Content last revised: 1996/10/10
(Ref. CAR 605.16)
Type of Aircraft Light | Quantity and Colour of Light Projection | Characteristic | Location | Projection |
1. Position Light | 1 - Red | steady light | from a source located on the left side or left wing of the aircraft as far outboard as is practicable. | Above and below the horizontal plane of the aircraft through an unobstructed angle from dead ahead to 110° to the left. |
2. Position Light | 1 - Green | steady light | from a source located on the right side or right wing of the aircraft as far outboard as is practicable. | Above and below the horizontal plane of the aircraft through an unobstructed angle from dead ahead to 110° to the right. |
3. Position Light | 1 or 2 - White | steady light | from a source located as far aft on the aircraft as possible except that where a single source is impracticable two sources located elsewhere than as far aft on the aircraft as possible may be approved. | Above and below the horizontal plane of the aircraft rearward through an unobstructed angle of 140° equally distributed on the left and right sides. |
4. Anti-collision light | 1 or more Red, White or Red/White segmented | flashing light (NOTE: Each flashing light, when viewed from a distance, shall exhibit the flashing characteristics specified in the Airworthiness Manual). |
from a source, or sources, located in accordance with the requirements set out in the Airworthiness Manual . | In all directions within 30° above and 30° below the horizontal plane of the aircraft in accordance with the requirements set out in the Airworthiness Manual. |