Transport Canada issues Advisory Circulars (ACs) to help the civil aviation community understand how to comply with current regulations and standards in aviation.
Stay informed:
On this page
- How the document series work
- 100 Series – General provisions
- 200 Series – Aircraft identification and registration and operation of a leased aircraft by a non-registered owner
- 300 Series – Aerodromes and airports
- 400 Series – Personnel licensing and training
- 500 Series – Airworthiness
- 600 Series – General operating and flight rules
- 700 Series – Commercial air services
- 800 Series – Air navigation services
- 900 Series – Remotely piloted aircraft systems
- ADM Series – Administrative
- DAN Series – Dangerous goods
- LTA Series – Labour travail aviation (aviation occupational health and safety)
- QUA Series – Quality Assurance Programs
- SUR Series – Oversight
How the document series works
- ACs that relate to a part or standard of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) are found in the matching numerical series
- Example: An AC on flight crew licensing related to CARs 401 will be posted in the 400 Series
- ACs that do not relate to one specific part or standard of the CARs are found in the 100 Series – General provisions
- Example: An AC on safety management systems that applies to all aviation organizations will be posted in the 100 Series – General provisions
- ACs that do not relate to another regulatory instrument will be located in the applicable series
- Example: An AC on employee health and safety will be found in the LTA Series – Labour travail aviation, otherwise known as aviation occupational health and safety
100 Series – General provisions
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 100-001 | Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel | 2021-06-22 |
AC 102-001 | Operation and Maintenance of Aircraft Performing Activities Relating to Defence | 2022-08-01 |
AC 107-001 | Guidance on Safety Management Systems Development | 2008-01-01 |
AC 107-002 | Safety Management System Development Guide for Smaller Aviation Organizations | 2016-09-02 |
200 Series – Aircraft identification and registration and operation of a leased aircraft by a non-registered owner
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 201-002 | Aircraft Identification and Marking | 2025-03-20 |
300 Series – Aerodromes and airports
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 300-001 | Processing of Aerodrome Aeronautical Information | 2017-08-11 |
AC 300-002 | Safety Management System Implementation Procedures for Airport Operators | 2009-06-05 |
AC 300-004 | Unpaved Runway Surfaces | 2017-12-05 |
AC 300-005 | Changes to Runway Surface Condition Reporting | 2022-01-21 |
AC 300-006 | Precision Approach Path Indicator Maintenance and Inspection (PAPI) | 2012-10-12 |
AC 300-007 | Engineered Materials Arresting Systems for Aircraft Overruns | 2017-04-24 |
AC 300-008 | Runway Grooving | 2017-01-30 |
AC 300-009 | Land Use and Jurisdictional Issues at Aerodromes | 2015-06-05 |
AC 300-012 | Storage, Handling and Dispensing of Aviation Fuels at Aerodromes | 2015-11-10 |
AC 300-014 | Precision Approach Path Indicator Flight Check | 2016-07-27 |
AC 300-015 | Requirements for the Timely Notification of Amendments to Aeronautical Information | 2017-10-25 |
AC 300-016 | ALSF-2/ SSALR Circuit Interleaving | 2017-08-04 |
AC 300-017 | Mixing Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technologies | 2017-08-04 |
AC 300-018 | Displacement of PAPI Axis for Offset Approaches | 2017-08-28 |
AC 300-019 | Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions | 2021-02-21 |
AC 300-021 | Thin Bituminous Surface Runways | 2022-06-10 |
AC 301-001 | Procedure to be followed in order to support Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP) at a non-certified aerodrome | 2022-03-14 |
AC 301-002 | Aerodrome Registration | 2010-12-10 |
AC 301-003 | Ice Aerodrome Development – Guidelines and Recommended Practices | 2011-11-07 |
AC 302-001 | Publication of the Level of Service with Respect to Departure Below RVR 2600 (½ Statute Mile) | 2017-10-25 |
AC 302-002 | Implementation of New or Amended Noise Abatement Procedures | 2008-10-15 |
