Advisory Circulars

Transport Canada issues Advisory Circulars (ACs) to help the civil aviation community understand how to comply with current regulations and standards in aviation.

On this page

How the document series works

  1. ACs that relate to a part or standard of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) are found in the matching numerical series
    • Example: An AC on flight crew licensing related to CARs 401 will be posted in the 400 Series
  2. ACs that do not relate to one specific part or standard of the CARs are found in the 100 Series – General provisions
    • Example: An AC on safety management systems that applies to all aviation organizations will be posted in the 100 Series – General provisions
  3. ACs that do not relate to another regulatory instrument will be located in the applicable series
    • Example: An AC on employee health and safety will be found in the LTA Series – Labour travail aviation, otherwise known as aviation occupational health and safety

100 Series – General provisions

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 100-001 Glossary for Pilots and Air Traffic Services Personnel 2021-06-22
AC 102-001 Operation and Maintenance of Aircraft Performing Activities Relating to Defence 2022-08-01
AC 107-001 Guidance on Safety Management Systems Development 2008-01-01
AC 107-002 Safety Management System Development Guide for Smaller Aviation Organizations 2016-09-02

200 Series – Aircraft identification and registration and operation of a leased aircraft by a non-registered owner

  • Currently no documents available

300 Series – Aerodromes and airports

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 300-001 Processing of Aerodrome Aeronautical Information 2017-08-11
AC 300-002 Safety Management System Implementation Procedures for Airport Operators 2009-06-05
AC 300-004 Unpaved Runway Surfaces 2017-12-05
AC 300-005 Changes to Runway Surface Condition Reporting 2022-01-21
AC 300-006 Precision Approach Path Indicator Maintenance and Inspection (PAPI) 2012-10-12
AC 300-007 Engineered Materials Arresting Systems for Aircraft Overruns 2017-04-24
AC 300-008 Runway Grooving 2017-01-30
AC 300-009 Land Use and Jurisdictional Issues at Aerodromes 2015-06-05
AC 300-012 Storage, Handling and Dispensing of Aviation Fuels at Aerodromes 2015-11-10
AC 300-014 Precision Approach Path Indicator Flight Check 2016-07-27
AC 300-015 Requirements for the Timely Notification of Amendments to Aeronautical Information 2017-10-25
AC 300-016 ALSF-2/ SSALR Circuit Interleaving 2017-08-04
AC 300-017 Mixing Aeronautical Ground Lighting Technologies 2017-08-04
AC 300-018 Displacement of PAPI Axis for Offset Approaches 2017-08-28
AC 300-019 Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions 2021-02-21
AC 300-021 Thin Bituminous Surface Runways 2022-06-10
AC 301-001 Procedure to be followed in order to support Instrument Approach Procedures (IAP) at a non-certified aerodrome 2022-03-14
AC 301-002 Aerodrome Registration 2010-12-10
AC 301-003 Ice Aerodrome Development – Guidelines and Recommended Practices 2011-11-07
AC 302-001 Publication of the Level of Service with Respect to Departure Below RVR 2600 (½ Statute Mile) 2017-10-25
AC 302-002 Implementation of New or Amended Noise Abatement Procedures 2008-10-15
AC 302-003 Personnel and Equipment Within the Critical Portion of the Runway Strip 2009-01-28
AC 302-004 Use of a Follow-me Vehicle Service to Support Reduced/Low Visibility Operations 2009-09-18
AC 302-005 Runway Guard Light Installation Criteria 2010-04-22
AC 302-006 Publication of Special Reduced/Low Visibility Procedures in the appropriate Aeronautical Information Publication(s) 2009-12-17
AC 302-008 Maintenance of Runway and Taxiway Lighting Systems 2015-12-07
AC 302-009 Precision Approach Path Indicator Harmonization with Instrument Landing System 2010-10-29
AC 302-010 Mobile Photometric Measuring Unit 2011-06-30
AC 302-011 Airport Pavement Bearing Strength Reporting 2016-01-04
AC 302-012 International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Type A Obstacle Charts 2021-01-12
AC 302-014 Runway Ice Control Chemicals 2013-12-18
AC 302-015 Runway End Safety Area Bearing Strength Requirements 2013-04-10
AC 302-016 Airport Pavement Management System 2016-04-04
AC 302-017 Runway Friction Measurement 2017-01-30
AC 302-018 Grandfathering at Airports Pursuant to Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 302.07 2014-11-27
AC 302-019 Methodology for the Identification of the Aircraft Group Number 2024-05-03
AC 302-020 Mixed Operations at an Airport 2015-07-31
AC 302-022 National Exemption to CAR 302.07 (1)(a)(ii) 2015-09-15
AC 302-023 Measurement and Evaluation of Runway Roughness 2016-12-16
AC 302-025 Airport Emergency Plan – Transportation of Passengers and Crew 2017-06-06
AC 302-026 Decelerometer Performance Specifications 2017-08-21
AC 302-028 Wildlife Strike Reporting 2018-09-25
AC 302-030 Adherence to Standard during periods of construction 2019-09-30
AC 302-031 Publication enhancements to airport information 2021-01-05
AC 302-032 Designation of International Airports in Canada 2023-08-11
AC 302-033 Step Intensity Settings for Aerodrome Lighting Systems 2021-03-26
AC 305-001 Standards Associated with H1 Classified Heliports 2017-11-15
AC 305-002 Rooftop Heliport Fire Fighting Protection 2019-10-13
AC 307-001 Canadian Aviation Regulation 307 – Aerodromes – Consultations 2017-11-10

Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007

400 Series – Personnel licensing and training

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 400-001 Application Guidelines for an Aviation Document Booklet 2014-01-22
AC 400-003 Foreign Licence Validation Certificates 2019-03-20
AC 400-004 Industry Invigilation of Computer Delivered Examinations 2018-02-08
AC 401-001 Application Guidelines for Aeroplane FAA to TCCA Licence Conversion Agreement 2020-03-20
AC 401-002 Application Guidelines for Flight Crew Permits and Licences 2011-12-19
AC 401-003 Application Guidelines for Helicopter FAA to TCCA Licence Conversion Agreement 2020-03-20
AC 401-004 Conduct of Instrument Proficiency Checks 2019-03-15
AC 401-005 Maintaining Instrument Rating Privileges as stipulated in Exemption NCR 040-2015, Exemption from paragraph 401.03(1)(b) and section 401.48 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations 2016-01-15
AC 401-009 The Conduct of Aviation Language Proficiency Demonstrations 2018-12-01
AC 406-002 Issuance of Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane for students enrolled in ATP(A) or CPL(A)/IR Integrated Courses 2020-03-06
AC 408-001 Pilot Examiner Monitoring Procedures - Aeroplane and Helicopter 2013-01-23
AC 408-002 Limiting the Number of “2” Assessments on Part IV Flight Tests 2019-09-25
AC 421-001 Flight Instructor Refresher Courses – Aeroplane and Helicopter 2010-10-27

Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007

500 Series – Airworthiness

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 500-001 Audio Alerts and Warnings 2007-06-20
AC 500-002 Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing of Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2008-02-14
AC 500-003 Emergency Exits Exposed to Freezing Rain 2008-04-04
AC 500-004 External Loads on Aeroplanes – Approval Process and Flight Test Considerations 2024-01-23
AC 500-011 Restricted Category Certification of Small Aeroplanes and Helicopters for Special Purpose Operations 2009-02-17
AC 500-020 Flight Management System (FMS) Barometric Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Temperature Compensation 2013-07-22
AC 500-029 Certification of Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) 2024-01-04
AC 500-030 Alternative Agents for Aircraft Fire Extinguisher System 2021-10-13
AC 505-002 Airworthiness Control System for a Delegated Organisation (Aircraft Certification) 2008-12-01
AC 505-003 Safety Management Systems for Design Organizations 2008-12-01
AC 505-005 Aircraft Certification Delegate Handbook 2022-10-14
AC 505-006 Aircraft Certification Authorized Persons Located Outside Canada 2023-04-03
AC 507-001 Special Certificate of Airworthiness – Limited 2020-06-30
AC 521-001 Canadian Aviation Regulations 521: Division I—General- Table of Concordance 2010-09-29
AC 521-002 Type Certification Requirements of Aircraft, Engines and Propellers 2011-10-19
AC 521-004 Changes to the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product 2012-03-16
AC 521-005 Supplemental Type Certificates 2012-03-16
AC 521-006 Repair Design Approvals 2012-03-16
AC 521-007 Part Design Approvals 2012-03-16
AC 521-010 Airworthiness Directives 2024-08-02
AC 521-101 Electronic Record-keeping Systems, Modeling Systems and Manuals 2022-02-10
AC 521-009 Division IX – Service Difficulty Reporting 2011-09-07
AC 522-001 Acceptable Means of Compliance to Chapter 522 of the Airworthiness Manual — Gliders and Powered Gliders 2011-06-17
AC 525-001 Methodology for Establishing Takeoff and Landing Performance on Contaminated Runways 2007-02-14
AC 525-020 Stall, Compliance 2023-11-15
AC 529-001 Emergency Egress From a Transport Category Rotorcraft After Experiencing a Rollover 2008-12-05
AC 533-001 Initial Maintenance Inspection 2009-05-15
AC 549-001 Amateur-built Aircraft Fuel Systems 2023-10-01
AC 561-002 Guidelines for Developing a Manufacturer Manual 2007-07-13
AC 561-003 Aircraft Production Test Flights 2007-12-01
AC 561-004 Acceptance of Type 2 Aeronautical Database Providers 2022-10-18
AC 566-002 AME Licence Issuance: Specialty Experience and Skill Acquired on SFAR 41C Aeroplanes Issuing 2021-10-20
AC 566-003 New Design of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licence 2019-04-10
AC 571-002 Maintenance Implementation Procedures – Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement Between Canada and United States 2019-05-01
AC 571-004 Installation Eligibility of Substitute or Replacement Bearings 2009-08-26
AC 571-005 Major Repair After Substantial Damage 2011-07-14
AC 571-006 Electronic Signatures and Electronic Exchange of the Authorized Release Certificate – Form One 2012-03-26
AC 571-024 Documentation Required for the Installation of Parts onto Canadian Registered Aircraft 2024-06-13
AC 571-025 Maintenance of Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) 2020-03-09
AC 573-002 Aircraft Certification Authority Based on Foreign Qualifications 2020-04-13
AC 573-003 Trade Standards for Personnel Working in Approved Maintenance Organizations 2013-10-31
AC 573-006 Maintenance and Operations in Accordance with the Technical Arrangement – Maintenance Between Canada and the United Kingdom 2021-06-20
AC 573-009 Technical Arrangement – Maintenance Between Canada and Brazil 2024-02-14

Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007

600 Series – General operating and flight rules

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 600-003 Regulations for Terrain Awareness Warning System 2015-07-22
AC 600-005 Fee collection changes related to processing of a medical certificate in respect of a pilot licence or a pilot permit other than a student pilot permit 2015-01-02
AC 600-006 Flight Deck Automation Policy and Manual Flying in Operations and Training 2015-05-26
AC 600-007 Aerial Applicators Regulations for Non-Certificated Operators (Flying Farmers) 2017-05-31
AC 600-009 Transport of Munitions of War by Foreign Air Operators 2020-09-10
AC 601-001 Mid-point tolerance for wind turbines of more than 150 m in height 2016-10-04
AC 601-003 Obstacle Light Monitoring, NOTAM and Repair 2017-07-15
AC 601-004 CL-810 Mid-point Lights, Azimuth Intensity Distribution 2020-02-15
AC 601-005 Meteorological Tower (MET) Notification 2019-05-06
AC 601-006 Viewshed Analysis for Design of Aircraft Detection System (ADS) 2021-05-19
AC 601-007 When to Submit an Aeronautical Assessment Form (AAF) 2024-02-27
AC 601-008 Repair of Obstacle Marking and Lighting 2023-03-30
AC 601-009 Criteria for Initiating a Blasting NOTAM 2023-03-30
AC 602-001 Operational Use of Remote On-Ground Ice Detection Systems (ROGIDS) for Post De-icing Applications 2009-04-24
AC 602-002 Aerodrome Operating Visibility 2011-06-30
AC 602-003 Legal Land Survey for AZR Clearance Attestation 2015-06-30
AC 602-005 Publication Enhancements to Aerodrome Information in the Aeronautical Publications 2022-09-27
AC 603-001 Special Authorization for Night Vision Imaging Systems Operations 2020-03-31
AC 604-002 Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation and Ditching Procedures – Private Operators 2022-08-15
AC 604-003 Exemption from subsection 604.140(2) and paragraph 604.143(1)(e) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations 2016-08-22
AC 604-004 Private Operator - Subpart 604 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations 2017-01-13
AC 605-002 Reliability Methods for Maintenance Schedule Amendment 2011-11-07
AC 605-003 Child Restraint Systems and Other Seating Devices 2021-10-08
AC 605-004 Use of Safety Belts and Shoulder Harnesses On Board Aircraft 2022-03-14
AC 605-005 Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) with Airworthiness Directives Process 2021-08-20
AC 605-006 Pre-approved Aircraft Maintenance Schedule Tolerance 2023-09-30
AC 623-001 Sequential Listings of Aerobatic Manoeuvres and Weather Conditions 2007-02-22
AC 623-002 Amendment to the ICAS Ace Manual – Expiration Date of Statement of Aerobatic Competency (SAC) Cards 2007-01-25

