters of the registration mark are specified by TCCA, all Canadian marks are Roman characters.
  • (b) The term ‘without ornamentation’ prohibits highly stylized letters that are not readily identifiable. Serifs are considered to be ornamentation. A sans-serif typeface such as Arial should be used.

(2) There must be sufficient contrast between the letter and the background to make the letter easily readable at a distance. In some instances, an outline or shadow may improve the contrast between the lettering and its background. Outlines or shadows are acceptable only if they improve contrast and do not complicate the outline of the letters or make them hard to read.

(3) The result must be a registration mark that performs its intended function. A set of registration marks on the side of an aircraft performs its function if:

  • (a) 30 cm high marks are legible at 150 m;
  • (b) 15 cm high marks are legible at 75 m;
  • (c) 7.5 cm high marks are legible at 38 m.

6.3 Spacing and thickness of marks

(1) All characters must be made of lines that are one-sixth of the mark height.

(2) The spacing between characters must be at least one-sixth of the mark height.

(3) The letters must be of equal height and be displayed adjacent to each other in a series.

6.4 Width of marks

(1) When selecting a location to display the marks, it is necessary to know the required height and width of the mark.

(2) The various sizes of mark are specified as a minimum height. The width of the mark may then be calculated. This calculated mark width is a minimum, assuming the smallest allowable spacing between characters.

(3) The width of each character of the mark, including the hyphen but excepting the letters I, M and W must be two thirds of its height. The width of the letter I is one sixth of its height, and the width of the letters M and W is equal to their height.

(4) A simplified method of calculating the required total minimum width for a mark:

  • (a) Multiply the height by 29, then divide by 6.
  • (b) For every letter M or W, add one third of the letter height.
  • (c) For every letter I, subtract one half of the letter height.
  • Example 1 – a 30 cm high mark C-FXYZ would have a minimum width of:
    (30 × 29 ÷ 6) = 145 cm.
  • Example 2 – a 50 cm high mark C-GMIW would have a minimum width of:
    (50 × 29 ÷ 6) + (50 ÷ 3) - (50 ÷ 2) + (50 ÷ 3) = 250 cm

(5) If the marks are displayed using slanted characters (referred to in the Standard as Marks Displayed at an Angle) the width of the markings will increase. Characters may be slanted up to 35 degrees either side of vertical, which may be a better fit for some surfaces.

6.5 Margin requirements for marks

(1) There must be a minimum margin of 5 cm between the edge of the marks and the edge of the surface.

The mark in Example 1 above could be applied onto a surface that is 40 cm high and 155 cm wide.

The mark in Example 2 above could be applied onto a surface that is 60 cm high and 260 cm wide.

(2) There may be no well-defined ‘edge of the surface’ on many aircraft having curved, aerodynamic surfaces. Since the function of registration marks is to appear in a manner such that the aircraft can be identified readily, it is reasonable to evaluate options for mark location by considering the flattened appearance of the surface from the perspective of a person viewing the aircraft from the side at a distance.

6.6 Location options for marks

(1) Location options – fixed-wing

  • (a) Lower surface
    • (i) Display of marks on the lower wing surface of a fixed wing aeroplane is optional in Canada. When marks are not displayed on the lower wing surface, the minimum size of the markings on the side of the aeroplane is increased.
    • (ii) When marks are displayed on the lower wing surface, place them on the left wing only, centered as much as possible between the leading and trailing edges, and with their tops toward the leading edge.
  • (b) Side surfaces
    • (i) Marks must be displayed on both sides of a fixed wing aeroplane. The chosen surface must allow the marks to be visible to a person viewing the aircraft from the side.
    • (ii) There are three options:
      • (A) On the aft fuselage behind the wing and ahead of the tail surface.
      • (B) On the out board vertical tail surfaces.
      • (C) On aft-mounted engine nacelles.

