Staff Instruction (SI)

Appendix 1 - Inspection and Audit Checklists (DAO/AEO)

1. Design Approval Procedures Manual (DAPM)
2. Self-Audit System
3. Airworthiness Control Committee (ACC)
4. Personnel Authorized to Perform a Delegated Function
5. Resource Library
6. Certification Process
7. Third Party Engineering Support
8. DAO Software Audit Checklist
9. Engineering Data Review (EDR)
10 Records and Documentation
11. Configuration Control (Design Drawings and Process Specification)
12. Flight Test (FT)
13. Support to Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing (M&M) TCCA
14. Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA)
15. Post-Certification Activities (PCA)
16. Airworthiness Directive &Service Bulletin (AD&SB)
17. Airworthiness Directives/Service Bulletin Compliance
18. Service Difficulties Reporting (SDR)

1 . Design Approval Procedures Manual (DAPM)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the DAPM contain the address of the ordinary place of business of the DAO? AWM 505.407(a)/
N/A  OK Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Does the DAPM contain a statement of purpose? AWM 505.407(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Does the DAPM contain a statement of commitment to provide to the DAO the resources required for effective performance of its duties? AWM 505.407(c)(1)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Does the DAPM contain a statement of commitment to grant to the DAO the authority necessary to effectively perform the delegated functions? AWM 505.407(c)(2)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Does the DAPM contain a statement of commitment to ensure that the DAO staff remains knowledgeable in their technical specialty with respect to airworthiness standards and procedures? AWM 505.407(c)(3)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Does the DAPM contain a description of the DAO and associated lines of responsibility? AWM 505.407(d)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Does the DAPM contain a description of the functions, which the DAO is authorized to perform? AWM 505.407(e)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Does the DAPM contain a description of the airworthiness control system utilized for determining the adequacy of technical data approved by the DAO? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Does the DAPM contain a description of the system used by the applicant for auditing the performance of the DAO? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Does the DAPM contain a description of the record keeping system? AWM 505.407(h)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Does the DAPM contain the name and title of the person appointed to provide the function described in subsections 505.103(d) and 505.403(d) - (the person whose functions include the responsibility for the activities of the DAO)? AWM 505.407(i)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
12 Does the DAPM contain the names, titles and specimen signatures of persons nominated pursuant to subsections 505.105(e) and 505.405(e)? AWM 505.407(j)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
13 Does the DAPM contain a description of the procedures used to control revisions to the DAPM? AWM 505.407(k)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
14 Are all revisions to the DAPM reviewed and authorized in-house prior to submission to TC for approval?
Are procedures adequate to control the DAPM revision?
AWM 505.407(k)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
15 Are the DAPM revision procedures being followed? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
16 Does the DAPM contain a "record of revisions" page, which shall include the identification of each revised item, page, date and the signature of the person approving the change on behalf of the Minister? AWM 505.407(l)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
17 Does the manual contain any information inconsistent with TCCA Civil Aviation Regulations, Standards, Advisory and Policy? AWM 505.407/107 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
18 Do all DAPM holders keep their copies up to date with TC-approved amendments? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
19 Are up-to-date resumes included in the DAPM? AWM 505.409(a)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
20 Are documents incorporated by referenced included in the DAPM? AWM 505.407/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
21 Does the DAPM contain any other information, which in the opinion of the Minister, is necessary? AWM 505.407/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
22 Does the DAPM have procedures described to address the Changed Product Rule? AWM 505.407 .107 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
23 Do the procedures described in the DAPM satisfy the requirements of the CAR 511/513.14? AWM 505.407/107 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Design Approval Procedures Manual):
Items Completed By: Date:

2 . Self-Audit System

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Is there an adequate procedure describing the quality assurance program which describe the self-audit system? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Are self-audits conducted in accordance with the DAPM? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Does the individual responsible for managing the quality assurance program have the necessary authority and organizational freedom? AWM 505.409 (3)/
109 (3)
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Does the quality assurance program provide for planned and systemic self-audits of the specified Delegated activities per an acceptable frequency basis? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Does the quality assurance program describe the assignment of personnel having appropriate qualifications and training to conduct audits? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Do the quality assurance program procedures ensure that critical engineering tasks and the technical adequacy of the substantiating data are performed correctly? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Does the internal audit program include the engineering activities of the external third parties? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Does the Delegate maintain adequate audit records? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Is the Corrective Action Plan resulting from an internal audit being followed up? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Are corrective actions implemented with a time-scale commensurate with the seriousness of the finding, its extent and frequency of occurrence? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Are the results of the self-audits brought to the attention of the person responsible for the Delegate activities or before the Airworthiness Control Committee? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
12 Through the implementation of the self-audits and within the quality assurance program, does the Airworthiness Control Committee or the person responsible for the Delegate activities, facilitate and promote a culture of continuous improvement? AWM 505.407(g)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Self-Audit System):
Items Completed by: Date:

