Learn more about our minister and their leadership team, how the department is organized and the policies that help to shape our programs and activities.

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Services and information
What we do
Helping people and goods get safely and efficiently where they need to go. The performance of the transportation system serves every Canadian who uses a car, a bus, a train, a plane or a boat.
Information on the mandate, mission and vision of Transport Canada.
Programs supporting our commitment to a safe and secure transportation system that's environmentally responsible and innovative.
Organizational structure
Organizational chart for Transport Canada.
Information on Transport Canada’s role in the different regions
55 organizations make up the Minister of Transport’s portfolio, one of the largest and most diverse in the federal government.
Legislative reviews
Current transportation legislative reviews.
Proactive disclosure of Transport Canada information, made public so that Canadians and Parliament are better able to hold the government and public sector officials to account.
Corporate management and reporting, aviation, marine transportation, rail transportation, road transportation, find a departmental form.
Video Gallery
Video content published by Transport Canada.
Job opportunities
Spotlight on job opportunities within Transport Canada.