AC 302-003 | Personnel and Equipment Within the Critical Portion of the Runway Strip | 2009-01-28 |
AC 302-004 | Use of a Follow-me Vehicle Service to Support Reduced/Low Visibility Operations | 2009-09-18 |
AC 302-005 | Runway Guard Light Installation Criteria | 2010-04-22 |
AC 302-006 | Publication of Special Reduced/Low Visibility Procedures in the appropriate Aeronautical Information Publication(s) | 2009-12-17 |
AC 302-008 | Maintenance of Runway and Taxiway Lighting Systems | 2015-12-07 |
AC 302-009 | Precision Approach Path Indicator Harmonization with Instrument Landing System | 2010-10-29 |
AC 302-010 | Mobile Photometric Measuring Unit | 2011-06-30 |
AC 302-011 | Airport Pavement Bearing Strength Reporting | 2016-01-04 |
AC 302-012 | International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Type A Obstacle Charts | 2021-01-12 |
AC 302-014 | Runway Ice Control Chemicals | 2013-12-18 |
AC 302-015 | Runway End Safety Area Bearing Strength Requirements | 2013-04-10 |
AC 302-016 | Airport Pavement Management System | 2016-04-04 |
AC 302-017 | Runway Friction Measurement | 2017-01-30 |
AC 302-018 | Grandfathering at Airports Pursuant to Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 302.07 | 2014-11-27 |
AC 302-019 | Methodology for the Identification of the Aircraft Group Number | 2024-05-03 |
AC 302-020 | Mixed Operations at an Airport | 2015-07-31 |
AC 302-022 | National Exemption to CAR 302.07 (1)(a)(ii) | 2015-09-15 |
AC 302-023 | Measurement and Evaluation of Runway Roughness | 2016-12-16 |
AC 302-025 | Airport Emergency Plan – Transportation of Passengers and Crew | 2017-06-06 |
AC 302-026 | Decelerometer Performance Specifications | 2017-08-21 |
AC 302-028 | Wildlife Strike Reporting | 2018-09-25 |
AC 302-030 | Adherence to Standard during periods of construction | 2019-09-30 |
AC 302-031 | Publication enhancements to airport information | 2021-01-05 |
AC 302-032 | Designation of International Airports in Canada | 2023-08-11 |
AC 302-033 | Step Intensity Settings for Aerodrome Lighting Systems | 2021-03-26 |
AC 305-001 | Standards Associated with H1 Classified Heliports | 2017-11-15 |
AC 305-002 | Rooftop Heliport Fire Fighting Protection | 2019-10-13 |
AC 307-001 | Canadian Aviation Regulation 307 – Aerodromes – Consultations | 2017-11-10 |
Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007
400 Series – Personnel licensing and training
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 400-001 | Application Guidelines for an Aviation Document Booklet | 2014-01-22 |
AC 400-003 | Foreign Licence Validation Certificates | 2019-03-20 |
AC 400-004 | Industry Invigilation of Computer Delivered Examinations | 2018-02-08 |
AC 401-001 | Application Guidelines for Aeroplane FAA to TCCA Licence Conversion Agreement | 2020-03-20 |
AC 401-002 | Application Guidelines for Flight Crew Permits and Licences | 2011-12-19 |
AC 401-003 | Application Guidelines for Helicopter FAA to TCCA Licence Conversion Agreement | 2020-03-20 |
AC 401-004 | Conduct of Instrument Proficiency Checks | 2019-03-15 |
AC 401-005 | Maintaining Instrument Rating Privileges as stipulated in Exemption NCR 040-2015, Exemption from paragraph 401.03(1)(b) and section 401.48 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations | 2016-01-15 |
AC 401-009 | The Conduct of Aviation Language Proficiency Demonstrations | 2018-12-01 |
AC 406-002 | Issuance of Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane for students enrolled in ATP(A) or CPL(A)/IR Integrated Courses | 2020-03-06 |
AC 408-001 | Pilot Examiner Monitoring Procedures - Aeroplane and Helicopter | 2013-01-23 |
AC 408-002 | Limiting the Number of “2” Assessments on Part IV Flight Tests | 2019-09-25 |
AC 421-001 | Flight Instructor Refresher Courses – Aeroplane and Helicopter | 2010-10-27 |
Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007
500 Series – Airworthiness
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 500-001 | Audio Alerts and Warnings | 2007-06-20 |
AC 500-002 | Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Electrical and Electronic Equipment | 2008-02-14 |
AC 500-003 | Emergency Exits Exposed to Freezing Rain | 2008-04-04 |
AC 500-004 | External Loads on Aeroplanes – Approval Process and Flight Test Considerations | 2024-01-23 |
AC 500-011 | Restricted Category Certification of Small Aeroplanes and Helicopters for Special Purpose Operations | 2009-02-17 |
AC 500-020 | Flight Management System (FMS) Barometric Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Temperature Compensation | 2013-07-22 |
AC 500-029 | Certification of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) | 2024-01-04 |
AC 500-030 | Alternative Agents for Aircraft Fire Extinguisher System | 2021-10-13 |
AC 505-002 | Airworthiness Control System for a Delegated Organisation (Aircraft Certification) | 2008-12-01 |
AC 505-003 | Safety Management Systems for Design Organizations | 2008-12-01 |
AC 505-005 | Aircraft Certification Delegate Handbook | 2022-10-14 |
AC 505-006 | Aircraft Certification Authorized Persons Located Outside Canada | 2023-04-03 |
AC 507-001 | Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited | 2020-06-30 |
AC 521-001 | Canadian Aviation Regulations 521: Division I—General- Table of Concordance | 2010-09-29 |
AC 521-002 | Type Certification Requirements of Aircraft, Engines and Propellers | 2011-10-19 |
AC 521-004 | Changes to the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product | 2012-03-16 |
AC 521-005 | Supplemental Type Certificates | 2012-03-16 |
AC 521-006 | Repair Design Approvals | 2012-03-16 |
AC 521-007 | Part Design Approvals | 2012-03-16 |
AC 521-010 | Airworthiness Directives | 2024-08-02 |
AC 521-101 | Electronic Record-keeping Systems, Modeling Systems and Manuals | 2022-02-10 |
AC 521-009 | Division IX – Service Difficulty Reporting | 2011-09-07 |
AC 522-001 | Acceptable Means of Compliance to Chapter 522 of the Airworthiness Manual — Gliders and Powered Gliders | 2011-06-17 |
AC 525-001 | Methodology for Establishing Takeoff and Landing Performance on Contaminated Runways | 2007-02-14 |
AC 525-020 | Stall, Compliance | 2023-11-15 |
AC 529-001 | Emergency Egress From a Transport Category Rotorcraft After Experiencing a Rollover | 2008-12-05 |
AC 533-001 | Initial Maintenance Inspection | 2009-05-15 |
AC 549-001 | Amateur-built Aircraft Fuel Systems | 2023-10-01 |
AC 561-002 | Guidelines for Developing a Manufacturer Manual | 2007-07-13 |
AC 561-003 | Aircraft Production Test Flights | 2007-12-01 |
AC 561-004 | Acceptance of Type 2 Aeronautical Database Providers | 2022-10-18 |
AC 566-002 | AME Licence Issuance: Specialty Experience and Skill Acquired on SFAR 41C Aeroplanes Issuing | 2021-10-20 |
AC 566-003 | New Design of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence | 2019-04-10 |
AC 571-002 | Maintenance Implementation Procedures – Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement Between Canada and United States | 2019-05-01 |
AC 571-004 | Installation Eligibility of Substitute or Replacement Bearings | 2009-08-26 |
AC 571-005 | Major Repair After Substantial Damage (Cancelled, 2024-11-15) | 2011-07-14 |
AC 571-006 | Electronic Signatures and Electronic Exchange of the Authorized Release Certificate – Form One | 2012-03-26 |
AC 571-024 | Documentation Required for the Installation of Parts onto Canadian Registered Aircraft | 2024-06-13 |
AC 571-025 | Maintenance of Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) | 2020-03-09 |
AC 573-002 | Aircraft Certification Authority Based on Foreign Qualifications | 2020-04-13 |
AC 573-003 | Trade Standards for Personnel Working in Approved Maintenance Organizations | 2013-10-31 |
AC 573-006 | Maintenance and Operations in Accordance with the Technical Arrangement – Maintenance Between Canada and the United Kingdom | 2021-06-20 |
AC 573-009 | Technical Arrangement – Maintenance Between Canada and Brazil | 2024-02-14 |
AC 573-010 | Maintenance Annex Guidance – Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement between Canada and the European Union | 2024-11-15 |
Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007
- Maintenance and Manufacturing Policy Letters (MPL)
- Maintenance and Manufacturing Staff Instructions (MSI) and Airworthiness Staff Instructions (ASI)
- Aircraft Certification Guidance and Advisory Materials
- Airworthiness Manual Advisories (AMAs)
- Airworthiness Notices
- Active Materials Published Before January 2003 (ACSI, ASI, ACPL or APL)
600 Series – General operating and flight rules
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 600-003 | Regulations for Terrain Awareness Warning System | 2015-07-22 |
AC 600-005 | Fee collection changes related to processing of a medical certificate in respect of a pilot licence or a pilot permit other than a student pilot permit | 2015-01-02 |
AC 600-006 | Flight Deck Automation Policy and Manual Flying in Operations and Training | 2015-05-26 |
AC 600-007 | Aerial Applicators Regulations for Non-Certificated Operators (Flying Farmers) | 2017-05-31 |
AC 600-009 | Transport of Munitions of War by Foreign Air Operators | 2020-09-10 |
AC 601-001 | Mid-point tolerance for wind turbines of more than 150 m in height | 2016-10-04 |
AC 601-003 | Obstacle Light Monitoring, NOTAM and Repair | 2017-07-15 |
AC 601-004 | CL-810 Mid-point Lights, Azimuth Intensity Distribution | 2020-02-15 |
AC 601-005 | Meteorological Tower (MET) Notification | 2019-05-06 |
AC 601-006 | Viewshed Analysis for Design of Aircraft Detection System (ADS) | 2021-05-19 |
AC 601-007 | When to Submit an Aeronautical Assessment Form (AAF) | 2024-02-27 |
AC 601-008 | Repair of Obstacle Marking and Lighting | 2023-03-30 |
AC 601-009 | Criteria for Initiating a Blasting NOTAM | 2023-03-30 |
AC 602-001 | Operational Use of Remote On-Ground Ice Detection Systems (ROGIDS) for Post De-icing Applications | 2009-04-24 |
AC 602-002 | Aerodrome Operating Visibility | 2011-06-30 |
AC 602-003 | Legal Land Survey for AZR Clearance Attestation | 2015-06-30 |
AC 602-005 | Publication Enhancements to Aerodrome Information in the Aeronautical Publications | 2022-09-27 |
AC 603-001 | Special Authorization for Night Vision Imaging Systems Operations | 2020-03-31 |
AC 604-002 | Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation and Ditching Procedures – Private Operators | 2022-08-15 |
AC 604-003 | Exemption from subsection 604.140(2) and paragraph 604.143(1)(e) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations | 2016-08-22 |
AC 604-004 | Private Operator - Subpart 604 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations | 2017-01-13 |
AC 605-002 | Reliability Methods for Maintenance Schedule Amendment | 2011-11-07 |
AC 605-003 | Child Restraint Systems and Other Seating Devices | 2021-10-08 |
AC 605-004 | Use of Safety Belts and Shoulder Harnesses On Board Aircraft | 2022-03-14 |
AC 605-005 | Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) with Airworthiness Directives Process | 2021-08-20 |
AC 605-006 | Pre-approved Aircraft Maintenance Schedule Tolerance | 2023-09-30 |
AC 623-001 | Sequential Listings of Aerobatic Manoeuvres and Weather Conditions | 2007-02-22 |
AC 623-002 | Amendment to the ICAS Ace Manual – Expiration Date of Statement of Aerobatic Competency (SAC) Cards | 2007-01-25 |
700 Series – Commercial air services
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 700-001 | Dangerous Goods Specific Approval | 2024-03-27 |
AC 700-002 | Carriage of Medical Oxygen Cylinders or Portable Oxygen Concentrators for Passenger Use on Board Aircraft | 2024-03-20 |
AC 700-004 | Airborne Collision Avoidance System Advisory Material | 2013-06-03 |
AC 700-005 | Use of Portable Electronic Devices | 2023-08-04 |
AC 700-006 | Required Navigation Performance 4 (RNP 4) and Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) Airspace | 2009-11-03 |
AC 700-007 | Airport Taxi-in/Taxi-out Requirements in Reduced/Low Visibility | 2009-10-06 |
AC 700-009 | Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Operational and Maintenance Considerations | 2021-07-02 |
AC 700-010 | Unruly Passengers and Incidents of Interference with a Crew Member | 2016-03-30 |
AC 700-011 | Operations on Runways with Unpaved Surfaces | 2012-03-16 |
AC 700-012 | Passenger Safety Briefings | 2009-03-16 |
AC 700-013 | Procedures and Training for the Preservation of Aircraft Recorded Data | 2021-03-01 |
AC 700-014 | Passenger Seating Requirements and Accessible Air Transportation | 2009-08-21 |
AC 700-015 | En Route Area Navigation Operations RNAV 5 (Formerly B-RNAV) | 2011-03-11 |
AC 700-016 | Compliance with Regulations and Standards for Engine-Inoperative Obstacle Avoidance | 2010-02-05 |
AC 700-017 | Flight Crew Member Qualifications - Sections 702.65 and 703.88 of the CARs - Grouping Method for Recurrent PPC Purposes of Aeroplanes with a MCTOW of 7,000 Pounds and Less, Operating Pursuant To Subparts 702 and 703 of the CARs | 2010-06-14 |
AC 700-018 | Flight Crew Member Qualifications - Sections 702.65 and 703.88 of the CARs - List of Approved and Cancelled Groupings for Recurrent PPC Purposes of Aeroplanes Operating Pursuant to Subparts 702 and 703 of the CARs | 2011-06-10 |
AC 700-019 | Terminal and En Route Area Navigation Operations (RNAV 1 and 2) | 2010-03-08 |
AC 700-020 | Electronic Flight Bags | 2018-03-28 |
AC 700-021 | Part VI and VII Regulations Cross-Reference to Aircraft Equipment and Installations | 2011-08-22 |
AC 700-022 | Air Operator Weight And Balance Control Procedures – Subparts 704 And 705 Of The Canadian Aviation Regulations | 2019-08-01 |
AC 700-023 | Required Navigation Performance Approach (RNP APCH) | 2013-09-27 |
AC 700-024 | Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required Approach (RNP AR APCH): Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance | 2024-07-02 |
AC 700-025 | Required Navigation Performance 1 (RNP 1) | 2013-05-01 |
AC 700-026 | Aircraft Eye Wheel Height Information | 2012-08-07 |
AC 700-027 | Radius to Fix (RF) Path Terminator | 2013-09-27 |
AC 700-028 | Vertical Path Control on Non-Precision Approaches | 2013-04-22 |
AC 700-029 | Prevention of Runway Incursions | 2014-03-24 |
AC 700-030 | Electronic Holdover Time (eHOT) Applications | 2014-11-18 |
AC 700-031 | Prevention and Recovery from Aeroplane Stalls | 2013-11-08 |
AC 700-032 | Protective Breathing Equipment | 2015-04-10 |
AC 700-034 | Low Flight, Take-off or Landing within a Built Up Area | 2021-09-24 |
AC 700-035 | Special Authorization for Take-off Operations below RVR 600 down to and including RVR 300 | 2016-02-12 |
AC 700-036 | Brace for Impact Positions for all Aircraft Occupants | 2016-09-30 |
AC 700-038 | Performance-based Navigation (PBN) – Enroute | 2016-07-15 |
AC 700-039 | Requirements to obtain Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Specific Approval (SA) | 2024-02-29 |
AC 700-041 | Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance (PBCS) | 2018-05-18 |
AC 700-042 | Crew Resource Management (CRM) | 2020-03-14 |
AC 700-045 | Exemption and Safety Case Process for Fatigue Risk Management Systems | 2022-05-02 |
AC 700-046 | Fatigue Risk Management System Requirements | 2020-12-12 |
AC 700-047 | Flight Crew Member Fatigue Management – Prescriptive Regulations | 2024-06-28 |
AC 700-048 | DHC-6 Twin Otter – Reduced Ground Roll Take-off: Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance | 2021-05-03 |
AC 700-049 | Missed Approaches with Published Climb Gradients: Special Authorization and Guidance | 2018-07-18 |
AC 700-050 | Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO): Special Authorization and Guidance | 2019-02-15 |
AC 700-051 | Monitoring Approved Check Pilots (ACPs) and Advanced Qualification Program Evaluators (AQPEs) | 2022-04-01 |
AC 700-052 | Recording of Flight Time for Skid-Equipped Helicopters | 2019-08-01 |
AC 700-053 | SA CAT II: Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance | 2023-08-11 |
AC 700-054 | Scheduled passenger service operations at airports | 2021-02-22 |
AC 700-056 | Pilot Egress Training (Seaplane) | 2022-05-13 |
AC 700-057 | Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions: Guidance for Flight Operations | 2021-06-01 |
AC 700-058 | Crew Member Uniform Materials and Protective Clothing | 2021-04-01 |
AC 700-059 | Safety Considerations of Personal Headsets, Protective Hearing Devices and Corded Devices in the Passenger Cabin | 2021-04-01 |
AC 700-060 | Braking Action Reports | 2022-02-11 |
AC 700-061 | Degree Specific Holdover Times | 2021-07-16 |
AC 700-062 | Alternate Pilot Proficiency Check – Phased PPC | 2021-12-10 |
AC 700-063 | North Atlantic - High Level Airspace Operations (NAT HLA): Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance | 2023-06-15 |