3 . Airworthiness Control Committee (ACC)

Information Note: For additional guidance material refer to ACSI 45

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the Terms of Reference for the Airworthiness Control Committee (ACC) described in the DAPM cover such items as its membership, responsibilities, privileges, frequency of meetings, decision process and records? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg
2 Has the ACC met on a regular frequency? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are minutes kept for all ACC meetings? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Is the ACC providing leadership direction to the DAO? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Is the ACC fulfilling its responsibilities? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Are Core Designated Engineers attending ACC Meetings? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? AWM 505.407(f)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Airworthiness Control Committee (ACC)):
Items Completed by: Date:

4 . Personnel Authorized to Perform a Delegated Function

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Is there an up to date and accurate list of designated engineer in the DAPM? AWM 505.417(c)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Are the designated engineers receiving appropriate technical training to remain current with their duties? AWM 505.409(a)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are the Designated Engineers holding a position on the DAO staff with sufficient authority to ensure that designs meet the applicable airworthiness requirements? AWM 505,409(b)(4)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Are the Designated Engineers aware of the governing documents and of the limitations stated in the DAPM, the Letter of Authorization for their delegated functions within the DAO? AWM 505.417(a)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Are the Designated Engineers using established analytical methods, test methods when performing adequate accuracy of calculations as part of their delegated functions? AWM 505.409(b)(4)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Are the Designated Engineers aware of their limitations and what documentation must be approved by the Regional Transport Canada office or Headquarters? AWM 505.409(b)(4)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is the basis of certification properly determined by the designated engineers to ensure that the design change installed continues to comply with its original basis of certification? AWM 505.409(b)(4)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Has each person nominated to become a Designated Engineer satisfied the eligibility criteria prior to becoming a designated engineer? AWM 505.409(a)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Have designated engineers acted outside their approved specialty or limitations or is there evidence of unqualified personnel exercising a delegated function? AWM 505.415(a)/ 115(a) N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Is the relationship between the Designated Engineer and Transport Canada counterpart(s) adequate? AWM 505.409(b)(4)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Does each designated engineer use both the DE and DAO numbers in conjunction with their signature on all documents signed on behalf of the Minister? AWM 505.409(b)(4)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
12 Have the designated engineers completed the Transport Canada Engineering Specialty Course or an equivalent course acceptable to Transport Canada? AWM 505.409(b)(3)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
13 Have the Delegates had training in the Changed Product Rule implementation procedures as described in the DAPM? AWM 505.409(b)(3)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
14 Have the Delegates completed the Changed Product Rule Course offered by Transport Canada or a similar course recognized by TC? AWM 505.409(b)(3)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
15 Is there objective proof for each Designated Engineer regarding their qualifications? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Personnel Authorized to Perform a Delegated Function):
Items Completed by: Date:

5 . Resource Library

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the organization follow the policies and procedures for technical publications as described in the DAPM?

AWM 505.417(b)/

N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Is the individual responsible for keeping publications current aware of his/her responsibilities? AWM 505.403(e)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Does the company have technical and regulatory manuals available for the scope of work performed? AWM 505.417(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 How are the vendor and partner technical and engineering manuals handled? AWM 505.417(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Are the manuals current, i.e. are the amendments up to date? AWM 505.417(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is there a system in place to ensure the required regulatory documents are identified and acquired? AWM 505.417(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Does the DAO make available to engineering staff, properly amended and up-to-date legislation, standards, advisories and related literature appropriate to their functions? AWM 505.417(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Do the Designated Engineers have ready access to properly amend and up-to-date legislation, standards, advisories and related literature appropriate to their functions? AWM 505.417(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Is there objective evidence that the DAPM/EPM procedures are not being followed? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the procedures? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Resource Library):
Items Completed by: Date:

6 . Certification Process

Information Note: For additional guidance refer to AC 511-002 " Type Certification Procedure for Canadian Aeronautical Products".

