Export a Canadian-registered aircraft

If you want to export an aircraft, you must have the aircraft removed from the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register. An aircraft can only be in one country’s aircraft register at a time.

Most importing countries will require a certificate of de-registration. Transport Canada will provide a certificate of de-registration directly to the importing country, if requested.

If the person(s) or entity(s) buying your aircraft requests an export airworthiness certificate to meet the requirements of their foreign civil aviation authority, contact a Minister's Delegate - Maintenance (MD-M) before de-registering the aircraft.

To request that an aircraft be removed from the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register and that a certificate of de-registration be provided to the importing country:

  1. De-identify the aircraft by:
    • removing the Canadian nationality and registration marks from the aircraft
    • resetting to zero the aircraft mode “S” transponder address code, and any other avionics including Automatic Dependent Surveillance–Broadcast (ADS-B) and the Emergency locator transmitter (ELT)

      The Canadian Beacon Registry must be notified of a sale or acquisition of a 406MHz ELT. This information is crucial for search and rescue purposes. Call the Canadian Beacon Registry at 1-877-406-7671 or email cbr@sarnet.dnd.ca.

  2. Gather the information you need to provide:
    • transfer of custody and control documents (for example, a bill of sale or lease)
    • which foreign authority should receive the certificate of de-registration, and any other individual or entity that should receive a copy (including yourself)
  3. Go to Notification of Transfer of Aircraft Ownership (you will need to login or create a myTC Account)
  4. Follow the prompts to complete and submit the notification within 7 days of exporting the aircraft