Appendix A - EXEMPTION FROM SUBSECTION 605.88(1) OF THE CARs and from PARAGRAPHS (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (12) and SUBPARAGRAPH (13)(b) of APPENDIX Gof STANDARD 625

Inspection after Abnormal Occurrences– Original Text in CARs

(3) The inspections detailed in this appendix shall usually be performed by a licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME). In some cases, the nature of the work will be such that the involvement of an AME will be mandatory. This would be the case, for example, where some degree of disassembly was required. It is not possible, however, to state that an AME is required in all cases. Often, at the time of the occurrence, only the pilot of the aircraft is able to assess the severity of the incident or is available to decide the course of action. Some manufacturers recognize this by allowing for the inspection to be performed in two stages. To cater for situations when an AME is not available, the following procedure is recommended.

(4) Following any abnormal occurrence, including but not limited to those described in this appendix, an entry shall be made in the journey log describing the event. Where possible, the entry shall include some indication of the relative severity of the incident. Prior to the next flight, the aircraft shall be inspected, preferably by an appropriately licensed AME. If no AME is available, the inspection can be conducted by the captain of the aircraft. In this case, the inspection will of necessity be limited to those items which do not require a maintenance release (i.e. does not involve disassembly).

(5) If in the opinion of the captain, the condition of the aircraft is satisfactory for the intended flight, albeit without passengers, he/she shall make an entry in the log to that effect calling for a full inspection by an AME when available. The captain can then proceed, at his/her discretion, on the intended flight(s) until such time as the aircraft reaches a base where the required additional inspection can be performed. No special flight authority is required under these circumstances. At the first opportunity, the aircraft shall be inspected and a maintenance release shall be issued by an appropriately licensed AME.

(6) If in the opinion of the captain, the aircraft is unairworthy, or if the severity of the incident was such that even after a satisfactory preliminary inspection its airworthiness is in doubt, then the aircraft shall be inspected by an AME, and a maintenance release signed, before further flight.

(7) In the following sections, no attempt is made to differentiate between those actions which may be part of a pilot's preliminary inspection, and those which must be performed by an AME. This distinction will vary according to the type of aircraft and the severity of the incident, and will be primarily governed by the need for a maintenance release. Where there is any doubt regarding the airworthiness of the aircraft, certification by an AME shall be required prior to flight.

(12) Immersion in Water

The following requirements are based on immersion in non-contaminated water. It is the responsibility of the AME performing the inspection to determine if any contaminating elements exist, and extend the scope of the inspection as necessary. Examples of contaminants which may have to be taken into consideration include alkali, sulphur, salt, etc. Other important considerations are the length of time the aircraft has been submerged, especially if contaminants exist, and the temperature of the water. If temperatures are below freezing, tubing in the fuselage structure is liable to have been distorted or split through the formation of ice.

… [Remainder of (12) unaffected]

(13) Propeller and Rotor Strikes

Engines and transmission systems which have been shockloaded as a result of the propeller or rotor striking the ground or some object while the engine is running shall be inspected in accordance with the following paragraphs:

(b) The need for further investigation will depend upon the results of the preliminary examination, and on the AME's assessment of the probability of further damage, based on the nature of the incident. If further investigation is indicated, the propeller shaft or flange shall be checked for eccentricity (run out check). Limits are those specified by the manufacturer. If the propeller shaft or flange is out of limits, an internal inspection shall be required. In the case of a geared piston engine this shall entail removal of the reduction gear for a check of the crankshaft run out. With a direct drive engine the crankcase shall have to be opened and checked for distortion, cracks or other damage. This check shall include the crankshaft damper assemblies. If the impact was severe, consideration shall also be given to the possibility of structural damage due to loads being transmitted through the engine mounts.

… [Remainder of (13) unaffected]

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