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the organization follow the policies and procedures for certification process as described in the DAPM? DAPM/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 How are findings of compliance on behalf of Foreign Authorities handled? DAPM/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are technical issue papers appropriately raised and adequately resolved prior to Certificate Issue? DAPM/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Have all findings of compliance been made prior to Certificate issue? DAPM/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Do the signatories to the General Compliance Program have delegated authority for the areas they have taken responsibility for? DAPM/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Following Certificate Issue, how are changes (major and minor) in design handled and approved? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is the submitted documentation required prior to Certificate issuance adequate (i.e. MDL, FMS, ICAs etc.)? DAPM/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Is there a procedure for defining whether the design change is a minor or major one as part of post certification activities? AWM 571.06 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Is the appropriate type of data (I.e. specified, acceptable and/or approved) used to support the design change (minor or major)? AWM 571. 06 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Is the submitted application documentation adequate in covering standards in place, special conditions, noise and emission standards, exemptions and equivalent safety? CAR 511.07/513.07 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Is a compliance Program or Statement of Compliance signed off before the Approval Document issuance? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
12 Are required data submitted within the time frame specified in the DAPM? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
13 Are the Initial, Intermediate and Final Type Board Meetings adequately conducted including closure of actions items? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
14 Is the submitted documentation required prior to Certificate of Airworthiness issuance adequate i.e. Maintenance Manual, Overhaul Manual for Engines, Logbook, and Conformity Inspection? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
15 Is there objective evidence that the established procedures are not being followed? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
16 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Certification Process)
Items Completed by: Date:

7 . Third Party Engineering Support

Information Note: Third party-means an organization or individual, involved with the auditee, in the design manufacture or provision of parts, components or materials supplied to the auditee for incorporation into the type design of the auditee's aeronautical product(s) (e.g., design organization, approved manufacturing organization, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.). (See section 2.3 Definitions)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the DAPM describe Designated Engineer responsibility for third party engineering support? AWM 505.407(m)/
107(m)/ EPM/DAPM
Yes ? No?  
2 Does the Delegate verify data produced by third party that is used to make a finding of compliance? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 How does the Delegate control design where a third party has responsibility to ensure a system of design traceability which permits the design process to be clearly followed from the Delegate design input through to the third party design output? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 How does the Designated Engineer ensure that compliance documentation produced by a third party are complete and accurate? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Are the third party compliance reports submitted in time for adequate review by the Designated Engineers and prior to Certificate issuance? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Does the DAPM describe Designated Engineer responsibility for projects involving multiple delegates? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is there objective evidence that the established procedures are not being followed? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Third Party Engineering Support)
Items Completed By: Date:

8 . DAO Software Audit Checklist

Information Note: These questions are based on DO-178B/ DAPM/AMOC related to Software acceptable to TCCA.

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
G-1 Does the DAPM contain or refer to standards for the development of airborne software? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
G-2 Is the documentation sufficient to clearly define the work accomplished and determine compliance? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
G-3 Are there areas of the standards that are already identified by the applicant as requiring an update? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
G-4 Are there areas of the standards already identified as not generating enough or appropriate evidence/documentation? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
G-5 Is evidence of observance to standards systematically generated and kept for further reference/assessment? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
G-6 How does the applicant make sure that third parties (partners, suppliers, sub-contractors) standards comply with DO-178B, to the same extent as the applicant's standards? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-1 Are there procedures for the DAO to make sure that the standards of the Design partners; suppliers; subcontractors etc., comply with the relevant standards such as DO -178 B to the same extent as the DAO's standards DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-2 Is there a procedure requiring a review of the system safety analysis to determine whether the certification basis of the software baseline is still applicable? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-3 Is there a procedure requiring a software change planning process, including software quality assurance aspects? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-4 Is there a procedure describing how to handle airborne software changes? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-5 Is there a procedure describing how to assess the impact of a software change?
If so, is the procedure systematically used and is its usage documented?
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-6 Is there a procedure describing how to assess the amount of verification required to certify changed software?
If so, is the procedure systematically used and is its usage documented?
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-7 Have these procedures (relating to change impact and verification of changed software) been assessed for compliance with DO-178B? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-8 Is there a procedure describing how certification liaison with Transport Canada must be achieved in each step of the software change process? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-9 Does the organization have an effective procedure for identifying all products that have been altered (affected) as a result of a software change (post-certification)? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
SC-10 Is there a procedure providing traceability of hardware and software part numbers to the approved configuration? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
CM-1 Are there sufficient documentation records to ensure proper configuration control (i.e. identification and marking, control return to service, baseline software and other pertinent information) for all software? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Item Software Problem Reporting System   References    

