Boating Safety

Video Length: 30 seconds

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Title: Marine safety is no game

Boating is fun...

(Toy sailboat sailiing through the mist.)

when you play it safe.

(Wide shot shows boat is in a bathtub.)

Always make sure the boat operator is responsible, sober and alert,

(Camera shows water flowing from tap and filling bathtub rapidly. Second view from behind tap.)

and that everyone on board is wearing a life jacket...even the adults.

(...followed by close-up view of rag doll)

Because fun on the water can turn

(Successive views of toy sailboat being gradually submerged and tossed from side to side as larger and larger waves hit it from all sides.)

SFX: Bolt of lightning and thunder

Safety is no game.

Last year, wearing a life jacket could have saved 150 lives in Canada.

1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232)

Contact us for more information.

(Government of Canada logo)

A message from the Government of Canada.