Engineering Design Approval Appointments
(This Airworthiness Notice supersedes AN No. B001 Edition 1,)
(dated 21 June 1993)
This notice is to advise that complete listings of individuals and organizations who hold Design Approval Delegation and are thereby authorized to make findings of compliance and, in certain instances, issue Limited Supplemental Type Certificates (LSTCs) and Repair Design Certificates (RDCs) on behalf of the Minister, are available on the Transport Canada Civil Aviation Web Site at:
These Design Approval Representatives (DARs) and Airworthiness Engineering Organizations (AEOs) / Design Approval Organizations (DAOs) have been appointed in accordance with the procedures published in Airworthiness Manual (AWM) Chapter 505, where:
- A DAR is any person authorized pursuant to subsection 4.3(1) of the Aeronautics Act to perform functions on behalf of the Minister subject to AWM Chapter 505 Sub-chapter C;
- An AEO is a group of individuals in the employ of and nominated by the applicant pursuant to AWM subsections 505.103(c) and (d) and 505.105(e); and,
- A DAO is a group of individuals in the employ of and nominated by the applicant pursuant to AWM subsections 505.403(c) and (d) and 505.405 (e).
If this Web site is not accessible to you, please contact:
Technical Support Officer,
Delegations and Quality (AARDL),
Aircraft Certification Branch,
Transport Canada,
330 Sparks St.,
Ottawa, Ontario,
K1A 0N8
Telephone (613) 941-8387
Fax: (613) 996-9178
Anyone requiring verification of the period of validity of a delegate signature or designation number for an active or inactive delegate, should direct their inquiries to the above, or to the Regional Manager, Aircraft Certification in the appropriate Transport Canada Regional Office.