Audited By

PR-1 Is there a procedure to report, assess, track and resolve software problems? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
PR-2 Are there procedures or internal guidelines regarding the applicant's involvement in third parties (partners, suppliers, sub-contractors) problem reporting and change control processes? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
QA-1 Is there a procedure describing the software quality assurance process to obtain assurance that the DO-178B software quality assurance objectives (or equivalent) are met for all projects involving airborne software? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
QA-2 Are there procedures for the DAO to ensure that the standards of the Design partners, suppliers, subcontractors etc., comply with the DO -178 B SQA objectives (or equivalent )? DAPM/EPM
Procedures Manual
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (DAO Audit Checklist Software)
Items Completed by: Date:

9 . Engineering Data Review (EDR)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Is compliance with the design standards of Airworthiness maintained? Relevant CAR/AWM/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Is the documentation sufficient to clearly define the work accomplished and determine compliance? AWM 511.11

/ 513.06(1)(g)

N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are all airworthiness requirements appropriate to a specific modification and repair specified in the pertinent Compliance Program? AWM 511.11/ 513.06(1)(b) N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Has compliance been demonstrated by an acceptable means? AWM 511.11/ 513.06(1)(c) N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Does the Designated Engineer have authority in his letter of authorization for making a finding of compliance? AWM 505.413/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Does the Designated Engineer understand the substantiation used to support findings of compliance? AWM 505.403(c)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Are the means / method by which compliance is shown against applicable airworthiness requirements clearly demonstrated and identified in the Compliance Program? AWM 511.11/ 513.06(1)(c) N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are special design and certification considerations applicable to a given modification/repair being addressed? AWM 571.06 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Where applicable, were additional technical conditions addressed? AWM 513.22(4)(b)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 How are the manufacturing, maintenance and continuous airworthiness considerations handled in the design process? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Was sufficient time and resources provided to the Designated Engineer for his review in support of making findings of compliance? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
12 Is there objective evidence DAPM procedures are always followed? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
13 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Engineering Data Review EDR)
Items Completed By: Date:

10 . Records and Documentation

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Are established procedures followed to record and control a technical data file for each aeronautical product including drawings, photographs, specifications, instructions, reports and any applicable SB/AD/SDR necessary for the approval of the design? AWM 505.421(a)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Does the DAO have an effective system for identifying by make, model, and manufacturer's serial number those products that have been altered using design data held by the DAO? AWM 505.121(b)/


N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Does the DAO retain all files or have written approval for disposal of such file? AWM 505.421(c)/
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Does the DAO control the certification approval records and documentation as described in the DAPM? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Is the individual responsible for keeping records current aware of his or her responsibilities? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is there a procedure to establish a correlation between the configuration, which is presented in the engineering reports, the configuration which is ground/flight tested and the approved design as detailed in the Type Certificate Data Sheets/ STC/LSTC/RDC? AWM


N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Are the records of analyses and tests that were conducted that the aeronautical product is in compliance with the applicable standards in accordance with the AWM 511/513 complete and available to the minister? AWM 511.11/ 513.07 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are procedures being followed to transmit engineering data as described in DAPM? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Does the organization control the certification approval records and documentation as described in the DAPM? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Is there objective evidence that the established procedures are not being followed? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Records and Documentation)
Items Completed By: Date:

11 . Configuration Control (Design Drawings and Process Specification)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the organization control design configurations drawings and process specifications as described in the DAPM? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &
513.11 DAPM/EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Are established procedures followed to control the assignment of drawing numbers, registration of drawings, maintenance of a drawing logbook, issuance, filing and disposal of drawings and specifications necessary for the approval of the design? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &
513.11 DAPM/EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Is there a procedure describing the list of drawings and specifications necessary to define the configuration of certified design? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &
513.11 DAPM/EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Is there a procedure for the control of preliminary, experimental or draft drawings and process specs? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &
513.11 DAPM/EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Are there adequate procedures to handle the approval and control of process specifications? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &
513.11 DAPM/EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Are there adequate procedures to handle the approval and control of Engineering Change Notice? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &
513.11 DAPM/EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is there objective evidence that the established procedures are not being followed? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &

513.11 DAPM/EPM

N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? AWM 511.11(l) and (3) &

513.11 DAPM/EPM

N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Configuration Control)
Items Completed By: Date:

12 . Flight Test (FT)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the DAR ensure proper flight test qualitative and quantitative assessments are made using a properly configured a/c equipped with adequate instrumentation &recording capability for the intended test? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Is there a procedure for confirming that the aircraft has been flown previously by the applicant's test pilot in the configuration to be flown prior to the first TCCA flight? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Does the DAR make appropriate liaison with Regional Office on the scope and extend of flight test programs as well as acceptable means of compliance? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Does the DAR validate the engineering analytical tools used as part of the flight-testing activities? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Are the uncertainties from the test and measuring equipment and uncertainties in the engineering/design analysis taking into consideration in acquiring the data necessary to substantiate and complete an approval? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Does the applicant have specific procedures and requirements regarding safety equipment during flight-testing? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is a sufficiently detailed test plan accepted by TCCA prior to conducting the test? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are test articles shown to conform with the configuration as identified in TCCA accepted Test Plan through conformity inspection? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Is a flight permit obtained prior to conducting the test flight? AWM 511.08/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Other   N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Flight Test)
Items Completed By: Date:

13 . Support to Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing (M&M) TCCA

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Is there an adequate procedure for establishing the DAR support to the Maintenance and Manufacturing? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Are the procedures used to transmit engineering information in support of the Maintenance and Manufacturing as described in the DAPM? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are there adequate procedures to address the involvement of DAR in the Material Review Board (MRB) process when approved data is required as part of the appropriate action to be taken on product non-conformance from the engineering and design requirements? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Is there evidence that the feedback from the field is being considered into improving the engineering and design process to prevent the recurrence of non-conformance by reviewing engineering analysis and prediction previously done? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Is there evidence of engineering investigation, in timely manner, of all non-conformance material found during maintenance and manufacturing activities? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is there evidence of records of causes, trends, summaries of corrective actions taken in order to initiate, implement product improvements and to ensure the effectiveness as part of the MRB? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Are rejected parts/materials tagged, identified and quarantined to prevent inadvertent use or installation? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are parts/materials considered scrap properly identified and/or disposed of? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Other   N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Aircraft Maintenance and Manufacturing)
Items Completed By: Date:

14 . Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Is there a procedure to describe the process for the preparation of ICA? AWM 513.31
AWM 52X.1529
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Is there a procedure for the development of the Airworthiness Limitations as a part of the Instruction of Continued Airworthiness? AWM 52X.1529 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Is there a procedure for the development and approval of the initial maintenance requirement? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Does each ICA contain all required elements? AWM 52X.1529 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Is there a procedure for the development of maintenance inspection/checks associated with system safety assessment process of the final design? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is there a procedure to describe how changes to the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness will be accepted by TCCA? DAPM/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is there a procedure to ensure that the format of the manuals, which are part of the ICA, will be provided in a practical arrangement? AWM 52X.1529 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Is there a procedure to ensure that TCCA accepted ICA and changes to ICA are distributed to affected operators? AWM 513.31 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Other   N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Instructions for Continued Airworthiness)
Items Completed By: Date:

15 . Post-Certification Activities (PCA)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Is there a procedure for handling design changes as part of post certification activities for approval reissue requirement? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Does the DAR follow the policies and procedures for post certification process as described in EPM? AWM 513.12

AWM 513.32

N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Is the basis of certification for post certification activities documented? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Is there a procedure for defining whether the design change is a minor or major one as part of the PCA? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Following Certificate Issuance, how are design changes (major and minor) handled and approved? CAR 513.12 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is the appropriate type of data (i.e. specified, acceptable and/or approved) used to support the PCA design change? AWN 561.06 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is a Compliance Program and AE-100 signed off before the Approval Document re-Issuance? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Other   N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Post-Certification Activities)
Items Completed By: Date:

16 . Airworthiness Directive &Service Bulletin (AD&SB)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the EPM contain a procedure to handle the processing of AD &SB? CAR 593/ EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Does the DAR follow the policies and procedures for handling AD &SB as described in EPM? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are the airworthiness and reliability aspects taken into account? CAR 593
AWM 525 App H
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Are AD and SB procedures for justification and authorization followed as outlined in the EPM? CAR 593
AWM 525 App H / EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Is the process for handling exemptions, AMOC, foreign AD defined in the EPM and followed? CAR 593
AWM 525 App H/ EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is there a system to ensure a voluntary compliance program to correct design deficiency? CAR 593
AWM 525 App H
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 When an AD is issued and it relates to a design change approved by the DAR, does the DAR submit appropriate data for approval to TCCA? CAR 593
AWM 513
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 When an AD is issued and it relates to a design change approved by the DAR, does the DAR, upon approval, make available the descriptive data covering the changes to all operators of product affected by the AD? CAR 593
AWM 513
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Are AD and SB accomplishments recorded and/or followed up as described in the EPM? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Does the DAR submit service difficulty reports (SDRs) as described in the EPM? CAR 591.01
AWM 513.33/ EPM
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
11 Does the DAR data collection system for defects, malfunctions and failures follow the procedures in the EPM? CAR 591.01 /EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
12 Is the DAR knowledgeable about the SDR procedure to be followed? EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
13 Is the individual responsible for reporting SDRs to TCCA familiar with reporting procedure? CAR 591.01/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
14 Are the reports forwarded within the required time frames? CAR 591.01(2) /EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  

Is there evidence that some SDRs are not being forwarded?

CAR 591.01 /EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
16 Are SDRs records maintained as described in the EPM? CAR 591.01 /EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
17 Are the proper forms (e.g. form 24-0038 or equivalent) used for reportable occurrences? CAR 591.01/EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
18 Is there evidence that reports of difficulties or occurrences are being duplicated? CAR 591.01 /EPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
19 Other   N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Airworthiness Directive and Service Bulletin)
Items Completed By: Date:

17 . Airworthiness Directives/Service Bulletin Compliance

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the EPM/DAPM contain a procedure to handle the processing of Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins? CAR 593
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Are the airworthiness/reliability aspects taken into account? CAR 593
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are airworthiness directives/service bulletin procedures for justification and authorization followed as outlined in the EPM/DAPM? CAR 593
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 How is the process of handling exemptions, alternate means of compliance, foreign airworthiness directives carried out? CAR 593
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Has a review of the past Airworthiness Directives issued against the aeronautical products for which the Delegate is holding Type Certificates responsibilities revealed systemic trends that are being ignored in the new designs? CAR 593
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Are Airworthiness Directives/Service Bulletin accomplishments recorded and/or followed up as described in the EPM/DAPM? CAR 593
N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Is there objective evidence that the established procedures are not being followed? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are the findings due to the inadequacy of the established procedures? EPM/DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Airworthiness Directives/Service Bulletin Compliance)
Items Completed By: Date:

18 . Service Difficulties Reporting (SDR)

Item Description References

Auditor’s Comments/Results

Audited By
N/A = Not Applicable, Fdg = Finding, PF = Parallel Finding, N/C = Not Checked
1 Does the DAO submit service difficulty reports (SDRs) as described in the DAPM? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
2 Does the DAO data collection system for defects, malfunctions and failures reflect the procedures in the DAPM? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
3 Are the personnel at DAO knowledgeable about the SDR procedure to be followed? DAPM N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
4 Is the individual responsible for reporting SDRs to Transport Canada Civil Aviation familiar with reporting procedure? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
5 Are the reports forwarded within the time frames established in the DAPM? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
6 Is there evidence that some SDRs are not being forwarded? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
7 Are SDRs records maintained as described in the DAPM? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
8 Are the proper forms (e.g. form 24-0038 or equivalent) used for reportable occurrences? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
9 Is there evidence that reports of difficulties or occurrences are being duplicated? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
10 Are all data sources feeding the SDR functioning as described in the DAPM? CAR 591.01 N/A Fdg OK Fdg Fdg Fdg PF Fdg N/C Fdg  
Function Summary (Service Difficulties Reporting)
Items Completed By: Date: