Maintenance and Manufacturing Staff Instructions (MSI) No. 24

Subject: Number: MSI 24
Ministerial Delegation of Authority Revision No: 3
  Number of Pages: 8
File No: AARP-5009-3-24 Issue Date: December 5, 2005

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this instruction is to provide guidance and procedures for the issuance and awarding of Ministerial Delegation of Authority (DoA).

2. Background

2.1 The Ministerial Delegation of Authority Document authorizes persons employed in the positions set out in Schedules A to N of the document, to exercise certain powers, duties or functions, conferred on the Minister by the “Aeronautics Act”, as set out in the Schedules. The Minister will from time to time, revoke and replace the existing document when circumstances warrant.

2.2 The exercise of these powers, duties or functions are always subject to any conditions deemed necessary for flight safety, and to any other limitations imposed by their superior officers, consistent with their responsibilities, knowledge, training and experience.

2.3 The exercising of the powers, duties and functions arising from the delegation schedules directly affects Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA) clients and client relations. In order to sustain a high standard of client service and meet regulatory requirements it is essential that the awarding of a Delegation of Authority be awarded only to qualified, competent personnel with appropriate knowledge, training and experience. It follows; therefore that the methods used to assess knowledge, training and experience of candidate   inspectors is of primary importance.

3.0 General

3.1 The review of TCCA’s training policy, and the establishment of the “Functional Learning Committee (FLC) subsequently identified the requirement for an On Job Training Program (OJT) to supplement formal instruction and lectures (MSI 25 refers). Central to the OJT program was the inclusion of the DoA Schedule items as a keystone element of the OJT Task Completion Record.

3.2 The control and assignment of OJT tasks to each “new hire” Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (CASI) is recognized as residing with the applicable Regional Manager (MSI 25 refers). An objective and measurable system therefore exists to use the knowledge, training and experience results of the OJT system, to authorize specified scope of DoA tasks for each position.

4.0 Progressive Delegation

4.1 It is unlikely that a new hire inspector will be afforded the opportunity to exercise or accomplish all the tasks in the applicable DoA Schedule, during the initial training phase. Therefore, each Regional Manager shall designate the tasks from the Schedule considered mandatory and achievable for each position, including any others that may be applicable. The minimum task list for the G5 Schedule is attached at Appendix A - Minimum Task Inventory.

4.2 Regional Managers will issue Official Credentials to newly hired inspectors as soon as possible. Ministerial Delegation will be limited administratively until the inspector has completed the assigned DoA OJT tasks, and/or an assessment of acceptable competence has been made. As each DoA OJT task and formal classroom training is completed and acceptable competence determined, the administrative limitation could be lifted, allowing for Delegation to be progressively increased. An accompanying Record and Certification Form should also be issued, indicating the tasks for which the delegation is limited. Reference Appendix B.

4.3 This program also provides access for Regional Managers to include inspectors, presently holding DoA Credentials, the opportunity to add additional tasks to the scope of their authority.

4.4 Competence in the application of the delegated authorities by mainstream inspectors is measured at the annual Personnel Appraisal Review. Inspectors requiring training to qualify for new positions or recurrent training in current delegated profiles may be assigned appropriate tasks through the Regional OJT Program, thus maintaining the integrity and credibility of the Ministers Delegations.

4.5 Managers are required to review the DoA document following each revocation and replacement, to ensure that any changes to the Schedules are incorporated in the inspector’s DoA, as applicable.

5.0 Effective date

This instruction comes into effect immediately.

6.0 HQ Contact

The responsible officer indicated below may be contacted for information regarding this MSI:

Jeff Phipps, AARPE  
Chief, Standards and Procedures
Phone: (613) 952-4386
Facsimile: (613) 952-3298

D.B. Sherritt
Maintenance and Manufacturing