700 Series – Commercial air services

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 700-001 Dangerous Goods Specific Approval 2024-03-27
AC 700-002 Carriage of Medical Oxygen Cylinders or Portable Oxygen Concentrators for Passenger Use on Board Aircraft 2024-03-20
AC 700-004 Airborne Collision Avoidance System Advisory Material 2013-06-03
AC 700-005 Use of Portable Electronic Devices 2023-08-04
AC 700-006 Required Navigation Performance 4 (RNP 4) and Required Navigation Performance 10 (RNP 10) Airspace 2009-11-03
AC 700-007 Airport Taxi-in/Taxi-out Requirements in Reduced/Low Visibility 2009-10-06
AC 700-009 Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) Operational and Maintenance Considerations 2021-07-02
AC 700-010 Unruly Passengers and Incidents of Interference with a Crew Member 2016-03-30
AC 700-011 Operations on Runways with Unpaved Surfaces 2012-03-16
AC 700-012 Passenger Safety Briefings 2009-03-16
AC 700-013 Procedures and Training for the Preservation of Aircraft Recorded Data 2021-03-01
AC 700-014 Passenger Seating Requirements and Accessible Air Transportation 2009-08-21
AC 700-015 En Route Area Navigation Operations RNAV 5 (Formerly B-RNAV) 2011-03-11
AC 700-016 Compliance with Regulations and Standards for Engine-Inoperative Obstacle Avoidance 2010-02-05
AC 700-017 Flight Crew Member Qualifications - Sections 702.65 and 703.88 of the CARs - Grouping Method for Recurrent PPC Purposes of Aeroplanes with a MCTOW of 7,000 Pounds and Less, Operating Pursuant To Subparts 702 and 703 of the CARs 2010-06-14
AC 700-018 Flight Crew Member Qualifications - Sections 702.65 and 703.88 of the CARs - List of Approved and Cancelled Groupings for Recurrent PPC Purposes of Aeroplanes Operating Pursuant to Subparts 702 and 703 of the CARs 2011-06-10
AC 700-019 Terminal and En Route Area Navigation Operations (RNAV 1 and 2) 2010-03-08
AC 700-020 Electronic Flight Bags 2018-03-28
AC 700-021 Part VI and VII Regulations Cross-Reference to Aircraft Equipment and Installations 2011-08-22
AC 700-022 Air Operator Weight And Balance Control Procedures – Subparts 704 And 705 Of The Canadian Aviation Regulations 2019-08-01
AC 700-023 Required Navigation Performance Approach (RNP APCH) 2013-09-27
AC 700-024 Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required Approach (RNP AR APCH): Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance 2024-07-02
AC 700-025 Required Navigation Performance 1 (RNP 1) 2013-05-01
AC 700-026 Aircraft Eye Wheel Height Information 2012-08-07
AC 700-027 Radius to Fix (RF) Path Terminator 2013-09-27
AC 700-028 Vertical Path Control on Non-Precision Approaches 2013-04-22
AC 700-029 Prevention of Runway Incursions 2014-03-24
AC 700-030 Electronic Holdover Time (eHOT) Applications 2014-11-18
AC 700-031 Prevention and Recovery from Aeroplane Stalls 2013-11-08
AC 700-032 Protective Breathing Equipment 2015-04-10
AC 700-034 Low Flight, Take-off or Landing within a Built Up Area 2021-09-24
AC 700-035 Special Authorization for Take-off Operations below RVR 600 down to and including RVR 300 2016-02-12
AC 700-036 Brace for Impact Positions for all Aircraft Occupants 2016-09-30
AC 700-038 Performance-based Navigation (PBN) – Enroute 2016-07-15
AC 700-039 Requirements to obtain Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Specific Approval (SA) 2024-02-29
AC 700-041 Performance-Based Communication and Surveillance (PBCS) 2018-05-18
AC 700-042 Crew Resource Management (CRM) 2020-03-14
AC 700-045 Exemption and Safety Case Process for Fatigue Risk Management Systems 2022-05-02
AC 700-046 Fatigue Risk Management System Requirements 2020-12-12
AC 700-047 Flight Crew Member Fatigue Management – Prescriptive Regulations 2024-06-28
AC 700-048 DHC-6 Twin Otter – Reduced Ground Roll Take-off: Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance 2021-05-03
AC 700-049 Missed Approaches with Published Climb Gradients: Special Authorization and Guidance 2018-07-18
AC 700-050 Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO): Special Authorization and Guidance 2019-02-15
AC 700-051 Monitoring Approved Check Pilots (ACPs) and Advanced Qualification Program Evaluators (AQPEs) 2022-04-01
AC 700-052 Recording of Flight Time for Skid-Equipped Helicopters 2019-08-01
AC 700-053 SA CAT II: Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance 2023-08-11
AC 700-054 Scheduled passenger service operations at airports 2021-02-22
AC 700-056 Pilot Egress Training (Seaplane) 2022-05-13
AC 700-057 Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Conditions: Guidance for Flight Operations 2021-06-01
AC 700-058 Crew Member Uniform Materials and Protective Clothing 2021-04-01
AC 700-059 Safety Considerations of Personal Headsets, Protective Hearing Devices and Corded Devices in the Passenger Cabin 2021-04-01
AC 700-060 Braking Action Reports 2022-02-11
AC 700-061 Degree Specific Holdover Times 2021-07-16
AC 700-062 Alternate Pilot Proficiency Check – Phased PPC 2021-12-10
AC 700-063 North Atlantic - High Level Airspace Operations (NAT HLA): Special Authorization/Specific Approval and Guidance 2023-06-15
AC 700-065 Potential for High Energy Fires Due to Lithium-Ion Batteries 2024-02-26
AC 702-001 The Carriage of Persons During Aerial Work Operations 2024-01-05
AC 703-004 Use of Segmented Passenger Weights by Commercial Air Operators Under Subpart 703 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations 2019-08-01
AC 704-002 Guidance Regarding Amendment to Subpart 704 of the CARs, Division IV - Aircraft Performance Operating Limitations 2022-03-21
AC 705-001 Bilingual Briefings at Window Emergency Exits 2007-12-10
AC 705-002 Approval Process Of Initial Flight Attendant Training Programs For Use By Multiple Air Operators 2008-03-17
AC 705-003 Line checks and quality assurance in Subpart 705 commercial air operations 2009-01-05
AC 705-005 Approach and Landing During Convective Weather Conditions 2009-03-05
AC 705-007 Bounced Landing Training for 705 Air Operators 2010-01-01
AC 705-009 Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation and Ditching Procedures – Airline Operations 2022-08-15
AC 705-010 Standardization of Portable Emergency Equipment and Emergency Procedures Pursuant to Sections 604.243 and 705.227 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations 2017-09-15
AC 705-011 Process for the Approval of a Flight Attendant Manager 2022-12-01
AC 705-012 Stowage of Disposable In-flight Service Waste in Aircraft Lavatories 2023-11-10

