Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
- Procurement of Reference Publication
- Preamble
- Subchapter A
- Subchapter B
- Subchapter C
Procurement of Reference Publication
The titles of the publications referenced in this Chapter of the Airworthiness Manual are as follows:
International Standards and Recommended Practices - Environmental Protection, Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation:
- Volume I, Aircraft Noise,
- Volume II, Aircraft Engine Emissions.
Orders for these publications may be sent to the following address, together with the appropriate remittance:
Document Sales Unit
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
999 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3C 5H7
Telephone 514-954-8022
Telex: 05-24513
Facsimile: 514-954-6769
Sitatex: YULCAYA
Internet Site:
First Edition
Effective: 30 November 1985
This chapter incorporates by reference Chapters 2, 3, 5 and 6 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation entitled "Environmental Protection", Volume I, "Aircraft Noise", as amended by Amendment 1 dated 24 November 1983, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Amendment 1 to Volume I incorporates the Introduction of SARPs for noise abatement operating procedures and transfer of detailed procedures to PANS-OPS, Volume I.
Change 516-01
Effective: 10 August 1987
This change incorporates by reference the standards of Chapter 8 of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, as amended by Amendment 2, for the noise certification of helicopters, and also the amendments to Chapters 5 and 6 of that document containing the standards for propeller-driven commuter category aeroplanes.
The content of this change was subjected to consultation with appropriate industry associations and received general acceptance (NPA 87-01).
Amendment 2 to Volume I incorporates:
a) improvements in the noise certification procedures; and
b) relaxation of maximum noise limits for helicopters
In 516-1 changes were identified by marginal black lines. In future, changes will be identified by brackets [ ]; editorial alterations and typographical corrections will not be identified.
Change 516-02
Effective: 30 November 1988
This change incorporates by reference the standards of Chapter 10 of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, as amended by Amendment 3, for the noise compliance certification of propeller-driven aeroplanes not exceeding 9 000 kg, and any changes resulting from adoption of ICAO Amendment 3 to Annex 16, Volume I.
The content of this change was subjected to consultation with appropriate industry associations and received general acceptance (NPA 88-02).
Amendment 3 to Volume I incorporates:
a) further improvements in the noise certification procedures;
b) introduction of a new Chapter 10 for propeller-driven aeroplanes not exceeding 9 000 kg maximum certificated takeoff mass; and
c) editorial changes in Part V cross-referencing the relevant provisions in the PANS-OPS (Doc 8168).
Chapter 516, 2nd Edition
(renamed Change 516-03)
Effective: 1 November 1991
The first edition of Chapter 516, effective Nov. 30, 1985, contained aircraft noise standards, based on the International Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 16, Volume I to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, which were incorporated by reference. The chapter was subsequently amended in 1987 and 1988. While the title and the requirements of the first edition are maintained unchanged in Subchapter A of this second edition, the presentation and the wording are changed for consistency with the new Subchapter B.
In 1986, at the time of the publication of Chapter 516, the engine emission standards of Annex 16, Volume II were not adopted due to controversial interpretations of the Aeronautics Act. The Department of Justice has reviewed the issue and has concluded that, under the provisions of paragraph 4.9 (b) of the Aeronautics Act, the Department of Transport has the power to regulate aircraft engine emissions. Accordingly, following consultation with the Canadian aviation industry and the Department of Environment, the Department of Transport has adopted the aircraft engine emissions standards of Volume II of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, First edition, 1981, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). These standards are published in the new Subchapter B.
The adoption of the standards of Annex 16, Volume II has required significant editorial changes to the first edition. Therefore, Chapter 516 is reissued in its entirety, and its title is changed to "Aircraft Emissions". In the Canadian context, environmental protection is the responsibility of the Department of Environment and, while the standards of this chapter will have an ultimate environmental effect, the authorization in paragraph 4.9 (b) of the Aeronautics Act is to regulate the design of aeronautical products. Therefore, the title "Aircraft Emissions" has been found more appropriate than "Environmental Protection", which is the title given to ICAO Annex 16.
The content of this change was subjected to consultation with appropriate industry associations and received general acceptance (NPA 91-14).
