Continuing Proactive Vessel Management

Indigenous communities have raised concerns about marine safety and the impacts of marine shipping on ecologically and culturally sensitive marine areas. The Proactive Vessel Management initiative brings these communities together with partners and stakeholders to develop solutions like improved communications on the water, controls on speed and routing, and the creation of areas to avoid.  As part of the next phase of the Oceans Protection Plan, the Government of Canada will launch a series of Salish Sea Summits to identify Indigenous, industry, and stakeholder concerns regarding marine transportation issues and find solutions together for protecting the waters off Canada’s west coast.

Since 2017, the Proactive Vessel Management initiative has built positive working relationships between Indigenous partners, the marine industry, and other stakeholders. Engagement activities with partners and stakeholders have helped shape the concept and practice of the initiative.

Pilot projects in northern British Columbia and in the Arctic have led to the implementation of measures like voluntary protection zones that enhance coastal protection and safety for local waterway users.

Through the next phase of the Oceans Protection Plan, this initiative will continue to protect the marine environment and address marine safety issues in local and regional waterways related to commercial shipping.

It will also continue to promote reconciliation efforts through building strong partnerships with Indigenous communities.

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