Active documents issued prior to February 2, 2007

800 Series – Air navigation services

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 800-001 Safety Management System Implementation Procedures for Air Traffic Services (ATS) Operations Certificate Holders 2009-06-05
AC 801-001 Contents of ATS Site Manual 2021-04-16
AC 803-001 Transport Canada Publication TP308/GPH209 - Change 9.0 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures 2024-01-01
AC 803-004 Restricted Instrument Procedures 2018-02-05
AC 803-006 Missed Approach Climb Gradient (Cancelled, 2024-02-15) 2018-02-05
AC 803-009 TP 308 Non-Standard Procedures 2020-05-01
AC 803-011 Formal Arrangements - Aeronautical Data/Information 2022-05-31

900 Series – Remotely piloted aircraft systems

Document number Subject Effective date
AC 903-001 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Operational Risk Assessment 2024-06-03
AC 903-002 Application Guidelines for a Special Flight Operations Certificate for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (SFOC-RPAS) 2021-06-21
AC 922-001 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance 2021-11-02

ADM Series – Administrative

  • Currently no documents available

DAN Series – Dangerous goods

Document number Subject Effective date
AC DAN-001 Aerial Work Involving the Transport of Dangerous Goods 2007-05-23

LTA Series – Labour travail aviation (aviation occupational health and safety)

Document number Subject Effective date
AC LTA-001 Protecting the health & safety of employees on board aircraft in epidemic situations involving airborne communicable diseases 2008-01-08
AC LTA-002 Disinsection On Board Aircraft 2020-01-15
AC LTA-003 Participation of Health and Safety Committees and Representatives in Investigations of Hazardous Occurrences – Canada Labour Code, Part II 2009-09-10
AC LTA-004 Aviation Occupational Health and Safety Program 2018-03-01
AC LTA-005 Occupational Health and Safety Inspections On-Board Aircraft by Work Place Committees or Representatives 2017-03-29
AC LTA-006 Right to Refuse Dangerous Work – Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities 2022-10-11

QUA Series – Quality Assurance Programs

Document number Subject Effective date
AC QUA-001 Quality Assurance Programs 2017-09-15

SUR Series – Oversight

Document number Subject Effective date
AC SUR-001 Development and Implementation of Fatigue Risk Management Systems in the Canadian Aviation Industry 2011-03-22
AC SUR-002 Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action for TCCA Findings 2015-09-15