Chapter 516, 2nd Edition-1
(renamed Change 516-04)
Effective: 11 November 1993
This change incorporates by reference, Amendment 4 to Volume I “Aircraft Noise”, and Amendment 2 to Volume II “Aircraft Engine Emissions” of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. These amendments arise from the recommendations of the second meeting on the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/2) held in December 1991.
Amendment 4 to Volume I incorporates:
a) improvements in the noise certification procedures;
b) introduction of a new Chapter 11 for light helicopters;
c) expansion of Appendix 2 to include helicopters and replacement of Appendix 4; and
d) introduction of guidance on applicability.
Amendment 2 to Volume II incorporates;
a) increased stringency of NOx emissions limits;
b) improvements in the smoke and gaseous emissions certification procedure.
Chapter 516, 2nd Edition-2
(renamed Change 516-05)
Effective: 8 February 1998
The publication and release of this Change 2 to the 2nd Edition, follows the completion of CARAC NPA 97-451 process, dated 17 November 1997.
This change incorporates by reference, Amendment 5 to Volume I "Aircraft Noise", of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. This amendment is the result of recommendations of the third meeting on the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/3) held in December 1995.
For consistency with the new Canadian Aviation Regulations, references to Air Regulation 214, have been replaced with references to the Canadian Aviation Regulations, Part V, Subpart 11. Also the term "type approval" has been replaced with "type certificate".
Amendment 5 to Volume I incorporates:
a) simplification and clarification of the noise certification schemes in Chapter 3 for propeller-driven aircraft;
b) harmonization of the helicopter Standards in Chapters 8 and 11 with national codes; and
c) alignment of the take-off mass in Chapter 10 with airworthiness limits.
Due to an administrative oversight, change 516 (2nd Edition)-2 (renamed 516-05) of AWM Chapter 516 adopted ICAO Annex 16, Volume II, Amendment 3, without prior consultation. To correct the error, ICAO Annex 16, Volume II, Amendment 3, has been included in NPA 1999-169 and incorporated at Change 516-06.
Change 516-06
Published: 1 September 2001
1. General
This change incorporates by reference ICAO Annex 16 amendment 6 to Volume I, and Amendments 3 &4 to volume II. The contents of these amendments are summarized below, and were the subject of the formal adoption process with appropriate industry associations and received CARAC acceptance.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/4) held in April 1998.
Volume I - Amendment 6
Effective: 23 November 1999
This amendment introduces an increase in stringency of Annex 16, Volume I, Chapter 10 noise requirements for single-engine light propeller-driven aeroplanes; changes of a generally minor nature that are intended to improve the consistency of the Annex and reflect changes that had arisen from the on-going harmonization of the European Joint Aviation Regulations (JARs) and the United States Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). The opportunity has also been taken to introduce a number of required editorial corrections amendments to the Annex; and introduces a definition of human performance in Part I and new provisions concerning human factors in Part V (NPA 1999- 169).
Volume II - Amendment 3
Effective: 23 November 1999
This amendment changes the criteria on calibration and test gases in Appendices 3 and 5 (NPA 1999- 169).
Volume II - Amendment 4
Effective: 23 November 1999
This amendment introduces a new paragraph "c" into Part III, Chapter 2, section 2.3.2 - Regulatory Levels. Paragraph 'c', lowers the emissions limits of the oxides of nitrogen (Nox) and is applicable to engines for which the date of manufacture of the first production model is after 31 December 2003 (NPA 1999- 169).
Change 516-7
Published: 1 June 2005
1. General
This change incorporates by reference ICAO Annex 16 amendment 7 to Volume I. The content of this amendment is summarized below, and were the subject of the formal adoption process with appropriate industry associations and received CARAC acceptance.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the Fifth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/5) held in January 2001.
Volume I - Amendment 7
Effective: 6 August 2003
This amendment introduces an increase in stringency of the turbo jet and heavy propeller-driven aeroplane noise requirements (new Chapter 4 - existing Chapter 4 becomes Chapter 12); new provisions relating to the re-certification of Chapter 3 aeroplanes; increase in stringency of the helicopter noise requirements of Chapter 8 and 11; change to clarify or redefine existing certification procedures, align with harmonized JAR/FAR requirements, introduce new provisions relating to digital instrumentation.