AC 700-065 | Potential for High Energy Fires Due to Lithium-Ion Batteries | 2024-02-26 |
AC 702-001 | The Carriage of Persons During Aerial Work Operations | 2024-01-05 |
AC 703-004 | Use of Segmented Passenger Weights by Commercial Air Operators Under Subpart 703 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations | 2019-08-01 |
AC 704-002 | Guidance Regarding Amendment to Subpart 704 of the CARs, Division IV - Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations | 2022-03-21 |
AC 705-001 | Bilingual Briefings at Window Emergency Exits | 2007-12-10 |
AC 705-002 | Approval Process Of Initial Flight Attendant Training Programs For Use By Multiple Air Operators | 2008-03-17 |
AC 705-003 | Line checks and quality assurance in Subpart 705 commercial air operations | 2009-01-05 |
AC 705-005 | Approach and Landing During Convective Weather Conditions | 2009-03-05 |
AC 705-007 | Bounced Landing Training for 705 Air Operators | 2010-01-01 |
AC 705-009 | Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation and Ditching Procedures – Airline Operations | 2022-08-15 |
AC 705-010 | Standardization of Portable Emergency Equipment and Emergency Procedures Pursuant to Sections 604.243 and 705.227 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations | 2017-09-15 |
AC 705-011 | Process for the Approval of a Flight Attendant Manager | 2022-12-01 |
AC 705-012 | Stowage of Disposable In-flight Service Waste in Aircraft Lavatories | 2023-11-10 |
Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007
800 Series – Air navigation services
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 800-001 | Safety Management System Implementation Procedures for Air Traffic Services (ATS) Operations Certificate Holders | 2009-06-05 |
AC 801-001 | Contents of ATS Site Manual | 2021-04-16 |
AC 803-001 | Transport Canada Publication TP308/GPH209 - Change 9.0 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures | 2024-01-01 |
AC 803-004 | Restricted Instrument Procedures | 2018-02-05 |
AC 803-006 | Missed Approach Climb Gradient (Cancelled, 2024-02-15) | 2018-02-05 |
AC 803-009 | TP 308 Non-Standard Procedures | 2020-05-01 |
AC 803-011 | Formal Arrangements - Aeronautical Data/Information | 2022-05-31 |
900 Series – Remotely piloted aircraft systems
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC 903-001 | Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operational Risk Assessment | 2024-06-03 |
AC 903-002 | Application Guidelines for a Special Flight Operations Certificate for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (SFOC-RPAS) | 2021-06-21 |
AC 922-001 | Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance | 2021-11-02 |
ADM Series – Administrative
- Currently no documents available
DAN Series – Dangerous goods
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC DAN-001 | Aerial Work Involving the Transport of Dangerous Goods | 2007-05-23 |
LTA Series – Labour travail aviation (aviation occupational health and safety)
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC LTA-001 | Protecting the health & safety of employees on board aircraft in epidemic situations involving airborne communicable diseases | 2008-01-08 |
AC LTA-002 | Disinsection On Board Aircraft | 2020-01-15 |
AC LTA-003 | Participation of Health and Safety Committees and Representatives in Investigations of Hazardous Occurrences – Canada Labour Code, Part II | 2009-09-10 |
AC LTA-004 | Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Program | 2018-03-01 |
AC LTA-005 | Occupational Health and Safety Inspections On-Board Aircraft by Work Place Committees or Representatives | 2017-03-29 |
AC LTA-006 | Right to Refuse Dangerous Work – Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities | 2022-10-11 |
QUA Series – Quality Assurance Programs
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC QUA-001 | Quality Assurance Programs | 2017-09-15 |
SUR Series – Oversight
Document number | Subject | Effective date |
AC SUR-001 | Development and Implementation of Fatigue Risk Management Systems in the Canadian Aviation Industry | 2011-03-22 |
AC SUR-002 | Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action for TCCA Findings | 2015-09-15 |