The Transport Canada Portfolio

The Minister of Transport’s portfolio is one of the largest and most diverse in the federal government. The following 53 organizations make up the Transport Portfolio:

Shared governance organizations (43 in total)

Corporate entities for which Canada has a right to appoint or nominate one or more members to the governing body. The balance of each organization’s governing body is appointed or nominated by other governments, other institutions or associations, the organization itself, or by the private sector. These organizations are not directly accountable to Parliament.

Crown corporations (8 in total)

Distinct, legal entities wholly owned by the Crown. These organizations are often commercial and operate at arm’s length from the government. In general, they have more managerial autonomy than departments. They are accountable to Parliament through the Minister.

Administrative agencies (1 in total)

Federal organizations, generally established by statute, that assist the government in carrying out its responsibilities to the Canadian public. The powers necessary to carry out the agency’s functions are vested in the individual or board that heads the agency rather than in the Minister, though they report to Parliament through the Minister.

Funds (2 in total)

Organizations established to ensure that if accidents occur, resources are available to compensate victims, pay for damages and protect Canadian taxpayers.

Administrative tribunals (1 in total)

Tribunals are independent, quasi-judicial and specialized governmental agencies that implement policies established by legislation.

The graphic below provides an overview of all entities for which the Minister is responsible.

This graphic provides an overview of all entities for which the Minister is responsible.

The graphic provides an overview of all entities for which the Minister is responsible.

At the top of the chart, there is the Parliament, followed by the Minister of Transport, and Transport Canada. Transport Canada’s portfolio is divided in different entities presented in various group of shapes. On the left side there is a box with an overview of the shared governance organizations: Canadian Port Authorities (17), Airport Authorities, Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Authority (Peace Bridge), NAV CANADA and the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation. Right below this are the Administrative Tribunals and Agencies: the Canadian Transportation Agency, the Ship Source Oil Fund, the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada and the Fund for Railway Accidents Involving Designated Goods. On the right side there is an overview of the seven Crown Corporations: Atlantic Pilotage Authority, Great Lakes Pilotage Authority, Pacific Pilotage Authority, Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, Marine Atlantic Inc., and VIA Rail Canada Inc.