Policy Letter (PL) No. 500-003 Issue 2

Delegation Of Flight Manual Supplement Approval for Simple Avionics Installations

File No.: 5009-32-00 PL No.: 500-003
RDIMS No.: 1472460-V5 Issue No.: 02
Issuing Branch: Aircraft Certification Effective Date: 2006-01-16

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
1.2 Guidance Applicability
1.3 Description of Changes
1.4 Termination

2.0 References

2.1 Reference Documents
2.2 Cancelled Documents
2.3 Definitions

3.0 Background

4.0 Policy

4.1 Administration - General
4.2 Procedures
4.3 Conditions for Delegation - Capability
4.4 Limitations on Delegation

5.0 Headquarters Contact

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Policy Letter (PL) is to specify the policy for delegation of Flight Manual Supplement (FMS) approval for simple avionics installations to a Design Approval Representative (DAR) or an authorized person in a Design Approval Organization (DAO) or an Airworthiness Engineering Organization (AEO) and the:

  1. Criteria for the administration of this new privilege;
  2. Conditions for the delegation of this new privilege; and
  3. Limitations on the use of this new privilege.

1.2 Guidance Applicability

This document is applicable to Headquarters (HQ) and Regional Aircraft Certification personnel, including delegates. 

1.3 Description of Changes

Issue 02 of this Policy Letter clarifies the scope of limitations as listed in paragraph 4.4(a)(3) and 4.4(a)(4).

1.4 Termination

This document does not have a terminating action.

2.0 References

2.1 Reference Documents

It is intended that the following reference materials be used in conjunction with this document:

  1. Chapter 505 of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM)—Delegation of Authority;
  2. Chapter 523 of the AWM—Normal, Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Category Aeroplanes;
  3. Chapter 523—VLA of the AWM—Very Light Aeroplanes;
  4. Advisory Circular (AC) 513-003 Issue 01 dated 2004-12-01—Flight Test Considerations for the Approval of the Design of Aircraft Modifications;
  5. AC 513-004 Issue 01 dated 2004-12-01—Flight Manual Requirements Following Modifications;
  6. Aircraft Certification Staff Instruction (ACSI) 23 Issue 1 dated 2000-10-02—Acceptance and Approval of Foreign Design Changes; and
  7. Staff Instruction (SI) 513-008 Issue 01 dated 2004-10-20—Flight Test Division Support of Regional Flight Test Activities.

2.2 Cancelled Documents

As of the effective date of this document, the following document is cancelled:

  1. Policy Letter (PL) 500-003 Issue 01 dated 2004-12-17—Delegation of Flight Manual Supplement Approval For Simple Avionics Installations.

2.3 Definitions

The following definitions and terms are used in this document:

  1. Authorized Person means either a DAR or an authorized person in an AEO or a DAO.

3.0 Background

Approval of an original or a revised aircraft or rotorcraft flight manual (AFM), or flight manual supplement (FMS), is normally not delegated irrespective of whether it is to the Type Certificate holder or to a DAR or an authorized person in a DAO or an AEO as identified in paragraphs 505.115(b)(1) and 505.215(b)(1) of the Airworthiness Manual.

The approval of AFM or FMS content is delegated to the Director, Aircraft Certification as part of his internal Ministerial Delegation of Authority schedule and the Director has administratively tasked the Chief of the Flight Test Division (AARDC) to act as his agent for AFM approval. Delegation of Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) or Limited STC (LSTC) issuance has been granted to the Regional Managers Aircraft Certification (RMAC) and the Regional Aircraft Certification Engineers.

Retention of Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) approval of FMSs has been TCCA policy to ensure that the flight performance and pilot interface human factor considerations are addressed by the Flight Test Division in HQ, either directly when they are involved in a project or, indirectly, in support of a region on simpler installations.

There are many avionics system installations installed in small aircraft, which are quite simple, that have well understood functionality and are repetitive, and the FMS associated with those installations do not change much from one installation to another. For these, it is felt that flight specialist involvement is not necessarily required though consultation with the Flight Test Division would still be an option for an authorized person.

TCCA has determined that some experienced authorized persons in the avionics or test pilot specialties have the capability to prepare and approve an FMS for simple avionics installations and, thereby, assist TCCA in approvals where direct input may not be warranted.

4.0 Policy

TCCA will authorize a limited delegation for approval of an FMS associated with simple avionics installations in small aircraft, as discussed in the background.

4.1 Administration—General

This policy will be administered by:

  1. The RMACs as an extension of their oversight for engineering aspects of an approval and consistent with their delegated authority for modification approval through issuance of an LSTC or an STC; and
  2. The Chief, Flight Test Division in HQ, for oversight of the activities of authorized persons in the Test Pilot specialty.

4.2 Procedures

Delegation of FMS approval and associated conditions shall be controlled through issuance of a revised letter of authorization and by amendment of the authorized person’s Engineering Procedures Manual (EPM) or Design Approval Procedures Manual (DAPM), as appropriate, with subsequent approval by TCCA.

The following applies:

  1. The authorized person will request from the RMAC who has oversight responsibility for their activities the authority to approve an FMS for the installations in which they are involved as an authorized person in the Avionics specialty, and propose conditions for such authorization to the RMAC. Authorized persons in the Test Pilot specialty will request the delegation from the Chief, Flight Test Division. Applications are required to include an appropriate amendment to their EPM or DAPM;
  2. If the RMAC/Chief Flight Test agrees, the request and revised letter of authorization will be forwarded, with a recommendation for authorization to the Chief, Delegations and Quality Division (AARDL) in HQ to coordinate signature of the letter of authorization;
  3. After the authority for FMS approval is granted, the RMAC and Flight Test Division in HQ will review the first three FMS completed by the authorized person. Failure to meet reasonable standards may result in the withdrawal of the authorization to approve an FMS;
  4. The RMAC and regional engineers will monitor an authorized persons performance in FMS quality in conjunction with other oversight activities; and
  5. The authorized persons authority for FMS approval will be withdrawn if performance is shown to be unacceptable over time or if they exceed the authorization limits stated above.

4.3 Conditions for Delegation—Capability

The authorized person must be experienced and knowledgeable in FMS requirements as demonstrated on previous projects. In particular, the authorized person must understand the limitations and the situations in which it would be necessary to seek guidance from the regional engineer or Flight Test specialists in HQ, and be committed to do so when warranted.

Authorized persons must follow the TCCA advisory and guidance material for FMS content specified in section 2.1 and must agree to revise their FMS if asked to do so by TCCA.

4.4 Limitations on Delegation

Delegation of FMS approval for simple avionics installations to an authorized person may be authorized:

  1. Within the following limitations:
    1. Approval will be for a single avionics system, approved through the issuance of an LSTC;
    2. The avionics system will have been previously approved in other similar aircraft by TCCA or by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA);
    3. The installation will not change any aircraft operating limitations except for those capabilities related to the installation.  Additionally, the installation will not have the potential to cause any handling quality or performance changes, or cause a significant increase in pilot workload; and
    4. The authorized person will commit to make changes to the FMS if requested by TCCA.
  2. By, in lieu of the limitations specified in subsection (a), limiting the approval to the revision of a TCCA approved FMS that is being revised solely to add or delete applicable serial numbers.

5.0 Headquarters Contact

For more information please contact:
Policy Standards Coordinator (AARDH/P)
Phone: (613) 990-5742
Facsimile: (613) 996-9178
E-mail: AARDH-P@tc.gc.ca

Original signed by Gilles Morin

Maher Khouzam
Chief, Regulatory Standards
Aircraft Certification Branch