Change 516-8
Published: June 30, 2007
1. General
This amendment adopts by reference ICAO Annex 16 amendment 8 (4th Edition) to Volume I and ICAO Annex 16 amendment 5 to Volume II. The content of this amendment is summarized below and is adopted in accordance with the CARAC simplified process for the amendment of design standards.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the Sixth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/6) held 2-12 February 2004.
Volume I – Amendment 8
Effective: March 8, 2007
This amendment introduces: ambient noise correction procedure including definitions for "background noise", "ambient noise" and "broadband noise"; allowable wind speed limits during testing; applicability language clarification including temporary changes in type design and provisions to allow the recertification of Chapter 5 aeroplanes to Chapter 4; rotorcraft-related technical issues; and new Attachments G and H containing guidelines for the administration of noise certification documentation and guidelines for obtaining helicopter noise data for land-use planning purposes, respectively (NPA 2006-008).
Volume II – Amendment 5
Effective: March 8, 2007
This amendment introduces an increase in stringency of the NOX emissions Standards (NPA 2006-037).
Change 516-9
Published: December 1, 2009
On December 1, 2009, Part V Subpart 21 of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR 521) came into force. CAR 521 replaces the following Regulations in Part V—Airworthiness:
Subpart 11 - Approval of the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product
Subpart 13 - Approval of Modification and Repair Designs
Subpart 16 - Aircraft Emissions
Subpart 22 - Gliders and Powered Gliders
Subpart 23 - Normal, Utility, Aerobatic and Commuter Category Aeroplanes
Subpart 25 - Transport Category Aeroplanes
Subpart 27 - Normal Category Rotorcraft
Subpart 29 - Transport Category Rotorcraft
Subpart 31 - Manned Free Balloons
Subpart 33 - Aircraft Engines
Subpart 35 - Aircraft Propellers
Subpart 37 - Aircraft Appliances and Other Aeronautical Products
Subpart 41 - Airships
Subpart 51 - Aircraft Equipment
Subpart 91 - Service Difficulty Reporting
Subpart 93 - Airworthiness Directives
In addition, with publication of CAR 521, the following Chapters of the Airworthiness Manual have been withdrawn:
Chapter 511 - Approval of the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product
Chapter 513 - Approval of Modification and Repair Designs
Standard 591 - Service Difficulty Reporting
Standard 593 - Airworthiness Directives
This change amends sections 516.1, 515.3, 516.101, 516.103 and 516.107 to reflect changes in legal drafting style, in terminology and in references required because of the introduction of CAR 521. In addition, section 521.32 of the CARs is now used to legally enable this Chapter of the AWM.
Change 516-10
Published: December 1, 2010
1. General
This amendment adopts by reference ICAO Annex 16 amendment 9 (5th Edition) to Volume I and ICAO Annex 16 amendment 6 to Volume II. The content of this amendment is summarized below and is adopted in accordance with the CARAC simplified process for the amendment of design standards.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the Seventh Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/7), adopted 7 March 2008.
Volume I - Amendment 9
Effective: May 27, 2010
This amendment introduces: new text to Attachment H containing guidelines for obtaining helicopter noise data for land-use planning purposes by providing the option for additional microphone positions; a change to Note 2 of the definition of "derived version of a helicopter" to clarify that it applies to Chapter 11 as well as Chapter 8 helicopters; noise certification procedures for helicopters amended to ensure that the maximum operational rotor speed will be used; clarification of the definitions relating to wind speeds during tests; an update of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) references; a clarification regarding the increment to be added to the V2 speed to determine the climb speed to be used during certification training; an amendment of the applicability provisions to align them with similar provisions in other ICAO documents; minor editorial changes. (NPA 2009-021)
Volume II - Amendment 6
Effective: May 27, 2010
This amendment introduces: a clarification of applicable corrections to reference day and reference engine conditions and of the humidity terminology used; amendments allowing the use of test fuels outside those specified with certificating authority approval; standardization of terminology relating to thrust setting; clarification of the appropriate value of fuel flow to be used at each LTO point; amendments to the requirements specifying the materials that may be used in sampling rates. (NPA 2009-021)
Change 516-11
Published: June 30, 2015
1. General
This amendment complies with the provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I including all amendments up to and including Amendment 10 and Volume II including all amendments up to and including Amendment 7. Editorial changes have been made to harmonize titles of Chapter 516 of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) with those of Annex 16, Volume I and as a result AWM paragraph 516.3(b) was found to be unnecessary and was removed.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the Eighth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/8), adopted 4 March 2011.