(2) Sizes – fixed-wing

  • (a) Sizes with wing lower surface markings:
    • (i) The markings on the lower surface of the wings must be at least 50 cm high.
    • (ii) The markings on the side surfaces must be at least 15 cm high.
  • (b) Size without wing lower surface markings:
    • (i) The marking on the side surfaces must be at least 30 cm high.
    • (ii) If the form and dimensions of the aircraft prevents full sized marks:
      • (A) the marks must appear on the surface that permits the largest size, and
      • (B) the marks must be the largest size allowed by the surface.
    • (iii) The minimum allowable mark is 15 cm high, except for gliders, amateur-built or ultra-light aeroplanes which have a minimum allowable mark of 7.5 cm high, or the maximum allowed by the structure, whichever is greater.

(3) Location options – rotorcraft

  • (a) Lower surface
    • (i) Display of marks on the bottom surface of a helicopter or gyroplane is optional in Canada. When marks are not displayed on the bottom surface, the minimum size of the markings on the side is increased.
    • (ii) When marks are displayed on the bottom surface, place them with their tops toward the left side.
  • (b) Side surfaces
    • (i) Marks must be displayed on both sides of a rotorcraft. The chosen surface must allow the marks to be visible to a person viewing the aircraft from the side.
    • (ii) There are three options:
      • (A) On the side surfaces of the fuselage or cabin, below the windows and as near to the cockpit as possible.
      • (B) On the vertical tail surface.
      • (C) On the upper engine or transmission cowling of the main rotor assembly where the cowlings are located over the main cabin.

(4) Sizes – rotorcraft

  • (a) Sizes with bottom surface markings:
    • (i) The markings on the bottom surface must be 50 cm high, or 4/5 of the width of the fuselage or cabin, whichever is less.
    • (ii) The markings on the side surfaces must be at least 15 cm high.
  • (b) Size without bottom surface markings.
    • (i) The marking on the side surfaces must be at least 30 cm high.
    • (ii) When the form and dimensions of the rotorcraft do not allow for display full sized marks:
      • (A) the marks must appear on the surface that permits the largest size, and
      • (B) the marks must be the largest size allowed by the surface.
    • (iii) The minimum allowable mark is 15 cm high.

6.7 Alternative or variant mark size or location

(1) If the structural configuration of the aircraft prevents the display of marks that meet the minimum allowable mark size, the owner must submit an application in accordance with CAR 202.06 for an authorization for an alternative mark size or location.

(2) If the aircraft is a former military aircraft or a replica that retains its military colours and original markings, the owner may apply to display smaller than standard sized marks to help preserve the authenticity of the paint scheme or other markings.

(3) TCCA may issue to the aircraft’s registered owner a letter of authorization for the aircraft to display smaller, less obvious marks that vary from the standard. This letter of authorization forms part of the aircraft’s technical records and remains valid whenever there is a change in registered owner.

(4) A copy of the letter of authorization should be carried on board the aircraft.

(5) There is no formal application form, but since the authorization is in the form of a letter, time can be saved by providing a written description as an editable document. Contact for a template.

(6) A written request to display marks in an alternative size or location must include:

  • (a) the aircraft owner’s name,
  • (b) the aircraft manufacturer, model and serial, and the assigned marks
  • (c) the proposed size and location of the marks,
  • (d) the proposed colour of the marks and the colour of the surface on which they would appear,
  • (e) a detailed description of the paint scheme, upon which the authorization letter can be based. A picture or diagram is helpful.

(7) The request letter must adequately describe the entire paint scheme. Although statements like “will retain original squadron markings” help establish the fact that the aircraft is a military aircraft or replica, they do not describe the scheme. The description should be sufficiently detailed to allow identification of the aircraft from a distance, as a replacement for identifying the aircraft by visible marks.

(8) Only the Chief of Operational Airworthiness, TCCA Standards Branch in Ottawa has the authority to issue the letter of authorization. The request letter can be sent to or it can be routed through a TCCA regional office.

6.8 Alternative size and location for powered parachute marks

(1) A powered parachute is an ultralight aeroplane and must display registration marks. Marks allotted will be in the C – I _ _ _ series.