Volume I - Amendment 10
Effective: December 23, 2014
Amendment 10 to Annex 16, Volume I includes changes to the applicability provisions in order to remove unnecessary complexity, repetition and redundancy in the text while improving clarity and harmonization amongst different chapters; harmonization of the language for noise certification procedures of tilt-rotors has been harmonized with that of helicopters already adopted in Chapters 8 and 11 of Annex 16, Volume I, in order to clarify that the maximum rotor revolutions per minute (RPM) corresponding with the reference flight condition shall be used; clarification that the maximum noise levels applicable to subsonic jet aeroplanes may be used as a guideline for supersonic aeroplanes; a consequential amendment arising from Amendment 17 to Annex 5 replacing "km/h" by "m/s" as the SI unit to measure wind speed; and minor editorial changes. (NPA 2014-005)
Volume II - Amendment 7
Effective: December 23, 2014
Amendment 7 to Annex 16, Volume II includes an increase in stringency of NOx emissions Standards; procedures for the Emissions Certification of Aircraft Engines; updates to the text to replace "variations in procedures" by "equivalent procedures," in order to improve consistency and harmonization within Annex 16, Volume II and with the Environmental Technical Manual (Doc 9501), Volume II — Procedures for the Emissions Certification of Aircraft Engines; the format of applicability dates in Section 2.3.2 made consistent with the convention used in Annex 6 and Annex 16, Volume I; improved readability by moving some paragraphs to more appropriate places; and minor editorial changes. (NPA 2014-005)
Change 516-12
Published: December 30, 2017
1. General
This amendment complies with the provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I including all amendments up to and including Amendments 11-A, 11-B and Volume II including all amendments up to and including Amendment 8. Editorial changes have been made to harmonize titles of Chapter 516 of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) with those of Annex 16, Volume I.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the twelfth meeting of the Operations Panel Working Group (OPSP/WG/WHL/12) and the ninth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/9) adopted 3 March 2014.
Volume I - Amendments 11-A and 11-B
Effective: November 25, 2017
Amendments 11-A and 11-B to Annex 16, Volume I includes (a) Amendment concerning the development of aircraft operating procedures for noise abatement; (b) increase in stringency of the turbojet and heavy propeller-driven aeroplane noise requirements, applicable to aeroplanes for which the application for a Type Certificate was submitted on or after 31 December 2017, and on or after 31 December 2020 for aeroplanes less than 55 tons in mass (new Chapter 14); (c) introduction of noise certification requirements for tilt-rotors, applicable to aircraft for which the application for a Type Certificate was submitted on or after 1 January 2018 (new Chapter 13 – Existing Attachment F Guidance material remains for reference purposes); (d) harmonization of sections on noise data validity and the scheduling of sound pressure level calibrations, and with regard to updating the specifications in the light of advances in audio recording technology; (e) correction to the wind speed values given in m/s used for the definition of the noise certification test window; (f) upgrade to the language in the title of Attachment A, and associated consequential amendments, to equations for the calculation of maximum permitted noise levels as a function of take-off mass (i.e. including: maximum permitted); and (g) minor editorial changes to nomenclature, symbols and units. (NPA 2017-004)
Volume II - Amendment 8
Effective: November 25, 2017
Amendment 8 to Annex 16, Volume II includes (a) Amendments to Attachment A to Appendix 3 to update the hydrocarbon (HC) analyzer oven temperature range; (b) amendments to allow the use of modern instruments for humidity measurement and to update the location of the humidity instrument during emissions certification tests; and (c) minor editorial changes associated with terminology, document numbering and typographical changes. (NPA 2017-004)
Change 516-13
Published: June 3, 2019
1. General
This amendment complies with the provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I including all amendments up to and including Amendment 12 and Volume II including all amendments up to and including Amendment 9.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the tenth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/10), adopted by the Council of ICAO on 3 March 2017.
Volume I - Amendment 12
Effective: June 1, 2019
Amendment 12 to Annex 16, Volume I includes (a) Amendment to harmonize the language used to define the reference atmosphere; (b) removal of references to outdated flight path measurement techniques; (c) corrections to guidelines for noise certification of tilt-rotors; and (d) correction of miscellaneous technical editorial issues and an amalgamation of all symbols and units into one section. (NPA 2019-002)
Volume II - Amendment 9
Effective: June 1, 2019
Amendment 9 to Annex 16, Volume II includes (a) addition of the definition of “type certificate” in Part I, Chapter 1; (b) clarification of the requirements for the sampling line temperature; (c) changes to the calibration gas for the NOx analyser; (d) changes to the naphtalene content for the emissions test fuel specification; (e) addition of a non-volatile particulate matter (nvPM) engine emissions Standard for turbofan and turbojet engines, with rated thrust greater than 26.7 kN, manufactured from January 1, 2020; (f) consequential changes across Annex 16, Volume II to reflect the new nvPM engine emissions Standard; and (g) correction of minor errors or for consistency. (NPA 2019-002)
Change 516-14
Published: October 22, 2020
This change incorporates NPA 2018-006 that adopts the provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume III first edition.
Volume III — First Edition
Effective: December 9, 2020
ICAO Annex 16, Volume III, first edition, contains Standards and Recommended Practices related to CO2 emissions certification for subsonic aeroplanes, resulting from the recommendations of the tenth meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/10), adopted by the Council of ICAO on March 3, 2017.
Change 516-15
Published: September 29, 2021
1. General
This change adopts the provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume I, including all amendments up to and including Amendment 13; Volume II, including all amendments up to and including Amendment 10; and Volume III, including Amendment 1. Furthermore, it includes corrections and additions to address previous minor mistakes, inconsistences and omissions in Chapter 516 of the AWM.
2. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments to ICAO Annex 16 resulting from the recommendations of the eleventh meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/11), adopted by the Council of ICAO on March 11, 2020.
Volume I — Amendment 13
Effective: September 24, 2021
- a) Updates of the references to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards IEC61260, IEC61260-1 and IEC61260-3; and
- b) General technical nomenclature and typographical issues, including revision of definitions that use the word “abeam”, new definition for “reference ground track”, revision of the specified tolerance for slow exponential time averaging, and proper use of modal verbs “must”, “shall” and “should”.
Volume II — Amendment 10
Effective: September 24, 2021
- a) Updates to the applicability date provisions for new engine types;
- b) Corrections to flow rate specifications and conditions;
- c) Introduction of generic language for production engines exemptions after the applicability dates of the smoke, NOx, HC and CO, nvPM mass and number emission Standards;
- d) New text on CAEP/11 nvPM mass and number engine emissions Standards for new type and in-production engines applicable January 1, 2023;
- e) Consequential changes across Annex 16, Volume II for consistency with the new nvPM mass and number Standard, with the introduction of the end applicability date of January 1, 2023 for the Smoke Number (SN) Standard for engines of rated thrust greater than 26.7 kN; and
- f) Corrections to general technical, nomenclature and typographical issues.
Volume III — Amendment 1
Effective: September 24, 2021
- a) Introduction of the definition for “type design” and various definition improvements, and clarification on the applicability of Standards for CO2-certified derived versions of non-CO2-certified aeroplanes;
- b) Clarification of the exemption issuing authority and of the exemption recording process;
- c) Improvement of the reference condition section by deleting superfluous text; and
- d) Correction of minor typographical issues.
3. AWM Chapter 516 Corrections and Additions
In Subchapter A, AWM 516.1, added paragraph number in the English version only;
In Subchapter A, AWM 516.3, Information Note (ii), added “and symbols” in the English and French versions;
In Subchapter A, AWM 516.3, Information Note (ii), replaced “Part I” by “Part 1” in the French version only.
In Subchapter A, AWM 516.7, added missing em dashes on the titles of appendices 1, 2, 3 and 6 in the English and French versions;
In Subchapter A, AWM 516.7(e), corrected title of Appendix 6 in the English and French versions;
In Subchapter B, AWM 516.105, replaced “part II” by “part 2” in the French version only.
In Subchapter B, AWM 516.105, added “Chapter 2, entitled “Prevention of Internal Fuel Venting”” in the English and French versions;
In Subchapter C, AWM 516.203, Information Note (ii), added “and symbols” to the English and French versions;
In Subchapter C, AWM 516.203, Information Note (ii), added “Part I” to the English version and “Part 1” to French version.
Change 516-16
Published: April 15, 2024
1. ICAO Annex 16 Amendments
This change incorporates by reference the technical standards contained in the following amendments resulting from the recommendations of the twelfth meeting of the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP/12), adopted by the Council of ICAO on March 20, 2023.
Volume I Amendment 14
Effective: April 17, 2024
Notice of Proposed Amendment | Amended Sections |
2024-005 |
- a) Alignment of Annex 16 Volume I with the Directives to Divisional-type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for their Conduct (Doc 8143), Part II, Formulation of Proposals for International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures, especially with regard to the proper use of modal verbs;
- b) Inclusion of guidelines for acquiring helicopter hover noise data, as part of Attachment H;
- c) Amendments to address limitations of specifications with respect to the adjustments of test-day SPL to reference conditions; and correction of minor typographical errors.
Volume II Amendment 11
Effective: April 17, 2024
Notice of Proposed Amendment | Amended Sections |
2024-005 |
- a) Restructuring and relevant reference updates in accordance with the Directives to Divisional-type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for their Conduct (Doc 8143), Part II, Formulation of Proposals for International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures;
- b) Language consistency updates, which, inter alia, introduce proper use of modal verbs, and consistent application of Notes and Recommendations in accordance with Doc 8143, Part II;
- c) Applicability language improvements, in order to reflect, inter alia, the Smoke Number and nvPM mass concentration standards applicability to the engines;
- d) Introduction of a new definition for the “equivalent procedure” with the subsequent changes for consistency across Annex 16, Volume II;
- e) Definitions, descriptions, references and language improvements, including, inter alia, extended clarifications, methodological descriptions, intermediate procedural steps, and additional Notes and Recommendations;
- f) Improvements related to nvPM measurement procedure in accordance with the latest update in SAE ARP 6320A and AIR 6241A on continuous sampling and measurement of nvPM emissions from aircraft turbine engines; and
- g) Corrections to general technical, nomenclature and typographical issues.
Volume III Amendment 2
Effective: April 17, 2024
Notice of Proposed Amendment | Amended Sections |
2024-005 |
Definition, description, references and language improvements that aim, inter alia, to avoid potential misinterpretation and introduce additional clarifications related to Reference Geometric Factor (RGF).
2. Chapter 516 Nonsubstantive Corrections
- a) In Subchapter A, section 516.7(f), deleted as well as all sections entitled Reserved;
- b) In Subchapter A, section 516.3, Subchapter B, section 516.103 and Subchapter C, section 516.203, clarified references to ICAO Annex 16 consolidated amendments (editions) and non-consolidated amendments;
- c) In Subchapters A, B and C, deleted the acronyms not used;
- d) In Subchapters A, B and C, corrected capitalization errors in the titles of some chapters and some appendices of Annex 16 in the English version;
- e) In Subchapter A and B, updated the titles of some chapters and some appendices of Annex 16 in the French version;
- f) In Subchapter A and B, corrected spelling error of word “turbojet” in two places and in Subchapter A, corrected spelling error of word “propeller-driven” in multiple places of the English version;
- g) In Subchapter C, section 516.203, corrected title in the French version;
- h) In Subchapter A, section 516.7, corrected errors in the title of Appendix 6 in the English version; and
- i) In Subchapter C, section 516.207, modified to be consistent with section 516.109.
Subchapter A - Aircraft Noise
516.1 General
- (a) This subchapter sets out noise standards for subsonic jet and propeller-driven aeroplanes and helicopters.
(effective 2024/04/17) - (2nd Edition, Change 2 (98-02-08))
516.3 Interpretation
In this subchapter,
(2nd Edition (93-11-11))
(2nd Edition, Change 2 (98-02-08))
(Change 516-06 (99-11-23))
- (a) "Annex 16, Volume I" means Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation entitled "Environmental Protection", Volume I entitled "Aircraft Noise", Eighth Edition, July 2017 (incorporating Amendments 1 to 12), as amended by Amendments 13 and 14, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
(effective 2024/04/17)
Information notes:
- (i) For the purpose of determining the applicable noise standards, the applicability dates are the dates set out in Chapter 1 of Annex 16, Volume I, Part II.
(amended 2009/12/01) - (ii) Unless otherwise defined in Chapter 500 of the AWM, the definitions and symbols contained in Annex 16, Volume I, Part I, apply.