(2) When the marks are not displayed on the bottom surface of the wings (canopy) then marks can be affixed in accordance with paragraph 222.01(2)(o), which allows the mark to be shown only on the sides of the ultra-light. If the structure does not accommodate the required 30 cm (11.8 inches) size marks on the side, then the marks shall be as tall as possible, but never less than 7.5 cm (3 inches).

6.9 Removal of marks

(1) Once marks have been applied to an aircraft, they may not be removed unless:

  • (a) the aircraft is officially withdrawn from service,
  • (b) the marks are temporarily removed for a maintenance operation,
  • (c) the marks are removed in order to convert to or from vintage format,
  • (d) TCCA issues a written authorization to operate the aircraft without displayed marks for an exhibition, air show, motion picture or television production, or
  • (e) TCCA issues written authorization for a mark exchange or change.

(2) Marks must be removed from an aircraft when:

  • (a) the aircraft is exported, or custody and control of the aircraft is transferred to a person who is not qualified to be the registered owner of a Canadian aircraft, or,
  • (b) TCCA determines that the marks are offensive and requests their removal,

(3) When the Certificate of Registration is cancelled, TCCA may request the marks be removed.

(4) When marks are permanently removed:

  • (a) Unless they were removed for maintenance or under an authorization, TCCA must be notified in writing within seven days of the marks’ removal.
  • (b) If the aircraft has a Mark Plate, it should be removed.
  • (c) The transponder, ELT, and any other electronics must be reset, or programmed with the new marks.

(5) When a Certificate of Registration is cancelled for export or destruction and the marks are no longer assigned to an aircraft, the Canadian marks that have been removed may be returned to the pool of available marks and eventually assigned to other aircraft.

6.10 Museum aircraft display of marks

(1) When an aircraft is permanently withdrawn from use, its Certificate of Registration is automatically cancelled under CAR paragraph 202.58(1)(b).

(2) The owner of the aircraft should either notify TCCA that the marks have been removed, or request to continue to display the marks.

(3) An aircraft that has been withdrawn from service and placed on public display may continue to display its marks. If requested by the owner of the displayed aircraft, TCCA may agree to not request mark removal.

(4) If appropriate, TCCA may add the mark to the list of restricted marks.

(5) Museums and other organizations displaying aircraft that have been permanently withdrawn from service but that still appear on the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register website should contact TCCA at

6.11 School aircraft display of marks

(1) Non-flyable aircraft that are used as training aids may continue to display marks, but TCCA should be notified that the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn from use. TCCA will remove the aircraft from the Register and restrict the marks.

(2) The owner of the aircraft should either notify TCCA that the marks have been removed, or request to continue to display the marks.

(3) If the aircraft will be operated on the ground, the aircraft should continue to display marks for use in radio communications, however these marks must be restricted to prevent them from being used on other aircraft.

(4) Schools using aircraft that have been permanently withdrawn from service but that still appear on the Canadian Registry should contact TCCA at to have the aircraft removed from the register. If the school wishes to continue displaying the registration marks on the training aircraft, the marks will be restricted to prevent them from being used on an operational aircraft.

6.12 24-bit identification code

(1) Avionics equipment including Mode-S transponders, ADS-B and 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) transmit the aircraft’s unique 24-bit identification code.

(2) This identification code is derived from the aircraft’s registration marks, converted to numeric format.

(3) The Certificate of Registration displays the numeric code in 24-bit binary, 8-character octal and 6-character hexadecimal. For a registered aircraft, these codes can also be found by searching for the aircraft’s registration on the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register website:

(4) To reduce the possibility of error, the 24-bit binary code will never be transmitted verbally.

(5) Whenever an aircraft is operated, all avionics equipment that transmit the aircraft’s identifier must be configured with the code corresponding to its displayed marks.

(6) When avionics equipment is removed from an aircraft, it is important to reset any programmed codes to zero.

(7) When the marks are removed from the aircraft, the aircraft avionics equipment must be reset to zero.

(8) When an aircraft is removed from the Canadian Registry for export, the Canadian codes must be removed from all aircraft avionics equipment. They may be reset to zero or configured with the new foreign code, if known.

7.0 Information management

7.1 Publication of the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register

(1) Under CAR subsection 202.69(2), TCCA may publish information that has been entered in the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register (CCAR) in respect of a Canadian aircraft, including owners’ addresses.

(2) This information is published and made available for download on the public website:

(3) The information appearing on the public website is current data read directly from the registration database.

(4) Since the public website is an exact representation of the information in the register, it may be considered to be the register.

(5) Under Article 21 of the Chicago Convention, when requested by any other contracting State or by ICAO, Canada will supply the registration and ownership information of any Canadian aircraft.

(6) Canada also provides regular registration and ownership reports to ICAO.

(7) Some of the information necessary to issue a Certificate of Registration is Personal Information and will not be disclosed.

(8) "Personal information" is defined as any information, in any form, about an identifiable individual.

(9) Personal information collected by TC is protected from disclosure to unauthorized persons and/or agencies subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act. Refer to section 3 of the Privacy Act for further details regarding personal information.

(10) Personal information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act and is described in TC's Personal Information Bank number TC PPU 010, which is available at TC Info Source at

(11) Individuals have the right to the protection of and access to their personal information and to request corrections where the individual believes there is an error or omission.

(12) Individuals may contact the TCCA's Access to Information and Privacy Protection Division to request corrections.

(13) The information requested is required by TC for the purpose of administering the Canadian Civil Aircraft Registry. The personal information is stored in the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register which includes the name and address of each registered owner. Personal Information is also used by the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register Computer System-Evolution (CCARCS-E), a live database that supports several mailings from various divisions of Transport Canada.

(14) The collection and disclosure of personal information is done under the authority of Aeronautics Act, pursuant to sections 202.02, 202.16, 202.35, 202.51, 202.52, 202.57 and 203.03 of the CARs.

(15) Information will also be disclosed to foreign aviation authorities to fulfill the obligation under Article 21 of the Chicago Convention underlying the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

(16) Personal information is used by and linked to other Civil Aviation databases such as the National Aeronautical Product Approval System (NAPA), the Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS), the National Aviation Company Information System (NACIS), the Enforcement Management System (EMS), and the Civil Aviation Daily Occurrence Reporting System (CADORS), in order to populate, within each respective database, information relating to the registration and licensing of aircraft.

(17) Individuals have the right to file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the institution's handling of their personal information.

7.2 Removal of Information from the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register

(1) When a Certificate of Registration is cancelled, TCCA will mark the entry in the register as cancelled. Most information will remain publicly available through the historical search function on the public website.

(2) When a Certificate of Registration is cancelled, TCCA may remove the aircraft details from the current register.

7.3 Sending information to TCCA

(1) Do not send original documents to TCCA.

(2) General Email inboxes

(3) To ensure most efficient processing:

  • (a) Include manufacturer, model, serial number and registration marks of the subject aircraft, if known.
  • (b) If the file has been assigned an Activity Tracking System Number (ATS), ensure that it is included with all correspondence.
  • (c) When an email message pertains to an import or export, ensure that the subject line begins with IMPORT or EXPORT.

(4) Email messages, including any attachments, must be smaller than 20MB in size.

(5) Compressed “Zip” files are blocked and will not be received by TCCA.

(6) Transport Canada headquarters in Ottawa does not process aircraft registrations.

(7) Secure electronic delivery of sensitive personal information such as copies of identity documents or financial information, contact the nearest regional office for details.

(8) Toll-free telephone number for all regions: 1-800-305-2059.

8.0 Document history

(1) Not Applicable

9.0 Contact us

For more information, please contact:
Operational Airworthiness Division, Standards Branch (AARTM)

We invite suggestions for amendment to this document. Submit your comments to:
AART Documentation Services

Original signed by

Linda Kovacic
Director, Standards Branch
Civil Aviation