(effective 2021/09/24)
516.5 Noise Emission Standards
The standards related to aircraft noise emission are those contained in Annex 16, Volume I, Part II “Aircraft Noise Certification”, as follows:
(effective 2024/04/17)
- (a) Chapter 2, entitled "Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes – Application for Type Certificate Submitted Before 6 October 1977".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (b) Chapter 3, entitled:
- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 6 October 1977 and Before 1 January 2006".
(effective 2024/04/17) - "2. Propeller Driven Aeroplanes over 8618 kg – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 1 January 1985 and Before 1 January 2006".
(effective 2024/04/17)
- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 6 October 1977 and Before 1 January 2006".
- (c) Chapter 4, entitled:
(amended 2003/08/06)- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes and Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes with Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass 55 000 kg and over – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 1 January 2006 and Before 31 December 2017".
(effective 2024/04/17) - "2. Subsonic jet aeroplanes with maximum certificated take-off mass less than 55 000 kg – Application for Type Certificate submitted on or after 1 January 2006 and before 31 December 2020."
(effective 2024/04/17) - "3. Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes with Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass over 8618 kg and less than 55 000 kg – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 1 January 2006 and Before 31 December 2020".
(effective 2024/04/17)
- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes and Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes with Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass 55 000 kg and over – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 1 January 2006 and Before 31 December 2017".
- (d) Chapter 5, entitled "Propeller Driven Aeroplanes over 8618 kg – Application for Type Certificate Submitted Before 1 January 1985".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (e) Chapter 6, entitled "Propeller Driven Aeroplanes not Exceeding 8618 kg – Application for Type Certificate Submitted Before 17 November 1988".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (f) Chapter 8, entitled "Helicopters".
- (g) Chapter 10, entitled "Propeller Driven Aeroplanes not Exceeding 8618 kg – Application for Type Certificate or Certification of Derived Version Submitted on or After 17 November 1988".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (h) Chapter 11, entitled "Helicopters not Exceeding 3175 kg Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (i) Chapter 13, entitled "Tilt-Rotors".
(effective 2017/11/25) - (j) Chapter 14, entitled:
(effective 2024/04/17)- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes and Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes with Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass 55 000 kg and over – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 31 December 2017". (effective 2024/04/17)
- "2. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes with Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass less than 55 000 kg – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 31 December 2020." (effective 2024/04/17)
- "3. Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes with Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass over 8618 kg and less than 55 000 kg – Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 31 December 2020".
(effective 2024/04/17)
516.7 Noise Evaluation Methods
The methods for the evaluation of aircraft noise are those contained in Annex 16, Volume I, as follows:
(effective 2024/04/17)
- (a) Appendix 1, entitled "Evaluation Method for Noise Certification of Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes — Application for Type Certificate Submitted before 6 October 1977".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (b) Appendix 2, entitled "Evaluation Method for Noise Certification of: (effective 2024/04/17)
- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes — Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 6 October 1977".
(effective 2024/04/17) - "2. Propeller Driven Aeroplanes over 8618 kg — Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 1 January 1985".
(effective 2024/04/17) - "3. Helicopters".
(effective 2014/12/23) - "4. Tilt-rotors".
(effective 2017/11/25)
- "1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes — Application for Type Certificate Submitted on or After 6 October 1977".
- (c) Appendix 3, entitled "Evaluation Method for Noise Certification of Propeller Driven Aeroplanes not Exceeding 8618 kg — Application for Type Certificate Submitted Before 17 November 1988".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (d) Appendix 4, entitled "Evaluation Method for Noise Certification of Helicopters not Exceeding 3175 kg Maximum Certificated Take-Off Mass".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (e) Appendix 6, entitled "Evaluation Method for Noise Certification of Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes not Exceeding 8618 kg — Application for Type Certificate or Certification of Derived Version Submitted on or After 17 November 1988".
(effective 2024/04/17) - (2nd Edition (93 11 11))
(2nd Edition, Change 2 (98 02 08))
Subchapter B - Aircraft Engine Emissions
516.101 General
- (a) This subchapter sets out standards related to:
(amended 2009/12/01)- (1) The prevention of intentional fuel venting of turbine-engine powered aircraft; and
(amended 2009/12/01) - (2) Aircraft engine emissions consisting of smoke, gaseous emissions and non-volatile particulate matter emissions of turbojet and turbofan engines intended for propulsion at subsonic or supersonic speeds, as applicable.
(effective 2024/04/17)
- (1) The prevention of intentional fuel venting of turbine-engine powered aircraft; and
- (2nd Edition, Change 2 (98-02-08))
516.103 Interpretation
In this subchapter,
(2nd Edition (93-11-11))
(2nd Edition, Change 2 (98-02-08))
(Change 516-06 (99-11-23))
- (a) "Annex 16, Volume II" means Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation entitled "Environmental Protection", Volume II entitled "Aircraft Engine Emissions", Fourth Edition, July 2017 (incorporating Amendments 1 to 9), as amended by Amendments 10 and 11, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
(effective 2024/04/17)
Information note:
- Unless otherwise defined in Chapter 500 of the AWM, the definitions and symbols contained in Annex 16, Volume II, Part I, apply.
(amended 2009/12/01)
516.105 Vented Fuel Standards
The standards related to the prevention of intentional fuel venting are those contained in Annex 16, Volume II, Part II "Vented Fuel", Chapter 2, entitled “Prevention of Intentional Fuel Venting”.
(effective 2021/09/24)
516.107 Aircraft Engine Emission Standards
- (a) The standards related to aircraft engine emissions consisting of smoke and gaseous emissions are those contained in Annex 16, Volume II, Part III "Emissions Certification", as follows:
(effective 2024/04/17)- (1) Chapter 2, entitled "Turbojet and Turbofan Engines Intended for Propulsion only at Subsonic Speeds";
(effective 2024/04/17) - (2) Chapter 3, entitled "Turbojet and Turbofan Engines Intended for Propulsion at Supersonic Speeds"; and
(effective 2024/04/17)
- (1) Chapter 2, entitled "Turbojet and Turbofan Engines Intended for Propulsion only at Subsonic Speeds";
- (b) The standards related to aircraft engine emissions consisting of non-volatile particulate matter are those contained in Annex 16, Volume II, as follows: (effective 2024/04/17)
- (1) Part III “Emissions Certification”, Chapter 4, entitled “Particulate Matter Emissions”; and (effective 2024/04/17)
- (2) Part IV “Non-Volatile Particulate Matter Assessment for Inventory and Modeling Purposes”.
- (effective 2021/09/24)
516.109 Aircraft Engine Emission Evaluation Methods
The methods for the evaluation of aircraft engine emissions are those contained in Annex 16, Volume II, Appendices 1 through 8 inclusive.
(effective 2019/06/01)
Subchapter C – Aeroplane CO2 Emissions
(effective 2020/12/09)
516.201 - General
- (a) This subchapter sets out the standards related to:
- (1) aeroplane CO2 emissions based on the consumption of fuel; and
- (2) related evaluation methods for aeroplane CO2 emissions certification.
516.203 - Interpretation
In this subchapter,
- (a) “Annex 16, Volume III” means Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation entitled “Environmental Protection”, Volume III entitled “Aeroplane CO2 Emissions”, First Edition, July 2017, as amended by Amendments 1 and 2, published by the International Civil Aviation Organization.
(effective 2024/04/17)
Information note:
- (i) For the purpose of determining the applicable aeroplane CO2 emissions, applicability dates are the dates set out in Chapter 2 of Annex 16, Volume III, Part II.
- (ii) Unless otherwise defined in AWM Chapter 500, the definitions and symbols contained in Annex 16, Volume III, Part I, apply.
(effective 2021/09/24)
516.205 - Aeroplane CO2 Emissions Certification Standards
The standards related to aeroplane CO2 emissions are those contained in Annex 16, Volume III, Part II “Certification Standard for Aeroplane CO2 Emissions Based on the Consumption of Fuel”, as follows: (effective 2024/04/17)
- (a) Chapter 2, entitled:
- “1. Subsonic Jet Aeroplanes over 5 700 kg”.
- “2. Propeller-Driven Aeroplanes over 8 618 kg”.
(effective 2024/04/17)
516.207 - Aeroplane CO2 Emissions Evaluation Methods
The methods for the evaluation of aeroplane CO2 emissions are those contained in Annex 16, Volume III, Appendices 1 and 2. (effective 2024/04/17)